Isekai Tower Defense

Chapter 1: Ch1: Ready Set Go Kill

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What is it that separates our kingdom from the outside world?

The walls? The towers? Or is it the heroes fighting against the monstrous horde?

-Memoirs of the honored Knight Hughes

Chapter 1: Bastion and Brazier

"I'll just skim this," Emil said to himself, thumbing through a worn green book. "Yeah it's no use to me," He sighed, tossing it into a pile on the ground. This skinny boy, wearing a raggy t-shirt and jeans, had turned a grand old library into a mess in just a few moments. The rusty squeak of a door echoed over the bookshelves.

"Who's there?" An old man called out. But Emil was already gone. A flutter of ripped pages flew through the air, as a gust of wind whipped through an open window.

"That was a close one. Right sparky?" Emil said to the back of his hand, looking back up at the window above him. A snout rose from the back of his hand like a crocodile from a lake, and barked like a dog. The street around them was completely deserted, only lit up by oil lamps and moonlight. Emil ran through the night like cat. Jumping on each and every obstacle he could, like he was an extreme athlete. But unfortunately for him, his carelessness would catch up with him.

"Owch, my fucking nuts!" He cried out as his crotch connected with a handrail.

Instantly a platoon of guards surrounded him like he was living inside a videogame. They were here to arrest him for the crime of staying out past curfew. Which is a real thing believe it or not.

"Hey kid! We're going to beat you up and kill you! That's just what cops do!" One of the guards yelled out with extreme prejudice.

"And rape you too!"

"Yes this totally happens in real life!" Another said.

But he wasn't killed or raped because a white woman social worker was there to protect him.

Just kidding.

Emil woke up from his nightmare having discovered he pissed himself. Luckily for him it was the middle ages so no one cared.

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"I still can't believe I was summoned here from another world." Emil said to sparky. His hand wolfed back to him with a dogged smile.



In a large hall, a priestess prepares the summoning. A dark blue stream of stars flows down. Looking through the glass panes above you can see the stream descends from the sky.

"Oh gods most holy, grant us a hero in our hour of need," She said with a tiny chirpy voice. "Please grant us your grace. Protect us from those who would harm us. And deliver us from this cruel world."

The star stream suddenly split open, shocking in the priestess a bit.. A stream of black liquid, followed by an oozing blue slime dotted with spheres of white puss covered the floor. Inside of this disgusting space afterbirth were people. Each one asleep in the fetal position. And that is the story of how Emil was reincarnated.



Emil waited in the back of a transport truck, with his squad of soldiers, off to help defend the kingdom. Their truck looked out of place among the medieval farmlands and villages.

"Alright you maggots! You're the new heroes sent here to give your lives to defend our great kingdom. Many of you will die. That is all. Now get moving!" Emil's sergeant screamed at his squad. "Each of you will take one of these tower stones, place it down and fire on the enemy with all you have! If you fail or run away we'll court marshal you and execute you by firing squad! Any questions?"

"Uh yeah, when do we get to eat?" Emil asked.

"Take your ration packet as soon you get hungry! Fuel the machine! We can't kill on an empty stomach!"

Finally they reached the wall. THE WALL. The wall that separated the outside from the kingdom, the people of this world from the monsters.

Together they stepped out of the truck, opened the draw gate, and made their way out into the Badlands.

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