Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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"In the next room is a flight of stairs. That will lead you to his throne room. You'll find him there." Kyuko said to Hero as Ichiko, and Niko were applying holy water to his sword, and shield. She then gave him a push, and the wooden dummy rolled into the other room.

He rolled up to the flight of stairs where he bumped into the first step, and came to a stop.

"What a pity you came all this way just to die." A voice called out to him.

From the top of the stairs stood a deathly pale man with a cape wrapped around his body like a cloak. He had a bald head, with pointed ears, and red glowing eyes.

"You think of yourself as some great man. A great hero no doubt."


"You are nothing more than a mere man."


"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"


"Enough talk...have at you!" Mortem Shade threw up an arm in challenge, as his cape billowed behind him.


When it became apparent that the Hero of Legend wasn't going to move, Mortem teleported himself down the flight of stairs to appear behind the wooden dummy. He than grabbed Hero, and teleported back up to the throne room. Still behind him, Mortem slashed Hero with his claws. Those claws managed to cut part way through Hero's armor, but the attack still spun him around, his sword aiming for the Vampire's arm.

The blade struck. Slicing through, and Mortem had to leap back. His wound wouldn't heal. Hero's sword was coated with holy water. And it was likely that his shield was too. The Lord of Darkness would have to be much more careful.

Now keeping his distance, Mortem fired a magic bolt directly at Hero. It hit him right in the center of his body, sending him rolling back. Mortem then teleported to a different spot, and fired his magic again. Hero hit the wall behind him, and bounced right off to narrowly avoid the second magic bolt.

It became clear to Mortem how clever his opponent was going to be. But no matter. He was no pushover himself. He teleported around the room, firing magic bolts at Hero who rolled around every where, spinning his upper body in a mad fury. Some of Mortem's shots managed to hit the wooden dummy. But others bounced off his shield, reflecting back at him.

The Vampire had hoped to confuse the so-called hero with his constant teleporting. To wear him down by attacking from every possible angle. But Hero's resolve never wavered. And it became apparent that he wasn't going to get tired either. If Mortem was going to win he'd need to get close again. It was a risk. But with a plan in mind, a calculated one.

He once again teleported directly behind Hero as he was spinning around. As Hero's sword moved to strike, the vampire lashed out with his claws. He cut through Hero's arm, sending the limb, and weapon flying away. What was left of his severed arm was now a point, as Mortem sliced through at an angle. He followed up his claw attack with another one from his other hand, cutting through Hero's armor to dig into the wood underneath.

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Hero's spinning didn't lose any momentum however, and his shield slammed into the Vampire's head. The holy water caused his head to burn, and even break out in a tiny wisp of flame. He retreated back with a hiss, glaring at Hero with rage in his eyes.

In his fury, Mortem Shade morphed into his enormous bat form, and flew like a missile towards his enemy. He rammed into Hero, causing him to wobble. He nearly fell over, but not quite. Mortem rammed into him again from a different side. Hero's shield went flying, having been lodged from his grip, but he stayed upright. He rammed Hero a third time. Then a forth. But now matter how many times he attacked, Hero wouldn't go down.

This time when Mortem flew by, instead of ramming into him, he grabbed Hero up with his clawed feet, lifting him into the air. Mortem flew up to the ceiling, and then dropped him. Hero landed with a heavy thud. Any ordinary man would have broken both his legs falling from such a height. But Hero still only wobbled, tipping dangerously close to falling over. In that moment, Mortem Shade soared down to ram into him again. This time, the Hero of Legend finally fell over to land on his back.

At last, his enemy was defeated. elated, Mortem Shade turned back into his human form to stand over his fallen enemy. He grabbed Hero by the neck, and using his supernatural strength, lifted him up with one arm.

"Even you, with all your might. You still fell before me." He gloated, sneering at Hero's permanent smiling face. "And with their champion defeated, What chance does King Fonz, and his allies have?"

He gave an evil smile, baring his fangs before speaking again.

"Now you'll become my slave."

Mortem pulled Hero close to sink his teeth into the wooden dummy's neck. Only then did the vampire realize his error. Not only was there no blood to be had. But his fangs were now stuck. He tried to pull his fangs out but they wouldn't budge. He tried teleporting again, but Hero stayed attached to him.

He transformed back into his bat form to take to the air. With Hero hanging from his upper jaws, he wasn't nearly as agile as before. In spite of that he flew around the room in haphazard ways, trying to throw Hero off. But through it all, the wooden dummy still managed to hang on. Only when Mortem did a barrel roll did Hero finally detach, flying upward into the air.

The vampire morphed back into his human form as he landed back onto the floor in a crouch position. His jaw hurt, but luckily for him he didn't lose his fangs. What was not so lucky for the vampire however, was when Hero began his decent with the point of his severed arm aiming straight down. Before Mortem could stand back upright, he felt the sting of sharp oak as it pierced his flesh from his behind. Stabbing all the way through his heart.

The Lord of Darkness looked down in disbelief as the point was sticking out through his chest. Blood poured freely from the wound as his hands clutched at it.

"It can't be. It....can't be...." He chocked as his body slowly turned to ash. The ash dispersed into the air, leaving Hero to fall on his back. Unmoving.


After the sounds of battle passed, the ladies all entered the throne room. Ashes of the vampire were drifting to the floor, which was a welcomed sight. But when they saw Hero...

"My God, Hero!"

"Say something. Anything!"

"Don't die!"

All of them gathered around him, Shouting at him. Pleading with him to not die. Those who could, used their healing magic on him. But it was unclear if it was working or not. His severed arm, along with his sword, and shield were gathered up. Then the girls hoisted the Hero of Legend up, to carry him out of the castle to where he could be healed up properly.

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