Jiji Jinn The Genie

Chapter 3: Ch.3: Trapped On Campus

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There weren’t too many students around the campus when Jiji reentered the plaza. The ones who were there immediately took notice of the woman dressed in a pink vest and blue dhoti pants. From the group of friends chilling on the steps of the theater to the girl elbowing her distracted boyfriend. 

“Let’s see,” Jiji said to herself, “I’m in the western plaza so that means Professor went north.” She stopped and squinted at the semi-familiar administration building. “Or did we keep going east past that big house?” 

“Lost?” A man asked her, “You looking for the drama department?”

Jiji looked to her right, then to her left. She cranked her neck up toward this blonde stranger who had the college’s name on his shirt. Maybe he needed to remind himself what school he went to? 

“Uh, the drama department?” Jiji repeated. 

“Well,” he chuckled, “you’re not a real genie. Are you?” He raised a brow and smirked to finish his joke. “You’re certainly cute enough to be one.”

His voice was deep and had a rasp to it. He was also an entire foot taller than Jiji. She wasn’t dealing with this combination very well.

“No thank you. I’ll be fine,” Jiji said. She fiddled with her fingers behind her back. Little specks of glitter were slipping out of her hands. As much as she wanted to ask for guidance, she desperately hoped the man didn’t keep asking her questions. “I’m just looking for the…” 

Her eyes drifted away toward the stone-cut ground around a directory. She then realized she was a few feet from a directory. 

“Oh, there’s the” she read the label in a haste, “directory! Have a good day! I like your hair! And your voice! Okay! I’m gonna stop talking now. Bye-Bye!” 

Jiji zipped to the map trying to find the ‘you are here’ icon. She scanned the display while a finger twiddled with a strand of her hair. Once she found her location, Jiji took a breath. 

“Okay, Professor Dante said something about building ‘H’.” 

Behind the directory along a pathway was the library. She recalled passing by that red-colored roof, but the front door wasn’t ringing any bells. 

She looked back, “So it’s in that direction. But where do I go from there?” 

The man all the way from thirty seconds ago tapped Jiji’s shoulder. 

“Uh, miss?” He asked, “I don’t think,”

Jiji spun completely around, not as happy to see him this time. 

“Look, sir,” Jiji said while clasping her hands. “You’re really attractive and all, but I’m in a hurry and need to-”

“Run from security?” He pointed toward the main entrance where a uniformed security guard could be seen entering the plaza. He was with someone as well. A young woman whose make-up had been washed away under tears. 

“Has anyone seen a middle eastern woman in a pink vest and harem pants?” The guard announced to the few people giving him attention. 

On instinct, “They’re called ‘Dhoti pants’!” 

Security’s eyes were now on a middle eastern woman in a pink vest and blue Dhoti pants. 


Her nameless friend whispered, “You might wanna run,” as the guard began making his way to her. Slowly jogging as fast as he could. 

Her shoulders dropped and her back hunched as she groaned. 

“Ugh! I’m not in the mood for this.” 

Jiji snapped her fingers and from her feet, a puff of pink smoke began to rise. As it raised, her body began to disappear behind the mist. Jiji’s lackadaisical goodbye salute to the man would’ve been charming if he was looking at more than just a vanishing head. 

He stood there, uttering the first syllables of certain words while unable to say them. What did he just see? How was that possible? Did anybody else see that? 

He got an answer to the last question. 

“Sir,” the guard asked, “have you seen a woman wearing a pink vest and blue harem pants? She’s about five feet tall and is middle eastern.” 

The college student could only run a hand through his hair and exhale. He knew what he saw, but couldn’t begin to describe it. That and describing something he was still processing wouldn’t help any. 

Conceding to not sounding insane, “Nope, haven’t seen anything.” 

Now he just had to call his friend and ask what else was in the protein shake they made that morning.


Inside the theater dressing room, a loud thud could be heard. It brought the women's attention to the closet with a thin pink fog lingering under the door. 

A grumbled, “Ow,” was heard.

“Is anyone in there?” One student asked while knocking. 

Another woman, the smallest of the six, stormed toward the door passing her classmates. 

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“It ain’t a bathroom.” 

She swung the door open revealing our upside-down protagonist with a broom on her chin and her foot in a dustbin. Jiji wasn’t in that position for long; stumbling out to the carpet with all the grace of a toddler learning how to somersault. The genie even took the mini vacuum with her.

“Hello~,” Jiji sang, now surrounded by six women. 

From left to right, Jiji took in the sight. A concerned redhead with freckles. A confused blonde with more muscles than all of them. A perplexed blue-haired girl with a gay pride pin. An intrigued woman with natural black hair. An insulted short woman with dyed black hair. And a disgusted dirty blonde who now had dirt on her shoes. 

Regardless, Jiji felt the pressure of silence more than any of their reactions. 

“I kind of had to hide and lost track of, uh.” Jiji saw that there was only one entrance into the room. Well, one entrance for a human. “Time. Totally fell asleep in the closet.”

“Oh no!” The redhead said. 

Two others helped her up as the others began questioning the shortest woman in the room. All at the same time. 

“Are you ok?” 

Jiji put her hands up with her palms open, “Well, I-”

The blue-haired girl asked, “Why’re you dressed like a genie?”

Her eyes drifted up toward the ceiling, “You see, I-” 

“You in the freshman course or somethin’?” The natural black asked. 

She took a step back, “Kinda. I’m-”

The dirty blonde put the broom away, “Why the closet?”

Jiji glanced at the door once more, “Listen, I’m sorry for disturbing you lovely ladies. I’m just gonna head out. I’ll be late for my class with Professor Barrett.”

The woman who opened the door at the start spoke up, “You’ve got her 1 o'clock archeology 101 lecture?”

Jiji let her hands swing down and rested them behind her back. None of the women were behind her, so none of them saw the glitter.

“...Yes! I have that thing!” 

“But, it’s almost 2 o’clock,” the redhead clarified.

Jiji stretched out an “I” while searching to find a plausible lie. After four seconds of looking around the room, she wound up with, “...I got lost.” 

The women were all standing in a row. The first one on the left, the one with natural black hair, snickered before joking with the rest. 

“Yep. She’s a freshman.”

Most of them laughed. The one who didn’t, the sunflower blonde, leaned forward just a hair. 

“You’re not leaving just yet.”

Jiji clutched the pile of glitter in her palm. Her heart was in her throat. Not literally, but she had to focus so that wouldn’t become the case. Six witnesses were much harder to use magic on that one. Especially after her last use of magic. 

“We got some spare clothes you can swap into,” the redhead offered. 

Jiji unclenched her jaw. She relaxed her shoulders just enough for the other girls to notice. She didn’t say anything, but the girls could guess why this woman was slowly narrowing her brow. 

The first woman to say anything to Jiji was the first to point out why they didn’t want her to leave just yet. Just by literally pointing.

Jiji looked at her own outfit. Her pants were covered in dust to the point where the sparkles weren’t visible. Her vest was disheveled and wrinkled to a degree that made it look less exotic and more like a Halloween costume. Her stand-out appearance was, even more, stand out.

“It’s mostly lost and found stuff. But I’m certain we could pull out something cute for you.”

The blue girl nudged her arm, “Gay.”

Laughing, “Shut up!”

Jiji had two choices. Leave, snap her fingers, and go back to finding out where Dante’s class was with no help. Or, wait for six attractive women to find her a more casual, more conspicuous outfit and possibly tell her more about the campus and college life. 

“Well,” Jiji slowly shrugged as a smile slunk onto her face, “if you insist.” 


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