Journey of Fateless

Chapter 2: 2. Meeting a Goddess

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"Sorry, you aren't chosen by any gods to become their champion. And thus are forcefully becoming the hero of a God/Goddess which are in need of a new slav-*cough*  brave hero." said the person with a white mask, white pitying my future. 

How did I end up in this situation?!? 

It escalated from 0 to 100.

When I came into this white room, where only a man with a white mask covering his face welcomed me and said, "Welcome to Valhalla!! Where fallen heroes gather under Gods to travel and rule other worlds."

The hell is he saying? 

"Ahem.. I didn't die during a battle." I said calmly. 

"Ah so sorry I said the wrong speech. Wait a minute I will find the correct speech for your type of people.. " said the man while he brought a pile of papers from nowhere and started searching for something important. 

[Sigh, the quality of employees for the respawn station remains the same. ]said the female AI in my mind. 

{Don't say that, they have to check and pick up reincarnators from hundreds of worlds. And there are like thousands of employees, so you can imagine their stress.}sympathized with the male AI in my mind or soul? 

Noah gave the white-masked man a pitying look, which he didn't know will be soon returned to him in a few minutes. But who is this man? 

[He is one of the heroes of the God of Management. He helps reincarnators to choose which God to go under. But these heroes don't get wages and are treated like slaves.]said my adopted AI sister Lily. 

Then I saw something on the head of a white-masked man which reads (( Trying to fool you to become a hero.)) 

I was surprised but soon my (Calm Mind) trait helped me. I thought it must be a common occurrence here. {Yes. It's common here to fool reincarnators to become a hero by not stating that there is an option to become a Champion.} said my adopted AI brother Ben. 

"Ahem. I will reintroduce myself. I'm what you people call ROB. I am going to send you to a God and you will become his/her hero and let you reincarnate in another world."

So he started a typical isekai introduction. Still, he is a bit amateur at scamming. 

"But what if I want to become a Champion?? " I said calmly while anticipating a reaction of surprise. 

[Noah, you are gambling here. ]sternly said, Lily. Yes, I know but I want to see if Gods can recognise systems or if there are people just like me with AIs or systems. 

"So the rumours are true huh.. " muttered the masked man. 

{I am getting a bad feeling about this. } Ben said. 

"Umm, what rumours?? " I asked. 

"There was a rumour among heroes that few reincarnators gain systems or memories of previous lives. But I never expected it to be true. "

"So what will you do about me? "

"Nothing, I will just continue the procedure. "

Huh, that I was not expecting. 

"Why..? "

"Oh, it's nothing like that. It's just that these types of people have the lowest potential or sometimes their systems get corrupted due to various reasons and devour their hosts. " he said. 

Lily Ben don't tell me.. 

[No Noah, we are not corrupted. We just gained emotions due to the number of lives we lived inside you. And you can fully access the Fate system when you reach rank A. ] slowly assured Lily. Noah breathed a sigh of relief and thought I was just concerned about both of you. 

{It's okay. And thanks for worrying about us.} said, Ben. 

"You know you are very unlucky because all the gods prohibited reincarnators to become a champion and you will be also forcefully become a  hero of Gods who are in need of slav-*ahem*hero."

The masked man said while pitying me. 

And then my vision shifted and I landed on my butt on the grassy land. 

Wait, grassy land.. I looked around to see that I landed in a forest. I was surrounded by a lot of large trees and sunlight reached me through the gaps in leaves. I calmly analysed my situation and thought " Where am Ben?? Lily?? "

"You are in my domain."


"Here I can read your surface thoughts like an open book. And those two in your soul can't interfere with our conversation." a melodious voice said. 

When I looked in that direction I just saw a figure of a woman who was shrouded in mist. From looking I can tell she is holding back her divinity so that I won't get disintegrated just by looking at her. 

I would be lying if I said I was not shocked, but I raced my mind to find a solution to stop her from reading my mind. 

"It's futile, you should just surrender and become my hero at least I won't treat you like a slave."

I ignored her and willed my mana to protect my soul and memories. Then I saw a pattern and followed and concentrated on it. 

[[Ding! Mind Defence(F+)skill created ]]

"Hmm..? Interesting.. " the goddess said. Then suddenly I got heavy pressure on my soul. I concentrated and started to protect my soul from the previous pattern. It was like an instinct. Like I had learnt it but got forgotten, it was like going on a path which I had already mastered. 

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[[Ding! Concentration skill levelled up to A+rank

Ding! Mind Defence levelled up to E rank]]

Soon I got used to the pressure and started to relax then suddenly pressure increased by ten times. It felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of needles together. But I preserved and didn't lose my consciousness. 

[[Ding! Mind Defence levelled up to B- rank ]]

"You are an amazing case. I had never seen a person resisting my mind reading skill. And that also without the help of those two people inside your soul, it's like you are subconsciously defending your mind. Let's make a bet."

excitingly said the goddess. 

I was panting. I wanted to relax and sleep. Then I heard a voice in my head "If demons stop me I will kill them if gods stop me I will slay them if fate stops me I will break it." Like some enlightenment, those words were reverberating in my mind. 

[[Ding! Calm Mind levelled up to S+ rank

Ding! Mana control(SSS-) skill unsealed due external stimulation ]]

"What are the stakes? " I said, calming my mind. 

"If you stop two more of my mental attacks then I will make you my champion. But if you lose you will become my slave. Okay with it? " she said. 

Even though I am at a disadvantage I can't do anything against her. 

I nodded and prepared myself for the pain. 

"Here is my first attack. " she said. 

Then suddenly my soul felt immense pain. It felt extremely hot and then suddenly extremely cold. I could not think of anything. I was being tortured mercilessly. Like previously for my mind again I got a pattern to protect my soul. I followed that pattern, the pain did get reduced but it didn't stop. But I know how to preserve. 

[[Ding! Soul Defence (F) skill created 

Ding! Pain resistance (E-) skill created

Ding! Soul Defence got levelled up to B+ rank 

Ding! Pain resistance got levelled up to B- rank]]

I ignored those messages and solely concentrated on my soul and protected it. 

"I respect you. I mean it sincerely because you survived a 5% of my mind attack. You are like a tenacious cockroach. You should be proud of it."

Even if you said that my revenge against you won't be reduced. But still to think it was a 5% attack. Then her powers are really powerful just thinking about her full powered attack I shuddered. But I won't waver. I will become powerful and become a God. 

"Fufufu be prepared because my second attack won't be an easy one. If you survive this attack I will make you my champion." she said arrogantly. 

I closed my eyes tightly and anticipated the pain would come. But it didn't come as I imagined. 

"My dear hero, open your eyes and look here." I heard a lovely voice. Just hearing her voice I think I  will fall in love with her. 

I opened my eyes against my will and saw a beautiful sight. A woman with pink hair reached to the ground, her eyes were blindfolded with a white cloth, and her G cup breasts looked like they could come outside her white and golden chiton. She had a cornucopia in her right hand, her slim waist and long legs just showed how beautiful she is.

"Dear, can't you become a hero? I will protect you. You won't have to worry about others."

It was a charm attack, but like a charmed person, I thought why not, she will protect me. Yes, why should I worry about others? I won't have to go to dangerous places, I can live with her in peace. But should I trust her..??!! 

Like a lightning bolt, I felt pain in my soul. I can't describe it properly, like thousands of knives were pierced slowly into my heart. The pain was so sudden that I jolted awoke from the charm of the goddess. 

[[Ding! Charm resistance (E+) skill created

Ding! Charm resistance levelled up to A- rank

Ding! Calm mind levelled up to SS- rank]]

"Is your attack finished? " I said coldly. I know what that pain was. Betrayal from my loved one. I think it isn't the first time I felt this way, and I should only focus on my goal to become God instead of finding a person whose memory I don't have. 

"Are you a gay..? No, you can't be, I saw how you were mesmerised by my looks. That means you were betrayed by your loved one huh." The goddess muttered. 

"You lost the bet." I stated. Will she go back on her words..? 

"Don't worry I will make you my Champion." she said. 

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

Then I once more looked at her appearance, beautiful and mysterious, just my type of woman. 

Damn, she became my first crush after my memory loss. 

Then everything blacked out. 


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