Jim’s World Remastered: An Accidental Single-Player LitRPG Adventure

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Jim's PoV

Jim could see the city of the Kingdom of Alextria in the distance and started making his way there. He tried bumping up his sight again and it was a beautiful thing to behold. The massive walls stood in the way of the view of most of it, but he could still see some of the ramparts as well as the tops of the larger buildings within. The castle was fairly square with four massive battlements on each corner of the structure.

This was the first real landmark in the game and he was expectantly looking forward to checking out the place. Just looking at it from a distance gave him great satisfaction. In the original game each town or castle was represented by a small picture on the overworld map. When stepping on that picture, the screen would fade out and a new map would be loaded so you could walk in and see the details of the location.

But this was not the case now. No loading screens here baby! There were a thousand small details that he could make out. It looked like fortifications he had seen in pictures! With a huge smile he started walking towards the city.

Almost half an hour later Jim was annoyed that he had not had any random encounters yet. Normally on average you would fight at least three battles before getting to the city. Now he was almost halfway there and he had yet to fight anything. And halfway there was taking way too long. He'd been hoofing it for like twenty minutes.

Even with battles, it normally took five minutes to get to the city. Clearly now it was going to be around an hour, and that was without fighting anything. Maybe it was a bug? Getting bored of seeing the same image slowly getting larger, he decided to fiddle with his menu.

The first thing he realized was that he forgot to put anything on. He had been paying too much attention to the scenery and didn't really look at himself. Glancing down, he saw the only thing he had on was a flimsy shirt, a pair of boxers and some socks. Upon closer inspection it was exactly what he had on before he started the game. Damn, he wasn't even equipped with the starter gear. That was something he could fix. Navigating through the equipment menu he put on some familiar items.

The set of armor he equipped was considered one of the best in the game. Jim scanned through and selected the more defensive fighting heavy plate pieces. In his opinion it was the coolest looking armor in the game. Hopefully it would still look awesome.

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