Isekai Crafting System

Chapter 12: Teach Me Magic

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I was in my room once again and I sighed before glancing away from her. This girl was trouble. Absolute trouble that I didn't want to see in my life. She's like a car accident amount of trouble.

I began to narrate in my mind as she continued to stand over me for a moment. She had been surprisingly tall and had reached out for my face.


She placed her fingers on my face before drawing them back to her sides.

"You had a bit of juice on your face, so I decided to wipe it."

She commented before returning to the other side of the bed where she sat and began staring me in the eyes with an intense gaze. Her eyes were unrelenting and unwavering. It was as if they were glued onto me.

"Uh... What do you wanna talk about?"

I tried to break the ice between us.


"Thanks for what?"

"Thanks for letting me stay in your house."


I awkwardly said as I stared at the unwanted guest. She began to smile as she continued staring at me.

"It's pretty weird that someone from another world would be so much like you. For one, I thought they would be a bit taller. Like at least my height, rather than being a shortie..."


"And in addition to me expecting you to be a bit taller than this, I thought you would have been more stoic and badass. Like the type of person that soldiers would very easily rally around, then some kid with a whining attitude."

Those insults are super effective. Way too effective.

"Why are you even telling this to me?"

"Oh. It's because I'm bored and you're the only person I can talk to."
She said as she began to raise her hands over her head. Stretching her legs onto mine as she did so.

"Hold on. Why do you have to talk like that?"

"Talk like what, shortie?"

"You don't need to call me shortie for the millionth time! You're just tall and I'm not the short one! Why are you so rude? I thought you would have been more like a princess!?"

She chuckled.

"Isn't this the way people normally talk?"

"Eh... What do you mean?"

"Isn't it normal for your people to talk like this?"
"Well... My people don't exactly talk like that, but I think Americans talk like that..."

"Americant? What's that?"

"They are one of the people from my world."

"Americants, so how are they like?"

"Well. They look like you. And they speak like you."

"So your saying I'm like an Americant!"


'Though, you should be swearing some more if you want to sound like a damn American! Sonofabitch!'

"Are you Americant?"

I shook my head.

"Nope. I'm Japanese!"

"What are Japanese people like?"

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"Well, they kind of are like me. But they are nerdier and stuff."

She nodded before staring into my eyes once again.

"Also, I haven't gotten your name yet."

I said as I began to stare into her eyes. She looked more innocent than she was a couple of moments ago.

"Ah... I should've introduced myself first I'm Satsuki."

I said after a brief pause. I have accidentally forgotten my name for a moment.

"Satsuki, that's a pretty cute name. I'm Iffy."
"Iffy, nice to meet you!"
I said as I stretched my hand towards her and shook it.

"Nice to meet you as well!"

She glanced at the water cooler and pointed at it.

"And what is that?"

She said with a look of confusion.

"It's a water cooler!"

"A water cooler? So it just makes water cold?"

"Well, not exactly. It's just a place where you can go to get a cup of water."

She brought her hand up to her chin.

"That's pretty interesting. Is it from your world?"

I began to nod.

"How did you know?!"

"My gut said so. But what's your world like?"

"Well, my world is really crazy. Or at least it should be crazy at least for you and the people here. There's like a lot of stuff happening there. There's like a lot of technology, and there's a lot of people. Technology has advanced to the point where it is like magic! For instance, I could use something called a phone to talk to my friend even if they are half a country away!"

"That's interesting, is it possible you can create one of these phones?"

I stared at her in confusion.

"No way! No way! Phones are way too out of my pay grade! There are like a million things that need to be done! And even if I create a phone, it would become useless as there is absolutely no way to power it! That would basically make it a redundant project since it can't be used!"

"Wait... What does your pay even have to relate with this?"

"Well, it's just a metaphor. Just a figure of speech. Like not something that should be taken seriously as it means something else."

"Hmm... I think I would like to visit your world one day. After all, it seems pretty interesting. But does it have magic?"

I stared coldly into her eyes.

"Unfortunately magic isn't even a thing in my world. But, wait! Is magic a thing here!?"

"Of course! In fact, I know some spells! So how about I show you a bit of magic when we are done talking!"

"I love you Iffy! You are the best! I've always wanted to see magic and more so learn it! You won't understand that magic is the thing that I wanted most out of life! Like as a child, the only thing I wanted out of life was the ability to use magic! I wanted to become a mage, but unfortunately, my world didn't have any magic, but to think that I would come across you is a blessing! It's as if you are an angel! An angel descending from the heavens itself! I love you so much! Iffy I will become your number-one fan if you teach me magic! So Please! So please teach me magic!"

She stared at me with an awkward gaze.

"Uh. Sure."

End of chapter

Art of Satsuki

Art of Satsuki


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