Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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When the time for battle had come, the forces of King Fonz, and his allies gathered together at the top of a ridge. Down at the bottom, in the center of a plateau was where the Dark Lord's army waited for them. They stood there patiently, inviting them to attack. They were up to something. But no one could figure out what it was.

"I don't like the look of this." Ichiko said, standing beside Hero along with all the other girls who surrounded him.

"Do you know what they could be planning?" Sanko asked the former Dark Knight.

Kyuko could only shake her head. "Clearly a trap. But I'm afraid I don't know what kind of trap it is. We might not be able to find out until the battle begins in full."

"And by then it would be to late." Niko added.

"Unless..." Goko added in. "We send Hero-san ahead of us."

Ichiko raised an eyebrow at that suggestion. "Send him against the enemy army alone?"

"Only for the beginning." Goko answered. "He would be strong enough to force their hand into whatever trap they're planning. Then our forces can move in to counter it. Besides, he wouldn't be going in alone. I'll also go with him."

Both Shichiko, and Hachiko agreed with that idea. They would go with him as well.

"What do you say Hero. Willing to give it a try?" Niko asked.


The Wizard girl smiled. "I thought you'd say that."

Shichiko, and Hachiko both pushed Hero up to the edge. Then flung him right over. The Hero of Legend rolled down the slope at high speed while the others charged down behind him. Archers fired their bows at him from within the enemy ranks. But when Hero hit a rock, his speed sent him flying into the air. The arrows hit the spot where he was only moments before, missing him completely.

He flew high into the air before arching down to finally crash into a single soldier, knocking him off of his feet. Ramming into him set Hero back on his wheels, but as the soldier went down on his back, the long pole flag he was holding went straight up. Surrounded by soldiers on all sides Hero was attacked from every angle. Once again however, every weapon that struck, glanced off his angled armor, starting him up in his spinning counter attack against them all.

Unknown to them all, scouts that were scattered about behind the battlefield spotted the flag as it went up. It was the signal they were waiting for. They raised their own flags, waving them back, and forth giving their own signals that it was time. The plan was for the forces of King Fonz, and his allies to start their attack. The forces of the Lord of Darkness would then give ground in a false retreat, where their hidden catapults would release their payload onto them. Wiping them out in one fell swoop. However the catapults, which now begun, were raining down upon their own army. All thanks to the Hero of Legend who managed to strike down just the right guy.

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The enemy army panicked, and scattered as they were destroyed. But there was little they could do. When the catapults finally ceased, there weren't many left. And the allies of King Fonz could advance without fear.

With nothing to stop them now, their army marched all the way to the castle of the Lord of Darkness. But once there, they came to a halt. The Hero of Legend was the only person who could defeat Mortem Shade. His girls followed him inside with Kyuko leading the way.

"Hello." A snide voice called out to them as they made their way through a long hall lined by windows.

All of them came to a stop as someone stepped out from around a corner.

"Kline?" Niko, and Ichiko said together.

"You know this loser?" Shichiko asked.

"He's just some brat with a rich dad." Sanko explained. "A self-important nobody, really."

"You dare!" Kline shouted. "Do you really think you can beat the Lord of Darkness? Even after he has beaten King Fonz time, and time again? You're all fools!"

The girls gave each other questioning looks. Clearly this guy wasn't keeping up on current events. Kline failed to notice their confusion - and disinterest, as he rambled on.

"You will all be crushed!" He laughed. "And I will look down upon you all as I - "

He was cut short as Sanko whacked him in the gut with her scepter. The trade prince doubled over, as his eyes went wide as saucers. He tried to speak again, but another blow to the back of the head with the scepter put him to the ground.

"No one cares Kline." She chastised, as she walked passed him. The others moved on as well. All except Kyuko, who stood over him as he struggled to get up.

"You...can' this...too...." He struggled to say.

Once again, he didn't get to finish as the Dark Knight grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, picking him up off his feet, and unceremoniously tossing him out of a nearby window.

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