Isekai Hero

Chapter 2: Chapter 2. Kyle The Warrior

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As Kyle himself solos and fending all the goblins by himself, while the orc is standing behind them, watching the show.

Elena was still summoning the hero, and she could see a sign of the hero summoning succeeding, as the book was starting to glow.

However, the signs are becoming weaker as the time goes on. The gleam of light is blinking, and it is slowly diminishing.

"Are the sufferings not enough? Should I pour in my skills as well?" She thought to herself.

But a second later, Kyle was found dropped on the ground.

"Kyle!" Elena screamed as he was exhausted after fighting hordes of goblins by himself.

"Poor guy, if only you are a monster, or perhaps, a demon, your strength will be able to grow further. Too bad, your talent is binded by your human body, which has limitations to your growth." The orc said slowly walked towards him menacingly.

The orc stopped and stepped on its stomach using some of its strength. The force was so strong that fluids such as blood and salivas were being spitted out from its mouth while groaning in pain.

"Stop it!" Elena cried.

The orc ceased its action, 

The little goblins then killed the other women except for Elena. All that's left is Elena the priest that was still summoning the hero.

"Little priest. I am here for you. Come with me and I will treat you well."

Elena started to sweat heavily, as she was hurrying to summon the hero as soon as possible.

"No reply? Well, Guess I will have to scar you a bit then." The orc said as he entered a stance, holding his big wooden club, preparing to pummel her.

"HUAHHH!" the orc swinged heavily towards her head but as soon as it slowly reached the orc's arm it was cutted off by a sudden slash.

"Eeeek?!" The goblins and the orc lord were astonished to see a warrior who was on the verge of death, raised up once again, protecting her dear sister.

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"You shall not pass!!!" As Kyle raised his voice roared fiercely, a strike of thunder pierced him through the clouds. 

"Is… is this the end of him?" The orc lord started to tremble. His determination to protect what's dear to him is too strong and if continues, the monster's side will be at a loss.

Bzzzt, Bzzzt—

Kyle continues to shout, as the lightning strike hasn't finished. "I WILL PROTECT MY SISTER TO MY VERY LAST BREATH!!!"

The lightning strike light started to glow, forcing everyone to close their eyes or avoid their gazes for a while.

The glow slowly diminished as the lightning started to dissipate. The orc and the goblins feasted their eyes to the birth of a new hero.

Lightning sparks sparkling all the air around him, a faint blue glow faintly throughout his whole body. 

Kyle turned and looked at himself, his wound was all healed up! It's as if the thunder didn't hurt him at all, but instead boosted him!

"Is this… the grace of the gods? In response… to protect my sister? I feel a surge of energy sparking within me, waiting for me to unleash it!"

He clenched his fist, while charging his lightning around his palm.

Multiple lightning storms around the whole area, as if it was responding to a certain warrior's determination. 

"Thank you… Finally… I… I can finally prove myself worthy! and fight alongside everyone!" He said as his eyes gleamed light blue.

In the evening of a dark stormy day, a warrior awakens his true power due to his determination to protect what's dearest the most.

The warrior launched himself from the ground towards forward, while holding a sword of conviction, as he began to shed the blood of his foes.

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