Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 78: 78 Clashes on the street

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The Fermenians who collided in the streets and the Graziellas had now moved the battlefield to the square near the northern gate of the Imperial capital and had fallen into an adhesive state.

The battlefield is now lined up on the north and south sides, making it a magical shootout. The fact that the war-torn Fermenia unleashed the magic first, followed by Rui Tree and Titania opened the magic would also rise to the factor. Bordered by an invisible line around the square, he fought avoiding prominence except for the two of Trinity and Elliot.

Chanting in the square, and the sound of destruction and bursting. The brick layers crumble and fly, and the magical remnants of the flames illuminate the night there.

Fly command to the knights as Titania shoots magic at soldiers and wizards.

"We all shoot magic without putting it between us! Luca does the magic of defense! Roffrey, squeeze the front line while unleashing magic!

Teatania uses magic to suppress the soldiers' front lines while dodging flying magic, and repeating defenses, twisting forward. Such approaches her, Mizuki, who has finished shooting the magic of the flames.

"Tia! I don't have to turn to defense either ⁉"

"Leave this one to me! Mizuki, as always, shoots in the magic of the fire attribute to make a mess of it!


To the command of Titania, Mizuki replies and shoots the magic of the flames around the soldiers again. You can't just hit it directly, so you don't have to restrain it.

On the other hand, the opposing soldiers and wizards, but they are still hard to do with Titania, they can't shoot big magic, and they can't even go into melee because they know the strength of Titania, one of the seven swords. Her surroundings are hardened by your knights and her defenses are strong.

The magic of the water is unleashed on the trees that shoot in the magic of the flames.


Mizuki, with a water bullet, turns in the direction she immediately flew. Krista, Elliot's companion, was moving away from him and putting Rui Tree in the ray.

And, hair intolerable, Krista casts a spell.

"- Water! Thou shalt be a rough water mass, gather and play! Shoot, Aqua Vulet!

"- Wind! You are a strong shield that protects me! Play everything before that fierce vortex! Voltex of stacles!"

To protect himself from multiple flying water bullets, Mizuki casts a defensive spell. Heavy airflow flows into the front from multiple directions, forming a vortex. The water bullets that flew into the vortex were scattered and bounced.

Nevertheless, Krista chants again and releases a water bullet (Aqua Bullet).

"Hey, hey, you can shoot in a few of those often ⁉"

"Naturally! I'm El Maiden's special magic cleric.

Christa was on her way back to Mizuki, who cried to the water bullets flying around her. Mizuki unleashed the magic of the flames with no chant, evaporating all the water bullets. A flame landed on a brick laying explodes in a luxurious manner.

"I'm sorry! Because if you're a strong person, you can't be much help or anything!

"That's the one who was summoned with the savior brave, I'll do it."

"Yeah. Thanks for the compliment"

Two people exchange praise and gratitude, like enemies of friendship on the battlefield. Seeing them like that, Teatania shouts a frightened voice between shooting magic.

"Why is it soothing..."

It's easier said than done by Seoki.

And on the other hand, the battles between Fermenia and Graziella did not immediately go with the settlement, either, and the one-off offense continued.

From the south side of the square, the earth magic of Graziella is unleashed. But Fermenia intercepted it with the magic of defense. When Fermenia cast the spell, a magic formation emerged at her feet and a wall of magical light was built around her. In a moment, a tsunami of dirt and sand struck Fermenia, and eventually it subsided, there was still intact Fermenia there.

"- That's Lord Fermenia of White Flame. This level of magic."

"Naturally. I'm still the wizard of the kingdom."

Yes, you were invincibly twitchy to stir yourself up?

So far, the battle between her and Graziella has ended in Fermenia defending the magic released from Graziella and restraining her from being able to step forward.

Graziella, who uses martial arts, is not forced to approach either. Fermenia is devoting herself to restraint and defense, and the position she is in is in time for Titania to jump in in an instant. If you accidentally bring it into the melee, you will show one of the seven swords behind you.

Though I'm not willing to use my sword on Titania, there's no way for them to know that.

Besides, they don't look around at the magic of Trinity and Elliot flying around, fighting endlessly around the nearby area. If you get caught poorly in their fight, you could make a big gap, so I guess there's a reason you said that, and the melee is being fought.

Fermenia unleashes magic with a short chant.

"- It's flames! Fly."

"All the magic I lost my mind about earlier -"

Seeing the magic of Fermenian towing, Graziella emits a clapped out voice. I guess I don't feel like I'm fighting because Fermenia has been passive about the attack since earlier.

Graziella receives flames with her body uplifted with magic. The flames hit me decently, but even though I didn't use the magic of defense, her clothes didn't even come with as much burning as my hair muscles.

(Again, with this degree of magic, can we not hope to have an effect on His Highness Graziella...)

Fermenia was weighing the situation. How powerful will Graziella be? And after all, to the extent of easy traction, we cannot make Graziella serious.

(Then it's time)

Fermenia turns a blind eye to Trinidad and Tobago in order to release the secret calculation. What she leans towards is Elliot's magic, not a battle situation.

Ringing across is not the rough sound of steel and steel bumping into each other, but the clear sound as if they had struck an iron harp. The sword and sword were supposed to meet, but what you could hear was a sound similar to the high tinnitus, and that was the longest remaining sound in the square where the sound of destruction sounded.

Either way, only Trinity and Elliot are dancing with their swords on this battlefield.

Only these two are fighting in a magical flying across the border between the south and north of the square. Trinity is up her uniform sleeve and Elliot is in a complete combat position with his armor on.

Unexpectedly, Elliot abandons the shield he had, and when he treats the sword with both hands, he stops the sword of Trinity. And what did you think, in the midst of the twilight, the twitching voice echoed from the back of the barrel helm.

"I didn't know you were going to fight the same brave man you chose."

"I wasn't expecting it either."

The voice returned is somewhat weak because it is with the strength of the sword. Then how could the sword's power be loosened? And Elliot is smiling in his armor, as if.

"Swordsmanship seems to be about as hairy as an amateur, but you're still strong. I have taste."

Trinity asks suspiciously to Elliot, who speaks in a calm voice.

"What are you going to do?

"What, because I couldn't really talk to you. I just wanted to talk a little bit."

"I don't think it's like talking in a situation like this."

"Really? If we don't talk about it while we can, there may be remorse. It's my creed to have a proper conversation with someone I think I can talk to."

That being said, he added words that he did not know whether it was true or false: "Talking to a man takes patience, though".

"Elliot. I heard you were a brave man called in the Holy See, but why are you listening to His Highness Graziella? If you're brave, you don't have to keep asking."

"This is the only time. I got in the fight, and I lost. We have to keep our word."

"- You don't seem very motivated for it."

When Trinity points that out, Elliot says it like a blur and a little fun.

"Come on? I don't mean to?

You're lying.

When Trinity breaks, he laughs and puts on a blur.

"If that's what you think, maybe it is. Even I don't really like to bully girls. Maybe he's unconsciously out of touch."

By girl, are you referring to Liliana? A whistle sounds like it's blowing. And then, while Elliot's out of hand, I look to the side. His squire, the Wizard Girl Krista, also had a verse somewhere that seemed to be fighting to match Mizuki. That means

"You could have, you know, this time."

"- No, I don't know the truth. But there's no way a man with that hot anger could inflict evil for no reason. I'm not a bad guy when it comes to wearing things down for girls."

"I'm not evaluating that guy anything," Elliot adds.

"But that's why I'm not going to lose to you, is it?

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"Naturally. It pisses me off the other way to get that far"

Trinity and Elliot finish the conversation, stopping and leaving each other. Elliot moves a little dull and the thunder with the sword begins to weaken. I guess physical strengthening and granting magic effects time is about to run out.

I saw it, Trinity.


Are you expecting backup? But her opponent is that Graziella, isn't she?

Tell Trinity II, who shouts and signals to Fermenia, that Elliot is dark impossible.

Meanwhile, Fermenia, whom Trinity called upon, was listening firmly to his voice. And as I say it fits on top of that, I build aggressive magic against Graziella, who is still at a distance.

Fermenia enters the spell chant as she puts the magic formations to life at her feet, creating a knife stamp and drawing up an inverse pentagram.

"- What I desire is before the storm of majesty. The wind. Blow it out. Raise the cry of despair. It's all in front of me. I can't stop trying to do everything..."

After the chant, which leaves an intoxicating aftertaste, the magic formations show even more brilliance, with gusts scattered all around the surrounding area around the depicted six-mangle stars. Fermenia unleashes her keywords as she flips from the scene where she puts herself in tranquillity, allowing herself to be nearly blown away in that too strong wind pressure.

"- The wind of the devil!

Compressed air was released and intense shock waves hit the perimeter. The trees lean against the pressure, and the magic of the flames, the magic of the water, and the magic of the soldiers all blow up with every brick laid.

Graziella, all alone with the shock of Graunec Air, but overtook it.

Graziella acts like she looks like she's taken the damage, but still can afford it.

"- No, no, it seemed like an insult. White Flame Palace. I didn't know you had these hidden balls."

"Again, do you want to take it..."

To groaning Fermenia, Graziella releases herself to say "no matter" and dazzles her insulting gaze.

"The White Flame Palace. Isn't it time your lord ran out of breath?

"You say it. But your Highness can't catch me, either. With such a neat use of magic, you can't beat me for life, can you?

In its provocative words, Graziella floats with joy, but it doesn't even seem interesting.

"- Aren't you going to say. If the thin princess of slaughter hadn't been watching us, do you know that she would have strained you? And I've seen you fight in South Square."

"If you do that, I won't be able to defeat you."

"Fine. If you say so much, taste my magic."

Graziella, no longer overwhelmed by Fermenian provocation, appeals to the magic of the metastasis she had spared so far.

"- I beg. Fly in more than the other side, and look invisible to this side. My call diverts the world from cotton (epilepsy) and inseparable reason, and becomes a force to jump over any principle - open it! Devigi Connecti!"

Along with the keywords, the boundaries of the night sky are distorted and obscured as if twisted. Fermenia, who sensed the transfer of a large mass, screamed first.

"Coming! Everybody, evasive action to the safe zone! Please exercise all your magic after evading!

To match that voice, Titania and the accompanying knights who were around it, Mizuki, who was shooting magic at Krista, and Trinity also took a distance from Elliot.

Immediately after, a rock mass emerges from the sky. Modest in size than when in South Square, but a sufficient threat. Besides, Fermenia dares to exercise her full powers.

"Let the wind tell you so much! Come to me with that flame that looks wobbly! My voice. Deliver! You, white-dyed Isim! My voice. Deliver! Shake off all your calamities, Isim! Bacillitis!

Fermenian bamboo flame flies towards the rock mass. He was subjected to magic to burn the subject that Mizuming had him rebuilt, and the rock mass burned out regardless of its temperature.

"The magic of the other day! But not to the extent that it was more than a single shot, it didn't stop us!

With its rough words, Graziella, who once again chants of metastatic magic, again invokes rock masses into the sky. And you do a continuous exercise, you don't stop spinning words.

And Trinity on the other hand...

"Reggie. Apparently, the princess of the Empire is up to her mind. It's going to be decided over there."

"I don't know that yet."

"Hmm -? I'm not sure the rationale for that word, but is it also a measure? Well, fine. If there is, it's none of my business. We just have to make up our minds over here."

With that said, Elliot applies further enhancement to the Goddess's sheltered body and chants the spell.

"How much, Reggie. I praise the Spirit of Knowledge, and I praise him more. Thunder, show me how sharp it is. Blade Discharge!"

Shortly after the sound of the key word disappears, Elliot's Orihalcon body thunders and an electric shock is emitted from the protruding tip.

It should have been (...).

"What -?"


It was oddly from the same faction that that bewildering surprise was emitted.

The voices that spoke were Elliot and Graziella.

Elliot just chanted a spell of thunder, but the magic didn't work.

On the other hand, Graziella, who should have unleashed magic on Fermenia, is also black-and-white about her magic not being activated for some reason.

Failure to exercise magic occurred on Graziella's side in good time.

And it was Elliot who was the first to be affected by that underdevelopment. It was a magical exercise in the midst of cutting ties with Trinity, so soon Trinity packs the distance. But...

"- Tz. Sweet!

Screaming Elliot. Yes, the distance still had his share. From a situation where magic is unavailable, switch instantly and unleash a thrust towards Trinity II.

But there Trinity kicks the brick with her leg running towards Elliot. Elliot, whose sword laid the flying brick, was deflected from the track of the poke, and Trinity, who ran in, was struck.


"but - Huh!?

The pattern of Orihalcon's sword in Trinity struck Elliot's side of the head. The impact rolls Elliot's body on the ground twice, three times.

"Dear Elliot!

Krista screams in Trinity's ear. But without being distracted by it, he heads straight to Graziella. She has Fermenian measures to her credit, and she still can't use magic. Fist in haste, but against the sword that was shaken, it was too late.

"To be disrespectful, I apologize first -"

Apologize first, then bounce the fist in time with the belly of the sword and hang the foot payment as it is to defeat Graziella. On her throat with her buttocks, Trinity poked her sword.

"We won."

"Stupid...... this is what..."

Is Graziella's surprise relative to the fact that magic is no longer available than Trinity's declaration of victory? Still she's confused.

And he turned his neck toward Fermenia, as he asked for the answer.

"What... why can't I use magic anymore!? What kind of magic did you use?

Besides, Fermenia,

"I don't use magic that makes me incapable of using anything else. The only reason I can no longer use magic is simply that His Highness Graziella has overused magic."

"I overused it, so... stupid, I didn't wake you up out of magic or anything!

"It would. However, the magic used by His Highness Graziella is not based on the magic of Yingjie Summoning and is therefore not magic using elements. Because of this, His Highness's magic has no place in the shoulder of the element, greatly increasing the hidden entropy of the field, and the Magic Melt phenomenon has occurred."

"Yes, it's coming... seriously... what's that?

"A covert entropy is a measure of a state in which certain places' elements trying to establish mystical laws' and 'elements trying to establish scientific laws' have become messy. If this increases too much, the processing power of the procedure will not be in time, and the Magic Melt phenomenon will occur and the magic will no longer be activated."


"But that never happened before, did it? Because after using the magic of transferring boulders earlier, they never used the magic of increasing entropy -"

Fermenia, speaking to Graziella, recalls when she was taught this phenomenon by Shuiming.

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