Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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The King watched from his throne as his Wizard, and the Wizard's three apprentices began their summoning ritual. From his blue robes, long pointy hat, equally long white beard, and magical staff, Pexius looked every part the wizard. His apprentices however...the three were beautiful girls. Each choosing to wear a short cloak style mantle, and a cute skirt instead of the full body robes. They each used a different magical item as well.

Ichiko. With long blonde hair. A white mantle, and pink skirt. She used a crystal ball. Then there was Niko. With short black hair. Large round glasses. A green mantle, and brown skirt. She used a book. And last was Sanko. With medium length red hair tied in a braid. Black mantle, and purple skirt. She used a scepter.

All four of them surrounded the magic circle. Their magical tools held high. Pexius lead them through the ritual.

"With the power at my command I summon you, hero! From another world. Arrive. And be our champion!"

Magic filled the air, powering the summoning circle, causing it to glow in a bright light. The three apprentices repeated their master's words. Adding their own power, increasing the circle's strength. A brilliant golden light exploded through the room. Forcing everyone to close their eyes, and turn away. The magic became so dense, for a moment all present had the sensation of floating through water. Slowly the golden light started to fade. When it died out completely, a single figure stood in the middle of the circle. A smile on his face. Arms outstretched. Wooden body held up by five small wheels.

The ritual was a success. Their champion. Their Hero of Legend had arrived.


"I'm glad you were all able to make it on such short notice." King Fonz said to everyone in the council room.

"Short notice is right." said Kline through a yawn. His interruption earned him a few dirty looks from the others, but he didn't seem to notice. Or care.

"As you know, we're on the brink of being overrun by the Lord of Darkness." The King went on. "But this is about to change. For my Wizard Pexius had preformed the Hero of Summoning ritual. And was successful."

The handful of people gathered there exchanged looks, wondering if such a thing could really be true. If it was it would be history in the making.

"Bring forth the Hero." King Fonz commanded.

The door to the council room open, and the Wizard stepped inside. Behind him came the wooden dummy, being pushed along by Ichiko, Niko, and Sanko.

"Is that really him?" Asked Shiko, the representative of the Valkyrie. She was tall, with long blond hair tied in a braid, and wearing an armored dress. She found it difficult to believe such a legendary figure was standing before her.


"Not much for words, is he." Kline scoffed.

"Of course not." Niko snapped. "He's a man of action. His deeds do the talking for him." She then gave him the side eye with a sly grin. "But I suppose you'd have to be a real Prince to understand something like that."

"You dare!" Kline shouted, jumping to his feet, and slamming a hand down on the table.

While it was true that Kline wasn't royalty. His father was a very successful business man. The monopoly he held made sure everyone in the Kingdom went to him for what he provided. Making him a very rich, and influential man. It also earned Kline the nickname Prince of the Trading Guild.

"I apologize for my apprentices rude behavior." Pexius said, before Niko could respond. "I'll take extra care in training her in the future."

Kline slowly sat back into his seat. "See that you do."

"To answer your question Shiko." The Wizard began, ignoring Kline. "This is indeed the Hero of Legend. And with him on our side the Lord of Darkness will surely be defeated."

"While this is indeed promising." Goko, the representative of the Amazons began. She was a dark skinned woman with black hair, wearing green, and white tribal wrappings. "The Lord of Darkness isn't defeated yet. A demonstration of his prowess is going to be needed. And it's going to need to be something truly impressive to unite the Amazon tribes."

"You are right." King Fonz replied. "It'll have to be something only a legendary hero could do."

He then turned to look at the dummy.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way Hero, but some great deed must be accomplished. One that can restore our lost hope."


He smiled. "You are without fear. Good. Courage will be needed. And you are not lacking in that."

"Do the Elves have anything to say on this matter." The King asked, looking at the final representative.

"I fear it is the same as always." Rokuko sighed. She also had long blond hair. But also wore a silver tiara lined with rubies. And a silver dress that sparkled like star light. "To my father, even this is merely another affair of mortals. And with many apologizes to you King Fonz, my being here is only a formality."

The King gave a nod of understanding. "Regardless, your wisdom has helped us many times before. You'll always be welcomed as a guest."

Rokuko bowed, wishing she could do more. She disagreed with her father's isolationist views. They were all apart of this world after all. And should come together for the benefit of everyone.

"Before our Hero runs off to perform some great deed, I'd like to start with something smaller."

All eyes turned to Kline who still wore that smug grin on his face as he eyed Hero.

"I, personally would like to see your skills first hand."

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"You're challenging the Hero of Legend to a duel?" Pexius asked, incredulous.

Kline waved the concern away with a hand. "There's nothing wrong with a friendly duel is there? Besides he isn't the hero yet, is he?"

The Prince of the Trade Guild then locked eyes with the Hero's smiling face. "So what do you say?"


"Perfect!" Kline said, clapping his hands together. "No objection. So let's get started."


The two squared off against each other. Kline armed with a two handed sword. And the Hero, fitted with a sword, and shield. To the Prince, the Hero looked wide open for attack. Which had to be a trick. The Hero was up to something. But Kline wasn't going to fall for it. He charged forward. And at the last possible moment he changed angles, aiming his attack against the Hero's sword. He was planning on entangling their swords so he could go for a disarm. With enough flourish he could humiliate this Hero. Making himself look that much better.

Soon as their swords connected, the Hero pulled his arm away, his upper body rotating away from Kline's sword while rolling to the side. Kline repositioned himself, aiming his sword for a thrust. As he did so, his sword was deflected by the Hero's shield as his body kept rotating.

Kline frowned. Using his strength, he pushed back against the shield with his sword, spinning it in the other direction. He had to step back as the sword swept by, but quickly moved back in for a strike. Unfortunately for him the Hero's shield was coming back around for him as Hero's wooden body spun a full circle. Too late to avoid or block, the shield struck Kline in the side, sending him stumbling away.

Cursing under his breath, Kline charged forward. Forgetting any form or technique, he launched a kick at the Hero's torso. It landed, pushing the wooden dummy away. The Hero rolled back into the wall, bounced off, and rolled forward again. Straight into Kline, knocking him off his feet with a body check.

A few chuckles from the Wizard apprentices raised his ire even more. His face was now bright red, with a scowl. The pretense of this being a "friendly duel" was now gone. Kline attacked with all his fury. But no matter what he did, the Hero countered. At one point the Hero's upper body was spinning so fast Kline got hit twice in rapid succession. A third strike followed, and Kline was down.

A moment later the Hero stopped spinning. Ichiko, and Niko both cheered. Sanko crossed her arms.

"It seems we have a winner." King Fonz said with a small smile. Even he couldn't help but enjoy seeing Kline get put in his place.

Niko took the Hero by the hand, and turned him around. She started to walk him back to the King's side when Kline sprang back to his feet.

"No one gets away with trying to humiliate me like that!" He yelled.

He ran towards Ichiko, taking her crystal ball. He then took aim, reared back, and threw the magical orb straight at the Hero.

"Hero-san, watch out!" Ichiko yelled.

The crystal ball flew threw the air. It connected with the back of the Hero's head, forcing the dummy to lean over. Shock flooded across Niko's face as she saw the attack too late. But she had nothing to worry about as Hero sprang right back to his upright position, launching the crystal ball straight back to Kline. Before he realized what was happening the crystal ball slammed right into his face.

It hit with a loud 'pop' sound as his nose was broken. Blood spurted everywhere as he went down for a second time. The mood in the room became quite dark from his dishonorable actions. But he just as quickly paid the price for it.

"Let this be a lesson for you Kline." The King said in a low voice. "Never do such a thing again."

In response, Kline unexpectedly started laughing. Causing confusion among them.

"He may have beaten me. But he still needs a quest to prove himself as the Hero he is, doesn't he?"

"What are you suggesting, Kline?" Pexius asked.

"What could be more heroic than conquering the Drago dungeon?"

Gasps of surprise went out among them. There had been many warriors, and would-be heroes who challenged the Drago dungeon over the last century. None had ever returned.

"So what does the Hero say?" Kline challenged, trying to egg him on.


King Fonz only sighed. He could forbid it. But doing so would only make him look like he had no faith in his champion.

"So be it then. The trial for you to prove yourself the Hero of Legend, is to brave the Drago dungeon. And come out the other side."

"For such a dangerous task, I recommend he not go along." Pexius added. "My three apprentices will go with him."

"What?" They all shouted in unison.

"That's a good idea." The King replied.

"What!" The three all shouted again. Even louder then before.

"First thing tomorrow. All of you will go together. For now, let us get some rest."

With that, the King dismissed everyone.

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