Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 7: Chapter 7. The adventure starts

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After hearing what the system had to say, Hamza was left with a number of questions that he needed to consider before making his final decision. One thing that particularly bothered him was the possibility of one of the verses being devoured by an entity known as "aku." He needed to know what the implications of this would be on his journey and if it would make it impossible to clear the journey if that happened.


With a serious tone, Hamza asked the system to provide him with detailed answers so that he could make an informed decision. He also had a hunch that these verses had a correlation with contamination rating and wanted to clear any doubts he had.


The sentient system gave an eerie sneer sound and complimented Hamza by saying, "You're smart, I'll give you that. To answer your question, it would be extremely hard, nigh impossible, but it is possible to clear the verse. It's a difficult process, but it will just be an empty shell, nothing more, after getting rid of aku. Still, it could be restored, that's the neat part." The system's affirmation gave Hamza hope.


"That's where I come in, leave the restoration to me" Observer chimed in, giving Hamza a reassuring hug from behind, as if he were a big teddy bear.


The sentient system added on, in a serious tone, "You also guessed correctly. If a verse gets devoured, the contamination rate increases by 20% across the board. The rate of contamination increase also drastically increases. It just gives aku too much power and with that power, he can conquer other verses more easily. It's honestly messed up. If given too much power, it will be unstoppable." The system's voice conveyed dread, making Hamza flinch. The way even the sentient system was scared of what could happen if aku went unnoticed made Hamza start thinking for a plan.


He sat still, his mind racing with a seemingly endless stream of simulations and possibilities. The weight of the task at hand weighed heavily on him and the more he thought about it, the more complex and daunting it became. He stretched his time perception, allowing himself to think at a faster pace, but even then, days seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. He couldn't believe how much time it was taking to come up with a plan to clear the verses. There were far too many variables to consider.


Observer watched Hamza, sitting frozen like a statue. She couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement "Hey, you're thinking too much. Come on, snap out of it!" She said playfully, giving his manikin face a gentle poke.

Hamza broke from his concentration, his eyes focusing on her as he let out a small chuckle. "Hey, stop it, Can you give me a break?" He said, a hint of teasing in his voice. Sprayed some on her.


“really?” she said in a flat voice.


"There are infinite variables to what you're trying to predict. Just go with the flow, Hammy. I'll help you navigate the chaos," She said, trying to lighten the mood with a touch of humor. Her words were meant to ease his worries.


Hamza sat in silence, deep in thought. After several minutes, a glint of determination shone in his eyes as he came to a decision. He knew exactly where to begin his journey.


"Okay, I've decided where to start," he announced confidently.


Both the observer and the sentient system stared at him in surprise. "Let me guess, DC?" the observer ventured.


But Hamza shook his head, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. "No. Samurai Jack verse first. What kind of person do you take me for? An idiot?" he retorted with sarcasm.


"Why Samurai Jack verse first?" The observer asked, confusion etched in her voice. She had thought he would choose the easiest verse to start, to gain some advantages before moving on to more challenging ones.

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"Of all the places, you choose the most dangerous one. Are you foolish or brave? I can't tell the difference," the sentient system sneered, annoyance clear in its voice.


Hamza rolled his eyes at the system's remark. "You'll find out soon enough. And stop belittling me every time, what's your problem?" He retorted with annoyance.


The system replied in a patronizing tone. "Your choice, it's your funeral either way."


The sentient system displayed a game screen of a graveyard with a tombstone bearing his name. A button appeared in the middle, with the text

"Do you want to lock the verse?" displayed above it.

The marker was set on the Samurai Jack verse.


Hamza hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and fear. He then pressed the button on the sentient screen display with a firm press. "I hope this works out," he muttered under his breath.


The sentient screen started to glow with a bright light, as both Hamza and the observer watched in awe. A gate appeared out of nowhere, its pure white color emanating from it. The sound of the gate opening was like a roar, the air around them was charged with a strange energy.


The sentient screen displayed a few texts. “TIMELINE Xng1234. Samurai jack verse. All stats and body loaded”

It said while squirming with joy, jolting as if its being was being simulated. It felt like it was getting off the process somehow. Hamza only felt uncomfortable.


The gate stood tall with blinding light escaping from it. Hamza was hesitant, but the observer just grabbed his hand and ran into the door like a hungry cat chasing food.


“Oye!” Hamza exclaimed as he was flung by the observer like a handheld purse. She dragged him without a care, laughing.


“Finally free from my infinite boredom,” she said as she jumped into the door, dragging Hamza along the way. "Ahhhhh, stop you idiot!" he screamed as they disappeared into the light, thus the adventure began.


[What did I get myself into?] He thought


That were the last words as he disappeared into the light.


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