Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 56: Chapter 57. The First Snowflake on the Wasteland

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The antibiotics produced by the refuge were really effective. Not long after one dose was taken, Yudeep not only lost his fever, but even the swelling of his leg injury went down, and he was even able to walk two steps with a limp.

Both brothers thanked each other for their kindness, and vowed to repay this kindness in the future, but seeing that it was getting late, after saying goodbye to Lucius, the younger brother walked towards the door with his big brother by the arm.

When passing by Tomorrow, Yugin stopped, took out a finely crafted knife from the package, which did not seem to be produced in this era, and handed it to Tomorrow.

This is a good thing he picked up when he was scavenging.

Then Yugin said in a thick voice different from his appearance.

"You are strong and can dodge my arrows. But if it's one-on-one, I won't lose."

"Put the knife away for me, don't lose it. Next year we will compete fairly. If I win, I will take it back."

Tomorrow didn't understand what he was saying, but he seemed to want to give the knife to himself.

Is this to thank him for indirectly saving his relatives?

Tomorrow pointed to the knife, then pointed to himself, seeing the NPC nodding, he happily took it.

"Too polite!"

Yugin also didn't understand what he was saying, but when he saw that he had put away the knife, he nodded and helped his brother to leave.

Watching the two disappear behind the gate of the outpost of the base, Tomorrow played with the knife in his hand, suddenly looked at the wind beside him, and said with emotion.

"This game is too detailed, look at the NPC's expression, every frame is full of details, I'm so f*cking blown away at this!"

Gale: "...Do you understand what he said?"

Tomorrow shook his head.

"No, it's not important."

Walker leaned over and said with a smile.

"What if he intends to promise you a three-hundred-pound piggy girl from the tribe to be your wife? This knife is a token of engagement."



He helped his brother out of the base.

Yugin looked back at the wall behind him and said.

"Brother, let me just say that he is not an ordinary person. At that time, I persuaded you and Dad to marry Yuki to him, but you disagreed. You regret it now."

Yudeep sighed with complicated emotions.

"What are you regretting, he is our benefactor, so don't think about unrealistic things... Also, I didn't disagree with Yuki, and neither did Dad."

Yugin frowned.

"Then why didn't it work?"

Yudeep reluctantly stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of his idiotic younger brother.

"You kid, just think about the best, have you ever thought about whether others are willing? Not to mention Yuki, look at the girls in the group next to him just now... Which one of these came out of the refuge? So white and clean, would you look up to a bear like you?"

Hearing this, Yugin became anxious.

"I'm a bit of a bear, but my little sister is not! I was so cute when I was young, but I lost a little weight when I grew up, but what does it matter? When I go back, let's coax her to eat more meat. I will give her my share, and she will definitely be able to eat more meat."

Yudeep almost couldn't hold back his laugh, and glanced at him.

"You are in such a hurry to marry Yuki."

Yugin chuckled, but his simple and honest expression was very sober.

"Is it up to me? Whether to marry or not, my younger sister will reach her age next year. According to the rules on the street, even if she is a single household when she is an adult, she will be counted as an extra head. Look at what we have gained this year. It's barely enough, how can I afford to pay another one next year?"

According to the regulations of Beit Street, people who have reached the age of 16 are counted as a single household. During the mobilization every autumn, regardless of whether they are married or not, they will be counted as one household to collect enough supplies.

It can also be regarded as a 'Poll tax' that changes methods.

Boys are better. Generally, they can go out hunting and scavenging with their elders at the age of 13 or 14. After two or three years, they can become a qualified scavenger or hunter, which can be regarded as a labor force. If it is a girl, it is more difficult in this troubled world. Few of them can make a living by themselves at this age, so they often start a family early.

The reason why Yuki can stay at home carefree until now is mainly because his father can still work, his sister-in-law has not yet had a child, and his second brother has not yet married. The three men can barely support this extended family.

If we wait any longer, Yugin gets married, or Yudeep gets a newcomer, even if he is reluctant, he can only marry Yuki

Survival is often a heavy topic.

"...She is going to get married anyway, so it's better to find a good family for her than live a hard life with us."

Yudeep glanced at the sky and squinted his eyes.

"The third son of the Malcolm family is also ready for marriage, and their family is not bad. It just so happens that his youngest daughter is about to grow up, and it happens to be that you also need a wife too."

Yugin quickly shook his head.

"That can't be done. I don't like that kid Jex Malcolm. He pushed Yuki last time! When I look at him, he must be a coward who beats women."

"Then Iron family..."

"Uh, that's not appropriate, our mother is from the Iron family."

There are only a hundred households in Beit Street, and the small place is such an annoyance that they come and go and go back.

Yudeep was speechless after being refuted, and only gave his younger brother a meaningful look.

"Then you have to think about it. If she marries outside, your wife will have to ask for it herself."

"It's okay, are you still worried that I won't be able to get a wife?"

Yugin chuckled, and after a while, muttered again.

"I just don't want you to worry about me all the time! Whether I'm okay or not is my own business... There's no reason to trade my sister for it."


At dusk, the sky is getting dark.

The players who went out returned to the outpost one after another.

Just like yesterday, many players set up stalls in the open space inside the north gate of the outpost, yelling and selling, and the sound of bargaining was endless, and it was as lively as a market.

"Raw meat is on sale! Fresh squirrel meat, no matter fried, grilled, or boiled, is delicious! 1 silver coin and 1 piece is optional, the price is affordable, and the quality is cheap!"

"The devil bought it from you! How much meat does this squirrel of yours have!"

"There's a lot of meat. A mutated squirrel must weigh 2 kilograms! You go to the granary to buy meat, and you can buy six taels for one silver coin. Think about it!"

"No money."

"No money, get out!"


"The teeth of mutant hyenas! They can be used as accessories! Each one is only sold for one copper coin, and there are only 10 of them. Hurry up if you want to buy!"

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"Who the hell is using this thing as an accessory, it's so ugly!"

"What do you know, what if the game develops an accessory system in the future? Equipment punching, inlaying and enchanting, the price of this material will definitely increase!"

"F*ck, is it true or not?"

"Really! Trust me!"

"Then...give me two."


In addition to players selling hunting materials, there are also garbage picked up from the wasteland.

Although it is already the 211th year of the Wasteland Era, if you search carefully, you can occasionally find some good things that have not had time to be taken away.

Especially the ones in some locked doors and cabinets, or buried under ruins.

Some alloy products with good anti-oxidation effect can be an excellent weapon with a little modification. For example, Lucius saw that a fire ax with anti-rust paint still on it was marked with a price of 7 silver coins.

It really is worth the price.

But not many people can afford it.

"Anyone want gold? I found a gold chain here. I found it when I searched the townhouse! It only costs 3 silver coins, it can't be cheaper!"

"It's too expensive. You can buy as much food as 3 silver coins! What's the use of your gold chain? It can't be used as a weapon or as money!"

"Give me one, damn it, I can't afford it in reality, but I enjoy it in the game anyway."

"...Hey, prodigal, what a prodigal! If you don't complete the primitive accumulation of capital now, how will you become the first echelon in the future?"

"Brother, are you stunned? This is a game!"

The hottest stall is still Yaya’s.

Every time she performed the unique skill of eating big mushrooms raw, the players would applaud and shout.

These players did not go whoring for nothing, and the mushrooms in front of the booth were quickly snapped up.

Yesterday it was still 3 copper coins for 1 catty of mushrooms, but today it has risen to 4 copper coins, and there is still an endless stream of players who come to buy it.

In addition, she also used the berries she picked to make a bottle of Yaya's secret jam, and the price was only one silver coin.

However, it is a pity that this bottle of jam alone cannot be sold.

That green color looks too uncomfortable.

Then there is Sumeria's weapon store. Although no one can afford the weapons that cost hundreds of silver coins on the shelves, this does not prevent everyone from coming to see the proprietress.

"Miss Boss, can you say that you are Kelly from Heaven? Just say, please!"

"The proprietress is too cold, she ignored us! It must be because we are too poor! Oh, is this a realism game?"

"Have you noticed? The way she looks at the manager is obviously different!"

"Does the NPC already have CP? Knock it!"

"You're thinking about farts, how much favorability do you have? You've only moved bricks for a few days? Don't talk too much!"

"What do you think the NPCs will do after we go offline?"

"...Wait for us to go online?"


Coincidentally, people always coincide with each other.

Although he couldn't understand what these players were saying, Sumeria, who had no expression on his face, was thinking about these words at this moment.

"This group of psychopaths..."

Muttering something in her mouth, she glanced in the direction of the nursing home, and then at Lucius.

So hungry. When can I return to the shelter?

By the way, do you have dessert tonight That chocolate is so delicious...


Perhaps because of the addition of 20 newcomers, today's market is more lively than yesterday.

Standing in front of the nursing home, Lucius couldn't help imagining in his mind what a lively scene it would be when all 100 players gathered here.

"Life is starting to get better." Thinking about it, Lucius showed a fatherly smile on his face.

He is happier than anyone.

After all, this is a game for the players, but for him this may be the second half of his life.

At this time, a slight coolness suddenly touched the bridge of his straight nose.

Lucius raised his head and saw a small piece of silver falling lightly.

Stretching out his hand to touch the tip of his nose, wiping away the cold moisture, Lucius stared at his fingertips and murmured thoughtfully.

"...Snow? Or hail?"

The temperature has not reached 0 degrees.

To be precise, it should still be between 10 and 15 degrees.

There are no cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, and even thicker clouds cannot be seen, and dusk is faintly visible on the horizon.

Preliminary speculation, probably strong cold air passing through, contacting the hot and humid updraft, condensing at low altitude to form ice crystals... He was talking nonsense.

This probably couldn't be considered snow, nor could it be considered hail, but it seemed to be a unique climate in the wasteland.

Either way, it's not a good sign.

After flicking off the water drops from his fingertips, Lucius sighed softly in his heart.

"...It seems that old Charlie is right."

"This winter will be earlier than in previous years."

Food. Fuel. There are also materials and weapons.


I feel bald just thinking about it.

However, people's sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

In the distance, the 'Heartless' cheers of the players can be faintly heard, as well as the joyful chirping.

It was a female player who had just joined the game, and she was looking longingly at the sky.

"It's snow!"

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