Journey of Fateless

Chapter 4: 4. Lucky or unlucky…?

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Hell, is this some type of curse if one became luck's Champion. Shouldn't luck's champion be the luckiest person in the Void? But Talya said that she wears a blindfold so she has been impartial on giving luck so that means am I lucky or unlucky!?! Why am I suffering like this!??! No, think positive, take deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exha- " You know that technique might help you to calm your mind but it won't change your luck. Ben said mockingly. 

" Shut up. I don't need your sympathy. " I yelled. 

But my brother is now mocking me. Am I that unlucky..? 

" Hey, think positive, many people complain when they are too unlucky or too lucky. But see we have you- someone who stands between lucky and unlucky zone a perfect description of Champion of luck not too lucky nor too unlucky. " consoled Lily. 


" Doesn't it mean that I don't have any luck.. ?! " I yelled. 

After calming a bit I once again looked at my new skills. 

[[ 1. Fateless (???) (passive): • You are not chained by destiny but you are meant to fu*k the destiny. 

You and people directly contacted by you won't be affected by a UW's favoured child. 

(Author : Defense from protagonist's halo) 

 • If destiny tries to scheme against you from the dark then you will scheme against her from her own shadow. 

 You will get to know the destiny of a few people or the future of the universe when you go to new universes. 

(Author : Noah will get knowledge of novels from that particular universe because he has forgotten every memory so he won't remember any novels from his previous world. So this skill will be his pure OP cheat.)

2. CURSE : Your skill with the highest rank will be cursed. 

Reveal ????(Ex): You can only see the true thoughts of a target who have ill intention towards you, you can also see the thoughts of targets who have neutral stands towards you. 

But you can't see thoughts of those targets if they have positive emotion towards you (any type of love, care, joy, gratitude, pride and interest(good one)) 

3. [SURPRISE SKILL](passive) : 

    • Surprise Motherfu*ker :

This skill will remain activated but you won't be able to see its description. You will be able to see the description after you complete conquering a new world. It's a surprise skill. 


Sigh, my first skill is like God's skill, it will help me tremendously in my future. And about the curse on Reveal skill, I am a little bit bitter but I can't do anything about it, at least I can predict my enemy's movement. But my biggest problem is my third skill, I know it is a skill (thank god it's not another curse), but will it harm me or the people around me? 

" Noah, don't worry, SURPRISE skills are always beneficial and they will help you very much in future. "

Talya said while consoling me. 

I smiled wryly, " But you know,.. it's a little bit disturbing for me. "

"But you know, Noah from my Divine weapon Spinning Roulette Surprise boxes are not harmful in nature, it might be some kind of boost. " she said. 

" Hmm.. Ah can't you tell me about my surprise skill!?!?! "

I said with stars shining in my eyes. 

Talya looked down and said embarrassingly, " Well, you know every divine weapon has its curse like that my roulette has a curse in which I won't remember anything I wrote in my roulette but it can tell me if it is good or bad. And your skill is really good. " she said the last part confidently. 

I sighed and stopped thinking about it. 

" Hey Noah, don't be like that, if you already know the skill then how can you call it a surprise skill, huh. " said Lily with a grin. 

I just shrugged and said," I know you might call  me paranoid but my instincts are telling me that this skill will bring a lot of trouble but it won't be bad. "

After hearing me Ben and Lily smiled wryly because they know how much I trust my instincts as it was formed by a lot of betrayals in my previous lives. 

" Umm.. Noah, when you first met me, what did your Reveal skill say about me? " Talya asked. 

I smiled and said, " When I met you I saw that you had 'no ill intention towards me' and I lost consciousness after the test when it changed from ' not ill ' to ' good ' intention. "

She sighed in relief and then smiled at me, but seeing that smile my heartbeat started to rise but my calm mind came to help. Thank heavens it came on time or else I will be teased to death by Lily. 

I asked excitedly, " How are we going to connect me to a universe?? "

Ben smiled and said, " The main universe is always important, it is also known as the Home Universe (HU). So that's why you have to make a friendly contract with UW. "

I asked " Do you mean that for every universe I conquered, I will have to make a contract such that we both won't be at a disadvantage? "

" No Noah, for your HU only you have to make friendly cooperation but for other universes, you can make any type of contract. " When Lily said the last part, Ben, Lily and I grinned and snickered wildly. 

"Fufufufu" "Hehehehe" "muhahaha"

Seeing us act like that Talya just giggled loudly so we looked at her questioningly. 

" No, it's just that when I saw you all, the first time I thought you all might not be brother and sister but when I look closely I think I am wrong. " Talya said. 

We just smiled hearing her response. 

I said, "So how do I choose my HU ?? "

Ben said, " You should choose the universe with the most potential, which is made fresh from Gods and is not connected to them. "

I was not too surprised when I heard Gods can create a universe. I looked curiously towards Talya as to how she will make my universe. 

Talya shifted uncomfortably and said, " Um Noah you're making scary eyes. "

I coughed and said, " Sorry, I just wanted to see how you will make my universe. And will the Home UW will always monitor me ?"

" No, mostly UWs are sleeping and only wake up if there's a danger to their universe, if they want to meet someone or if there is an opportunity to rank up their universe. Also, God can't watch their champion in their universe or while conquering another universe. '' Lily said. While she knew that Noah liked freedom and not being monitored. 

Talya said, " A few years ago when I was getting lonely I made an independent universe for my future champion. So I will call it UV for you to make the contract and connect to its soul. "

Then she started to chant and light started to surround in front of her. I looked at it carefully as I waited for my future partner to arrive. But light stopped shining and when I looked at that 'thing' I was once more SPEECHLESS. 

Because the 'thing' in front of me was a 5-year-old little girl with long white hair and white eyes, who was looking around curiously and cautiously. It was like an angel coming down to meet mortals. She didn't have any emotion on her face. 

Talya pushed her little bit towards me and said, 

" Sarah, this is my new Champion. "

Sarah the UW looked towards me carefully and started sniffing me. It was a little bit weird but I said, 

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" Hi, I'm Noah. What's your nam-"

" Take responsibility. " She said, interrupting me. 

When all of us heard her words, we froze while I sensed three killing intents towards me. I was confused and scared but I calmed myself because if I don't say anything I'll fu*ked up. This is not a favourable situation for me. 

" Umm, what are you talking about? " I asked nervously, because nobody in hell will be calm if they sense the killing intent of a goddess who is also smiling at you like a devil. 

Sarah made a poker face and said, "You smell mommy's scent, so you should take responsibility."

After hearing her response I calmed a bit and thought about her words carefully and connected some dots. Sarah might have felt Talya's loneliness and asked me to take care of it. 

I said," Oh of course I will take responsibility but for that, I have to become strong enough to protect her, so will you help me? " I extended my hand towards her. She looked deeply into my eyes and held my hands and said, " Okay papa, we will protect mommy together. " I swear to the heavens I just saw her mouth smirk a little bit while looking towards me. I take my words back she is not an angel she is the devil herself. 

 But hearing her words we all froze, Talya's face was red and I could see steam coming from her eyes. I just had one thought ' how cute!?! '

While I also promised myself in my heart that I will marry Talya when I reach godhood because I am too weak for her to notice my feelings. 

[[Ding! Soul connected to the universe. Universe registered as HU. 

Ding! Received 2 Passive skill coupons for making the first step to reach godhood. ]]

I thought ' Use it '

[[ Ding! Received :

'Library of Memory (E)' 

• Your memories will be formed in books in your soul you won't forget anything from now.( Note: You won't have your previous lives memories) 

'Language Comprehension (SS+)'

• When you go to another universe you will learn the language after hearing or seeing the writing of those languages. 


[[ Ding! You will be reincarnating in your HU, be ready for your new adventure in 15,14,13..]]

Lily smiled towards me and said, " All the best little brother, don't make trouble in the new universe. "

Ben also smirked and said, " I will be disappointed in you if you can't make your harem next time we see you. " 

But he shivered when he sensed Lily's dangerous eyes telling Ben not to cross the line. I just laughed at their antics. 

When I looked at Talya she had a serious face. I was a little worried but that thought vanished when she said sternly, " Noah you will start a new life with strong powers, so just try to enjoy your life don't be hastening in becoming a God. And take care of Sarah's universe. " 

I felt warm hearing her words and looked at Sarah and said, " Are you ready? "

But she just yawned and said, " I will just sleep. "

In other words, she wanted me to take care of her universe. I sighed in defeat while looking at my future daughter who will just sleep.

[[.... 2,1,0 ]]

With that my new life in a new universe started. 

* * *

In Goddess's Domain

When Noah and Sarah vanished to their universe, the whole atmosphere changed from smiling to gloomy. Talya, Lily and Ben stopped smiling and released their killing intents in the atmosphere. 

If Noah was here he will know that the previous killing intent he felt wasn't even 5% of this one. 

Talya has broken the silence, " Where is the b*tch?!?! "

Now the easygoing and shy goddess turned into a demon king who just wanted to kill someone. 

Lily smiled coldly and said, "This time Ben and I purposefully erased Noah's memories, so he can have a peaceful life which he dreamt of. I don't want this reincarnation to be also filled with revenge just like his second and first reincarnation. And about that bi*ch, she is sealed outside the Void in the Abyss of Gods. "

Talya rebuked, " And when he knows we kept this hidden from him, what will he say!?! "

Ben calmly said, " When Noah becomes strong enough he will handle himself, let him enjoy a bit. "

Talya calmed a bit and asked, " And what about those three life signs sealed in Noah?!? Will they harm him!?!"

After gaining a new family Talya will do anything to protect them. 

Lily coldly snorted and said, " Those three were the subordinates of that bi*ch and are now Noah's slaves. They will awaken one by one when Noah reaches E, C and A respectively. "

The bi*ch they are talking about is the same woman who betrayed Noah in his first reincarnation. 

Ben looked towards Talya and said, " You should not be worried about those three, you should be worried about the skill which Noah received. "

" Now that you mention it, but in reality, we can't do anything except for some backup and safety prepared for him. " mentioned Talya. 

Like that the two AIs and a goddess started to plan the future path of Noah. But of course, Noah will not slack off, he will also start to face trouble in his universe while preparing to conquer other universes. 

End of Volume 1: Void

Next: Volume 2: Home Universe (1) 

Next Chapter: My Fight Against Fate

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