Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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                                                                          THE OBNOXIOUSLY LONG TITLE ABOUT A WOODEN DUMMY
                                                                          THAT TRAVELS TO ANOTHER WORLD, BECOMES THE HERO,
                                                                          DEFEATS THE VILLAIN, AND WINS OVER A HAREM OF GIRLS                              



King Fonz leaned back in his throne, his face a grim mask on the latest news from the battlefield. Once again the Lord of Darkness, the vampire Mortem Shade had defeated his forces. Pushing them back, and expanding the territory of his own evil empire. They were losing. And with their allies scattered or broken, they wont be able to hold out for much longer. There was only one thing left they could do.

"Inform the Wizard Pexius that it's time." He told a servant. "We need a champion from another world. We must summon the Hero of Legend."


Just a few more steps up this hill and....there. Finally, I made it to the top. Seji thought to himself as he stopped to catch his breath. Even set on wheels pushing this wooden dummy prop up a steep hill made it heavy. It really didn't need to be, but his friend Ryoichi insisted that this thing be made out of solid oak. And so it was. Round, wooden body, and head with spindly arms stretching out at an upward angle. Designed so they could hold prop weapons. The head had a silly smiling face painted on it, with triangle eyes, and a crescent shape for the mouth. The entire thing sat on a single metal rod with a chair base that could roll around on five wheels. The rod also had a ball joint that allowed it to lean in all directions, before springing back to it's upright position. It also made it a bit harder to knock over. The hip area also had a section that allowed the body to spin around in place, giving it some ability for interaction with the people sparing against it.

There was a bench nearby, and Seji took the opportunity to sit down. His mind wondered to how exactly he was talked into picking this thing up for Ryoichi. The guy was a decent fellow. Even if he did blabber on too much about his fiction. The current fantasy story of his was taking place in a world called Eldenvald, under the threat of a vampire. Or something like that. He stopped paying attention after the first ten seconds. But it all somehow lead to the creation of this thing.

The wooden dummy. That started rolling back down that hill.

Seji turned his head just in time to see the thing disappear downward. He sprang up in a panic, and started to run after it. He didn't get very far before things started to go bad. A family of squirrels suddenly appeared in front of him, and he had to stop to avoid stepping on them. He hopped over them to continue the chase. But that wasn't all that would go wrong. Soon after, an entire Rugby team appeared, practicing their game.

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Seji caught the ball purely by accident as he ran through them, and he had to run even faster to avoid being tackled. But that still wasn't enough to help him catch up with the dummy. He passed the ball to a nearby person as he continued on. Flinching as he heard the Rugby team tackle him in a none to gentle way. He ran through a crosswalk, almost getting hit by a car as he sprinted to the other side.

With a lot of effort, he started to catch up to the dummy. Just as he was about to reach out, and grab it, Seji heard a woman scream. A moment later a baby carriage caught up to him, rolling down the hill along with him. The baby inside was laughing happily at how fast it was going.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Seji said exasperated.

With the choice of either catching the dummy, or the baby, Seji had no choice but to grab the carriage. He brought it to a stop, while the dummy rolled on. When the panicking mother finally caught up, he immediately took off to begin the chase again. Giving her no time to say thanks.

He ran on as fast as he could. As hard as he could. But soon it was too late. He watched in horror as the wooden dummy reached the bottom of the hill. Watched it roll right into the busy main street. All hope was lost, as it rolled into the middle of traffic. Right into an oncoming truck...

Seji turned his head, and covered his eyes. Unable to bare witness to the destruction that came. When he finally looked back up the damage was done. The dummy was destroyed. Ryoichi wasn't going to be happy about this. But Seji did his best to stop this from happening. But who knows. Maybe some good could come out of this. Maybe this would be the wake up call his friend needed to shake him out of wasting his time - and his money - on such trivial pursuits.




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