Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 124: 124 What we have to talk about sooner or later

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In the subtle air, fu, things stood from the entrance to the living room.

When those caught by the small sound of crunch turned their eyes simultaneously, there was a cat there.


You're calling it, scratching the slightly open door crunchy, appealing to its existence, as if you'd notice.

What happened to this cat? It doesn't seem to be the kind of gesture I want you to take.

Liliana, who is most familiar with this, seems to have guessed it as soon as possible.

She turned to Trinity.

"I have a favor to ask you, brave man."

"Huh? To me?

"Yes, the cats, apparently, are hungry, so I'm going to give them dinner, and I want it"

"So you're calling me? Uh, yeah. That's all right..."

Trinity II shows its willingness to do so. I can read the thought of why I am from the end of the word, but I guess I nodded because I had no reason to say no. Your friendly personality is the shape that held your back, but you can't deny that you're still a little confused.

So Fermenia raises her hand.

"Lord Reggie, I'll give you the cat's dinner. Lily, okay?

"No, why not? I want you to. The cats seem to be interested in Raj."

"To me?

"Perhaps the protection of Yingjie's summons has something to do with it. The cats must feel divine power."

I heard about Liliana, and Trinity turned to the cat and said, "Is it okay with me?," said the cat stuck to the door, "Nah!" and replied well. Trinity let go of her face for that overly adorable look, and she just received a feed from Liliana and rolled out to the outside.

... If you don't hate cats, there are people who aren't happy that cats like you. Trinity seemed happy without exception.

Liliana frowns and squeals some time after Trinity like that leaves the living room.

"... a little too forceful"

Graziella opens her mouth to words that make her smell behind it.

"Was it still intentional to let Reggie go"

"Yes, because there will be difficult stories when there is a Raj. Originally, with Mizuki, I was going to ask you to leave..."

With that said, Liliana turns slightly towards Io Kuzami on the side. After all, a suspiciously full glance was emitted from her narrowed eyes.

But where does Io Kuzami wind,

"Don't worry about me. Right. I wish I thought of myself as a sacred statue so beautiful and divine that I could never help but give it up."

You're telling me not to worry about it, but what about even that? If it seems true, I can't help but be loud in my eyes. It's like exaggerating yourself, but I guess the point is, you sit down and listen. Shuiming was pointed by Liliana's gaze of confirmation, "Is it okay?" she nodded and showed accordingly.

"... So Lily, was the cat planted earlier as well?

"Yes. I also cooperated with the cats and got them. I should have told you first."

Liliana snorts at the question of Fermenia. So at the beginning of the discussion, did you go to the cat? I have to say that there is no action that looks to the aftermath.

Then, when Liliana,

"From me, may I?

Apparently, she wants to talk to me. When the surrounding ears and eyes gather, Liliana begins to speak in her usual interrupting tone.

"We were talking about the weapons earlier."

"Liliana. You must have come to the conclusion that you don't know about that?

We have already finished talking about weapons earlier. Liliana pinched one word on such a teatania point: "No..." and turned to Shuiming.


"Awesome, when we talked about weapons earlier, it was appropriate to reply a lot."

"Hmm? Really?

"Yes. Does Sumei know about that weapon?

"What makes you think that?

"When we were talking about weapons earlier, Shuiming's attitude was blatantly appropriate,. Besides, if you look at something you don't know, you should seriously think about it. It wasn't like that, it took a lot of attitude."

I guess it's definitely something I know first. I raised my hands to Liliana, who has poked such sharp reflections, to say that Mizumi was a surrender.

"That's Liliana. Look closely."

"Liliana Zandaik is one of the Empire Twelve. Naturally."

For some reason Graziella puts in a supplement here. I guess you want to say that imperial talent is competent. It was annoying Shuiming who was a little proud of me, but whatever.

"It's a little different than anything I've ever seen, but that's Sacramento, isn't it?

When Shuiming says, the expression of Titania and Graziella changes as it should. You must have been surprised that I mentioned it because I had not spoken of the official name of the weapon in my previous stories.

Fermenia asks first of all among the Mizumins.

"Lord Swimey, do you still know about that earlier?

"Well, once... really once. It's called Sacramento, the weapon of our world."

The more Shui Ming doesn't seem, the more he puts in a prefix that lacks confidence. So Graziella, who was showing surprise, opened her mouth,

"Does that mean it's still your world's weapon?"

…… What do you mean?

"I knew in advance that it was a relic of the brave, but it seems that the name of the other item that I gave away was named in the language of your world. So I came to the conclusion that perhaps not."

When Shuiming nods a little strangely, "Really..." Graziella continues to ask.

"What is that?

"I don't care what you ask... Simply put, it's an amazing weapon that uses another mystery than witchcraft. Being that owner, he can manipulate the uninterrupted force with less force... Apparently. Well, from what I've heard, I think I've seen what kind of power it is."

As Shuiming talks, Lefir pinches his mouth.

"Suimei. I'm sorry to break your hips, but is it by your standards that you have no choice?

"Mmm... well, you do. That's what happens. As I was saying, Trinity, the inexperienced, overwhelmed the demonic generals who didn't send Tia or the Imperial princess."

"I see. Considering that you made further leaps for Reggie, who has the protection of Yingjie's summons, is this what Swimei said?"

I guess Refill went further in and listened and folded the facts together because he knows from the character of Shuiming so far that he understates himself. When Shuiming looks sinister, she snorts just saying she deserves it.

"But Swimey. What kind of communication does that weapon have? I don't think that power is the norm, no matter how much?

"That must be Sacramento's - no, the shattered bluebird that's in it."

"Lapis Eudyx?"

"Does being fitted mean that jewel?

To Graziella's inquiry, Mizumi nods, and begins his usual descriptions.

"- There are things in this world called stones of the wise, stones of the philosopher. This is an all-purpose catalyst, which is also known as chemical gold stone (Lapis) because it can transform lead and other humble metals into gold, and in our world making this is considered one of the reaching points in alchemy."

"Give me the money!!

"Make it!?

"So, Lord Swimey! That means that that jewel embedded in Sacramento is that!? - So you can use that to generate all you want gold!?

Now the color of the eyes of Titania and Graziella, who heard the speculation, changed. Whether Fermenia found pure potential as a wizard about its outrageous mysticity, the other two, as rulers, would have found its usefulness, as well as its dangers, in producing gold.

But Shuiming shook her neck to the side,

"No, that's something else from that alchemy lapis"

"Is it not?

"Well, listen. In covert science, there are supposedly three types of things named Lapis. These fall broadly into the brackets called lapis, all of which are likewise considered lapis because they produce more with less work or catalyst. Lapis Philosoform is the stone of the wise, the treasure of alchemy. A blue liquid filled with the Holy Grail, said to revive the dead and transform the living into immortality, is Lapis Lapis Exilis Coelis - or Lapis Exilis. So, one of them was just him."

"Shattered blue blue (Lapis eudaix) ……"

"Yes. The ancient man spoke and said - his apostle bought the wrath of God by pride, and was made to fall from heaven to earth. From the crown that was supposedly worn at that time, it is said that the emerald, which can leave the demon, peeled off, and that which faded and became blue became its crushed blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue

"I mean, is that the product of God in the world of Swimei..."

"No, no, this is just inheritance. No way, it was made by God. I don't know where whoever made it first, but it's definitely a hell of a mon............ no, nobody can make alchemy lapis anymore, so can't you deny that God made the original over there for real"

Shuiming mutters to herself after she denies Titania's words, but it's not a mistake, either.

So, fu, Io Kuzami, who remained silent until then, opened his mouth.

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"Hey, my rival. Don't you have all the answers you can't boil down to? There's a lot of" seemingly "on the end of the story from now on, or is it conclusive and less of a word?

"I'm a doorman about this. I have little idea what it came from or what it was made for."

There is no means of finding out about Sacramento or the shattered blue blue blue (Lapis eudaix), and there is no material describing it in the library of the ancient castle (Altschloss), where the Order is based. I don't know at all if it has been lost over the years or if it is even more like a secret thing, so Shuiming has little knowledge of this.

Fermenia makes a rugged face with her mouth saying she doesn't know Shui Ming.

"Hmm... is that something even Lord Swimei doesn't know..."

"No, no, no, no. Even I don't know anything."

"But you, from what I've heard, do you know anyone else who has it?

"Oh, that certainly is. Yes... I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

"You don't know exactly what you're talking about?

To Graziella, whose questions raise and make her face more rude. Shuiming looks difficult and nods "Oh".

In the meantime, he noticed something in that statement. Teatania opened her mouth.

"Speaking of which, Lord Firey said that, too. I was explained to my former owner, the brave man, but I wasn't sure."

"I knew you were..."

Shuiming has also heard few stories about Sacramento from its owners. But most of the things I heard were for some reason unheard or spoken.

Anything to listen to, the mystery associated with Sacramento - that is, knowing information such as concepts - seems to require conditions such as literacy.

Then Graziella also seemed to remember when she heard from the elves,

"Surely the temple elf said it was built to avoid the end of the world."

"The end of the world?

"Oh. There's no mistake because we were all listening. Unless that's what Elf remembers."

You wouldn't be wrong to hear it because Shuiming nodded as he turned his gaze to Teatania.

But - I didn't know it was built to avoid the end of the world.

Speaking of things that come to mind with Shuiming about it, there is only one thing.

"Is that related to an end-of-life event (Twilight Syndrome)...? No, I've heard of him knocking down some assholes with that one... but he didn't say that..."

When I asked someone I knew with Sacramento, I didn't say that. I don't think there's anything that the man doesn't know about Sacramento, but fulfill it.

"Swimey. Is there anything else you know? For example, how to use Sacramento as a weapon."

"Oh, you've heard of that. I heard the language nearby to use as a weapon, but I couldn't hear it."

"So what else?

"Sacramento needs qualities that can understand the mysteries associated with it, and strong thoughts, he said. It also takes literacy, but Sacramento is the first time in the world with strong thoughts of its owners... no, they can arm it"

"Strong thoughts…"

Teatania doesn't come too pinned or she's making her face look rude and roaring.

Io Kuzami, on the other hand, seemed to notice there,

"Sometimes you'll think of thoughts. At that time, my fiancée exhaled strong emotions. Probably succeeded in forcing Sacramento to arm himself."

I guess there was a part of Io Kuzami that I was good at talking about. Both Titania and Graziella nod as convinced.

"If you have the qualities to handle Sacramento in Trinity, then you'll know it's natural. I'm losing my verbatim, because I don't have the means to know first."

Shuiming pinches such a slightly optimistic prediction, then asks.

"How was Trinity after I put Sacramento back together?

"It's not particularly different. As we talked about earlier, it was temporarily stronger."

"Were you only getting stronger while you were fighting..."

"That's right. But even then, it snapped quickly."

"I guess......"

Sacramento is said to be a magic eating weapon and consumes constant magic and vitality during use. The mystery of the shattered blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue In the end, there is a lot of magic that is needed because what we can actually do in Sacramento is uninterrupted.

There is indeed the protection of Yingjie's summons in Trinity II. The enhancements are eye-catching, but you can still tell from the magician with the magic furnace and the owner of Sacramento over there that they are still there. With his magic and health, which is still in the process of improving, I guess it's something he can't cover.

In the meantime, Fumi Ming shuts up.


"What's the matter? Lord Swimey."

Fermenia asks Shuiming, who suddenly became quiet.

He didn't respond immediately, but after a while, he went to answer something and hit it, sighing like a given up view, similar to the idea.

"... no, I thought I'd have to talk to the guy from Trinity."

"Well, that's"

"Are you saying you are a magician?"

From the abstract narratives of Shuiming, Lefir and Fermenia were able to observe. On the other hand, it seems the same. Teatania has turned to a clear face,

"Now it is."

"Ah? That's the same kind of dialogue he was messing with earlier?

"Come on, what is it about?

The princess of the swordsman, apparently, is going to do something she didn't. Graziella, unaware of the circumstances, turns a bitter face to Teatania, where Mizumi falls on a blur,

"Why didn't you tell Trinity before?

"That kind of information was originally a lesson to hide. What I didn't even mention here was the remnants of it."

"But if you're in this world, isn't that what you'll find out sooner or later? Especially if you're looking for a way back to the world you took. We'll talk when we get back in the end."

"No, I should have left it hidden through, completed the magic formation of the return and justified it properly for the three of us to return. It's up to Trinity and Mizuki to go home once and see what happens after that. You can stay in the other world and come back if you're untrained."

"I see."

What Mitsumi was thinking was expanding his options. Originally, Shuiming, Trinity and Mizuki were called at their own convenience on this side of the world. I was at a disadvantage in my position and had few options to choose from.

But there's no more bending over what he once said than Trinity decided to do a demon king crusade, and you can't scorn the rest of the world. Therefore, if you decide to go back to the original world and come back again, you can calmly look at it and choose again.

Returning to the original world, it doesn't seem very interesting, Teatania. She turns to a slightly insurmountable look.

"Swimey. why are you changing your mind now, etc?

"That was it earlier."

"Is that... is that Sacramento?

"Oh. If you even get a mon like that, that's right. He can't turn back later, either, can he? If you go back over there and leave me alone, don't stick your neck in something funny, I'm sure you'll get caught up in it. If you're gonna take care of the Order, you're gonna have to find out who I am after all."

As we were able to return safely to the original world, perhaps because of Trinity's character, we are certain to be involved in mystery-related matters. If humans who can't shut up and watch people's misfortunes acquire mystical power, they naturally have feathers that stick their necks in many things.

Somehow the others will find out about that. He shows an indescribable face that says yes.

"Lord Swimey, are you going to speak soon?

"Hmm. No, I think I'll make that step-by-step..."

Refill turns a frivolous half-eye at the water that creates a teasing grin.

"... Suimei, you're a heck of a bitch"

"Ugh, shut up, Mr. Refile! I don't know what else to do!

"Awesome, no tricks in the weird part,"

To Liliana's words as if they were slogans, Shuiming didn't even make a sound.

Then, when Graziella,

"It doesn't matter to me about you or anything like that, but you don't have any concerns about making a difference because you didn't teach Trinity or Rui Tree?

"Mizuki will be somewhat angry, but to be honest, Trinity is... well, you'll draw on the circumstances. He's not such a narrow guy. Sure, it's hard to say right now..."

I have anxiety about what I say. Regardless of the burden on what you were hiding, it's about the harm of knowing it. The main premise of having to keep witchcraft secret from ordinary people is also that it does not allow ordinary people into mystical matters. Humans are often creatures attracted to mysterious things, and if they know it, they become more aware of the existence of mystery and more easily involved in dangerous things.

Because of that, I never told you when I was in the other world, and I never intended to.

But there will be no denying that I was shelving the problem I said so and sending it forward. That doesn't mean I'm going to be the winger to pay for it, because that doesn't accumulate dissatisfaction or distrust in Trinity II, but there are some earlier reasons, and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of concern about talking.

"Oh man, this is what happens in the end..."

After sighing, Trinity, who was healed by the cat, returned with a hokey face.

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