Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 111: 111 Temple Elves

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The story went smoothly after arrival, as we had sent messengers to the Salvation Church before moving.

Apparently the artifact that the brave men sought by Trinity II were left behind was in a different place from the Church, and after finishing his greeting to the bishop, the parish chief, it became a carriage to travel again by carriage from the Church, and what was brought about was a huge temple built a little further from the city.

Inside an exterior lined with many giant stone columns, a plastered building is housed, with a circular hall behind it. It looks as if it merged the Greek temple of Parthenon with the Roman pantheon.

When I approached it, I was just overwhelmed by its power, and I raised a loud voice of admiration without leaking into its example and as if I had seen Mizuki in a World Heritage Site.

"Wow, wow!

To Mizuki, who says so and rushes out like a child, Titania utters a dialogue as if her mother were telling a toddler.

"Mizuki, if you don't do much, you fall, right?

"It's okay! Mizumin-kun shoes are like super high quality, so they have comfort and performance beyond the sneakers over there! I don't mind flying or jumping! Here!"

A shoe made of the leather of an animal with no taste in it, and a shrub that jumps and shows off at this sight. Teatania walks to the temple with a gentle smile on her face, even as she shudders at her like that.

Trinity is also late, walking out with Graziella and the accompanying knights. Shortly before arriving in front of the entrance, there were several mentors in Salvation Church monastic clothes lined up to wait.

Probably because they had contacted me earlier. A representative nun comes forward from the pick-up line.

"I'll see you first. My name is Firey and I am entrusted with the administration of this temple. Welcome aboard, brave man. People from different worlds. And both Your Highnesses."

The woman said greetings of the encounter, a courtesy. And I took the hood I was wearing.

What emerged from the hood were white skin, white hair, and ears ahead. He was a brilliant but somewhere glossy elf with green eyes and peach lips.

Faces are in the late twenties to the thirties and so on. The outfit is clean and poor, but the bloody lips highlight the colour and feel a floating away colour.

Mizuki replies to Firei's greeting as she raises a "clean" and feverish exclamation behind her, with Trinity stepping forward to return the favor.

"It's Shining Trinity II. Thank you for your time today."

"Thank you very much for your kindness, brave man. But we're not busy, are we?

"It's a social dictionary, so please take it generously"

Trinity smiles back so refreshingly to a pranky grin filay. such a room for him, and behind it was Graziella,

"I see, that's a tarashi. That's..."

"I don't have a choice, Trijukun. 'Cause I'm going to respond refreshingly to everyone by defo."

When Graziella and Mizuki are talking to each other about such thoughts, the story was going on, or Trinity walks out guided by Firey. I guess the story meant while walking.

The ensuing inside of the temple is dim and the light source is only sunlight entering through a lighting window near the ceiling. Numerous rays of light impinge on the grey stone walls, so much so that the dust floating looks good. It had the atmosphere of an early morning church and was built to make you feel sacred.

Dear walker, the purpose is cut out from the filei.

"I've already accepted to talk to you. He wants to pick up the artifact."

"Yes, I was wondering if you would let me use it."

"I don't mind handing it over, but Reggie's relic is something that I don't know if Reggie can help me with."

"We have heard from Elliot, the brave man of El Mayde, about that. So you chose the user."

"Yep. No one has ever left a relic behind by a brave man in the past, so can we help you too..."

"I don't mind. Let me see if I can use it first."

Please be polite. On Trinity II, Firey replies yes. On the other hand, Graziella looked around inside and gave him a surprising look.

"Here's something like that."

Titania asks her words as if she were suspicious.

"Does His Highness Graziella know this place?

"To a certain extent I have visited once before. They showed it inside like this one before, but there was nothing interesting. Don't tell me you won't let me see anything important."

That being said, Graziella bends her mouth to the letter to dissatisfied. Around Shuiming, it's like putting in a scratch, "That's important, isn't it?"

Either way, Teatania looks around and observes the inside.

"Sure, I don't think I have anything either..."

"Yeah, there's nothing here. We're just using a little bit of the back to store artifacts, so most of the temples are just looking."

"Heh, the point is, you're in a dump."

"Mizuki, that's too sloppy..."

To the sentiments of Mizuki's elementary school children, Titania looks like a headache and makes a tired voice.

Mizuki, on the other hand, doesn't even care about that, and speaks a simple question to Firey.

"Mr. Firey. This place is pretty, but how long ago was it built?

"Shortly after we defeated the tyrant. At the time, there was something that had to be sealed as soon as possible, so we first built a small storage area, and then we built this robust temple."

Later, Mizuki wondered what it was, leaning his neck,

"Sounds like you've seen something."

"Yeah, I've seen it."


Mizuki makes a barbaric voice, but Firey has a soft grin. Ask her like that in the way Trinity was scared.

"Um, I know it's rude to ask a woman how old... how old is Mr. Firey?

"I'm not counting firmly, but I should have turned five hundred a while ago"

"Is that so!?

"Well, that's the elf..."

Trinity, who speaks a werewolf voice, and Mizuki, who opens her mouth with a glimpse. The day stands when I come to another world, but I cannot hide my surprise because this is the first time I have seen the living for hundreds of years. Is it common sense for Titania and Graziella on the other hand? I'm not even pretending to be surprised at all.

"Does that mean you also know the brave men of the time?

"Yes, when I was much younger, I saw you."

"What was he like?

"It was three of us. All of you have deep knowledge and strong power to save this land from the hands of tyrants."

As we walk, we eventually reach the back room.

"Is this it?

"No, the object is stored further back in this room"

Filay says so, but Mizuki realizes that the word is not correct.

"Is that it? Is something in there? Is this different, Mr. Firey?

"Yeah, that's right"

That said, Firey brings the crate that was on the shelf. And when I let it open in front of Trinity and the others, from there it appeared as if it were a pocket watch in the modern world.

Firay takes care of it for easy viewing or takes it out and deposits it in Trinity's hands.

When Trinity opened the lid, there was still something like a clock there. A depicted dial with a number-like dial resembling a Roman numeral, in addition to short and long needles, overlapping short and long needles curved like Shortel. It wasn't the letter numbers in this world that were used, it was a totally strange watch.

"What's this?


"They say it's a scale of engravings. The brave men of that time possessed it with Sacramento."

Trinity hears Firey's explanation, while looking for the part that hits the dragon head. However, no Zenmai mechanism seemed to have been added to move it.

"I can't move it, but how do you use it?

"That's what we don't know."

"Don't know? Didn't you tell him?

"The brave man at the time should not have told us more about this. Because it meant that it probably wouldn't matter to our world. It's not like Sacramento. It doesn't make sense in this world."

"What do you mean you don't make sense?

"Anything, this world is because the 'end of the world' hasn't started"

"The end of the world hasn't begun?


The words left by the brave man that Firey uttered were strange rhetoric. The end of the world is a concept referring to results, not words referring to 'periods' with an end. There is no beginning or anything else, and it's all over at the point when that word is used.

As Trinity and the others look surprised, Firey opens her mouth with regret.

"I'm not sure either. He said that the beginning of the end of the world meant that it would strike itself, but I wasn't sure what more. All the words were spoken. In the end, I ended up saying I had nothing to worry about because it didn't matter."

Filay finishes her description of the scale of the inscription. Trinity and the others also decided it would be pointless to ask any further about this, and asked her the real question.

"So it's time for me to show you the armor guy?

"I'm sorry about that. We can't let you through here."

Where is Sacramento? Show me the back, but apologize, Firey. First, Titania asks her irrelevant behavior in a dangerous voice.

"What do you mean? I remember you said you were listening earlier."

"It is the savior brave man who is here. Isn't it muscular to cooperate?

"No, it doesn't mean I can't give it to you. It's just that Sacramento is tightly controlled, and the door is sealed by the magic that the braves were dealing with. So it takes a lot of wizards, including me, to solve it, and nearly half a day to disarm it."

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"So you think we can't get through right now?

"Yes, I'll let you through as soon as I'm ready, but I thought maybe tomorrow"

"Tomorrow... it's a tough one."

Graziella feels like she's been grabbed for nothing or shows an elaborate bare gesture that relaxes her shoulders. If you can't give it to me right away, you're trying to tell me that I wouldn't have had to show you around today.

Then Mizuki,

"I'm not supposed to be able to use anyone, but I have to do that?

"The brave men of that time, this is something that should not be in this world. You said it was something powerful enough to twist and bend the reason of the world. Therefore, we decided to seal it with the relics of the tyrants so that they would not unravel their power."

Trinity asks her, questioning the description of a filay that could be described as epic or excessive.

"What is that mighty power?

"What I saw and heard was the power to freeze everything."


"Yes, the brave man said he could interfere with all things in the world, and rightly nothing existed that could not be frozen by the power of its Sacramento. Other brave men also said Sacramento was the only exception. As long as the conditions overlap, that's the weapon that can kill even God."

"Or even God can kill," he said?

"Are you saying that such thoughts are also tremendous?

Graziella and Titania expose their surprises and anger to the words of Firey, respectively. Because of the inhabitants of this world under the glory of the goddess Arshna, the word "kill God" probably sounds long gone.

As if sheltering about the brave, Firey shakes his head.

"No, they said the original use was different"

It was Mizuki who pinned the words.

"Could you be referring to the 'end of the world' you were just saying?

"Yes, Sacramento was built to circumvent it, and as a by-product, it became an uninterrupted weapon."

"That's what's behind this..."

Trinity stares at the door that leads to the back room. And thought-provoking is about weapons that would still be ahead of us.

A weapon capable of avoiding the end of the world and saving the world. That's what's behind this, and I'm trying to get that.

On the other hand, the anxiety that it would not be possible to pass was also coming into the chest.

The ceremony of lifting began this evening, and since it is tomorrow that the seal can be lifted, Trinity and the others broke up with Firey once and again, riding the carriage for the city of Attila.

In the carriage, she was pregnant with a strange fever similar to that found in the crowd. That should be it, too. After I heard that explanation from Firey, there's no way I'm not excited. Usually even calm teatania moves her feet softly to see if she is restless.

Neither does the excitement cool down. Maybe we'll get a weapon without interruption. It is also a weapon no one has ever been able to handle. Voter consciousness and other hairless matters that make you think you're special also feel a little good.

Quick, I want to try it on my hands. I want to try it. As I stare at myself and my palm thinking about it, I hear the call of Fuzuki.

"Hey, Triju-kun"

"Hmm? Mizuki, what's wrong?

"I was wondering about Mr. Firey earlier, didn't you notice that Triju-kun?


When she returns the query to Rui Tree, who seems to have misplaced herself somewhere, she says with a harsh face.

"Yeah. You said earlier that guy, one of the artifacts Mr. Firey showed me, was a rakesysmeter, right?

"Yeah. Yeah, but that's it?

"Meters are the words of our world, aren't they? English. And Rakesis, too, is certainly the name of a foreign god"

"I'm not sure what God's name is, but when it comes to meters, it certainly is."

But is that what you care about? When Trinity stares at Rui Shu in wonder that way, she sees how badly she feels.

"Ahhhh... try to remember that a lot, Triji-kun"

As I was told, I remember. Was something wrong then? When it comes to talking, Mitsuki doesn't question her behavior because it's about what Firey said, and she also identifies doubts about it.

Rakesismeter. Sure she said so. There is no mistake in that. The mistake...

"Ah! It's a mouth move!

Trinity stood up in the carriage with a surprise brought to her attention. Mizuki, on the other hand, was happy to finally realize, or she nodded happily, yeah.

"Yes, yes. Mr. Firey. That's when he said he was a proper rakesismeter. English - that is, in the language of our world."

"I see. Is that the word of the Mizuki's world?... Your Highness Titania, say something"

When Graziella says so, Teatania openly looks grumpy.

"Why should I be instructed............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Because of what has come from other worlds, there are no corresponding goods and no words in this world. That's why they have to keep their unconverted words in their mouths, so if they don't get used to it, the pronunciation goes crazy.



Mizuki and Trinity erupted in the strange words created by Titania.

"Don't laugh, both of you! Ugh!"

"Sorry. Sorry."

Trinity honestly apologizes to Teatania for blushing with shame. Graziella, on the other hand, has a slightly mean grin when it comes to making her say it. Teatania pointing her musty face towards Graziella. Looking at those two, they didn't even look so unfriendly.


"... well. Then whoever brings it into this world will be a human being in our world."

When it comes to goods named in the language of our world, it is only natural that they are brought from our world.

Trinity gave the answer that way, but Mizuki, who taught it to me, did not yet seem to be in a hurry to answer,

"It's a stage where you might know. But when it does, right?

There were three brave men called at the time. One said he was the owner of Sacramento and the other two were wizards. And if you say they were all called from the same world.

"... there will be wizards in our world."

The truth is, it's shocking. Trinity breathes unexpectedly. There are people in our world who appear unwittingly in such novels. Just thinking about it makes me feel indescribable.

As Trinity immerses herself in unspoken feelings, she hears a creepy sneak laugh from next door.

"Hehehe, wow, wow, wow! Triju-kun, Triju-kun! There's a wizard in our world! My dreams are spreading. No!

"Mizuki, Sam, come on..."

"It's okay! Don't go into details!

Mizuki swells her puffy cheeks at the allegations against the gag. But are you still happy? Soon he broke up with me and I couldn't stop sniffing.

"Now you don't have to tell Shui Ming-kun about Nakaji anymore! Instead, it proves I was right!

"Right.... Mizumi, you're sad."

The girl's high laughter that The other two people who are listening to it may, on the contrary, feel sorry for Trinity and Rui Tree.

In the meantime, Graziella,

"I didn't know the brave men of that time were called from the same world as the two of us."

"Sounds like something like this. There are three examples of us, and maybe the people in our world are easy to be called upon by Yingjie's summons."

Trinity thinks that way, but Mizuki seems to think a little differently, and she smiles like she knows one translation.

"But we don't know yet, do we? Because it's a possible stage. Maybe there's a parallel world."

"All around, is it?

"Yeah. Apart from this world we live in, there are many of the same, and there's another future for each of us. In this parallel world, I'm being summoned to another world, but in another parallel world, I'm not being summoned."

"Ugh.................. that's hard"

"Oh, right."

Mizuki returns a bitter laugh to Teatania with a crease between her eyebrows and a rugged look on her face. Again, in a world where imagination is scarce and concepts are underdeveloped, I guess it's a story I don't understand.

"But Mizuki. If there's so many worlds, there's gonna be so many of me, right? There can't be any such thing."

"But there's a different world, so I don't think it's something I can deny from my head?

"Connect that to Yingjie's summons?

"That's how important it was for us to be called into this world, isn't it? I can't believe I'm coming and going with the rest of the world. No matter how much science develops from now on, I don't think we can do that."


Hearing what Mizuki thinks, did Graziella convince you a little too? And she hears the teatania sitting next to her.

(You might know this if you ask him.)

(Right. Swimey would probably know something. but......)

Mizuki, who feels like he beat Mizumi, will definitely be angry if he finds out the truth.

I said to Mizuki, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The figure they say was the teatania in my eyes.

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