Jiji Jinn The Genie

Chapter 4: Ch.4: Exploration & Check-In

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"Did you hear about Professor Adams?"

Dante normally didn't eavesdrop on others. But, there was a class canceled due to Adams' absence. So, she faked a sip from her coffee and focused on the conversation behind her.

The teacher’s lounge had a good WiFi signal. Tea and coffee straight from the university cafe. And chairs that spun. Dante’s favorite of the features.  

"Well," the man started, "you know how she drives hella crazy? I guess she almost hit somebody on her way here!"

"No!" the coach gasped.

"Yeah! Whatever the girl was carrying, got in Adams' car. Like, in the engine when it spilled on the hood. And started a fire!"

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah. Security's looking for the girl she ran into. Almost ran into. You know what I mean."

Dante set her cup down. She turned just a hair in her coworker's direction. After they were done laughing, she kept listening.

"So they found which student it was?" one teacher asked.

"It's weird. I guess it was some Arab girl dressed like a genie or something."

"Like a drama student?"

Most teachers calmly get up and leave when they're done. Dante couldn't leave fast enough. So fast that she almost left her bag. So fast that she did leave her coffee. So fast that everyone else stopped to see who was running out of the lounge.

"Was it her?"

"Dude," the guy answered, "How many 'Arab students’ you know are Black teachers?"

- Meanwhile -

Jiji's genie outfit was gone. Well, it was inside her newfound single-strap backpack. Having x-ray vision wasn't something humans are typically known for.

What could be seen was a sleeveless, sky-blue, hoodie that let Jiji show off her well-defined arms. Black pants that could zip off at the knees. A shimmering sapphire line went down the outer sides of both pant legs. Lastly, there were Jiji's running shoes. They were just as black as the pants but had pink taking up just as much as the black.

Her stroll through the university became less of a search and more of a tour. She pondered how long every stonecutter walkway and brick building took to build. The ever-present basketball stadium in the distant east marveled her with its size. Her only complaint was how the interiors of each class were similar. Just with different decor.

The long stretch of trees just by the western buildings was the only part of the school that had trees. Jiji got some odd looks for laying face down on the grass. Others wrote her off as a 'tired freshman'.

A man on an electric bike got her attention while she walked in the southern section. The noise and him moving without pedaling especially. He was nice enough to explain how it worked to a woman fast enough to run alongside him.

The large crowds of students in the east did test Jiji. Both her libido and her patience.

Women & men of all shapes and heights. In every type of clothing Jiji had heard of. Some were covered up and professional. Others barely abided by the school dress code. Jiji was struggling not to melt.

She struggled to move through the crowd even more. People bumped elbows into her. Her feet got stepped on. Her shorter than American average height led to her getting lost in the mob.

Eventually, she made it out. Dizzy and wandering into a random building. One not as occupied.

The girl who spotted Jiji didn't have to try hard. A woman walking into the administration building wasn't anything odd. But a girl tumbling like she just got out of a tornado was.

"Hello," the worker called. "Can I help you?

Stuttering, "He-h-hi."

"You here for something?"

Jiji just nodded, unable to conjure a single sentence. Her focus was half on the worker's beautiful dark skin and hazel eyes. The other half was holding back hearts in her own eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna need to know what it is."

Jiji's snap back to reality started with the name badge labeled 'Jazmine'.

"Sorry bout that. You're just super pretty. I mean, I need to know where Professor Barrett’s class is. I got lost and my," she paused to remember the word, "cell phone broke."

Jazmine chuckled. To her, this student seemed earnest enough. She noticed Jiji's fidgeting fingers and assumed the girl was on the younger side. 

Jazz typed on the computer between looking back at who she hoped to be at least a sophomore. As cute as Jazz found her, she wasn't about to risk her job. Or jail time.

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"Ok, name? I need to confirm you’re one of her students."

Jiji cleared her throat, "Jiji...Jinn. That is totally my name. First name: Jiji. Last name: Jinn. Human college girl at your service!"

Jazz gave a long stare. Uncertain if she should comment on how adorable Jiji was just then. Or if she should question what dribble Miss Jinn just spat out.

"Yeah..." Jazmine let out. As she typed the name in, she raised a brow at the blank screen. "So, it looks like your name—"

A knock on Jiji's side of the counter cut Jazz off. It also coincided with the computer suddenly finding a 'Jiji Jinn'. Arabian-American; Age 20; with student number '24601'.

"You're 20?" Jazz asked.

"Aren't you?" Jiji replied.

With that, Jazz's head flung back laughing. Her seat spun a bit and she looked back at this charmer.

"Ok, looks like you’re not fully registered yet. No classes selected. You wanna finish that now? You won’t be able to do anything until you do.”

Jiji nodded. Whatever kept Jazz talking more was fine by her. 

Jazz kept typing, “I just need to update your profile here. Can you confirm this is your number?"

"Well," Jiji leaned on the counter. She smiled smugly with a hum in her voice. "If I give you mine, will I get yours?"

Without a single word, Jazz jotted her name & number down on a nearby napkin. She made sure to put a heart after the name. The worker even gave a wink as it left her hand.

If Jiji hadn't rushed out of the office, Jazmine would've seen the poor girl's heart pounding out of her chest and against the inside of her hoodie. All she did see was a flustered freshman swipe a donut on the way out.

Right then, Dante turned the corner to see who she was looking for.

"Jiji!" Dante called.

"Professor!" Jiji cheered. "I’ve been looking for you! Well, I was. But I got distracted. Anyway, I got a cute girl's number! Actually, I got a lot of cute girls' numbers!" Out of the backpack was a list of numbers Jiji had written down. "This is Star's number! She has blue hair and a star tattoo on her arm. This one is Mercedes' number. She's not a car, but she loves cars! Like, a lot! Oh, and this is Marylin's number! Her friends call her that cause she looks like a famous actress named ‘Marilyn’. She's also got huge boo—"

"I told you to stay at the house. Why're you here?" Dante asked. 

"I can’t be too far away from my lamp. So I couldn’t leave while you had it. So I had to roam the school for a bit. A lot of people thought I was getting ready to be a student! I even got an ID! Ok, not yet. I'm in the system. But this cutie named Jazz,"

Dante couldn't hear Jiji. She could 'hear' noise coming from Jiji. But her focus shifted. The list she had pulled out wasn't some small piece of paper. It was a scroll that in no way should have fit inside the pocket it was pulled from.

Even then, there was Jiji's new outfit. The hoodie and pants did complement one another. And the bits of skin Jiji had on display showed off her physic in a more casual way whereas the genie outfit paraded it.

Jiji's continued rambling grabbed Dante's attention.

"—Plus, there's this cutie on a thing called a football team! It's where a bunch of big boys run as fast as they can before getting run over by other big boys! And people cheer for the team that's closer to their house!"

"Yeah, football is great." Dante led Jiji toward the school entrance, "I'm fine with you eventually becoming a student. But until you can control yourself, I'm gonna ask you to stay at the house."


Not too serious, "Because in pursuit of your lamp, you set my coworker’s car on fire."

"I can do it again if you want," Jiji said.

Completely serious, "...We're going home."

"Oh! Oh! Before we go, can I ask you a question?"

Dante sighed, letting her shoulders fall but stopping her glasses from slipping off.

"What?" Barrett asked reluctantly.

"How do I use a phone?"


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