Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 8: Chapter 8. The dystopian city

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Recovering from the blinding light, Hamza slowly opened his eyes. He felt a furious breeze whipping past him, the wind lashing against his face and body with the force of a hurricane. As he adjusted to his surroundings, he saw a sprawling city below him, the buildings and streets looking like tiny toys from his dizzying height. The sheer astonishment of the view took him by surprise.


"Huh," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the roar of the wind.


As his mind caught up with his situation, he realized that he was in the air, plummeting towards the ground at an alarming rate. Panic set in as he realized the gravity of his situation.


"AHHHHH! WHY THROW US FROM THE STRATOSPHERE, YOU FUCKING BITCHHHH!" he screamed, his voice raw with terror.


His heart pounded in his chest, matching the frenzied beating of his wings as he struggled to stay aloft. He could feel the ground rushing up to meet him at an alarming speed, the buildings and streets below becoming clearer and more distinct with each passing second. He was absolutely terrified that he would die before even spawning. Desperately, he tried to maneuver himself, to find some way to slow his descent but found himself unable to control his falling body. He was spinning uncontrollably, his body tumbling through the air like a Beyblade, his screams echoing through the sky.


Observer was screaming in joy as she fell from the sky alongside Hamza, her voice lost in the roar of the wind. Her hair was streaming behind her, whipping around her face as she laughed and shouted,


"This is so fun! AHAHAH! Skydiving is so much fun!"


The system interjected in a sarcastic tone,


"Dammit. My coordinates were bad. At least the view is amazing. What a stylized city."


Hamza, still in a state of panic, screamed through tears,




They were fast approaching the ground, and Hamza managed to regain some control after spinning for a few seconds. He could see the buildings below growing larger and clearer, the pointed roofs of the skyscrapers looming closer and closer. He could see the tiny people and cars on the streets, the bright lights and billboards, the colorful graffiti on the walls. He felt a wave of vertigo wash over him as he realized that they were falling towards some pointed building roofs and immediately shouted for them to stop trolling.


“DO SOMETHING!” Hamza shouted as they approached the buildings, his voice barely audible over the roar of the wind.


 He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his stomach turning with fear and vertigo as the buildings grew closer and closer.


“Okay, jezz, you baby. You can’t handle some excitement. Fine,”


Observer said with a roll of her eyes. She made a circular gesture with her hand and a portal manifested just below them, a swirling vortex of shimmering light. Without hesitation, the three of them passed through it, the sensation of falling giving way to a moment of weightlessness as they were transported to another place.


They emerged in a dark, cramped alleyway, surrounded by small shops and cyberpunk-themed billboards. The alley was bustling with punks in groups, their leather jackets and studded clothing giving them a menacing appearance. The neon lights from the billboards flickered overhead, casting the scene in a sickly, unnatural light.


A portal opened and all three of them were flung out of it, like they were fired from a cannon. They went flying through the air, tumbling and spinning uncontrollably. Hamza could feel the rush of wind on his face as he careened through the alleyway.


“I need another job. This is a waste of my talents,” A cleaning robot said in a robotic monotone voice as they crashed into a cleaning bot that was cleaning the side of the corner, destroying it in the process. They hit the wall with great force and Hamza was the cushion for Observer as he hit the wall head-first. He felt a blinding pain in his head as he passed out from the impact for a few seconds.


Adjusting from the concussion he had just received, Hamza's eyes were seeing shallow, distorted visions. As he massaged his head, blood seeped from his broken nose and head. His vision gradually cleared, and he saw the face of a beautiful woman with a mole on her left cheek. She had sapphire eyes that seemed to shimmer with a faint neon glow. Her irises were lined with intricate circuit-like nerves that gave her gaze a mesmerizing quality. Her hair was styled in an octopus haircut, with long black tendrils that cascaded down her shoulders in a wild, untamed manner. The hair was speckled with greyish hues that added depth and dimension to her appearance, making her look all the more striking.


Observer also recovered from the crash landing, and Hamza couldn't help but stare at her in awe. Her skin was a warm, creamy caramel color, and her features were delicate yet striking. She had a wide smirk on her face, and Hamza couldn't help but feel captivated by her. She pressed her breasts against Hamza's face, and he could feel the softness of her skin and the warmth of her breath on his face.


"You like what you see?" she said, her voice a low, husky purr. Hamza felt his face flush with embarrassment as he realized that he had been staring at her for an extended period. He tried to stammer out a response, but she pressed her breasts against him more firmly, cutting off his air supply.


"Aahha, this feels ticklish, ahaha," she says, her voice coming out in a gasp.


After a few attempts to make her release him, Hamza stood up and firmly tossed her aside. He took deep breaths, trying to steady himself. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. The alleyway was dimly lit, with tall buildings looming overhead, casting long shadows on the ground. The air was thick with the smell of garbage and pollution. He could hear the distant sounds of traffic and the murmur of people going about their business.


"Were you trying to choke me with those melons?" he said, wiping the blood from his face. His head was still pounding from the concussion he had received, and he massaged his temples, trying to ease the pain.


Observer stood up, looking a little dazed. She touched her chest, which was now bloody, and a look of excitement crossed her face. She was a striking figure, with a mole on her left cheek and sapphire-colored eyes that seemed to shimmer with a faint neon glow. Her hair was black and styled in an octopus cut, with grayish strands that gave her a unique and striking appearance.


"So this is what a body feels like," she said, her voice filled with wonder. She seemed fascinated by her own physical form, almost as if she were seeing it for the first time.


Hamza noticed that they were both naked in the alleyway, and he felt a sense of embarrassment wash over him. He wished he could cover himself, but there was nothing nearby that he could use as a makeshift garment. A group of cyberpunk hippies and robots with body modifications had gathered around, staring at the strange scene. They were a motley crew, with brightly colored hair, tattoos, and piercings that glinted in the dim light.


A woman with a mask, three modified breasts, and headphones perched on her head, chewed her gum and commented,

"Talk about bold display."


Hamza felt a sense of vulnerability and vulnerability with the eyes of the crowd on him, but Observer seemed unfazed by their nudity and the attention they were receiving. She looked around with wide-eyed curiosity, taking in the sights and sounds of the alleyway.


Another person in the group said,

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 "Yo. Is this a new fashion? Rad."


A robot that appeared to be female, standing nearby, added, "Jeez, this is eye candy. I like that guy." She was smoking an electronic cigar that resembled a USB and had smoke coming out of it.


Nearly everyone in the group was under the influence of some form of drug. Hamza felt incredibly exposed and embarrassed. He approached the group while covering his private parts, and said in a shy and embarrassed tone,


"Could you please spare some clothes if you have any? My friend and I need to cover ourselves."


Observer was still adjusting to her new body. She noticed Hamza talking to the group of cyberpunk hippies and robots, and listened in on the conversation. She noticed the female robot approaching Hamza and slipping her hand into his crotch, aggressively grabbing his genitals as she said with boldness,


"Show me a good time and I'll give you credits too. You look just like my type, big boy."


She squeezed his genitals and roughly grabbed his body, as if claiming him for herself.


He stood there, still in shock, trying to process the unexpected and inappropriate advances of the female robot. He had never encountered a situation like this before and it left him feeling exposed and embarrassed.


 Hamza's mind raced with confusion. But before he could even react, all three of the cyberpunk hippies were suddenly flung to the wall with such force that it cracked the concrete behind them.


"that's my man Bitch!!" she said in every crancky voice


It was then that Hamza realized that Observer had used her telekinetic powers to defend him. She stood there, her eyes filled with contempt as she glared at him.


"It's not been an hour and you're already cheating on me?" she spat, her voice filled with malice. Hamza could feel the tension in the air and knew that he needed to diffuse the situation quickly before it escalated any further.


"No, no, no, it's not like that at all," he stammered, frantically trying to explain himself. "I would never , I know better than to piss off a cosmic god of all things. I'm yours and that's that."


trying to change the subject


 “Why are we naked? I’m going tear that system apart.”

He said as he turned around and walked towards the unconscious hippies. He started undressing him and took their clothes. He then returned to observer side.


Hamza couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration as he looked down at his own naked body. He couldn't understand why they were in this situation.


"We need to get out of here, now," he said 


Observer nodded, still looking a bit annoyed, but she quickly got dressed in the clothes Hamza had given her. The neon lights of the jacket illuminated her body, highlighting her curves and making her look even more alluring. he wore a leather hoodie that covered his face jeans that had stage designs


"Humph," Observer replied,

still not quite ready to forgive Hamza for his earlier actions. But for now, she was willing to put her anger aside


Both Hamza and Observer took quick glances at each other's figures as they changed clothes, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Now fully dressed, they were ready to escape the dangerous alleyway and its inhabitants before the unconscious hippies woke up. As they began to walk out, a robotic dog-like creature approached them. Its round body was held together by a square head and it appeared to be cobbled together from various parts, with a few bolts loose and missing pieces. It was as if it had been assembled in a graveyard.


"Trespassers. Identify yourself. Show the card," the robot barked at them.


"Shit," Hamza exclaimed under his breath, realizing they had no way to prove their identity or gain access to the city. They would have to find a way to bypass the robot's security or risk being caught as illegal intruders.


As they made a break for it, Hamza could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he clutched Observer tightly. The neon lights of the alleyway blared past them as they weaved in and out of narrow passageways, their feet pounding against the pavement.


"Dammit, why can't it be easy? Always something to deal with," Hamza muttered through gritted teeth.


The robot's siren wailed behind them, growing louder and louder as they ran. Suddenly, they heard the roar of engines and the clanking of metal, and they realized that the robot had called for backup. A pack of steampunk motorcycles were now hot on their heels.


Observer, however, was enjoying the thrill. "This is so fun, ahaah!" she exclaimed as they darted through the twisted alleyways, trying to shake off their pursuers.


The pair made a sharp turn around a corner, and Hamza could see a glimpse of freedom up ahead. They were so close, but the motorcycles were closing in fast.


"Come on, just a little further," Hamza urged, pushing himself to run faster.


With a final burst of energy, they broke out of the alleyway and onto the crowded streets, blending into the throngs of people and disappearing from sight.

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