Jim’s World Remastered: An Accidental Single-Player LitRPG Adventure

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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Bilgar's PoV


Bilgar was finally catching up on his sleep with an afternoon nap when he heard a booming voice yell "Private! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

He could only chuckle. Looks like the LT was going to rip someone a new one. Since he was already up, he figured it would be as good of entertainment as any. It wasn't too many years ago that he had been on the other side of that sharp tongue.

Getting ready to see the show, Bilgar quickly got into uniform and headed outside. What was before him was a familiar sight. The man Lt. Tucker was grilling was obviously drunk. Bilgar would have found it funny only a couple days ago. If that man had seen what Bilgar had seen, he would not have so stupidly gotten drunk.

The bridge detachment only consisted of around a hundred men, and every pair of eyes counted. While attacks were rare, every now and then creatures would pour over the bridge from the cave system.

Many of the creatures could even hang on the underside, so even being in the middle was not totally safe. It used to be a common tactic that if the bridge was pressed too hard, the soldiers would retreat to the next outpost while word was sent for reinforcements. The land was not a forgiving place.

Oftentimes creatures of the wild would kill each other, only to be swiftly dealt with by some other predator lurking nearby. Once a long time ago Alextria had control of land well past the mountains, but eventually some monster started to inhabit the cave.

Many men died trying to retake the cave system, including the King of that era, but in the end the creature could not be ousted. Humanity has been cut in half ever since. Only every now and then did a strong or lucky person make it through the caves unharmed.

Since then the kingdom focused on its merchant fleet traveling far and wide. But still a token force remained so that a warning could be given in case the situation ever changed. But this time it was a little bit different. The danger was potentially coming from the other side of the bridge. The side of the bridge the trio was currently on.

Bilgar couldn't help it. Even with the word that a potential threat was about to come from the Alextria side of the bridge, he knew how soldiers operated. Many wouldn't take it seriously. The south side of the bridge was considered a safe zone by many.

Nervously he began to scan around to sate his paranoia. And then he saw it. His heart froze as he saw a massive man in black armor turn to walk on to the bridge. Barely a second after he saw the figure in the distance he yelled out the phrase "CODE RED."

The black figure continued to get closer but soon the yell was picked up by men further down the line. Bilgar knew he should run and take cover. But he was afraid. He was afraid and he hated the fact that he was afraid.

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So what was his mind telling him? Go face the monster. It was a mindset that served him well when he was a bright eyed boy who was a little smaller than everyone else, but still wanted to be the best of the best. Through pain and sweat he became better and better. Unfortunately that same voice that pushed him to get better then was now pushing him to confront this man.


Jim's PoV


Just as Jim stepped on to the bridge a yell was chorused and men started making themselves scarce. Looks like word got out ahead of him. This appeared to be another point in the column for Team: Maybe I Misjudged These People. He was really hoping Team: Don't Worry, They Are All Bugged NPCs was going to win.

As he moved closer he almost wanted to fist pump in glee! There was a guy that was identical to one that had been in Alextria! If there was one there, and one here, that meant there were copies! Copies ment team Don't Worry, They Are All Bugged NPCs was about to score a point!

When he was only a couple yards away another man looked at him briefly, and then took off screaming. Ah, he remembered that guy too. Damn projectile vomiting bastard. If team Don't Worry, They Are All Bugged NPCs wins, Jim thought it was a great idea to make that one a couple feet shorter.

Jim looking at the man must have knocked him out of his alcohol induced trance, because the guy started running away screaming. Wow, a really high pitch scream too. During the scream the two little wolves started to howl. It was the cutest thing ever. He couldn't help but chuckle.

That's when the man tried to turn around for some reason, and then he lost his balance. Jim could have told him that running away while looking behind you was a really bad idea. When the man's face hit the bridge, Jim had a massive grin on his face. Ha! Karma in action! The man turned over to his back and started to let out a long groan. Looks like he was going to take a while to get up.

Turning his focus to the man that he saw once before he immediately asked, "What's your name?"

Uh oh. That facial expression was one that he could definitely read. It's the 'Are you retarded' face.

Kicking himself he realized he should have just used his sense spell. Jim discreetly used Sense Lv2.

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