Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 2: I’m a god. –__–

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Hamza had pressed the button on the hologram-looking screen after his pitiful attempts to punch it. He just didn’t care anymore.

On his right side was a black manikin figure standing very close to him. She called herself Observer. Having busty proportions that would put women models to shame. With a curvy body having no other features like a nose or a mouth or even private parts.


 Her laughter was muffled as if she was trying to hide it. She was clearly doing this to him so he would notice.


[You are really enjoying this huh]


“Pfhh You just tried to punch the system because you felt mad or maybe it hurt your sensitive feelings. AHAHAHA.”


Whit a sneer he said

“Laugh all you want. I will get you for this. I repay your trolling 10 times over”


“Ahh try it then”


[I can’t imagine the bullshit and weird scenarios I will be put through. Still, I won’t let you have the last laugh. If my life is going to shit I am not letting you have the fun. Pervy goddess.]


“HEEYY!! What’s wrong with showing affection to my little pet? My name is observer. Also are you curious? Want me to spoil the surprise? The ending? Keep in mind the serious will become completely random and the events become 100 times more dangerous.”


Hamza was annoyed after her remark

“. Not interested. I'll manage somehow. Pet? Seriously I’m not a pet and stop reading my mind”


Approaching and pointing at his chest with her black fingers she said.

“Not so funny when your mind is being read. Huh!”


[she is right]


“I Know”


Hamza was rubbing the back of his head with one hand in confusion and embarrassment


Tilting his head a little to apologize he said

“I’m sorry I didn’t want to do that. it just happened. I can’t control it. Just what is this?”


A pair of glasses popped out of existence out of thin air in her hand. Observer(goddess) just put them on. The glasses hovered in the spaces where here eye socket would have been.


 Then she posed as she adjusted her glasses to make the Scary Shiny Glasses meme that many anime characters do.


“Dramatic much? Well aside from the display. I understand your point somehow. Weird. You did this while communicating with me and demonstrated the usage as well.”


Both had a small direct talk without words or thoughts. A form of communication that cannot be described in words. 


“Ding. You thought correctly”


“Your existence is now something beyond comprehension. You are not human. You’re a god now.  You can pretty much do anything right now.  You could eead my mind because you wanted to.


She paused. Hamza could imagine the smirk on her

“Who’s the perv now huh?”


Flexing with an anime laugh and that hand gesture while lighting like the arrogant anime women.

“OHOHOHOH!! You were thinking about me. Cute”


“Just Stop. This is embarrassing.”


With a face palm Hamza could not handle the cringe. She was definitely doing this because she was making fun of him. 


[This feels familiar somehow. Something I can’t put my finger on]


Observer said a final sentence

“You nigh omnipotent currently in this form at least.”




That one sentence completely caught him off-guard


With a slap on his back, the goddess told him.


“So just enjoy it. You won’t be staying in this form when we descend to the other verses. That would literally destroy that verse from existence. Would be a pain to reset it back from in the Omni-nexus.”


He was dead silent as she explained these important details.


Hamza was just trying to process this.

“Just how? I was just a human. How the fuck can I be nigh omnipotent? This just does not make sense. Just what is this? AM I fiction? Am I a comic character?”


Hamza had both his hands on his head as if he was going mad. Due to his nature of being a god, he got answers to his question in an instant but it confused and terrified him more.


A maddening state of confusion engulfed him. He was swinging his head like a madman.




A burst of black spiraling waves manifested from Hamza like a tornado. The black waves were growing stronger and bigger with every passing moment.


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“Don’t think too much about it. The author is on weed, to be honest …. OH SHIT”


 observer was rambling on and just now noticed what was happening to Him

“Dammit, he is not ready to break the fourth wall. Honestly, it’s impressive how he has approached this level.  I can’t expect any less from my lo-”


As she was about to say her sentence. The entire void turned black in an instant. Hamza figure was vibrating with a white hue.


“That’s enough Hamza”


 In a serious tone, she said those words.


her eyes radiated a red hue. It was making sparks like lighting. 


Observer just made a finger snap before anything escalated beyond the current state.




The entire infinite dimension of black shattered like glasses into tiny pieces. They fall like pieces and disappear into nothingness. The infinite void was white and empty again.


Hamza was standing like a statue but not moving. He looked like he was like a black manikin of a man. 


Observer approached him and touched him with her index finger. On his nose area



Hamza started talking as if nothing happened. He did not remember anything of what happened just a moment ago.


“What are you even talking about?”


“Oops. Nothing. Even if I told you can’t comprehend the concept”




A sound of chime echoed in the white void. A new screen appeared as new text with a countdown started


[Loading the stats. Will take some time]



“Now? It’s been so much time. This system is so slow. Aghhh”


 hamza was clearly frustrated by the system


Observer chimed in the conversation.


“That is not the case actually. What do you think how much time has passed?”


a curious remark from observer. Hamza started thinking and answered


“A few minutes? 10 minutes? More or less”


" Wrong”


“There is no time or space in this place lol.  Nothing exists. Everything we have done was instantaneous. You could say at immeasurable speeds”


“What? so no time that means the system has its own clock. Or works on a timeframe. We are just not bound by time.?”


The game screen changes the text and says


[Loading the game mechanics. Will take some time]


[Do something interesting you dumb fuck. You’re a god now. I can’t believe an idiot got such power. You only have 15 mins. You can do anything. I would have had so many wom-]


Before the screen could display anything more. A hand grabbed it like paper



“You were saying something?”


Observer slowly started tearing the sentient game screen apart slowly.




“Dont give my pet any funny ideas”





Hamza felt like this is just the start. A forced journey by a clingy goddess that is obsessed with him. A retarded system that hates and belittles him.


“jeez I am still hoping this is just a dream”


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