Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 35: Chapter 35. Please, Let Me Move Bricks!

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Players have changed from single digits to double digits, which not only improves productivity, but also a lot of new problems that follow.

Such as online time.

Lucius found that he seemed to have overlooked one thing. Not everyone needs to go to work or school during the day. Especially in the stand-alone game circle.

The most indispensable thing is probably the kind of old man who is bubbling in the group 24 hours a day, making people wonder what he actually relies on for food in reality.

I peeped through the screen until midnight and forgot to turn off the computer.

Lucius, who was dozing off in a chair, woke up in the middle of the night when he was woken up by the beeping sound of a private chat pop-up window.


Who is it at night...

Rubbing his eyes and waking up, Lucius squinted his eyes and clicked on the private chat message, and found that it was from the 'Picking Up Trash Level 99' of the Cowboy Club.

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Brother Light! When will it be online at the earliest! ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ I really can't wait, please, let me move bricks online! ]

Hell, Why is there such a person.

Lucius hadn't fully woken up yet, so he typed back after deliberating for a while.

Light: [ I was catching up on sleep just now... Don't you have to go to work during the day? ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Hey, what about work, this game will definitely make a lot of money in the future! It's better to hurry up and level up hehe! ]

Lucius: "..."

Is it really okay to say this in front of the planner?

Never mind. Just pretend you didn't hear it.

Light: [ You should take it easy, the date of the public beta has not yet come down, maybe a year or two of closed beta, and another three to five years of closed beta is possible. ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Not important! A company as big as yours is not worried about bankruptcy, I am worried about a hammer haha. ]

His thoughts are clear. It is even clearer than most players who have qualified for the internal test.

Among the games currently on the market, in front of this game, it can be said that none of them can be played, and they are all scum.

Not to mention anything else, just being able to liberate the time of night is already invincible, okay? Who would say no to living with an extra eight hours a day?

What's the point of being a little tired during the beta test phase, and it's impossible to be so tired all the time, and can you keep moving bricks until the server is closed? Only the little paratroopers would regard the content of the beta test as the whole content of the game.

Mr. Garbage sees further. Although he don't know when the public beta will be, but as long as the public beta is released, the iron fire will definitely not run away!

Playing early is earning, starting one day earlier than others means one more advantage than others, not to mention the game itself is enough to make him addicted.

Light: [...Whatever you want. ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Then, big brother planner, look, can you let me go online, hehe. I promise, you let me test what I test! ]

Light: [ I don't care what you do, just follow the rules of the game. But... it's okay for you to go online so late, right? The game time is synchronized with the real time, so it should still be late at night in the game. ]

This is why Lucius didn't let the survivors rush to work at night. Even he might not dare to stay in the wild for one night.

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Because it's late at night! You may not know that my gene sequence in the game is a heterogeneous species! Strictly speaking, night is my home game, but daytime is when I should sleep! Hey, brother planner, just let me go. ]

Light: [ I'll apply. ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Brother Light, you are the best!!! ]

Lucius sighed, stood up from the chair, and stroked the messy collar and buttons. Never seen such a positive player.

However, there seems to be some truth to what this guy said. Strictly speaking, it is true that night is the home field of alien species.

For the Lizardman 'Picking Up Trash Level 99', darkness does not necessarily mean danger, but may become a cover instead.

With an idea in mind, Lucius opened the player list, and changed the equipment of Mr. Garbage from [Locked] to [Enabled].

Almost at the same time as he was operating, the sound of the hatch opening came from the next room.

Good guy.

So fast?

Seeing the lizard man coming from the room, Lucius suppressed his surprised expression, put his hands behind his back, and said to him with a serious expression.

"Awake? Just in time."

"I happen to have a task for you here."

The mission is triggered, so soon!?

Picking Up Trash Level 99 stood at attention and said energetically, "Please tell me, my lord manager."

Lucius didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"There are mutant tribes on Street 76 directly opposite the east gate of the Wetland Park. During the day, we found traces of predator activities in the blocks along the elevated highway in the north. I suspect that there are predator strongholds in the north."

"I need you to reconnaissance north along the elevated highway out of the city, and search for all traces of survivors' activities within a radius of 3 kilometers. If you find a suspected survivor's stronghold, mark it on the map and report back immediately."

"Remember to hide yourself and avoid all unnecessary fights."

"In addition, if you have a suitable target, you can also do a side line of hunting by the way, and the rewards are valid at any time."

After hearing Lucius's order, the two-meter tall man immediately bowed his head respectfully.

"Obey! Dear Master Manager!"

It was hard to get permission to go online.

There was no delay in Picking Up Trash Level 99. After leaving the shelter, he stood on the elevator to the surface and quickly disappeared into the night outside the nursing home.

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Lucius can sense the approximate position and distance of each player.

After confirming that Mr. Garbage didn't run around, but followed his order all the way north, Lucius returned to the shelter and closed the door, sat on a chair and continued to doze off.


The next day, it was less than six o'clock in the morning.

Except for Yaya, who was given her life for free yesterday, who was still remaking clones, the other players crawled out of the training cabin one after another.

As for Mr. Garbage who went out before, he hasn't come back yet.

However, Lucius was able to confirm through the player list that he was still alive, and it was not too far from the Wetland Park.

"My dear manager, do you have any plans for today?" Bunny was the first to step forward and asked respectfully.

Although it is a nonsense, but he will say it every day. What if the plot can be triggered?

It doesn't matter if it can't be triggered, just treat it as a sense of presence in front of the manager.

Lucius also fulfilled his duties as an NPC as always, and answered routinely.

"Same as yesterday, the missions are all written on the bulletin board. Otherwise, you can play freely. The outpost is now in short supply of food and building materials... and fortifications."

One side of the outpost's wall has been repaired. The remaining three walls should be finished in two days.

What Lucius is more worried about now is that the movement at the outpost is getting louder and louder, which has alarmed the mutant tribe on East 76th Street.

The entire outpost now has three guns in total, two of which are small 5mm water pipes. It can’t be said that they are helpless against those green-skinned muscular guys, but they will definitely be beaten badly. I guess I am alone. can run away.

If caught by those beasts, it would really make one's life worse than death. Usually, the spirit will break down before the body...

Of course, if some players are really captured, they will probably be forced to disconnect, and even if they are curious about what happened later, they will not feel it.

A group of people came to the surface in batches, ready to start a new day's work in high spirits.

"Where is Mr. Garbage? Why didn't you see him?" Walker looked around and found that the big lizard was not among the crowd.

Lucius glanced at him and said, "He has already set off early, and I have a special task for him."

Hearing this sentence, the nearby players showed envious expressions on their faces.

Sure enough, special occupations are different. They are still moving bricks, this guy has already triggered the exclusive task.

Hateful basterds!

"Get Up Ten Times A Night, you and I will take a long trip with me later... and Tomorrow Seeker, you come too." Lucius thought for a long time and finally decided to bring a brain.

Tomorrow was flattered, decisively abandoned Bunny, who had 'resentful' eyes, and trotted over. Although he made an agreement with Bunny before going online, we will study the local method of steelmaking together today, but steelmaking is not as cool as doing tasks with BOSS.

Not to mention the generous rewards. Just the hot first-hand information was enough to tempt him!

"Good brother, wait for me to come back!"

"Get out, don't come back, I don't have a brother like you!"

Regardless of the communication between the two players, Lucius took off the two 5mm iron barrel rifles on his back and threw them into the hands of Tomorrow and Walker respectively.

At the same time, they were also issued with 20 rounds of ammunition.

Don't expect these two rookies to be able to hit people with this kind of shotgun with no rifling. At the critical moment, they can put two shots to scare the opponent and support the scene.

What if it hits? Even a shot is blood money.

Of course, it would be best if there were no fights.

"The safety is on the right side of the trigger. Get familiar with the position, but don't pull it with your hands unless I ask you to open the safety."

Looking at the two players who were fiddling with the dick in their hands excitedly, Lucius paused and continued.

"We will go to a nearby survivor stronghold in a while, and exchange some supplies needed by the outpost with the locals."

"No matter what happens, you must follow my command, and remember not to make arbitrarily asserted opinions, especially remember not to fire at will or engage in hostile acts without authorization."

"Remember, we represent all of Shelter No.404."


"Understood! Dear Master Manager," Tomorrow stood up excitedly and gave a crappy and non-standard military salute, "Your order is our mission!"

Walker's reaction was a little slow, but his brain turned quickly, and he quickly imitated Fang Chang's movements and saluted.

"I, like him!"

Lucius: "..."

Which novel did you learn this from?

It's too embarrassing to read it out!

However, as a manager, of course he couldn't say such a thing. His dominance over the players is positively related to the players' sense of substitution in a sense.

The more players identify with their identity as 'refuge residents', the more inclined they are to obey his orders instead of making troubles.

"... Very good, very energetic!"

Lucius coughed lightly, and looked seriously outside the nursing home.

"We need to carry 50 kilograms of bacon jerky, 20 kilograms of smoked fish, 10 skins of mutated hyenas...and a pallet cart."

"You two go get ready together."

"We're on the road in ten minutes!"

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