Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 123: 123 Mr. Teatania, falls to speak

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............... a while later, Graziella asks her after Refill returns.

"So, what's going on? What about the body of the Divine Prince?

Seriously though, he hasn't lost his laugh yet, and Graziella is smiling lightly. To her like that, Refill said, "Mussu!" and turned to a childish mumbling face,

"There's nothing else to say. Hmm!"

Now Trinity asks Lephire, who turns away from his face.

"But Mr. Refile. You seemed like a lot of inconvenience when you got smaller before, didn't you?

"Yes, though. It's not like I'm completely out of power like I was before."

To Refill, who explains to Trinity, Graziella, who laughed,

"But if it shrinks,"

"Is it also a complaint, Your Highness Graziella"

"No, no, that's not true. Rather funny. Whatever. Can you face the Cathedral of the Empire on a regular basis with that look? If you do the Divine Son of the Spirit in a cute way, the faith of the faithful will be more serious than anything else. Mainly protective appetite. Heh, heh, heh..."

Graziella makes a faint laugh again. Probably imagined that "little refil being given up in the cathedral" look. It must be shown as something interesting to her that is related to Refill.

"Absolutely not! Isn't that a spectacle!

When Refile rejected the suggestion, Graziella turned serious,

"What now. Whatever the language, it's a spectacle, not to mention the powerful and celebrities. That helps, so why don't we do more?


It's true. I can also see that Refile no longer carries on two sentences. No matter how little good an impression you have of the word spectacle or condition, it's never bad because it actually works well by it. This is not the case with our mood, but we have no choice in terms of famous taxes.

"That's adorable, though. I can't imagine it at all from what it was."

"Shut up! I look cute too!

Refile disputing just Graziella. Meanwhile, the other faces who were listening to the exchange were putting the "that way" penetration into their minds.

"Suimei! You'll owe His Highness Graziella, too! Defeat His Highness Graziella here! Burn it down without a trace!

At the end of the day, the Divine Son starts to stand up on the chair and say noisy things. You want me to settle here? Exactly to that Refill's radical remarks, Mizumi also has to be pulled off.

"No... that's as much as it takes"

"Aren't you on my side!!

"I sometimes say refi is impotent...... hey, what do you do about it?

That's what Mizumi says, look at Graziella. On the other hand, Graziella, the one who was sent gaze, says, shows dissatisfaction in an attitude that does not regard the Royal Family of Shuiming as royal.

"You're still a lousy guy, too. I'm still the princess of my country, aren't I? You don't have the civilian depths of being careful what you say?

"I don't know if I can get a better attitude from someone who's been in a fight."

"Right. I can only imagine my back popping up when I'm used to respecting you too."

Watching Graziella smile provocatively at, Shuiming puts a blue muscle on her forehead.


"Suimei! Do it! I'll give you permission!

With the water bright tinted, now the refir hitchhiking at it. This never goes on. Troubled with other faces except Io Kuzami, who is laughing delightfully, Trinity broke in on behalf of him.

"Hey, Mizumi, keep it down here."

"I'm not..."

"Mr. Graziella, too, right?

Triju, who whispered a cat, smiles at Graziella. I guess he'll forgive him for it and let him retreat. But that's how easy it is for Graziella.

That's what everybody thought.

"... well, yeah"

Graziella withdrew. Extremely light. Shuiming and the others, who thought there was a little more interaction between them, round their eyes to unexpected developments.

"... what? All right, all right, all right. Look funny."

"No, I left lightly..."

"Is that bad?

"I'm not saying it's bad..."

I still don't fall for it. Earlier, when she retired from herself, it was because of the smaller state of Refill, but I couldn't get enough of Shuiming that Graziella, who seemed to hate losing the basics, would be so easy on herself.

If you say you have any idea, it's Trinity, and Graziella at the moment is showing some restlessness...

"Huh? What is this? Maybe he attacked Trinity again?

"Yes... will it be"

"Hmm. Don't"

"Hey, when did you attack..."

Hearing Titania and Io Kuzami reply, Shuiming exhales in confusion. It's the usual thing in a way, but I couldn't hold my frightened breath.

Yes, the Mizumins don't know much about it, but since the end of one case in the Autonomous Province, Graziella has become quite fond of Trinity.

Although Teatania, who knows what the situation is, was somewhat dissatisfied with one bump and "Master Reggie won't help..."


"... it's going to be a lot further now, but why are you here?

Really even more so now. When Mizuming asks Graziella about it, she frowns suspiciously.

"What? You're not listening?


Naturally, even if they say so, Mitsumi has no idea. For him, it was pungent at the time Titania told me to let him through.

On the other hand, he seems to know the circumstances. If you're in Trinity, you look like a fool.

"Is that it? Didn't I tell you?

"Hey, haven't you heard? If there's a reason, explain it properly."

"Suimei, Her Royal Highness Princess Graziella went with us to the Autonomous Province."

"What? What the hell?

"It's because of the obnoxious goddess's announcement and her doing. After you left the capital, I was told to accompany Reggie, so I came here today."

Graziella says so and explains the situation again.

Having also been briefed on his history of accompanying him and on joining this discussion, Shuiming asked Graziella as he roared with his arms together on the chair.

"... I see what's going on with you here. On top of that, is it okay to hang out with us?

"I don't have a choice. I have to kill more than I am a public servant. If you have to, even if you don't want to."

"Well, I don't mind if you're convinced."

That said, Shuiming puts his gaze on his own people.

"Oh, I don't have anything special to think about."

Fermenia shakes her head to say there is no panning. I guess it means she shouldn't pinch her mouth, her subordinate, more than the princess of her own country is patiently welcoming in.

Meanwhile, Refill returns a dissatisfied gaze. I know you don't like what happened earlier, but can't you be more selfish than Graziella said, "You have to kill me"?

"Again, it's Graziella Filus Riseld. I know I won't say hello to you guys, but remember, I'm with Reggie."

Graziella introduces herself so briefly and turns to Liliana.

"Liliana Zandaik, it's been a long time since you've been here."

"Shabby, we are"

"Twelve, if you want to go back to Youjie, you can always keep your mouth shut, okay?

"No, I'm not going back,"

"... well. Well, that's the only way."

When Liliana shook her neck wide and sideways, indicating a strong rejection, Graziella withdrew without eating down. From that light attitude, I thought it might be like a social dictionary, but I got a glimpse of an unfortunate atmosphere somewhere, so I guess I wanted you to come back inside.

As you can see from that competent Liliana, including Rogue, the holes that could have been pulled out were probably big enough not to be overlooked.

"So, how far did you go with the story?

It was Trinity who answered Graziella's question.

"I'm done talking about Ilzar, the Demon General, and the Mizuki."

"Right. So you're saying you're on time for that story?"

"Is that it?"

To Graziella's abstract words, Mizumi tilts her neck.

Then Trinity answered immediately to that.

"That's why we went to the Autonomous Prefecture."

"Oh, is that what the brave man left behind?"

"Yeah. This is it."

That's what Trinity took out of her chest pocket was a silver trinket.

It's a one-wing badge with blue gems embedded in the center. It's like a design reminiscent of a foreign medal, and it's a pretty refined substitute for making it.

Refill, who sees it, looks surprised first.

"Reggie, what's wrong with this little thing?

Her doubts will be natural, too. Because from the context of the story, it was the flow of showing weapons after words. But what he took out is a small ornament that doesn't seem like a weapon in the end. Now I can't help but tilt my neck at other faces, including hers.

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"Mr. Refile. This is what they say the brave man left behind."

"This is it?

"... Lord Reggie. It just seems like an ornament to me, but does it also have any mystical powers?

To her question, Fermenia, who said that she was extremely confused, Trinity gave her a face that was difficult to say.

"It certainly seems to have mystical powers -"

Trinity, who was explaining to Fermenia as she stared down at the ornament, looked up as if she noticed something. At the end of that face, like a frown root, is the rugged face of Shuiming.


"No, that's a weapon, isn't it? Why is that such an accessory everywhere?

"Oh, yeah. This is what changes. To the sword."

"This isn't..."

Mizumi, exhaled in vague breath, rubbing her jaw, straightening what was on Trinity's palm. I will examine it as I change the angle.

To him like that, Trinity explains with a rugged face.

"I was wondering why it was a decoration when I first saw it, too. Surely this turns into a weapon. I have no idea why that's happening."

When I finished saying it, Trinity apparently noticed that his surrounding gaze was not an ornament, but a gathering on himself. Show me, that's my gaze in anticipation of turning it into a weapon.


"I'm sorry. I can't let a weapon change me."

"What do you mean? You affirmed that turning it into a weapon meant you could turn it into a weapon, right?

"Yes, it is, but it seems like there are conditions to change it, and I was only able to do it once then."

"The White Flame Palace. It was in the midst of a battle with the demonic generals that Master Reggie was able to change this weapon. We were being pushed to a disadvantage at the time, but when Lady Reggie screamed, it suddenly changed..."

"As soon as I was able to turn this into a weapon, I stopped feeling any difference in power from the Demon General. I was so desperate. Attacks are now well visible and can be taken..."

"If I could turn it into a weapon, did Reggie suddenly get stronger...?

I guess Refill didn't come pinned much about his enhanced physical abilities. Her question was answered by Graziella, one of those who watched.

"As far as we could see, perhaps the weapon is also endowed with the ability to strengthen the power of its owner. Please manipulate other special forces. It was exactly what they deserved to be called a brave weapon."

That's what Graziella tells me while she exchanges a convincing nod. I guess it means that around she doesn't tear up, the strength of Trinity since she turned it into a weapon impressed her so strongly.

But when it came to faces other than Trinity and the others, I was still half-hearted - rather than feeling unrealistic. But that's natural, too. I don't think Trinity and the others are lying, but what they actually showed me was the ornament, and the key 'can't be turned into a weapon.

At first glance, I often said it didn't go as far as a hundred stories. Word-only information is no match for visual information.

Then, Fermenia looks next to him and peeks into Mizumino's face.

"Lord Swimey?

"Ho, this is it..."

To her inquiry, the murky sound of the watering light returning a beat late. It creates an atmosphere of outsiders somewhere while viewing the weapons left behind by the brave. But that seemed suspicious to Titania.

"You may not believe this, but everything you just said is true. After Lady Reggie used it as a weapon, I also easily overwhelmed the struggling Demon General..."

Does Teetania, who speaks so, recall the majesty of Trinity, with an inadvertent look on her face? For what I said earlier is somewhat different, there is no question that it is flourishing with the delusion of a maiden, whatever.

So it seems that Trinity flickered something, pounding her hand.

"Speaking of which, I just remembered, you could also use a sword called Tia. I'm surprised you're so strong."

"No, not so much..."

Teatania returns a sobering humility as the conversation continues. With that in her mouth, did she notice?

"- Ah."

What I end up mouthing is a shuddered voice just saying it's gone.

On the other hand, Shuiming, who had been stopped from doing so, could not forbid her from being too dumb.

And the girl who made such a scene, speaking, was upset and upset in front of Trinity II. Right-to-left is very scarce, deceptive, and the words are not well spoken.

"Oh, no, that, that..."

But unlike her like that, Trinity shouts a happy voice.

"I wish you'd told me first if you were so strong already. I'm almost an amateur, so I was hoping you could tell me how to stand around."


Of course Trinity isn't blaming me, and it's not because she received that she blamed Titania for being out of line. It was important for her to find out that she had already had a leapfrogging mysterious equation in her head: 'Strong as a swordsman = old woman = hated'.

Graziella looks strange in Trinity with a shivering teatania in her ass.

"You, didn't you know His Highness Titania was strong?

"Huh? Did Mr. Graziella know?

"Naturally. Anyway, Her Royal Highness Titania..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Don't say that!

Titania stuffs herself with a tremendous voice and momentum to Graziella, who is about to say who she is. To her like that, Graziella turned a cold gaze,

"I don't know what you're hiding for, but I showed you that big stand around. Is that it now?

"So, but..."

Taking the pointer, Teatania mumbles. I guess being resistant means you still don't want Trinity to hate you. I also feel nasty, but maybe it's uneven so the surroundings are filled with air I don't really know about.

I guess Fermenia's unclean appearance as a subordinate was complicated. She opened her mouth to explanations.

"Lord Reggie. Her Royal Highness is one of the Seven Swords. Seven Swords is the fourth largest swordsman here in the North, with two names: the Light Slash Princess."


Shh, teatania turns so bright blue that you're likely to hear the sound of blood drawn. Finally, they know. She looked like such terrible despair was about to pass on, but Trinity's reaction was a good one.

"Wow! Tia was so amazing!


…… What's the matter with you?

Trinity asks back strangely to Titania, who raises her voice as if it were unexpected… Here we finally found the cognition, and we were both patting each other up.

Titania asks for confirmation.

"Fuck, Master Reggie? Oh, uh, don't you think a grandmother or something?


"'Cause it lacks sophistication to use a sword to bravely slay your opponent... you know, a greedy woman"

"Yeah, that's not true. Tia's sophisticated, isn't she? I'd rather respect you."

"Ho, is that true!?

Titania brightens her face when Trinity says "yeah" to the question.

Meanwhile, Graziella, who watched the interaction between the two side by side, sarcastically distorted her mouth,

"Your Highness Titania's eyesight is also sweet. There's no way a man trying to defend someone by standing up from that demon would see a woman as a tool to satisfy his desire to dominate. And if all the women who can use their swords make a scene with their wives, they'll be the princess of the temple right there, right?

"You're not putting me out to pick me up!

Refill raises his hand and giggles at Graziella, who comes with a mocking gaze. It was totally just fine.

Mizumi, meanwhile, says to Titania, greetingly and loudly shouldered by the Europeans and Americans.

"That's why I told you before. Trinity said she didn't care."

Then it was Trinity who returned the answer to it,

"Is that it? Did Mizumi know?

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sort of. After they almost killed me, they shut me down."

"... what? Did you even have a fight with Tia?

That's what Trinity asks, and she turns a frivolous gaze around accusations.

It was Titania who began to panic about it.

"Hey, it's nothing! Is that, is it called a disagreement between me and Swimei, there was an error in recognition...... a lot. Well, a lot..."

Yes, the duel back then was set up from Titania in the first place. Whatever good reason you have for that, you certainly don't want them to know because you pointed your sword at it.

But Trinity seems to have made a mistake in Trinity II,

"Uh, Mizuming pissed Tia off, didn't he?

"Ha? Huh!? Why am I so bad!!

"Because, Mizumi, when you came to this world, your teacher was pissing you off, and you did something about it again, didn't you?

Trinity turns a suspicious eye. To him like that, Mizumi tried to argue.

"When could I have pissed off Tia then! You didn't swing like that!?

"But I can't think of anything else... and I knew Shuiming did something before I realized it. Why don't you apologize?

"That's why we've already solved that case!... Are you sure this is your fault Tia?... Tia?

There was no response to the first call, and Shuiming calls again, but Titania is in the ghost sky,

"Hehe hehe...... Master Reggie has no problem with a strong woman... nothing to be scared of if you know she does. Whether you're a Demon General or a Lover, I'll cut you all loose..."

Teatania is squeaking her swordswallowing solitaire with a dark grin. It is as if it had been received even by heaven's will, but the noise is extreme. I'm letting go of the danger that makes the background look dos black, again, what the hell.

Triju, on the other hand, watching it, had a pulling grin,

"... I'm not sure what it is, but I think I'm very motivated... right. Is this supposed to mean that the mistake has been resolved?

"... maybe"

Shuiming exhales with a loud sigh to encourage a change of subject. Honestly I don't care about this story anymore, I was already in the right mood.

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