Isekai Crafting System

Chapter 3: Chopping Trees!

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'So how should I do this...'

I thought to myself as I continued to glance at the tree

I thought to myself as I continued to glance at the tree. My contemplation growing some increasingly as I pulled my hand up to my chin before the thought came into my mind.

'Does it really matter, if I cut the tree in the wrong way. After all, it shouldn't really affect me. Plus if I do it wrong, at least I can learn a lesson.'

I chuckled before placing feet into the ground. Grounding it right into the dirt, as I bent my upper body, everything the leg up to the right side, while gripping the axe some more. Grabbing it tightly.

"Let's have a count down. Three. Two. One. Go!"

I trusted my upper body to the front and threw my axe into the tree with the greatest amount of force that i had ever exerted in my life. At the last moment of putting the axe into the tree, I seemed to have unconsciously winced my eyes close.


'Did I do it correctly?'

I thought to myself as I began to open my eyes. My mind went wild with the possibilities , until I inspected the scene. Glancing over the axe, I noticed that I had made a pretty good chip into the tree. Making it about a third of the way into the tree. It's unfortunate that I couldn't log it down in one strike, but I'm a beginner, so there's that.

"Hopefully, I can just log this tree down in my second round."

I said as a gleeful expression jumped onto my face. It was by far the most interesting thing I have done ever since coming to this world.

I returned to my spot, then recalling the steps from last time. Thrusting my upper body to the right, holding the axe tightly into my hand. Then counting down.

"Three. Two. One. Go!"

Now followed by the sudden thrust of my body to the left, followed by me swinging the axe right into the tree. The force that went into this blow was slightly less than what it had been the first time.


'I wonder if that did the job?'

I wondered before my jaw dropped to the ground.

The entire top part of the tree slid off and fell to the ground.

"Uh... Good job Satuski?"

I said in confusion

I said in confusion. I didn't know if I had done a good job or not. But hey, at least the tree is down. Now it's time to make it into a house.

I walked up to the tree and pressed my hand against its base.

'Gee. I never expected it to magically slide off...'

[Do you wish to convert this tree into a more resourceful form?]

'Eh? What does that even mean!?'

I wondered as I stared at the dark blue panel. A look of confusion came over my face as I did so. I had been more confused than last time.

"Uh why not. Go ahead."

I said. Not really expecting much from this conversion.

A sky blue light sprang onto the tree, and it disappeared for a moment. In its place appeared four massive wooden cubes, 5 small wooden cubes and 12 sticks.

'Ah! I see! This is going to be so useful! Now let's craft that basket I've always wanted to craft

'Ah! I see! This is going to be so useful! Now let's craft that basket I've always wanted to craft.'

I thought to myself before walking over to the loot. I grabbed the sticks before opening my system and pressing the basket option. 10 of the sticks were consumed by a sky blue light and were replaced by a basket.

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"Nice! Now I can go on a picnic! Though, I'd have to delay those plans for later. I need to build a house first."

[Do you wish to sacrifice your basket to unlock the inventory feature?]

'Wait... What?'

[Yes] [No]

My eyes began to shake.

"Oh! Of course"

I said happily, pressing the yes button.

Goodbye basket, hello inventory feature.

The dark blue screen appeared in front of me. Instead of being a screen with just a crafting interface, there was an interface with a backpack at the top right.

'This should be the inventory feature.'

I thought to myself before pressing on it.

"Wait... How am I even going to use this..."

I said before staring up into the sky.

'Wait. I have an idea.'

I motioned my right hand towards the large wooden cubes and swiped it towards the inventory.

'I doubt this would work, but if it does, it would be kind of epic!'

My jaw dropped again for the second time this day.

"Seriously!? That's amazing!"

I smiled from ear to ear, before doing the same motion with the smaller cubes and the sticks.

[You have unlocked the crafting recipe, wooden door]

[You have unlocked the crafting recipe, wooden wall]

[You have unlocked the crafting recipe, wooden window]

[You have unlocked the crafting recipe, wooden sword]

[You have unlocked the crafting recipe, wooden fence]




There were a lot of new crafting recipes! In fact, there was so much new crafting recipes that my jaw dropped for the third time today

There were a lot of new crafting recipes! In fact, there was so much new crafting recipes that my jaw dropped for the third time today. These jaw dropping moments kind of hurt, to be honest. Maybe it's because I've never really been dropping my jaw before. Yeah. That must be it.

"Wow... I wonder how I'm going to use all of these recipes..."

End of chapter

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