Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 57: Chapter 58. This Man Is Unfathomable!

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[ Update: Test weather system, add 'Snow'. ]

[ Announcement: It will occasionally snow in the wasteland today, and the planning warmly reminds all players to remember to add clothes and be careful of catching a cold. ]

Comment area below the announcement:

"An announcement has been made on the official website?!"

"Well, I thought it was updated."

"The plan has changed, but it hasn't been completely updated. I will test the snowfall today, and I will test the rain tomorrow for you. The KPI assessment is up to standard, and it is another day of fishing. (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)"

"Where is the planner, it's still 20 degrees here, it's too early to cool down!"

"Snow is not a big deal. I once drove 50 kilometers up the mountain to see the snow in the winter of minus 30 degrees. I only wore a down jacket to keep out the cold. When I came back, not only did I not suffer from frostbite, but I was sweating hot.”

"You Gaia too? (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)"

Lucius briefly glanced at the message under the announcement, and found that there was no particularly nutritious reply, so he closed the announcement page and opened the forum.

As expected.

At the moment, the forum is bustling with people, almost becoming a continuation of the flea market in the previous outpost.

The twenty newcomers who just entered the game rushed to the official website almost as soon as they got offline, and expressed their gaming experience on the forum.

Richest Elf King: "On the first day a new player goes online, he just rushes at the screen, the special effects, and the light and shadow without saying a word! I'm going to blow this game up!"

Bear Hugger: "Pour a bucket of cold water, the upstairs is a dog care invited by the development team, everyone, don't be fooled! Say it again, there is no such game at all, it doesn't exist at all."

Richest Elf King: "Aren't you annoying? Just spray when you catch someone, once or twice, and spray every day. (⁠*⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠*⁠)"

WC Really Has Mosquitoes: "You are a newcomer, right? This guy is the favorite of the crowd. Last time he scolded the management and was banned, he left the group. Now he goes to the forum to gain his presence. Just take it as a joke. (⁠◠⁠ᴥ⁠◕⁠ʋ⁠)”

Fairy King Wealth: "0.0"

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "Hey! Does anyone care about the human rights of lizard people? Damn... When I was about to log off, I felt a chill behind me, stiff as if possessed by an evil spirit."

Keeping People Under The Knife: "Who care about you, you are a lizard, anyway. ◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜"

Tomorrow Seeker: "It's normal, lizards are cold-blooded animals. Don't panic, when summer comes, it will be your strong period!"

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "%¥&@(◣◢)┌∩┐!"

In addition to the players who shared the game experience and game experience, there were also many enthusiastic little players who helped him out.

Every time he read these posts, Lucius felt like he was reviewing a memorial.

Mole In The Hole: "Hands up! I suggest that the development team think about it and designate a trading area in the game. Most games have functions such as consignment and stalls. Even if you can't hire NPCs to watch the store for the time being, at least open an owner shelves with consignment function? This will be more efficient than everyone crowding together to sell, after all, the trading time before going offline is too short!"

Light: "This proposal is really good. I will propose it at the next regular meeting of the Planning Department to plan a flea market in the game for players to trade freely. At the same time, set up a rentable container in the buffer zone of the shelter to give players consign merchandise."

Mole In The Hole: "Yeah! ╰(*°▽°*)╯"

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "It's a game lobby, why don't we set up a commission board and allow players to assign tasks to players. (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)"

Light: "No rush, the testing of each system needs to be done step by step. With the enrichment of game content in the future, we will consider setting up a player commissioning panel."

At this stage, there are not so many tasks for players to do, and there are not so many players.

In the future, players can do more things, the space for activities will be larger, and the content will be richer. He can consider opening this function. And through the power of attorney of the players, Lucius can more easily understand and monitor what these players are doing outside.

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "Damn it? Brother Light returned to me!"


Haven't you been there all the time?

The Thunder King: "Planning? That's right, I also want to make an opinion. The price of food is too unreasonable. 200g of air-dried meat costs 1 silver coin! It's the same price as 300g of raw meat! Do you really want to adjust it? No adjustment too unreasonable! It is recommended to change to 150g air-dried meat, 350g air-dried meat!"

Light: "From the setting point of view, there is no fixed price in the game, and the transaction price is affected by many factors. In addition, the NPC warehouse is only used as a reserve material in the setting, and the price is more fluctuated by strategic needs, followed by affected by supply and demand.”

Guang: "Wasteland OL encourages transactions between players. The price you trade with other players is the 'Market price' that truly reflects the relationship between supply and demand."

The Thunder King: "What if I stock up? For example, buy all the food!"

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "F*ck, brother, how much money do you have? I can't even afford a gun!"

Light: "I don't know, why don't you give it a try?"

Light: "We are also very curious about what methods NPCs with full intelligence and account disposal rights will use to maintain order in the game, and this will provide valuable experience for internal testing and public testing."

Irena: "It's okay for a scalper to dance disco in front of the planner. Is it considered surrender. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)"

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "Brother, I didn't say that you should buy it quietly, and hide it in a rented locker when the NPC is not paying attention. Then when everyone is hungry, open it and surprise everyone. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ "

WC Really Has Mosquitoes: "Hahahaha, the experts say you are very clever."

The Thunder King: "Uh, I haven't gotten the qualification for the beta test yet. Let's talk about it after I get the qualification for the beta test. ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ"

Light: "...Then let's talk about it when you get it."

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get one. There will be more places in the closed beta and public beta, the content will be much richer than the closed beta, and the rules will be more complete.

These brain holes are not used now, but will be used in time.

The Thunder King: "I think I'm okay, I have a hunch that it will be me next time. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)"

You are reading story Is This Really A Game? at

Are you so optimistic?

Light: "Come on."

Like yesterday, Lucius collected some useful suggestions and posted them on the document.

For example, some players suggested that "the transaction should be taxed, and it is not true to not collect taxes." Lucius admitted that this was indeed his negligence, but it is too early to be so anxious to harvest.

What's the use of him asking for so much money? Is there anything in this shelter that doesn't belong to him?

Up to now, he has only issued about 1,200 game coins, and the consumed inventory is less than one-fortieth, not to mention that the businessman Gomu will send him another batch after two days .

There can be taxes.

A part of the currency can be recovered in the circulation link, and the income of life professional players is limited within a reasonable range, so as to avoid in-game inflation caused by the overflow of players' purchasing power.

But no matter what, we have to wait until the players have saved enough money, have all the equipment, opened a store, and are eligible to snowball.

While Lucius was browsing the forum, Sumeria, who was sitting in the corner endorsing, couldn't help but stare at him.

It's not because of any special attraction in him, but because this man always makes her feel a little scary.

He had been staring at the screen with a 'Smirk' since an hour ago, and I didn't know what evil thoughts he was planning.

Thinking that she was in the same room with the devil, Sumeria decided to say something to divert his attention, and she must not bring bad ideas to herself.

"……What are you looking at?"

Lucius replied casually without turning his head.

"Nothing dealing with you."

Sumeria was quiet for a while, then continued.

"……Can I ask you a question?"

Lucius: "Ask."

Sumeria wondered: "Why do you have to go out? I mean, the shelter is so safe, why go to the ground to build that kind of wall? Wouldn't it be better to just stay underground?"

Lucius: "For survival."

Sumeria: "Is there no way to survive here? The shelter has clean air, not only rainproof, but also antifreeze and antitheft... Speaking of your water purifier? I have never seen it before. There is also a soilless cultivation room I heard that there should be such things in the refuge.”

Lucius listened with embarrassment.

He doesn't know how to explain this problem. He can't say that although he is the manager here, he hasn't fully obtained all the authority of this refuge, right?

This sounds too unbelievable!

Lucius closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then said.

"Maybe you are right. It is indeed a good choice to hide underground. What is the matter on the ground has nothing to do with us, and we did not let it become like this. Regardless of the flood outside, even if there is another nuclear war, we still can stay safe and sound."

Sumeria: "Then why—"

Lucius looked at her.

"But maybe, some shelters are destined to be different from others. People born there are not born to escape, but to create and change."

Leaving this thought-provoking sentence behind, Lucius ignored her and continued browsing his forum.

Or his little players.

All of them are talents, and they speak nicely. The key is that they have big brains, and they understand this plan better than his own.

Seriously, without learning from the brains of these young geniuses, Lucius himself felt sorry for them.

{... Is there any creature in this world more suitable to be a leek than a player? }

Lucius now finally understands why the first generation of managers wrote that sentence in the note.

The last words Lucius said echoed in his ears, and Sumeria, who was sitting against the wall, looked dazed, but felt a little awesome.

Always feel...The man's back instantly grew taller.

However, this feeling only stayed in her heart for less than two seconds, and then disappeared as her eyes fell on the notebook in her hand.

This guy is undoubtedly a demon, and he actually made himself recite such a difficult thing.

Not only for himself, but also for his companions, that man is also merciless.

He not only drives them to do heavy manual labor, but also makes them go hunting, charge into battle as cannon fodder, and fool them with some useless pieces of metal, make them feel like they have found a treasure, and even be grateful to him in return.

For a moment, I felt that he was a good person, it must be because this guy was subtly brainwashing herself!

Wash, brainwash...

Thinking of the rumors and anecdotes circulating in Spring City, Sumeria couldn't help shivering, shrinking her shoulders, and looking at Lucius's back with more fear and apprehension.

Can play with people's hearts to such a consummate level.

This man...


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