It was a joke why did you make it part of my reincarnation?!

Chapter 1: Competent Whale

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Hi. My name is Milo. 

I go to this high school where I'm bullied constantly. It's not my fault though. I was born with a condition that makes my metabolism ridiculously slow. I eat a healthy diet but my body stores most of the energy. Because of this I'm pretty big.... Wide what are you thinking?

I have to work out constantly so that the fat isn't the end of me. My favorite way to workout is swimming when my classmates. During our lessons in gym in the warmer months, my classmates saw me swim really fast. I even outpaced some of those who were on the swim team. Instead of praising me though, they gave me a mean nickname. They called me a whale.

I admired the creature so it didn't bother me much. I enjoyed video games and anime so I was a typical nerd. That didn't help me much. I didn't slack in school though. I got straight As my parents were proud of me making it through school even with my circumstances. They were happy to give me money to put into my hobbies. Even though I was bullied I was enjoying life.

Then came day of the school trip.

I was sitting in the back of the bus playing a fighting game that was popular at the moment. I decided to take my eyes off the game to look out the window. 

That's when I saw it.

The portal to another world. Or at least it's aid.


But I'm American. Why are you here?  That was my final thought before it t-boned us.

Me and my classmates are now sitting in a white room with an old man. The man has a long white beard. His eyes are blue with a frustrated look.

"Why is it always a truck", I hear him mutter before he addresses us.

"Children of my earth, another world is in danger and I have chosen you to save it. If you accept I will reincarnate you with various abilities to do so. Now, what is your decision?" The majority of my classmates agree to go. I don't want to participate in a shitty Isekai. I will accept his offer and then live as I please. I want to see my parents again but, I'm dead so how would I go about that. If I do find a way I cant just show up at the door in a new body and say "Hi I'm your son in a different body. I didn't die haha". That would probably end terrible. The old man turns to me.

"Did you hear my thoughts?" I ask him. He nods. He whispers to me.

"I expected that from you. So don't worry you won't have to do this with them. I know how they treated you. It's a shame though you are going to be more powerful then them" He smiles at me. I smile back.

"Thank you", relieved I decide to sit down and wait for the rest of my classmates to finish making their decisions. Once everyone has, the man addresses us once more.

"You all be reborn with a new name. You will all be born with special abilities as for what those are-" He gives me a wink."You'll need to find that out for yourselves. Go save this world my children!" With that last sentence everything goes dark for me.

When I come to it is hard to move. I feel myself sinking into something but, something is pushing me to the surface. Well it's my top of my head to be exact. I can't breath through my mouth. But when I breath through my nose I feel air move into the top of my head.

What the hell?

I finally open my eyes.

The world is black and white. I try to move my hands but a pair of black flippers appear in my vision. Well they might not be black. I just see them that way.

That's why you winked at me. Well I guess this the price I pay for not helping the others.

"Not exactly", a familiar voice calls. It seems to be everywhere.

Is that you? I call out in my own mind.

"Yes, since you won't learn this from your parents, I'm going to teach you about your Status" he explains.

It sounds like a video game to be honest.

"Indeed. Try saying status in your mind", he tells me.

Status. A window appears in my vision.

Name: Milo 

Sex: Female

Age: 2 minutes

You are reading story It was a joke why did you make it part of my reincarnation?! at

Race: Orca

HP: 4/4

MP: 10/10


Ocean Domain Lvl. 1

Orca? Isn't this another world?

"You seemed to admire this creature. Even if you were called by it as an insult your love never shook. No creature would house your soul so I created this for you. 

Why am I female? 

"Does it matter to you?"

Fair point.

"I'll be going now since my work is done. I don't wanna see you for a very long time okay?"

Thanks again. I don't get a response but, I feel warm like he was smiling at me.

From what I know from documentaries I'll probably have to pretend to move my legs in unison. When I try it it works.

It takes me awhile, but Im eventually swimming. I seem to be at an adolescent age because it would take me a lot longer to do this if I was a baby. 

Looking around there are animals similar to the ones on earth. There are seals, fish, and even pelicans. I seem to be in some type of atoll. I can see trees, but I have no idea what colors they are. 

It's not long before I'm hungry. I guess I should eat something. The fish in the area are already wary of me. Maybe I can use my Ocean Domain to push them toward me as I swim fast toward them? Let's try it. 

I lock on to a fish and imagine a jet of water pushing it toward me. I dash toward it as I do this. I catch the fish and eat it. It's not bad even though it's raw. I catch a few more before I run out of mp. My stomach is full so it wasn't a waste. I'm tired now though.

I remember orcas don't fall asleep fully. They rest one part of their brain at a time while swimming close to the surface. I get to the surface and try it. 

I swim in a circle while focusing on using half my brain. It works I only feel half conscious. This won't be as satisfying as sleep as a human. I wonder if there's a way to turn human again?

Evolution: Orca Beast Man has been unlocked.

God did say it was a game. I didn't expect a mere thought to unlock something though. I wonder what the requirements to evolve.

Your Ocean Domain must be Lvl. 5 and you must reach level 15.

Sounds simple enough. Guess that will be goal besides survival. When it reaches morning I have some more fish for breakfast and reach level 2 and I also reach level 2 in Ocean Magic. I train for the majority of the day for fun.

I like this. It's no one but me and there are no rules. The circumstances are wierd but, I'm having the time of my life. I jump out of the water while doing a flip.

Good luck with saving the world suckers.

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