Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 1: Why me? T_T

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In the morning, on a university campus. A class started and a teacher was talking a lecture. An average-looking slim man with a Clean shave. Wearing a  lab coat,  he put his study book down at the desk. At the desk was a book labeled Astrophysics. he drew some circles a few meters apart on the whiteboard for his class to see and understand. After he stopped drawing he then started the lecture. It was one of the last things he wanted to explain as the class was nearly ending. The allocated time for the class was nearly up.


"We will just skim through this. It's just a theory. So,  The concept of the multiverse theory is simple. The observable universe is 46.508 billion light years in radius. RIGHT?"


hamza the young professor asked the whole class a question as to wake up the sleeping idiots. It was a morning class and hamza could see the sleeping idiots in the back-row seats.


The whole class said in a monotone voice





hamza starts speaking again as he gives the lecture

"That's what we can see. but what if the universe never stopped expanding? We believe the universe started expanding 14 billion years ago but it stopped. Because we see the limits. it stops at the length of the observable universe. What if it never stopped and continues to expand infinitely ?"


hamza pointed at one circle and drew a large circle around all the small circles on the whiteboard and continued explaining. 

"Imagine this is our universe. Due to infinite inflation, Our universe was born in infinite inflation as a small bubble. If inflation is infinite there might be Infinite bubbles of the universe like ours that could have formed and existed that we would not know of.  Having different laws of physics altogether. Everything conceivable you can think of might exist. That is the multiverse theory. "


One student had curiosity and asked to raise his hands in the process.


"ah yes."


"Even fiction? every concept?"


Hamza had a smile when at least one question was asked by a student. It was always nice having students take some interest.


"Of course. The possibilities are infinite. Every single concept can be a reality in the multiverse theory."


The bell rang and the students started to leave. Professor Hamza took his book from the table. Before leaving 

"There will be a surprise quiz starting tomorrow onwards on any day of the subjects we have covered till now. Be prepared HAHA"


All the students got cranky by the news and just left the premise. Hamza continued to take his other classes at the university. After finishing all his lectures,  he went home. Driving his old Honda car. he drove to a modest-sized house. In an empty house, he prepared dinner and started eating it as it was night-time. 


" quiet and peaceful. I love it. let's see what's on Toonami"

hamza was an introvert and a loner. A lifestyle that he loved and was not bothered by it by any means. In his late 20s, he was a teacher at a reputable university. He worked hard for it. so that he can just have a stable career with no issues and just live in peace. 


Opening the tv he sat down to watch it. One of the shows was samurai jack on Toonami. One of his beloved series from childhood even till today he was re watching it to refresh his memories

"I just love gendys tatavosky work. Such amazing and fun cartoons to watch. maybe I should have become an animator. hmmm"


A thought he had in his mind but he completely disregarded it. 


"Nope .too much work"


he shut down the tv after watching a lot of it and got to bed. It was 10. pm and he had morning classes to take. he tried to sleep but could not sleep. laying still on the bed for a few mins. 

"I just can't sleep. did I have too much coffee?"


opening his phone. He then started to read Novels because he couldn't sleep.

Recently he picked up this hobby of reading novels. hamza spent most of his free time watching and reading fictional works for the past year when he was introduced to them by a friend. He always wondered if the multiverse existed and if maybe a world similar to the shows he has watched also existed. As a major in astrophysics, he was intrigued by the concept.


Before putting his phone down as it was 12:PM. There was a direct message from the user. A number that was anonymous and far too long to be a number. it had more than 100 digits. Confused and intrigued by it, hamza read the message.


"become my avatar and journey across the MULTIVERSE. You like fiction right? You might like it. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity"


the message was stupid as hamza though


"But the fact that he mentioned multiverse? roleplay? My student? some troll that took my lectures? hmmm"


hamza was thinking about what to do. In most cases, people would rather avoid even replying and just leave it unread. It was obviously someone trolling him. hamza had a weird sense of humor and laughed at it. trying a reply


"haha. I think there are students maybe"


He just replied quickly as he was getting sleepy. The message was stupid as the person introduced himself as a god so why not answer in a stupid way? 


"Sure.  I mean it's an equal exchange. The multiverse is too vast. You might not even understand the concept of it but I'm a good teacher. ill teach ya XD"


hamza had a small chuckle and went to sleep. he had a hobby of responding to scam emails and calls that demanded bank info. He trolled the fuck out of them out of sheer amusement every time. It was one of his fun hobbies as well. 




Walking up as the light was shining on hamza. It felt like morning had come. He opened his eyes and woke slowly while yawning. he saw his surrounding but it was white. nothing but white



he rubbed his eyes again as he thought something was wrong he saw nothing but white color. 




After opening his eyes he just saw a plane with nothingness. Just emptiness with white color in an endless plain.  He was standing on nothing as if he was floating. he tried to see his body but he had no body as he looked around. 




"What is this vision? 3d ,4d?  3rd person vision? What are these thoughts"


so much information clogged his mind. many visions were converging. it was like he was experiencing the strongest halucination.


"past present and future? 3rd person vision? WTF is this?"




Laughter echoed through the empty void. As hamza concentrated on it he could not comprehend the being that spoke to it. he could not see it. only hear his reverb voice.


"Come on this should be easy you Buffon. hurry up"


The voice started belittling him as if he was doing something wrong. he could somehow predict her pouty face for some reason


After a few moments, hamza could actually see the thing that was speaking to it. A thing that could not be described in words. A form that was inconceivable looking down on hamza as if it was an insect. it transformed itself into a lady-like figure of the same height as hamza and touched him in a seductive way. using her hands and touching him everywhere.


"OH! my little lamb is now finally integrated. you formed the body. that's nice."


hamza was seriously creeped out by this and shrugged her hands off. 


"What is this?"

[i look exactly like her. A black manikin]


"what are you? where is this place? What happens to me"




Talking a step each time she said something hamza took a step back. The lady-like figure had a black body with no facial features aside from a busty figure of a woman but the terrifying aura was too much for hamza.  It was like manikin but black


"You know what that'll just answer them like this"


In an instant, all the question hamza had were answered in his mind and he was just in awe. could not even respond.


[Im a god now? and a pet?  WTF. That stupid msg was from this entity. ]


The being manifesting an orb from her palm having countless threads coming out of it. 


"This is the sea of infinite thoughts. A projection of it. Every single concept regardless of whether it exists or will exist is in this sphere. You can call me observer. I observe everything. Yes, even your reality fellow viewers. "


 The goddess had a chuckle. The being paused and continued again


"viewers?" hamza replied in confusion. 


"I protect this sphere. Now it is in danger.  "

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"let's skip the boring stuff. You need to save some verses. This sphere is in danger because a parasite will devour everything in many verses. you will spawn into them before that thing devours it completely. Your job is to try to prevent the parasite from absorbing everything"


She held a ball floating in her other palm as it projected serval projections of the samurai jack on many screens floating. 


"This is the omniverse containing samurai jack in its entirety. All infinite timelines as well as parallel worlds. That thing will eventually escape from here and  will devour This verse first and will be loose on the Omni-nexus."


"what's an Omni nexus? a collection of the entire Omniverse right?"


[what the fuck is she talking about? samurai jack? the cartoon? I understand her but still damn]




" yes. It contains Everything. Every conceivable OMniverse exists and or will exist. for example, you have watched demon slayer, one punch man, danmachi etc right?




"Every fictional and nonfictional concept has a verse containing everything of that concept. since you are a being from a higher dimension that mirrors the prime in some fashion. you know everything I'm talking about. to you they might be fiction or just imagination to you. there very real. I just pulled you into the lower dimensions"


"  why me? why the fuck you did do that"


"Why not ?. you agreed to my terms lol. it might be fun. you will die a few times but who cares"


The goddess laughed a lot and said in a sadistic tone




hamza had no words to even speak.


" I will give you the means for you to unlock your true power in the process. You are a god now. you have to make decisions about what will happen in the course of your journey across the multiverse of verses. Aku might become a threat to all of  infinite existence"


"what? aku from samurai jack? HUH? how? why?" 


"Why would I spoil the fun?"


A retro-style screen game opening screen appears in front of hamza as it had a start button on it.




"Your fucking with me right?"


hamza might have had a stoic expression if he had a face. he felt as if he was being clowned. he was just a black figure like the lady without any features aside from a body.


with an amused laugh, the goddess said


"Of course. as well as being serious about the issue. your just too fun to tease"


the goddess tried to hug him. hamza did not like it. it gave him some weird vibes.


[i feel animosity. yandere vibes. she is acting a little too clingy I don't know why]


"Send me back you goddess. deal with your own problems"


"NAA. The deal is made plus I need my entert- I mean you to deal with the threat"


"you were just going to say entertainment. weren't you"


hamza would have had a stoic expression if he had a mouth.


hamza was now sure he was in hell. All the peace he had was gone now. he never wanted something like this. 


[what did I do to deserve this? Let me live my life in peace]


"or would you rather want me to tag along with you like aqua from that konosuba series you recently watched a few days ago? I can do that as well. That might be more fun. ahaha"


The laughter gave chills to him. 


hamza without a second thought was smashing the button crazy fast like a machine gun. he read her thoughts. 

[she was going to act like that thing from that anime. She's gonna be a pain to deal with.]


"NOO. Find another retarded mc that can do your stupid task. HELL FUCKJING NO. I can read your thoughts now. you will purposely act like a pain in the ass. This is like a game to you. a FREAKING GAME TO YOU. You just did this to spite me."


"Aww don't be like that. you get to live a life of adventure and do cool shit. common"


The black busty figure tried to hug him again but he just put a force field to keep her away this time. The manner that she displayed was oddly familiar to him.


The screen started to shake and many things rolling appears as if it was a gacha machine. The screen was yapping something that was hard to hear. It sounded complete gibberish. It caught the attention of hamza





[is this thing retarded? What the fuck is it saying?]




The screen squirmed as if it was alive. its eccentric behavior was a red flag in hamza's mind


hamza viewed the screen as the observer peeked over his shoulders.


GP POINTS Required

Side effects



time stop 2 sec. You can move and do things like that crazy vampire. 

3 times a day limit


Nausea for 1 hour after usage. any time any place as well. you can spend them GP points to change that to a specified time lol. cough up those points boi



scan any 1 being regardless of body type or size with your eyes and you can do everything that it can. Regardless of body composition or unique abilities. you can do everything that that person or being can.

(doesn't work on transdimensional beings. 24 hours time limit)

(cooldown 30 mins)


In the duration of the 30 mins cooldown, as well as an additional 30 mins.  you become blind and deaf also dumb. Makes no difference honestly for you.

You can spend them GP points to change that to a specified time lol. cough up those points boi

Can we build IT?

(S-teir ability)

Can create anything as long as you have the conception in your puny brain. (varies by the type of thing you want to create and how much GP you have)

it will tell the required amount as well.

[Your mad lucky mf. this is a fucking cheat. ]

that completely depends upon what the object and its attributes are.[will display before creating] bruh you gonna find out the hard way lol. 

Horny awareness


Tapping in the observer's Power. You can view everything from a reader's perspective or just become omniscient for 2 sec.

(what do you expect from a name like this? )


Makes the observer extremely horny. need to be careful around that thing(RUN BITCH RUNNNNNN).

Also, 50% chance that it will fry your punny brain. 


adapt, survive, overcome R1


you can evolve anything. making its function better by 150%. stackable infinitely

(It can evolve anything even appearance so evolve your ugly ass to a better one first and foremost)


Your IQ dips to nearly 50 for 30 mins after using. any day any time any place.

Unpredictable behavior and sus moments might happen bruh. 

You can find story with these keywords: Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg], Read Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg], Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg] novel, Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg] book, Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg] story, Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg] full, Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg] Latest Chapter

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