Journey of Fateless

Chapter 1: 1. Beginning

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I don't know what happened. 

Hell, I don't even remember anything. It is like my memory is blocked.

{Testing 1..2..3-}

It was a cold male voice. 

Have I gone insane now I'm hearing voices in my head? 

[No Master, you have not still reached that stage  but you are reaching it slowly.]

Now it's a female voice. 

Ok, so there are two people in my head. 

{Incorrect, we are not humans.}

[We are both are artificial intelligence]

Wait wait, let's do our first introduction. 

{I'm Ben}

[I'm Lily]

Hi, I'm Noah... I can't remember my last name. No, I literally don't remember anything. 

[Don't worry Master, we have sealed your memories before your death for your safety.]

Death? Safety?? What safety? 

{Wait Master, we will answer one by one}

Ya like hell I'll be calm in this situation. And can you please stop calling me Master? It makes me feel that I am some kind of tyrant. Just call me Noah. 

[It's okay Noah, we both are here for you to assist]

So where am I, Ben? 

{In the void.}

So I am dead. How and why? Don't know. But I will find those answers afterwards. I should first see, no wait I can't see anything except darkness. I can't hear and feel it either. 

Lily, are there any side effects of staying in the void? 

[Yes there are but you are being protected by the system's powers]

Ok, so currently safe. Wait, how can I think and process in such a situation calmly? 

{It's your innate trait, you will feel all the emotions and face many difficulties but your mind will be fast, sharp and calm in all situations.}

Like a gamer's mind huh. So who made you both? 

[You Noah. I mean one of your reincarnations made us both. And don't worry we won't betray you.]

{Don't compare us to some type of forceful and emotionless systems}

Oh sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just that I feel that I shouldn't trust the unknown. Or some kind of instinct. 

{Well it's not your fault because you died by betrayal in most of your previous lives.}

Damn, I can't explain my feelings only. Sigh well let it be. So why did you both come in contact with me now? Like why not in my previous life? 

[Well how to say it you were just unlucky.]


{Don't misunderstand it. It's just that you should feel Void for activating both of us.}

Ah, so how many times have I died just to feel this Void? 

[273 times, it's the second time you activated us.]

Wait you said the first time that means my-

{9741 times before you first activated us.}

Wait for a second What the fu-

[Ben you said that you won't tell him that.]

{Sorry I just wanted to see his expression}

Damn it Ben at least show some mercy to me. 

[Don't worry Ben]

At least Lily cared about me. 

[We should have said the truth when he gets his body so that we can see the legendary blood spray from his mouth, now he is only a white sphere of soul.]

{Damn, I forgot about that}

Damn, I'm just getting bullied by both of you.

Sigh, I will wait for my revenge. 

Anyway for what purpose were you made? 

[We both are together from the Fate system, I govern the cause while Ben governs the effect. Our goal is to assist you in becoming God.]


Don't tell me now that I have to cross different worlds and become stronger just like some fanfics. 

{Yes and no. I mean the earth you just died on is known as the Origin world from which many types of worlds are formed. There are gods and goddesses but they are not immortal but they can live for billions of years.

But then the Origin Earth's will started to reincarnate a few people in other worlds which are formed by many authors. It wanted to balance the whole void and multiverse so gods started to help. And no they were just getting bored so they chose some reincarnators as their heroes fought each other to relieve their boredom.}

I was speechless. Are Gods real? So you mean to say there are many reincarnator like me? Don't all come from some OP character like celestial or what. 

[No Noah, this is where the real problem came. To become God there are conditions. You must first become a hero and have the rank of EX and then get chosen by one of the perished God's divinity.

And to reach that level you need to travel to different types of worlds to complete missions. When the missions are completed you can only take one skill which you learned in that world.]

What about bloodlines? like some OP God ones? 

{Heroes can only take one bloodline which is also of the lowest tier, thay have to evolve it to reach its potential.}

So have I become a hero? 

[ We don't recommend you to become a hero. ]

Why isn't it required to become God? 

[Yes you will become a God but it will be minor and subordinate to one of your sponsored God. ]

Huh, now that's a new problem. What do you suggest? 

{Well you have to become a champion of a God}

Now that's a new term. Is it different from a hero? 

{ Yes it is. A champion of a God has a goal to complete the Tower of Wishes(TOW). If you reach its last floor your sponsored God will get his/her any one wish. TOW is governed by the Origin earth's will. }

So what are the benefits for the champion? 

[Heroes have a slave-master relationship but the champion has a cooperation type of relationship. ]

So I have to become a champion of a God huh. But how should I convince a God in making me his/her champion? 

You are reading story Journey of Fateless at

Wait you both have a way to it also right? 

[Oh now you are asking our help ]

{Don't tease him like that, he is just not used to us, right Noah? }

Yeah, thanks for that. 

[Okay I will ignore this one but next time whenever you need help you can ask us. And about getting chosen as champion it depends on your luck. ]

Huh, care to explain it. 

[Say status in your mind]

Status :-

( ---Rankings:F-, F, F+, E-, E, E+, D-, D, D+, C-, C, C+,    B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+, S-, S, S+, SS-, SS, SS+, SSS-, SSS, SSS+, Ex---) 


  Name: Noah

  Rank: none

  Level: none

  Bloodline: Sealed

  Main class: Sealed

  Secondary class: Sealed

  Title: Reincarnator, Creator, Hacker, Chef

   Strength: none   Agility: none    Stamina: none            

   Intelligence: B-   Mana: E   Luck: D-  Charm: E-

  Innate traits: Calm mind(S), Mana Control(sealed)   

  Active skills : Hacking (B+), Cooking(A-) 

  Passive skills: Danger Sense(S+) 


Impressive, but where are my strength, agility stats and how I got those titles and skills when I don't remember anything? 

{Well, you still have not become a champion so it will not be mentioned now. You created two A.I.s(us) so you got the creator title. And before you died you were a hacker and chef. And danger sense because you died numerous times. }

Can I get skills from previous lives!? 

[Yes, but there is a condition. ]

Please help me goddess Lily, I will become your devout follower. 

[Tch shameless, you didn't even ask for the condition. ]

What can I do also? I am in a hopeless situation. 

{Well you are right you should know when to keep pride and to eat pride. }

I think we both can become good friends, Ben. 

{As a fellow shameless cultivator I agree with you. }

So what is your condition, Lily? 

[You just have to call me and Ben as real sister and brother. ]

I'll try because I think I am not good enough at keeping relationships. 

{ We know your trust issue so don't worry and welcome to the family. }

Thanks for coming into my life, brother and sister. 

[Okay don't get too emotional. Now about skills, I've gathered all your skills from previous lives and kept them in a roulette. You just have to complete quests and get roulette coupons to roll it, and get skills. ]

Now that will depend on my luck huh. 

(Ding! NOAH successfully connected to the Fate system. Received one active skill coupon and one passive skill coupon. Kept in inventory.) 

A mechanical voice said. 

Oh, use both coupons now. 

[[ Ding! Received Active skill: Concentration (A) 

 Ding! Received Passive skill: Reveal(Ex) ]]

[[Concentration (A) : Can help you to focus and a low possibility to upgrade skills

Condition to active: Concentrate on one thing]]

[[ Reveal (Ex) : You can see a target's intention if you stare for 1 second. Target won't feel anything if you use this skill. 

Note : If the target is high rank from you or is a divine entity you can only see if they have a  malicious or good intention towards you. ]]

Concentration is a nice skill but what about Reveal ?? 

{ You can't read the target's mind but you can see its intention towards you. Say if Lily comes to you and thinks 'I will throw water balloons on Noah'. You will only see that she will prank you but won't know what it will be. }

Hmm understood. 

[ But Noah, be careful there is a big difference between no ill intention and ill intention. ]

Thanks, sis I will remember it. But our problem remains, how to become a champion?? 

{Don't worry Noah we will soon reach Respawn Station where you will decide your fate. }

I think my new life will be filled with lots of ups and downs. 

[ Little bro you meant that your life is like a roller coaster right?  ]

Huh, I never mentioned I will be the little brother. 

[ But you died when you were 20 years old, so I will be your elder sister. ]

Huuuh but didn't I create both of you, so shouldn't I be the elder one!?! 

[ Bruh do you think you have qualities of the elder brother. ]

Then do you think YOU have it huh!?! 

{Sigh living as the ELDEST brother is such a tough life.}

Shameless, do you think we are air or what!?! 


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