Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN)

Chapter 79: 79 The end of a long night.

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"- On the Magic Melt Phenomenon by Hidden Entropy Limits?

To the question of Fermenia tilting his neck, Shuiming begins to explain again.

"Yes, as I said earlier, increasing entropy in the field makes scientific results more volatile, but if you increase entropy too much in a certain space and within a certain amount of time, magic can become unusable."

"Is that happening?

"Yes, the magic of the world over here, the elements are replacing me with a series of mysterious acts that bring magic to life. The occurrence of 'elements trying to establish a mystical law' has been suppressed and there will be no significant increase in entropy. Because that doesn't happen, I don't know."

So Shuiming goes back to explaining.

"When there is a sudden increase in entropy in a space, the dwarves' fight becomes intense and loads not only on 'elements trying to establish scientific laws', but also on 'elements trying to establish mystical laws' because of their increased quantity"

"But if you do a mysterious act to use witchcraft, that 'element of trying to establish a mystical law' increases, so you can interpret it as easier to use witchcraft that increases entropy, but not?

"If we produce too much at once before the elements are scattered all over the surrounding space, we hitch each other on the spot and even dwarves of the same kind interfere with each other. I mean, it makes it harder for dwarves to move, and they can't do magic."

Shuiming explains with a painting on the paper, adding what he has just said.

"Magic is thought to be activated by the power of dwarves of its invisible elements. So, it becomes a lot of microscopic (micro) thinking, but there is going to be a dwarf" working time to activate magic. "The more entropy in the field, the harder it becomes for dwarves to move, the more it will eventually affect the exercise of magic."

"Does that mean you can wait until you activate the magic?


"But how does that make magic unusable? If you wait, if you assemble the magic, the magic will be activated over time."

"If you doubt it, you should try to remember the basics of doing magic there"

In the words of Shuiming, which prompt rebellion, Fermenia thinks in her mouth, based on what she has just said herself.

"Basics, is...? This story is conceived on the assumption that it is established magic in the first place, so it doesn't make it unusable otherwise - ah!

"Got it?

"Time...... right?

"Yes, you're right. Magic is activated by performing a mystical act in a determined combination, a determined procedure, a determined time. Normally I don't even care because magic activates as soon as I do those acts, but in fact this' time to activate 'is added as well. If it takes a lot of time from assembly to activation, it will naturally break the rules of time that were set there, so the procedure that was supposed to be assembled will disappear."

After the exposition, Shuiming says with an extremely serious face.

"So that's the magic melt phenomenon."

... Yes, if the conditions for activation cannot be met, then naturally the knitted magic will be wasted. Of course, there is no problem with the continuation of the effects of pre-exercised sorcery, but pre-activation sorcery is really restricted. Predicting the compression of that entropy, keeping the magic waiting until it is activated, and adjusting the set amount of time is an easy solution, but many people don't care that much.

"As I said earlier, modern magic theory has a notable increase in entropy within a space. In accordance with the theory of great unity, which is the theory of the great book, we accelerate the increase of the elements in order to mix the sorcery of a wide variety of lineages to create a faster and more effective sorcery than normal. When we use magic without thinking about modern magic theory, this phenomenon occurs and we can't all use magic."

"So the great magic of results is that there are limits to what works."


Shuiming, who consented, puts it in a lot of ways, as if this were a miso.

"So, what matters is that the magic used by that dangerous woman is also a big magic with consequences that greatly increase entropy."

"Sure... that was the metastatic magic Lord Swimey said in the world"

"That's right. You've been watching, haven't you?

"Yes. That was a few procedures, too, and a quick one to activate. Modern magic theory is not used, but still that too?

"Yes. It takes less time to activate, but it's actually just that you're drawing magic formations into the lining of your coat beforehand. It does not turn into a magic trick that metastatic magic is difficult to physically perform. So."

"You greatly increase entropy due to the sudden increase in the example 'Elements trying to establish a mystical law'"

When Fermenia uttered the correct answer, Shuiming gave the flirtatious kid the kind of grin he made.

"That's right. Now you know what this class is all about."

... Yes, what Fermenia has been using so far is witchcraft using modern magic theories taught by Shuiming. The Magic Melt phenomenon is more likely to occur because of the burning blade, which is not as powerful as could have been expected, but because it is a technique that greatly increases covert entropy.

And Graziella is not the only subject to get more entropy. There is no such increase, but so are Trinity and Mizuki, Titania and the knights, as well as the wizards of the Krista and Graziella factions, who have placed Elliot, without the magic of this world, in a large part of his role after Graziella.

His magic tends to increase entropy because there is no substitute for the element's shoulder.

Therefore, the Magic Melt phenomenon is in the range in which it is activated. That's why Shuiming adopted this measure. And so did the measures taken against Elliot.

- You've seen it before, but you remember Elliot uses magic and sword moves in tandem? If either side suddenly becomes unusable, a gap is created. That's where the aim is.

Elliott repeatedly re-hangs witchcraft to multiply his magic and alternates between physical strengthening witchcraft and granting witchcraft. Elliot created a gap by asking Trinity to anticipate that time and speak up.

Graziella finds out or turns to Fermenia and mouths abominably.

"Right. Your strange magic and your magic are no longer available..."

"- With all due respect, I can't answer that question."

Fermenia just slashed and threw away the words of Graziella that she was about to say. There's also Trinity here, an inadvertent combination of answers is annoying to him.

Trinity asks Graziella to blame the loser while Trinity pokes her sword.

"That's settled. Retreat the soldiers, and you stand back, too."

But Graziella snorted dissatisfied,

"Say no."

"Huh -?"

"Are you going to win this? You're just poking your sword at me, aren't you? Are you telling me you can stick that sword in my heart anymore?

To Graziella's point, Trinity says hiding the impatience that springs up within.

"If you want to fight any more,

"No, you can't have a princess of a country in your hands."

It's definitely haphazard. As I see it, Graziella is snotty. Is Trinity's threat unfamiliar with these occasions so exogenous as to elicit defeat from her?

Eventually, from the end of the street, I hear a group rush. Not as shaky as the ground is, but I can still assume there are quite a few...

"Apparently, reinforcements are here."

Teatania screams at Graziella with a provocative grin.

"Were you prepared for a hindsight!?

"Naturally. How powerful is the opponent, and that's about as much to consider? Apparently, the stuffing was sweet."

Graziella laughs invincibly, even as she sweats on her forehead. Trinity tells her that again.

"But I'm poking my sword at you, aren't I?

"Empire soldiers don't hesitate if they give their lives. Besides, the White Flame Lord doesn't seem to have any further plans."


Fermenia bites her teeth. It was also once that Graziella scoffed at such a fall, and she puts a decree on all her men.

"Guys, don't hesitate! Take these men into custody!

Reinforcements respond and the soldiers who were fighting earlier move out. It was then that Rui Shu and his knights were driven to the place where Fermenia was located and surrounded.

"- Graziella Filus Riseld, your lord is the same. That habit of beating all the weak positions, the embarrassment you had before, you no longer forgot?

With the red wind, such a sober voice ran through the street.

Shortly afterwards, a front line of reinforcements that was about to rush blew up as if they had been caught in an explosion.



Trinity and Graziella end in surprise.

From the sideways alley, it was the wind that conceived the red glow that blew him off to beat against reinforcements. The ensuing attempt to dance up and blow up the front lines of troops mixed with wizards and soldiers and rush under the influence had to be stepped on.

Soldiers blown by the red wind do not move. Scattered on all sides, left unconscious. On the other hand, the red wind that drove them into stunning, was wide open so that the entrance to the alley could be seen, of course, around it and on top of the building.

The rising dust is scattered by the red wind.

What could have been there was Refile, who regained his original appearance.

Refill with a sharp gaze at the soldiers in front of him, restocking the sword beyond his height on his shoulders. Intimidation of a girl, who was not even twenty years old, tied her up with threads strung up by soldiers.

Graziella, on the other hand, sees it like that and, no, looks surprised to see Lefir.

"No way... the Temple of Nothias! You were alive..."

Turning to the words, Lefir caught his eye on the two of them and uttered a voice of relief.

"Apparently, you made it."

Soldiers inadvertently freed from the restraint caused by Lefir's gaze, regain their physical freedom and move out as they returned to me. Well trained or soon scattered. The soldiers laid their swords forward, and the wizards who were behind them unleashed their magic in unison in the face of the Refill.


Trinity tells Lefir to scream at them as they face them, but Lefir makes a eagle move and turns back to the soldier in front of him. Shortly afterwards, a bunch of the magic that was shot out arrives at Lefir, but she was there flat as if she had received even a breeze.

"Stupid... magic doesn't work, then..."

Someone in the soldier groaned warily as he represented the heart of everyone on the spot.

Graziella, who watched it, too, with her heart caught by surprise, speaks.

"Of the Divine Son... the power of the Spirit? Are you going to disable it until magic..."

The wizards turn to Graziella. Did they hear the word, too? Refile screams, as he pokes a heartless truth at them like that.

"Did you think the magic of benefiting the goddess would work on this me with the Spirit as my self!

It was the roar that emanated from my mouth. It is a great drink for her, who was one of the generals running around the battlefield. The voice, like charging the atmosphere, gives the skin a puncturing numbness, and refirs to wave the sword up again. Red wind forms a vortex around the sword, as it responds to the act. Eventually, when it was waved down, about half of them who remained, regardless only of the soldiers they were deploying, were struck on the walls of the building, on the cobblestones of the street, by the blasting thick wind caused by the sword.

- It was an intense wave. Everyone on the spot lost their words and doubted my eyes. That's all, the girl who could follow the red wind was overwhelming.

The wind blows from nowhere again. When he blew in from all sides within the Empire as if he had to gather there, and came to the source of Refill, he began to glow red.

Confusion spreads and at the same time a voice is raised as one of the soldiers notices.

"No way, this is Ishaktony's..."

That's what you said, are you sure? The next voice that came out was trembling in war.

"Ah, the red wind that appears in the Alsharia holy myth, it's Azuma... What was swallowed by the red storm is attributed to nothing without exception..."

"Oh, that's stupid!

"'Cause that girl, how about the Spirit herself just now..."

"Oh, hey! Earlier, Master Graziella said something about that woman!

When Refill slams the cutting-edge of the Great Sword to the ground, the panicked and propagated soldiers soak up uniformly to the sound.


Some of them poked their asses on the spot. Refile sees it and opens his mouth again.

"If my Spirit doesn't want to make it and be a rust of swords, make way!!

Once again, the soldiers retreated to the edge of the street, obsessed with Lefir's big drink. Lifesaver. Crawling crawling body, as you say you've found out about the edges, etc. Inside he rubbed his head to the ground and even prayed for the goddess. Those who have missed the escape will be unmercifully blown away by the breeze caused by Refile.

That's what Lephire tells him. When she turned left, the soldiers who were on the left shrugged up, and when she turned right, the soldiers who were on the right shook up.

"Goddess... Goddess..."

"Oh, help me! Please forgive me..."

"This is an order... I have no choice..."

The soldiers were no longer in total collapse. It seems that there are even those who rub their heads on the ground and beg forgiveness from the goddess and the refir.

Seeing as that, Graziella

"Stupid...... I didn't know you were cooperating to the Temple of God of Nosius...... did you see it wrong"

"Naturally. Is it possible that Suimei mispacked or something?

Graziella biting her teeth, before the unexpected result. To her like that, Refile tells her off as if to brag about her body. The story against Graziella is disgusting, but she is in a position to be allowed to do so, regardless of the divine son.

"Long time no see, Empress Graziella. It's been two years since I've seen you before, but apparently it's the same."

"Greetings and so on now… I have also come to warm up the old relationship between Norcias and Nerferia"

"If you know what I mean, you don't even need a condescending forethought. I came here today to beat your lord up with this hand."


"My Akyun..."

With the kind of words you ask for, a red wind gathers in Lefir's right arm. And she had a certain anger in her voice...

"This is for Swimei, who was hurt and had a hard time. Spoil it and take it!!

A fistfight as intense as the auspicious wind struck Graziella's abdomen.


Graziella blows up luxuriously, as if she had thrown rubber. I finally woke up, but still couldn't seem to move satisfactorily.

With a glimpse of her like that, Lefir turns now toward Trinity and the others. And then I looked around at their faces and slightly broke up with them.

Looks like you're all right.

Refill is a body I know, but naturally Trinity and I don't know who she is.

On behalf of all the confusion, Trinity asks.

"I'm sorry, it's a mouthful like I've seen you somewhere, but what about you?

"... you're out of your mind. Didn't we spend a lot of time together?"

With the words, the features of the appearance and her tone, did Trinity finally understand? Picture the stunner on your face,

"Also, could it be Refile!?

"Mm... it's hard to see you getting laid in this, Reggie."

After Trinity II, Mizuki also raises her voice of surprise.

"Yeah, yeah, 'cause Lephile's that little, pretty girl. ⁉"

"Until earlier. But not now. I was just like that for a reason, and this is who I am."

"Reason... what the hell happens, humans get tiny...?

"I can explain, but it gets longer. Swimei, if you say it in style, it's just you."

Teatania, who was listening to it, exhales as if she were frightened.

"It's called Swimei, it's just a lot of surprises..."

Regardless of Refill, Fermenia was also surprised.

"Ho, are you really a refil...?

"You told Lord Fermenia before. That little figure says it's not who I really am. That's what Suimei said, isn't it?

"There's no way you can believe that!! I can't believe people's bodies get smaller! I thought you were joking with Lord Swimey!

"So Lord Fermenia thought me or Suimei was lying? Terrible story."

Refille shrugged her shoulders. To her like that, Trinity said,

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"But how could you suddenly be who you are?

"I've had the magic team ready to go back to the original for a few days. I went back to this earlier."

"That's right..."

Trinity asks, while Graziella moves out.

"... everyone, what are you doing! You are still soldiers of the Empire! Take the sword!

Apparently she had not lost her hostility, to the soldiers still trembling, by decree. Besides, Titania says with a clear face.

"It's bad luck, Empress Graziella. Isn't that a serious act in the general, such as caught in temporal anger and fighting?

"Shut up. No matter how many princesses and braves there are, you and others can use the power of the Empire."

Graziella doesn't admit defeat unless she knows cleanliness. At that time, one person looked up to heaven at some point, Lefir, leaking a sneaky laugh, inquired.

"- Well, then can your lord even look at that one and say that?


Fished by the word, everyone who was on the spot looks up to heaven. In the night sky of the empire, which looked up, there was a huge magic formation painted with a magical light of herds and blues deeper than the starry sky.

Mizuki, who sees it, cries out with agitation.

"Oh, oh, my God! What are you talking about? There's a tiny magic formation floating in the sky!

"Big... how could a magic formation of that size be in the sky..."

Trinity also glances at her surprise and mouths her flashly. Does Graziella have a surprise and voice?

Meanwhile, Elliot, beaten to death by Trinity II, leans against Krista and wakes up.

"While I was losing my mind, something terrible happened."

"Lord Elliot."

Refile says,

"Oh, my God, you look so familiar. You're getting bigger."

"We'll talk later. Coming."

At the same time as that word, a magic wave pushes from the center of the magic formation. From the edge it passed through all at once, like a glimmer of fluorescence, a golden particle rose from the earth and was sucked into the magic formation of the starry sky.

In such a fantastic sight, there are so many little magic formations in the giant magic formations.

Appears, even if it's small, compared to a giant magic formation. Eventually, after a small shake, the imperial capital is enveloped in the light that falls from heaven. The light of the stars overflowed all places, and Trinity and the others were also enveloped in that light, which fell.

Only one Fermenian knew what this sight was. In the royal castle of Camelia, is the magic he used to fight Mizumi, Meteor Fall (Ens Astrale).

... eventually the light will subside. Naturally, nothing happens to those who were on the spot.

Trinity asks Lefir, who was behaving like a translator.

"Refile....... What's this?"

"Is this it? This is the result of Lord Fermenia's assault."

"Huh!? Really, Doctor!?

"Huh? Ah... Yeah, well. It's prefabricating magic... and it's just..."

Asked by Trinity II, Fermenia manages to fix it and coughs it up a little deliberately and turns back to Graziella.

"His Highness Graziella. Your Highness has seen the power of magic. Even if you look at that enormous power, do you still say that about fighting, etc? Your Majesty's soldiers, they look like that, don't they?

Point to the soldiers. They, who had been forced to lose their will by Refile, apparently felt the brilliance of star and air light also in the wrath of God, just laying low and praying to the goddess. I can't help it. You can't even think of something like that being caused by the power of just one human being.

"Damn...... but"

Can't Graziella give up yet? evil and show willingness to disobey. But that decision to give her up was to be made from a place unexpected.

From beyond the dull soldiers, the horseman soldiers appear. Eventually they stopped keeping a neat line, and came out of between the

- Lyla, that's it.

"Ah, brother..."

To the appearance of that person, Graziella ceaselessly. It was Renate Filas Riseld, the first prince of the Nerferia Empire, who also crossed the horse, who manifested himself from among the horseman cavalry.

Renate with the same blonde long hair, monocular glasses and luxurious decoration as Graziella. He turns first to Trinity and not Graziella.

"Excuse me while I ride. Lord Elliot, His Holiness the Divine Prince of Nausias, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Titania, and the brave man whom your Lord called in Astel, Lord Reggie?"


Trinity answers briefly. Not knowing who Renate is, Titania hears from behind that he is the first prince of the Empire.

In the meantime, Graziella shouted at Renate.

"Brother! What do you mean that far?!?

"... meaning as it is. No more of this."


"Lyla, you've made too much noise. Besides, it's important to put the brave and the brave into the ears of the Holy See, right?

"... that's true, though"

That's right, Graziella, too, can't you get out any stronger if the emperor's next powerful brother tells you in this empire? Regrettably, clench your fists on the spot.

"We're out of time. His Royal Highness Prince Renate"

"Long time no see. Princess Titania. You are still in Rin. After all, your lord is a flower blooming on the battlefield."

"I will not flatter you on the battlefield, Your Highness. Anyway, what did you say earlier?"

"Oh, we pull up. But as for the killer..."

And it was a fold that Renate was about to say.

"Ooh, this one's going to be amazing over here."

From one of the alleys of the street, Shuiming shows up with Liliana as she drags at the end of the Romion. Trinity and Mizuki, who saw it, shouted with joy.


"Shui Ming-kun! Liliana!"

"Hmm... apparently, you're done over there?

To Titania, who has asked for confirmation, Mizumi returns it in the same way that she has finished her job.

"Oh, my God"

After I broke up with Rogue, I took Liliana, and she just turned right back. Soon after, Trinity and the others rush over to Mizumi. So Mizuki, who noticed Liliana, a little less energetic, crouched down and hung up.


"... Yes"

"Mizuki, excuse me for a little Liliana."

Leaving that to say, he leaves Liliana with the Rui Trees, and Shuiming takes her to where Renate and Graziella are. And look at Renate's identity, anticipating his position,

"You're wearing a good mon, but you're related to a dangerous woman there or something?

Horse riders colour their jaws in the gloomy water. Soon they try to get forward, but Renate took control of it by hand.

"It's Renate Philus Riseld. What about you?"

"Suimei Yakagi. He was called by the brave man over there."

"Mm... a guest from another world"

That's who I was called with the brave, can't I even get out strong? Against such a renate, Shuiming turns over the romion that has dragged him.

"Look, this is the real killer in this case. Take it... but it's not like I can talk to you anymore."

Lennart flicks his eyebrows in surprise when he sees Romeon discolored in black and no longer discernible as an elf.

"You think this is the killer?

"Oh, I'm going to use the dark magic, and the other way around, it's the one that's taken in. This whole case was set up by this guy."

"Hmm... you want me to believe that?

"No one else can testify. But, believe me, it would fit in circles, wouldn't it? If you expose this guy as the real killer, at least it won't matter any more, right?

To the words of Shuiming, Renate often silences. I suppose you're thinking about whether it's better to set things up any more or to take a lowmion with you adulterely.

"And I'll let Liliana keep it over here"

"You think that makes sense?

Upon hearing the words of Shuiming, Graziella expressed anger and disobeyed, but Renate shook her neck vertically.

"... fine. I'll take care of the real killer, so do as you please."


"Lyla, there are temple princes and valiant halls here. And the magic of light that wrapped the Imperial Capital earlier."

- That's what I said.

It doesn't necessarily sound like Trinity and the others. Shuiming cut this story off by making a statement that he would admit so.


In a series of unconvincing stories, Graziella looks abominably at the water. To her, Mizumi flaunted her shoulders,

"Hmm? Apparently, you couldn't have created the devil."

"... what?

"What? If we can prove that the devil exists in this world, we can reduce entropy. I can't use magic anymore."

That fragmentary unravel didn't seem to tell me in the end, but it seemed to tell her who set up this one.

"... I will definitely return this debt"

"Naturally. Now I'm gonna blow it right up, so fuck it."

With that said, Shuiming will come to Graziella and the others.

And the first person to welcome him was Fermenia.

(Lord Swimey, annoying)

(Looks like it worked.)

(My liver's pretty cold though)

That's what Fermenia says, makes you smile bitterly.

Trinity and the others, on the other hand, took Liliana, making a slight noise around Refill. Now that I'm back where I was, I guess I'm asking a lot of questions. Liliana, who saw Lephire, said, "What do you mean!" or "It's a scam!" and so on.

I talked to them the whole way, Refile, they're coming. Shui Ming gave a pleasant grin to Refill, who returned to the same back length.

Looks like you're back to square one.

"Oh, thanks to you."

Suddenly Shuiming was held tight by Refile, who gave her thanks. And...

"Suimei. Thanks."

"Heh, huh? Huh!?

"I owe it to you to return to my original body. Appreciate it, including what happened in Astel. If it's not enough"

Remaining surprised and upset Shui Ming, Refile goes on to say thank you. Sure, she's right, but being held tight also confuses Shuiming.

Then Fermenia turned a frigid gaze,

"... Refile, wouldn't it be better to be without people if you were to do that?

"Oh, no, the... I'm so thrilled, the..."

Refill turns red and twisted. Where did the usual Rin go, he was so seared by embarrassment.

Eventually, Elliot and Krista come to Mizuminos.

"I didn't think you were the person on the subpoena too..."

"Whoa, were you listening to me earlier? I'm a jerk."

"Which mouth says. Besides, I told you before you don't take me because you can't fight because you're little, Lephile. Where can't she fight?"

To Elliot, who says so in a grumpy manner, Shuiming returns it in a pungent manner.

"But hey, I'm pretty sure I couldn't fight then."


"I'm not lying, am I?

Elliot says with a remorseful look when Mizumi smiles at him for eating people.

"I knew I didn't like you."

"You don't have to hate me. But..."

"Oh, I know. I shall leave this matter. [M]... Still, you just lost something this time"

"Hmm? What, didn't you lose for me this time? You didn't use that on your right arm, did you?

As Shuiming pointed out, Elliot had a terribly bitter look on his face,

"... you were spotting it"

"That's about it. So? You lost, didn't you?

"I feel defeated when I say it to you."

"Right. But I'll thank you this time. Thank God."

When Shuiming honestly spoke out of gratitude, Elliot pointed at her mouth dissatisfied, but was turning pale or red. To him like that, Lephire,

"Lord Elliot. Your lord may not be satisfied with this case. But it was the goddess who brought me and Suimei together."

"Really? Oh, man, I don't know what that means."

And, Elliot spilling words. Can't you just say "stupidity about the goddess" beyond that? I had it fastened just to shake my neck sideways.


"Oh, right. Then we'll go back."

Listening to Krista's urging voice, Elliot turns her back. As it was, they went back to where the Salvation Church quarters were. Graziella and Lennart, too, gathered all the soldiers they had brought and looked like they would return.

Trinity II approaching with the Mizuki trees. To him, Shuiming says.

"Thank you for your help this time."

"Fine. Never mind."

Shuiming and Trinity smashing fists and fists together. The night battle with the coma that caused the Empire was over.

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