Jiji Jinn The Genie

Chapter 2: Ch.2: Some Rules

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Dante would slowly peek her head around the corner of a building. There weren’t many students out and about on campus. So, the professor was able to breathe a little easier. But Jiji kept carelessly poking her head around the corners, doing nothing to help Dante’s anxiety.

“Hey, Jiji,” Dante asked.

“Yes, Madam Dante?” 

Dante started walking toward the door. She rotated her hand signaling Jiji to stay close behind her. Where Dante stayed an inch off the wall, Jiji turned flat and slid against the bricks like a shadow.

“It’s just ‘Dante’. You don’t,” she saw Jiji’s current form and put her hand on her hip. “Stop before someone sees you.”

Jiji leaped off the wall, still only taking up two dimensions. Her performing a ballerina-like twirl on her toes was like looking at a piece of paper spinning around in the wind. Thankfully, it only took three circles for Jiji to become a three-dimensional person again. 

“Sorry about that Madam,” Jiji gestured her open hand toward Dante, like an invitation. “You were saying?”

“I was saying, no more ‘Madam’. Or ‘mistress’, or any of that.” She opened the door just a crack, “It’s just ‘Dante’. You don’t have to add a prefix.”

“Actually,” Jiji lifted her hand back up and snapped her fingers. A list attached to a gold clipboard the size of a car door window poofed in her hand. “I’m contractually obligated to,”

Dante recklessly swung her hand at the object. She hoped to turn it into a puff of smoke. Instead, she just snatched the massive solid gold office supply out of the woman’s hand before clumsily dropping it. When it hit the pathway made of bricks, it left a crack. In the bricks. 

Jiji calmly informed Dante, “If you don’t like gold, I can change it to something else.”

“Oh!” Dante gasped. She grabbed the undamaged board with both hands and lifted it the way you would a heavy box. She tried to quickly hand it back. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that! I thought it’d vanish!”

Jiji accepted the item, “‘To err is human’; as you humans say.”

Jiji held it on either side before crushing it in her hands as if it were made of tin foil. She crumpled the board and list into a small ball and punted it into a nearby trash can.

The magical creature making a shot from at least 15 feet wasn’t a surprise. The thing that scared Dante was the celebratory confetti that sprang up from inside the bin after the golden ball landed. 

“Touchdown!” Jiji cheered while getting pom-poms from nowhere. 

Dante rushed the woman inside the building. 

“Ok!” Dante took a breath before explaining, “I can’t get into it now, but you using magic in public is not ok. So, please, go back home and wait for me until I get back.”

Jiji looked down at the ground. Her right hand held her left arm. Her bubbly demeanor washed away under an ashamed frown. 

Dante placed a hand on the ‘young’ woman’s shoulder. That summoned Jiji’s attention. She spoke clearly and without condensation. 

“I’m not mad at you. You’re not in trouble. I just have something important to do at the moment and I can’t take you with me. Understand?”

Jiji’s smile sprouted through her closed lips. Her back straightened and her shoulders rose. Honestly, Dante was reminded of a puppy she had when she was a kid.

“Of course,” she hesitated, “...Lady, Dante?”

Dante inhaled sharply while pinching the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were shut tight and her exhale could be heard at the end of the hall.

She looked at her watch. 

Under her breath, “Two minutes.” She then asked the genie, “Do you have to call me by some honorific?”

“That’s what the crumpled-up piece of paper said,” Jiji shrugged.

Rushing through her words, “Ugh, fine. ‘Professor’ it is.” With that, Dante started to jog down the hall. “Go back home and we’ll talk then. Listen to Tatiana as if I were talking to you.” 

Jiji vigorously pumped her fist out just to give a thumbs up. 

Her proud proclamation, “No problem Professor Dante!” echoed down the hall.

This show got a smirk out of the woman. As well as a less enthusiastic peace sign. 

The door opened and then closed behind Dante, leaving Jiji all alone in the hall. No distinctive noises to be heard. No other things to interact with. Nothing but silence in a fairly empty space. 

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“Guess I better get going,” she said out loud. 

A quick snap of her fingers and Jiji was gone. Like before, there was nothing spectacular about her exit. She just teleported out of thin air. This time, however, she hit a wall. 

Jiji had rammed right into a border, keeping her from going any further. Her face was pressed against it. Against something, she couldn’t see. 

“What in the-?” Jiji murmured into the invisible wall.

Her body slid down a few feet. Her skin against the glass made a loud drawn-out squeaking sound all the way to the ground below. Which was a four-way intersection.

“Ow,” Jiji whimpered while lying on the asphalt.

She pulled on the tip of her nose, which was now pushed into her face like a button. She pried it back to its natural position on her face. She even scrunched to make sure it wouldn’t fall off.

She got to her feet and looked around. Behind her was the front entrance of Starlight university. Every building in Jiji’s sight was made from bricks. From the library a few yards away to the clock tower standing dead center of the campus. Or at least the visible exteriors were.

“Wha—” Jiji scratched her scalp. She pondered for a moment, looking at the campus she had just snuck into. 

A lightbulb flashed above her head as she lightly thumped her right fist into her open left palm. Jiji grabbed the bulb and unscrewed the metal bottom until it was a separate piece from the glass. She pinched the inside of the metal husk and pulled out a rolled-up paper that grew in size the further out of the metal it came. 

Once it was fully exposed, Jiji unfurled a large golden map. The words ‘California, United States’ were woven in the top left corner. Finally, a large circle was indented into the parchment.

The bulb moved as Jiji pointed her index finger and now hovered above the center of the circle. By default, the center of the paper. Instead of an electrical light illuminating the glass, a pink flame revealed itself. 

Jiji asked the magic map, “Hey! Where the hell am I?” 

The bulb moved southwest. It stopped, or rather, bumped into the line of the circle. As it rocked from the collision, a transparent dome revealed itself in a series of flickers. 

To the opposite radius of the bulb, a small black sketch of a lamp had shown up. Next to it were two letters matching the sketch’s style.

“‘D, B’?” Jiji read.

Her concentration was suddenly broken by a car honking. She didn’t look up, but her brow did curl and her lips did pout. She wasn't sure if she should remove her ears or remove the driver. 

“Get outta the street!” The woman yelled between honks. 

Jiji looked up, “Can you stop that noise for a moment, please? Thank you!” 

She checked the map again trying to remember what ‘D.B’ was. Ignoring the car horn, she thought about what the lamp had in common with those letters. Nothing was springing to mind. Mainly because her ears were being bombarded.

“You speak English?!” She screamed. “Get out of the damn street!”

“Go Around!” Jiji snapped back. She then remembered that Dante was looking for the lamp earlier and that her last name was Barrett. 

“Oh,” she hummed, “Professor Dante still has the lamp.” Then, her voice and shoulders sank. “Oh,” she groaned, “Professor Dante is still using the lamp.”

The car horn went off in unison with each word the driver shouted. 

“Get! Out! Of! The! Street! And! Back! To! What! Ever! Country! You! Came! From!”

The map burst into pink flames. A wave of Jiji’s hands and the hot ashes flew toward the car, singeing the hood upon contact. Jiji watched in glee as each little speck burned through the metal and ate its way into the engine. 

Smoke erupted from the hood before the car died. The lady fumbled out of the driver’s seat hitting the ground with a thud. She was in tears. Pulling on her overpriced fake hair. She got to her knees watching the fire start to rise.

“My Car!” She wept. 

Jiji waltzed past the destroyed automobile. Nose in the air and voice dripping with spite. 

“You should probably move your car out of the way so others can get by.”


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