Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 112: 112 General of the Demon Clan, Ilzar

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The Trinity Line, which revealed the night in Attila's Inn, was once again visiting the temple where the relics were kept in order to receive them the next day.

She arrives late as she waits a long time in the room that was put through to Firey yesterday.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

"No problem. Has the seal been unsealed yet more than that?

Firey snorts at Trinity's inquiry.

"Yes. All seals have been unsealed in the morning now. You can always go in there. Okay, go ahead."

That's what I said, a filay that reaches out to give. Encouraged by her troublesome deeds, he called out to the knights who had Teatania attached behind him.

"You wait outside. Gregory, give them my regards."


Gregory shows his gratitude and gratitude to Titania for her order. Luca, on the other hand, was intrigued by the artifact or was about to go in somewhere, but Roffrey was forgiven for saying, "Let me show you later."

Graziella has also ordered his men to wait at the entrance.

Have you ever seen him like that and thought about it? Mizuki approached me to tell a secret story.

"Mr. Gregory and the Imperial soldiers, they don't seem so friendly."

"Right. Soldiers from other countries, so I was hoping maybe, but it seemed like a struggle to get over it."

That is one of the concerns that arose when it came to Graziella following. I was afraid I might get into a fight, but I seem to be able to draw lines properly, so far I haven't had a collision or anything.

Then the two of you were hearing a secret story, or Titania and Graziella join the secret story.

"We're allies with the Empire, and we just haven't made it stand out."

"It was with the side who originally assisted me and the skill that was attached to the military for a long time. Besides, Astel's knights have Lord Gregory. I guess we're dating well."

"Ah, haha..."

They both know exactly what's going on inside. On the surface, I guess that means it's actually scattered with inner sparks. I knew the fact that I didn't want to know that, and Mizuki leaked an indescribable laugh.

Led by the filei, he walked down the candlestick's lined aisle, and the descending stairs were waiting for him.

"Is it underground?

"Yes, I'll be down a little bit, but I'm ahead"

That's what they say, and when you go down the stairs, the way the aisle looks changes from the middle of nowhere. Until earlier, it was the same tidy stone passage as the building in the temple, but it turned into a cavern as it was, which became a bump of rock skin.

A huge rock awaited at the end of the aisle as it followed the filay, trapped by the feeling of being inside the bell cave.

"Stone Cave...... is it?

"In the temple, isn't it, here"

To speak of the temple's storage area presents a completely different appearance from the others. With doubts about it, Trinity asked Firey, who walked in front.

"Mr. Firey. How come this is the only place that makes a difference?

"As far as the place of sealing is concerned, it is the intention of the braves. They say that if you put anything in the form of a temple, you're going to receive the mystery of a goddess, and the sealing technique is weakened. So you think it has to be another mystical space"


Mizuki raises a voice of unconcerned doubt. As confused as she is, it is certainly a story I am not sure of. Did you get it on your face when you thought so? Trinity is read inside by Firey.

"What the brave man says is that whatever sealing technique is, it originally descended the art of suppressing the power of God, so that God and sealing weaken each other's power"

"Tia, really?

"I'm sorry. It's my first ear, too."

Trinity asks Titania, and then she asks Graziella with her gaze. But she didn't seem to know either, so she clasped her shoulders and shook her neck to the side.

Even to two people who magically understand, they don't know very well.

"Okay, give me a little back."

Encouraged by Firey, Trinity and the others distance themselves from her. Shortly afterwards, as Firey grunted some word in front of the rock, a magic formation emerged on the giant rock.

Accidentally strikes his head, sounds like a tinnitus called Keane. Eventually the giant rock made a dragging sound and slowly moved back, sliding away to the side.

As the internal air is released, the rotten odor of the eggs is transmitted.

"Ugh... this is tough"

Graziella looks at her face unexpectedly because of the smell. I hold my nose down or turn my face away except for Firey.

"This smell is because of the books the tyrants had. Because of that, what's around you is always humid and corrupt."

To such nonsense, Rui Shu speaks of anxiety.

"So, are you okay?

"Yes, when it comes to the power that leaks outside, there is no longer enough power to harm the human body."


Trinity agrees in her heart with Ruizhi, who caresses her chest down with relief. Firey, on the other hand, points his finger at the culprit.

"That will be the book that the tyrant we spoke about earlier had."

At the tip of the supple fingers of the filay was a black-fitted book placed on the pedestal with a protrusion. The book somehow holds a creepy vibe, and just watching it destroys my mood. If you look closely, the pedestal on which you put it is shaped like melted and dripped like a stalactite despite being made of metal, and even then you can see the unusual nature of the book.

Graziella, who seems to have attracted interest, approaches the book.

Firey, who blamed it, changed the sword curtain and raised the voice of restraint.

"Please wait!

"What's up? All of a sudden, my voice is absurd."

"No, excuse me. It's something you shouldn't touch, so your voice is a little powered."

"Shall I not touch you?

"Yes. That's something you should never touch. We hear that once a human touches it, it will lead to the evil god who manipulated the tyrant and put him under his slave, and that nightmare will repeat itself again."

Mizuki speaks out in doubt about the story of Firey.

"Huh? Didn't you knock it down and solve it?

"The tyrant is dead, but he couldn't defeat the existence that was driving the tyrant insane. Because you are God, you don't think humans are enemies"

"What about yesterday in Sacramento, where there was an explanation? Is that an instrument that can kill God, too?

"The brave man in possession said the culprit could not be defeated because he was out of reach"

"Right. So it's sealed here."

Is Graziella convinced, after glancing at the book, she returns to Trinity and the others.

If that is indeed all that dangerous, whoever it is will want to erase it from the world with every book. That's how we seal it because we couldn't do it.

At the end of the introduction to the tyrant's relic, Firey shows another pedestal.

"Over there, it will be a relic of purpose."

A small box was placed on the same metal pedestal as the one on which the book was placed.

Don't you bring the evil of the book, the pedestal stays clean and doesn't look rotten.

The filay approaches and quietly opens the box.

- Fulfilling it. As Elliot said, it was the ornament that was inside.

Is it a brooch, the shape is designed to mimic the feathers, with a metallic gloss that seems to be made of silver. And what stands out at first hand is the blue gem embedded in its center.

"Is this Sacramento? Beautiful stuff..."

"Blue gems. It's like lapis lazuli."

In a mysterious pale glow, the women have a lucid look on their face.... That's what I thought.

"... what? Is there something on my face?

"Oh, no, that's beautiful. What do you think of Mr. Graziella?

"Hmm. I'm still wondering if you can use it."


I guess His Royal Highness the Third Empress of the Empire is not very interested in jewellery etc. Despite its appearance as an ornament, it does not pass through its beauty as if it were intentional. Because I prefer outfits and ruffles, I may not be so attentive to fashion, etc.

Graziella asks Firey as if it represents something that doesn't matter other than something practical.

"Is this all you got?

"Yes, that's all that's left"

"If there was anything else I could possibly use, I would have wanted it."

Graziella says so, but Firey shakes her head.

"All the products used by the brave men were those that we could not use. I wouldn't have been able to handle it, even if I had stayed."


"It's not like the magic we use. Plus, very advanced technology was used. Sacramento seems to be using the most advanced technology, but it's also the only one who might be able to use it."

After hearing about the backstory, Trinity asks.

"So, Mr. Firey. How do you use this... as a weapon?

"I'm not sure either, but the brave man had some kind of wording spoken in his hand when changing him from a state of ornament to a weapon. Perhaps that word is the key to awakening Sacramento…"

"So what's that word?

"I'm sorry"

Teatania asks Filay, who apologizes with a big bow of her head.

"You haven't heard?

"I asked, I didn't know. Only those who can use it know what that word sounds like."

"So no one can use it?

"To those who can use it, we ask that it is something that we understand. Why don't you take it from your hand first?

That's what Firey says, he takes Sacramento and takes it under Trinity Two. I know. I guess that means I'll be chosen as an armor. Are you willing to use your weapon? Or I don't know if it can only be handled by those who fall under the conditions, but you should try it first, as I say.

Rui Shu accidentally raised his voice as he walked out to receive it from the filei.


"What's going on?

"You want me to do it first ~... oh my god"

"Huh... Huh!?

"Can't you?

"Yeah... well, I don't mind..."

That said, Mizuki will have a priori. Of course, the previous record is named Nakaji Disease, but Mizuki said, "Yay!!" He was raising his voice of joy.

Graziella approaches Trinity, who smiles bitterly and waves.

"Are you sure?

"Well, if I don't let you do it, I'm sure Mizuki will be stubborn."

"What if Mizuki gets ownership?

"I guess I'll just have to ask Rui Woo to do his best then?

"Damn, I came here for your help, but if it turns out to be Mizuki's, there's no standing."

"Sounds fun to me."

"That would be a joke."

Graziella to make it look pleasant. Meanwhile, Titania, who was listening to it, approaches me with her face in agony.

"Your Highness Graziella, are you going to make Master Reggie laugh?

"I look scared. And Reggie's scared because he looks like that, right?

"Huh!? Lady Reggie, I have a scary face!

"No, I'm nothing."

I didn't. Titania was put in charge by Graziella.

"Your Highness Graziella!

"Hey guys, don't forget about me! You must awaken the legendary weapon now! Watch it!

Mizuki, who steps on the community toward being unconscious, begins to leak a spooky laugh as if a villain were still trying to hold the treasure of being able to conquer the world.

It's creepy from the side, but Firey has a warm grin. It's like looking at a young child dreaming of a brave man, a calm, smiling Mother of Mercy grin.

Mizuki's hand grabbed Sacramento from Firei's hand. And...

"Hehe, it's Sacramento! Respond to my voice!

- Scene.

"I knew it! I knew it! Hmm! Hmm!

Even though Mizuki raised Sacramento and shouted, Sacramento didn't even say yes.

Now they have managed to avoid the scourge of Mizuki's Nakaji Reawakening. In exchange, Rui Tree swells her cheeks in tears and regrets, even though she sits a girl in the corner of the pedestal.

"Now it's time for Lady Reggie"


Encouraged by Titania, Trinity receives Sacramento from Rui Tree. Sacramento, which was large enough to stick out of the palm of his hand, felt quite limp due to its metal construction.

But even as I got that feeling in my palm, I got the feeling that I had some power. Not like heat again, indescribable magic, strange pulse. It's not like that almighty feeling I felt when I came to this world and learned magic, again, if I put it into words.

(Just watching, it builds strength...)

Yes, this glow is hope. A light of hope. In the abyss of any despair is a pale light that shows tomorrow, which gives those who see this the power to live tomorrow.

From now on, I will unleash this power and make it mine. And with this power, we defeat the Demons and bring peace to this world.

The wording to make that thought come true still doesn't come to mind. But I also had a feeling that if I left it to my mouth, or...

Believing in that hunch, Trinity raises her Sacramento and opens her mouth.

- No, that's when I tried to open my mouth.

Suddenly directly behind, from the entrance of the stone cave, a loud, destructive sound shook the entire stone cave.

Attracted by the tremors and sounds, everyone who was on the spot turned towards the entrance, where the smoke made of the very small grains of sand that had risen was standing.

Dust drifting through the universe. As each guards the respiratory tract from inhaling it, narrowing his eyes, he can see his arms stretching out by slashing the sand smoke before his blinking vision clears.

Eventually, from there, a man appeared.

Long enough to pay by hand to annoy the smoke. The details are of such beauty as not to be mentioned, the mouth is red as if it were red, so that it is obvious to the woman at first sight, but the only upper body can see a tight chest plate, so it must be a man. Rusty thick chains are wrapped multiple times around the hands, feet and torso, and the thin fingers are sharpened and aligned with long nails like beasts.

Gray hair like a filay, but not an elf, with round ears. The eyes were red as blood, creating an unspeakable creep.

The man smiles at Trinity with his red eyes, good for his length. What is directed is a cold gaze at mercy and other things as if they weren't holding out. Because of this, I don't move, just like my body was jerked off by a thread of tension. That's the same for the others, or they're all solidified with a surprised look on their face.

Firey opened her mouth first as she was tied to the frozen gaze of the mysterious man.

"... I should have been stern that no one else could let me through here"

"Sounds like it. So this is how I was forced to come in. Like this."

"Mm, forced...... what?

"Meaning as it were."

"Who is it? You."

The man laughs all the time at Graziella's question, which was inadvertently released. Rather than laughing about hearing something delightful...... it creates an atmosphere where the loss of laughter leaks.

"What's funny?

"Ask my name or sacrifice. Just like" food, "my name is."

"Ku, say it's food?

"That's right. Food. You humans are everything. Everything from old men to babies, all free-range pigs. Sacrifice."

A man who can retreat from an arrogant dialogue without a coward. But I'm convinced that Yota, who is usually capable of laughing at me, is now truthful.

Demons. Even if such an idea turns my head, I can't feel the power of the Demon Clan. The man in front of me looked only human, no matter where he looked.

But the red light that the man's eyes reflect shows us that this man is not just a human being. I don't know what the hell it is, when I'm surprised that a man exists.

"- My name is Ilzar. Help Nakshatra the Demon King, one of the Demon Generals."

At the same time the words are audible to the ears, they all fly back and open their time as they were played. The same goes for Mizuki, who can't say he's still used to the battle. Sure, we've been bounced.

By the emission of Ilzar, by the mighty force.

Can't you believe the fact that the Demon Gentleman and the man in front of you are not connected as if? Firay squeaks like she asks why.

"A demon general...? No, more than that, how could I be here..."

No one answers that question. A frightened seeping voice just echoes in the void. Such folds, as Graziella remembered something,

"Well, what happened to those who were in the temple?

"Oh, they'd be rolling over there. I've eaten some of them, but most of them have been appropriately decorated, so maybe there's still someone breathing."


"I ate, you say?

Titania and Graziella raise their voices of surprise to the shocking words in Ilzar's mouth. Look at the look on the faces of those two people and give them a look like Ilzar is hard to understand.

"What surprises you? Didn't I tell you earlier that you were all food?

"Are you a people-eating demon?"

"Right. I'm not technically a demon... well, I don't care about sacrifices. More than that. There's got to be something called Sacramento here.

The gaze that can be directed is sharp. My gaze turns into my hand, as if I had been given an order too. When I thought it was gone, it was too late.

Ilzar acknowledges that Sacramento is in Trinity's hands.

"Or so. I heard it was a weapon, but is he wrong...? Well, give it to me."

"No, I can't give you this"

That's what Trinity says, pulls out the sword of Orihalcon and walks out a step forward.

"Stand before me or sacrifice."

"I'm a brave man. Brave Trinity."

"Well? Are you a brave man? If you say so, you can still feel the power of the goddess."

When he is surprised that Trinity can feel something like that, Ilzar speaks of not listening.

"... but you don't seem to be familiar with it yet. It's too early to eat."

The whining of Ilzar was worthy of war. Fear of predators is a potential fear that exists in any creature. Something that looks like a human has eyes that only see people in food. Rajas was certainly strong, too. I had fears then, too. However, the fear I have of this Ilzar is of a different quality.

What I recall is the story of a monster I found out about in books and such at a very young age. Many of the monsters depicted were communal, like they didn't know why they were afraid of such things, but I remember being more scared of the occasional 'monsters who eat people'.

Same as that. Fear of predators, even human beings, is more difficult to exhaust than any other fear.

Titania moves out as Trinity is trapped in a slight tremor.

"Master Reggie, I'll cover you!

"Okay.... Mitsuki! Mizuki, stay back as long as you can! This demon clan is dangerous!

"Ugh, yeah......"

I make sure Mizuki falls back, and I peek at the opportunity if I don't step in between Ilzar.

In the meantime, the chanting of a beautiful voice heard from behind.

"-The tree. It exhorts my enemies, the serpent born of Mori Luo. Now it is time to obey our will and destroy those who are strong in their irrationality. Solid Snake Bind Murder"

The moment the spell is cast and the key word is released, the perimeter of Ilzar rises, and the thick trunk stretches from the ground. It's the magic of the wooden attribute. Trees that have grown to envelop them from the surroundings show a twitching motion, as if they were serpents, entangling Ilzar's arms, feet, and torso.

Pretty powerful magic. The trees are still growing, and not only are they trying to capture the subject, but they are about to crush him to death. This amount, hard to shake off. Eventually, the stretched trunks are intertwined with each other, forming a single tree. I can't see Ilzar anymore.

And the one who exercised that magic.

"Mr. Firey!?

"I can fight, too. I'll cover you now."

"- So cover is, it's not even gonna help the shit out. That's cover. You really think you can handle it when it's just a tree?

Such a squeaky, squeaky voice echoes. The Lord of his voice belongs to Ilzar, who should now be in the trunk. The powerful magic of an elf that should be reliable is knocked down to the bottom of the earth.

Moments later, a thunderbolt struck the cave and a sudden red lightning tore down the trunk of the tree.

From there, Ilzar appears with his neck ringing for a long time.

As if nothing had happened.

"- What?"

"It's not working..."

Firey's surprising voice overlaps Trinity's impatient voice. Shortly afterwards, Ilzar, who unraveled his sobriety, gave him a frivolous look as if he had got a boring job.

"Let's start with you."

"Huh -?"

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Ilzar shoots through the filay with his gaze, waving a chain of thick red gold that was wrapped around his hips. The chain of red gold stretched, ignoring all the laws of mass and exercise, and hit the filay with red lightning.

"-The tree. Protect me with its budding power! Little Forest Banker!"

Before the filay, a few thick tree columns stretch diagonally up towards the ceiling. The tree pillars are not only thick and weighty, but also constructed by dense magic, so they seem more robust than they seem. And because the wall you could do has a slope on it, it's doomed to attack from the front - it should have been.

"I thought I told you. Just like a tree."

The chain with the red lightning broke through the tree pillars lightly as if there was no obstacle whatsoever. And I couldn't hold my hair for a while, and the chain wrapped itself around the filay in a joke.

After that, it was an instant. I don't even have time for her to react. The filei, clutched from the chain, floated into space less easily as Ilzar wielded a chain with red lightning, rubbed, smashed and finally thrown into the surrounding rock walls many times.

Struck against the rock wall, Firey bounces like a ball and flies to the rear of Trinity.

"Mr. Firey, no..."

"Huh, Mr. Firey!

Mizuki rushes over and begins to do restorative magic on her.

Ilzar, on the other hand, does not take action. It's like waiting for this one to turn its teeth. I'm not saying why. There is so much difference in power that the other side doesn't have to turn to attack that Ilzar doesn't make him doubt his victory.

Trinity now heads to Ilzar, who stands at ease. Stuffed with a little slip of foot, but stuffed with an intermission, Ilzar doesn't move as if. Aren't you going to peek at the lead?

Trinity is instantly slashed by Ilzar as she walks up to the impending time in a single flight.

It's a slaughter. Aim at the shoulder mouth of Ilzar. But...



Orihalcon's blade is lightly stopped as the word suggests by the left arm, which is put out with a bare gesture that it has been lifted gently. Despite his complexion without any protective equipment, he couldn't even get a blade through a single sheet of thin skin.

I wasn't out of hand. It's a blow all over you. But it didn't work at all. Even Rajas would not have been able to play a sword attack without boosting that dark power, as if to mock it as meaningless.

Seeing unprecedented results, Trinity stops moving for a moment with surprise.

Shortly after, it was Ilzar's right palm. No, it's a nail. A nail stretched sharply enough to remind me of the blade strikes me as if the size of my hand were about the same.

There, he put out the sword of Orihalcon in an aggressive manner.

"Gu, gu..."

One hair at a time, stop the nail strike. At the same time, terrible forces penetrate the body and fall backwards. Its power is such that a winding gust blows dust. Without the protection of Yingjie's summons, stopping would have died from being beaten to death by a gray rock.

"Can you react? You're weak, you waste your foot scratches..."

"Ma, not yet..."

I take advantage of my tall height and push it in. The horrible force rested on both arms, and Trinity's body, shaped to be sandwiched between Ilzar's hand and the ground, began to sound ominous with the bones under pressure. My feet plunge into the ground in the stone cave.

I can't escape. The power of Ilzar is too strong to reciprocate, and it is best to indulge. There is no sweat or cold sweat on my forehead. A nasty sweat spills out.

If you notice, the magic dawn from the rear. It's the magic of Teatania's cover. But because of his low power, Ilzar didn't even turn his gaze, and he kept looking down at Trinity with cold eyes.

But the magic of the wind is unleashed, but Ilzar doesn't seem to get stunned at all when the magic hits him. Teatania groans bitterly at the sight of it.

"Damn... magic barely works..."

"I will. Your Highness Titania, help Reggie."

"- Oh, I see."

When Titania agrees, Graziella, who came forward, unleashes her magic.

"- It's dirt. It is the crystal of my tyranny. Shatter it with turbulent authority. And be a glorious tablet."

A chant echoed in the cave, and then Trinity was grabbed by Titania, who had come close at some point.

to Titania, who turned his hand from behind to his torso and took the shape of a hug, Trinity said,


"Master Reggie! We'll do everything we can to flush it out! Leave the rest to me!

"Ugh, yeah!

Trinity obeys Titania's words honestly and shifts her pressing Ilzar hand to the side using all her body power. Immediately after, Trinity's body remained caught by Titania in a lateral direction. Ilzar's hand was slammed to the ground and Graziella's keywords were unleashed.

"Crystal Reid!"

Numerous pieces of shattered pieces of raised permeable plaster (Serenite) reach the body filled with gaps in Ilzar with shell-like acceleration.

Soil magic has a different power than other magic because of its weight. And the tip of the released debris is sharp and pointy, so it works for the body of the meat.

... It was supposed to be.

"I can't even do this power! You monster!"

A number of the debris that stood against Ilzar's body made noise and fell on the spot as the motion was attenuated. Rubble of permeable plaster (Serenite) that disappears after remaining magic. Ilzar's body doesn't have a scratch on it.

"- It's dirt! It is the crystal of my tyranny! Shatter and scatter with turbulent authority, sharpening its vanguard like a sword! Scattered praiseworthy tablets are the tombstone of a glowing sword! Crystal Reid Refine!"

What Graziella said was a different spell than the earlier magic. The raised permeable plaster (Serenite) is all sharpened as long and thin as a sword, and with Graziella's arm of payment it reaches Ilzar.

"How about this!

"Pfft, no matter how much you shoot in magic or anything, you're useless, woman! Ahhhhhhhhh!!

Just before the permeable plaster sword (Serenite Sword) reaches Ilzar's body, it emits such loud voices that it could break his ears. Sound waves that shook through the stone cave smashed everything created by Graziella's magic.

"Gu...... stupid! He said he paid for magic with only his voice..."

Ilzar's gaze captures her as Graziella groans. Graziella, turned to kill and force, hurriedly jumped off the spot.

"Ku...... bad place. Divigi Connectivity can be used here..."

A bitter voice to be whined. Graziella's hand at transferring large masses cannot be used because the place is a place. Though she moaned for not being able to give her full strength, and therefore tried to back off.


Did Ilzar recognize him as a prey because he turned his gaze? His leap overtook Graziella's retreat distance and stuffed him all at once.



"Dear Reggie!?

After witnessing Graziella's crisis, Trinity leaps away from Titania's arms and bounces out. I'll leave you to your body, under Graziella. My brain rings an alarm and my body accelerates to the crisis of my peers.

After stepping in, Ilzar's right foot is kicked out. Graziella's desperate face. Voices of Titania or Rui Tree. Slap a sword through Ilzar's legs trying to kick Graziella in the face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

It feels as if even a chunk of metal was struck. Because of the opening of my power difference, I can't beat my legs back. However, the power diminishes somewhat. That was the judgment of Trinity's aggressiveness.

The moment he exhausts all his powers, Trinity lets go of Orihalcon's sword and jumps onto Graziella and leaves the scene.

Roll down the ground with a hugged Graziella. He flew with all his might, and yet sheltered Graziella, so he struck his back on the ground again and again.

When momentum shreds and stops, Graziella, who understands what happened, shouts.

"Fool or you! Why did you help me?

"Why, because it was dangerous, follow me..."

"Not at last! You're a brave man. You are! What are you gonna do with me?

In the midst of pain and shaking and a slight blurring of consciousness, I think Trinity is an unexpected reprimand for Hufu and the unattended Graziella. I thought I'd just say things that insult them, but the truth is, they've duly argued for the need and priority of the brave.

- I'm sorry. Those words come to my mind with nature and Trinity. It was not only against Graziella, but towards Titania and Mizuki, who believed in themselves and followed me, and the important people who were not here. Needless to say, the reason for the apology.

I threw the Graziella in my arms.

"You fool -!!"

"Master Reggie!!


That's it. The moment I was so convinced, there were horrible signs approaching behind me.

"Protect the woman! It's a boring way to end this, brave man!


die. That's when I was so sure, suddenly a blue wind blew in front of me.


When he wondered if Ilzar had made a surprising sound, he flew backwards like he hated "something". Turn around immediately to see how it looks. And it was Titania, who stood with two swords crossed, who broke in before himself and Ilzar.

"Huh!? Tia!? What a sword..."

"That's all there is to it, Master Reggie! Now do your best to back off!

Happily noticed in her words, Trinity leaves the spot.

Only then did Titania cover her mouth with the collar of her coat and put her sword backwards. I thought maybe the arrow tip, Titania disappeared from her sight, and the instantaneous movement appeared behind Ilzar and was slashed.

When Ilzar, who sensed the signs, turns around, Titania can disappear from the spot again without a sword strike. And again he appears behind Ilzar, another sword strike. Now accompanied by fruit, Ilzar also takes the sword out to defend the chain.

"Chi, just..."

The annoying Ilzar voice. And also, Teatania disappeared.


It was such a naive feeling to be squealed out of my mouth without trying.

Teatania is moving to flirt with Ilzar. Even with the motion vision gained with the protection of Yingjie's summons, her movements are finally to be seen. He pays off the bouncing chains of red gold with his sword, enters into his nostalgia and continues to strike two swords.

In contrast, Ilzar's actions were evasive. You say you've taken your own sword strike, but you don't want to hit a Teatania sword strike, you're carving steps to escape the blade. Moreover, because Titania's sword strikes draw unique slashing lines like arcs, they seemed to have to move significantly compared to that of normal slashing to avoid.

The slaughter of Titania will not stop. Poking through the gaps in Ilzar, she rose.

A cross slaughter that was struck down shortly afterwards captured Ilzar's face - the landed Titania flew away.

Mithril's sword did look like it captured Ilzar. But...

"Even though there is no protection for the goddess, it's a much better fight. And..."

The slaughter captured only one piece of the skin on Ilzar's cheek. Ilzar watches to make sure that despite Titania being in front of him, he wipes his fingers invincibly with that blood.

"I didn't know the wound I'd been wearing in a long time was just human."

"Don't lick it!

"But ever."

A roaring teatania rushes through the rock walls, while Ilzar waves unconstitutionally. Is that a sharp claw slaughter? Moments later, the slaughter of five articles, identical to the number of fingers, struck rock skin, forcing Titania to stop her legs.

If you look, the chain of Ilzar rises and its tip splits into several strips. The tip of the divided and spread chain became an anchor and pierced the ground to surround the teatania.

Is this, nevertheless, a chain cage?


"-! It's dirt! Surround me with a strong fence! After this life, there is nothing left to pass through! Roam Wall Rising!"

Shortly after Teatania's chant, a dirt wall forms between her and the chain, and a red lightning strikes. When the dirt walls are wrapped in bright red and pitch-black extinction, they eject the dirt mass with repeated thunderbolt strikes, even collapsing easily. Teatania's appearance was exposed and her appearance was invisible due to the white smoke that rolled up.

"Tia, ah, ah!

Trinity screams at Alankari when she is not turned off by the sound of lightning. But there is no word to return the call.

"Liar, no..."

I hear the mixed whining of Mizuki's despair. Everyone on the spot was breathtaking with the same hunch she had.

... What you can stand in is white smoke with red lightning. Red lightning is a powerful attack that easily rips through the magic of Firey. With that decent, no one thought it could stand in the body of Titania, which was luxurious and without the protection of Yingjie summons.

But when the white smoke cleared, she appeared on her knees.

"Ma, not yet..."

"Did the defense make it to your hair? But..."

Chains fell off the ground and tangled teatania. As it is, she is thrown to the rear of Trinity Two to shake off even the disturbing feathers.

"but ha...... ah"

Titania was struck hard by her body in a state of immobility. The throw seemed to be preceded by a pedestal with the relics left by the tyrant, and the book blew away with the impact of Titania being struck.

Its destination is at the feet of Ilzar. It caught my eye and interest, or Ilzar tries to pick up the book.

It was the filei supported by Mizuki who saw it and shouted.

"It is!

"What? What's wrong with this?

"Oh, don't touch that!

It also sounds like a guiding cry, but it's not. If it's what Firey talked about, he says anything that touches that book will be just like a tyrant.

I can't imagine what would happen if that were the case with the demonic generals.

"Well, I'm sure this isn't a very good idea."

"If you know..."

Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Please. She tried to say that, but...

"But it's not like I don't remember these kinds of arrangements."

Without wishing, Ilzar said so and picked up the book. But nothing changes. Ilzar was only correcting the fitting, and nothing like Firey said happened.

"... why not. Touch it, keep it sane, etc…"

"As for that, I guess this would be my prerogative. Nevertheless, I didn't know there were other powers similar to Zechariah's..."

Ilzar groaned so sensibly that he bracketed the book in the chain of his hips.

"Let's get this. - Now the only thing that can move properly is you, the brave man, and the woman in the back."


Ilzar alternates between Trinity and Mizuki and approaches. It was easy to defeat Titania with Graziella and that fierce battle. It's a monster, too, without a multiplier.

I don't have a sword in my hand right now. I let it go earlier, so I'm handless. To shoot magic, I don't think it works. Totally, I was on vacation.

"... Reggie, you take Mizuki and run"


"If you, the brave one, are hit, there will be no ex and no child. I'll stop him. Go."

"So, but"

When Trinity hesitates, Titania, who was up, also follows Graziella.

"Lady Reggie. His Royal Highness Graziella is right. It doesn't matter about us. This place escapes."

"No! You can't leave us all!

"Don't worry. We also have His Royal Highness Graziella and Lady Firey here."

"Reggie, you do what you have to do. What happens if they take that weapon now and kill you? If the castle of the brave collapses in one corner, the Demons will gain even more momentum."

"Yes, but"

"You must be ready. that we must abandon others. Everyone here is going to die for nothing."


"Worst. Run away shielding His Highness Titania"

Graziella peels off her octagonal teeth at. I would have shown you some spare time, but in this situation it only sounded like a sad resolve.

"Have you finished your calculations before you die?

Shadows approaching Eagle Deep. It's for me, Reaper. Who you are now, who you will never win. Do we have to run? They're right. Even if you think you don't like that, there's nothing to forgive that selfishness.

"No -"

That's where I find out. No, there's still a Sacramento I left behind before I pulled out my sword, he said. But I don't know if I can use it. I can't think of any wording that would wake up this weapon right now.


Feeling helpless, bite your teeth. Voices of Graziella and Titania rushing to go. An anxious looking look at Rui Shu. I hear whispers from within me as I am compelled to make brutal decisions. I was wondering if I could run away here. I wondered what I would do if I couldn't wield my powers right now. I was wondering what I would do if I couldn't help.

This was the only way I could talk right now. Therefore, squeeze the Sacramento strong and strong.


"Wake up... Wake up.

That was unexpected audio myself. It must have been the roar of the soul that resisted destiny, of those who were forced to make choices.

And Sacramento responded to the crisis.

When a pale gem set in the center of the ornament gives off a flash of intense brilliance, a gentle blue ripple is released to the surrounding area. If I noticed, everything around me had turned black and white and stopped moving. Mizuki, Titania, Graziella, Firey, and Ilzar are no exception. It had a strong colour flavour, as time became monochromatic and stopped, just as only myself and Sacramento were not the only ones to do so.

Eventually, the blue ripple returns to the gem like a rewind.

The ornament in his hand had always turned into a blue and white sword with a cold glow on its blade.


The shape is a slender long sword. Though it is a sword, unlike the sword that is commonly seen in this and modern worlds, cutting tips and cutting blades do not look like metal even made of white magnets, and the central sword body is beautifully designed with a blue colour as if it were a work of art made of bamboo. The grip is a spicy grip composed of white and blue colours, with both wings of white magnetism and white double circles floating between the sword body and the grip aligned vertically whether they mimic the guard. And at the center of that circle, the blue gemstone filled it with lightning, crystals, and brilliance.

It is as if it will snort as if it were a weapon of the future, but it can be said to be an ancient work of art.

The stunned voices of Titania and Graziella echoed behind the current world of weapons.

"Master Reggie!

"Reggie, you..."

Trinity was also caught in surprise, and if she casually looked back, she could see that Mizuki's face was brighter.

Immediately afterwards, when I perceived the signs and jumped away, a huge chain of red gold passed me where I had just been.

"Hmm. So he said armor. I see there are some interesting things..."

Ilzar leaks such a long feeling, but with no slight glimmer in the sharpness of his gaze.

Trinity turns Sacramento to such a demonic tribe with no change of attitude all the time. Then Sacramento sucked up his magic as if to react to Trinity's will and began to move.

Each of the white circle rings, which was parallel, inclined diagonally and oppositely, sprays up from the wings of the white magnet as a steam of magic accompanied by pleasant cold air and particles crept through the arms, conveying a tremor as if the internal combustion engine had begun to move.

Is that uncontrollable tremor the pulsation of the sword itself, or is it your uncontrollable urge to wait now to wave?

A magic formation with a blue glow is depicted at the foot. When he waved his sword softly, the cut air froze blue, crystallized, and scattered in shatters.

However, the crystals chain up and freeze the air and ground ahead. The reaction does not involve intensity. Compared to the magic used by Titania, Graziella and Firey, it was relaxed and made me feel no power at all.

But the gentle power was immense.

"Ts -!?"

Moment after moment, Ilzar, who was ahead of the crystal arrived, jumped off the spot, perceiving some finesse. The tip of the chain of red gold, which failed in time to evade, freezes blue, and splashes. Chains that have broken through powerful magic are easy.

"Crystal Sword Ishar Cluster......"

What came to my mind was the name of the sword. Firey said freeze everything, but that's a mistake. Perhaps by the power of this sword, it took the form of being frozen.

... But for some reason I can see slowness in Ilzar's movements from earlier. The current realm of the sword, the exercise of power, I should have made a long gap in that sometimes, but for some reason there is no sign of poking that gap. Is that an alarm that the strong can afford? Trinity grips the grip of the Ishar cluster firmly, even as she wonders, and leaps toward Ilzar.

"Huh? Huh!?

At that time, it was surprising that Trinity had emanated from her mouth. Joining the body during the leap is an acceleration I don't remember. Right now, I was jumping more distance than I thought, faster than I thought.

Such, eating bubbles while in the universe in behavior beyond control. As it is, Maz flicks in the air and pokes his left hand at the landing point, braking his legs wide open and pushing them to the ground. I can't cut off the momentum, and I scratch the sand backwards when I have to...


Don't hit the wall, breathe relief. And then I realized I was full of gaps.

"Behind you!?


To the stunned voice of Ilzar, Trinity raised her voice of confusion. If you realize it, you're turning your eyes round with surprise. It's as if you've seen something you don't expect.

Seeing how it goes, no way - and speculation raises his voice. I was wondering if I wasn't the only one surprised by the current move. I was wondering if I heard a surprise late because no one could react. From earlier on, I was wondering if Ilzar would be delayed in reacting if he did because his senses are somewhat accelerated.

Focus your gaze on Ilzar's movements with that guess in your chest. The indicative Ilzar movement feels slower than earlier, falling to such an extent that it can react sparingly. And somehow I stopped feeling the desperate power difference I had until earlier because of that movement.

Take the chains of red gold that strike and fly in the Ishar cluster. I feel the weight on my arm, but the force was attenuated so much that I couldn't compare it to when I got my nail shot earlier.

"This is the power of this sword -"

"... I see. Until he gets to Zechariah. I didn't expect to raise the power of sacrifice enough to fight for once."

I can feel the surprise in Ilzar's voice, but I still said I could afford it. Sure, I don't remember the difference in desperate power, but I still have a sense of being relative to the strong.

This place should liberate the power of the sword. That's how Trinity cuts, poking her thoughtful Ishar cluster cutting-edge on the ground.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

With the roar, the magic is sucked rapidly by the Ishar cluster, and the blue ice pokes up like a giant crystal mine, enclosing Ilzar erodes the stone cave. Ilzar also fights to break the red lightning with clumped chains, but the blue ice spreads from the crushed end to the chains that crush the blue ice more and more frozen.

I can do this. I can get fat. When Trinity thinks that...

"- Huh? Huh... hey, what...?

I got a glimpse of my sight on the lid. It's as if I even woke you up from standing up. My knee laughs out to go with it and flutters like my body is out of strength. Then blue ice bumps like crystal mines smash and scatter and disappear.

"Dear Reggie!?

"My body... my magic sucked..."

"This power. Naturally, magic will take it. So you were an extra weapon."

Yes, that's why Ilzar is approaching as he vomits a dialogue like he found out.

Rest in peace, it's not over yet.

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