Isekai Crafting System

Chapter 7: Waterfall!

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I entered the forest as the large thick luscious canopy lays suspended over my head. It was large, green and appeared very fluffy.

'I wonder what those leaves feel like... Maybe I can use them in the creation of a bed.'

I thought as the shade began to shine over my head. I smiled in relief, as that meant that my skin was no longer being burnt by the raving sun.

As I walked into the forest, I had very quickly noticed an odd tree. It was an oak tree and it was in the distance. It appeared large. About 10 meters wide on each side. On top of that, it was really high. It was comparable to a skyscraper, as it appeared to pierce the heavens in the same way.

It was comparable to a skyscraper, as it appeared to pierce the heavens in the same way

I chuckled slightly as I continued to walk towards the tree.

'It's kind of unbelievable that there I would be seeing a tree this high. It's kind of like the Eiffel Tower, but as a three. But then again, this is another world. One of magic and other cool stuff! So it's reasonable to expect odd things like this!'

I continued to walk before noticing something. It had been oddly quiet.

Though I wasn't one to visit forests. Or go outside for that matter, I knew that something was up. It was just strange that this world would be so quiet.

'It's suspicious that I hand't came across anything alive in this place. Like I would have expected to see some birds flying over my head or some worms slithering on the ground. But the fact that there isn't any of that is kind of unsettling. It's as if I were the only person in the world. Hopefully that's not the case, as that would kind of be disheartening.'

I sighed and pressed my hand against my head.

'Wait, why am I even thinking about this? There's no reason for me to conclude such a drastic thing. I could just have some really shy neighbors who are unwilling to appear in front of me because I am a stranger! Thinking about it, that's kind of how the new classmates were. They were super shy and never talked to anyone, unless there was a project or if the teacher asked them about something.'

I began to smile as I continued walking.

Before I knew it, the forest behind me has whirred away. It was gone.

But now there was a distinct sound in the distance.

I closed my eyes and began to focus.

Honing in on the sound.

It sounded like water splashing aggressively against rocks.

With this discovery in mind, a smile broke across my face as I began to run madly. Through the light jungle foliage, I had discovered an oasis. A paradise.

The whirring sighs of water against the rough rocks echoed into my ears, as the light blue azure of the little spring refracted in my cyan eyes.

The whirring sighs of water against the rough rocks echoed into my ears, as the light blue azure of the little spring refracted in my cyan eyes

My mind instantly sparked alit with passion as I hastily undressed myself and leaped into the water.

A smile boomed onto my face as I made first impact with the water.

"It's so cold!"


I began to shiver slightly.

'It's really cold! Perhaps it is warmer on the other side.'

I squirmed to the other side of the spring.

"It's warmer here!"

I began to smile once more as I laid my back against the rock behind me. Before I knew it, my feet floated over the water.

I was light and hydrodynamic.

Before I knew it, I had lost my position over the rock and began to drift over the water. I never expected such a thing to happen...

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'Yeah... I think I should actually start showering.'

One shower scene later.

I sat on a large rock that sat at the side of the spring and began to wonder.

'Can I store this water in my inventory?'

I pondered.


I opened my inventory and glanced through the list of items I had.

13 berries, my axe, 8 wooden cubes, and 32 sticks.

I sighed in disappointment.

"My inventory is an absolute mess!"

I facepalmed.

"I should definitely fix this later and organize it to look better."

I thought to myself before opening the crafting system and scrolling through the list of items. I eventually found the item that I had wanted.

[Wooden Bucket]

[Crafting recipe: 1 wooden cube]

I pressed on the icon.

[Do you wish to convert all of your 8 wooden cubes into 8 wooden buckets?]

"Nope, craft 2 wooden buckets."

[2 wooden buckets have been crafted from 2 wooden cubes]

[You have 6 wooden cubes remaining]

Light blue particles appeared before me, and 2 Wooden Buckets appeared at my feet.

Light blue particles appeared before me, and 2 Wooden Buckets appeared at my feet

I smiled and began to close the crafting panel.

However, there was something that had caught my eye.

It left an idea in my mind.

I paused for a moment as I glanced at something interesting

Wooden Cups

"Wooden cups!"

'Wait! Now that I'm thinking of it, if I am going to get water for my showers and cooking, I should create some kind of water dispenser system to help me portion the amount of water that I use, and to create some kind of tap water machine. Perhaps I should make one of those water cooler things that I have seen at my dad's worker. Now that I'm thinking of it, making one of those coolers would be pretty cool! Wait... I did not plan for that joke...'

End of chapter

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