Jim’s World Remastered: An Accidental Single-Player LitRPG Adventure

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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Jim's PoV


That freaked Jim out a bit. That should not be possible. How could the game affect him when he was not inside of it? Not only that but time had passed after he logged out. It should have stayed the same time in the game, shouldn't it?

Then he thought back to the modifications he made to the original game. Now that he thought about it, maybe it was possible. After all, he had very little direct input into the creation of the game. Most of his work was creating scripts to pull from different databases to base things on; how people and animals looked, anatomy, how physics worked, how other games worked, biology and architecture.

After that it was just hitting the 'go' button and hoping for the best. The main reason it worked was because the human mind had a processing speed that was light years beyond what anyone had expected.

Not to mention the mind could make intuitive leaps in logic that was very hard to replicate with a computer. He should have done a lot more testing beforehand but he got fired and then tried to make the best of it. He was actually getting a bit scared.

His creation was just a game after all, but he had left much of the world generation to be drawn from real life. The more he thought about it the more he realized a simulation of real life was about what he asked for when creating his game. It was just a simulation of life that operated by a different rule set. A constantly ongoing simulation that was based on a game.

The fact that he could feel what was going on on the other side worried him the most. What if a dark cloaked figure came up behind his game character and slit his throat? How would that feel?

Trying to rationalize that fear, he kept in mind that he had some overpowered armor on and had some insane stats to back him up. A dagger across the throat by a common thief shouldn't do much to him, especially in such an early game zone, right?

Jim really wanted to just turn off the sense of feeling. After all, who cared if his game character died over and over if he could just turn off the pain and ignore it.?Then a thought in the back of his mind made him worry.

There was no save button, only a logout button. He seemed to have a connection with his character, and both of them shared a lot of the processing power of his mind. What if he died in-game and his mind decided that he was dead as well? An IRL game over.

The thought should be absolutely ludicrous, but it was something that he didn't want to chance on. With that decision made, his path of action became clear. There were two main objectives he needed to accomplish.

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First he needed to find a safe place that his character could hang out without worrying about getting stabbed to death. And then his second goal would be to create a diagnostic tool for his noggin. He needed to find some answers about what was going on inside his head and he didn't have a super computer readily available.

Getting a diagnostic of how his game world was working and how it affected him was going to take a lot of processing power. He was pretty sure if he walked back into 3D Tech to use theirs, he would either end up in a jail cell or have all his data stolen. Thankfully with the helmet he had processing power to spare.

Jim saw a sign saying a hotel was coming up on the right. Taking the turn, he quickly found a parking spot and went into the hotel. The hotel wasn't particularly far away from his house, but it should serve the purpose of getting him a few days.

The idea of randomly feeling pain worried him. But randomly dying without warning worried him more. He did have armor covering most of his body, but the little wolf demons showed they could at least take off a leather boot. Instead of an assassin in the dark a new fear came. What about just a plain ol' thief? If a puppy can take off a boot, a thief or two could leave him naked and tied up. Can his character die from thirst or hunger?

There were too many long and slow ways to die and his mind kept coming up with new scenarios. And then there were the short and quick ways to die. What if he was driving and he got bit by something a lot bigger next time? Images of himself flinching in pain, then driving into a gas truck and ending up as a fireball played through his head.

Act two was a scene of falling off a bridge into an oil tanker, causing it to explode. Which would then of course break the bridge and cause all of the cars on it to fall into the river. All because a game mosquito bit his game dude at the wrong time.

Okay, that last one was ridiculous. But it would actually be an interesting way to go. Still, the fear of randomly feeling pain without warning was very concerning. It didn't take an elaborate scenario for people to die. People simply stumbling and hitting their heads causes deaths all the time.

After paying for his room he felt exhausted. It was past 4AM, he had been up for over 24 hours. Jim started to prepare himself for sleep when an all too familiar sensation started happening to his toe. Irritated, Jim took a seat in a chair and fully went into the game world. Yep there it was again.

A wolf cub was growing on his big left toe. Jim wiggled his new fluffy toe and the wolfie lost its grip. He stood up and the little wolflings sat down looking up at him happily.

They seemed to be looking better since the last time he saw them. Interestingly he could not see their stats with a glance. He had used Sense before on them, but the readout was blank now. Jim hesitantly casted Sense on them and found that it worked. New game, new rules it seemed.

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