Journey of Fateless

Chapter 6: 6. I’m the son of main Antagonist

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The Cahill family is the most powerful in human history. Founded by Gideon Cahill and his wife, Olivia Cahill, around the 16th century, the family was split during a fire that destroyed Gideon's laboratory. This led to the creation of five branches - Lucian, Ekaterina, Tomas, Janus, and Madrigal. The family branches have fought for centuries, competing to find the 39 clues first.

All of the branch's founders were of the original Cahills; Luke Cahill founded the Lucian Branch, Katherine Cahill the Ekaterina Branch, Thomas Cahill the Tomas Branch, Jane Cahill the Janus Branch, and Madeleine Cahill the Madrigal Branch.

Katherine was interested in science and inventions, Jane in art and music, Thomas' had a lot of physical prowess and determination, and Luke was great at tactics and sneakiness. When the siblings got married and had children, their skills were passed down to their offspring.

These were passed down generation after generation. The hatred of each other, their parent's interests/powers, and the longing for the completed serum never stopped.

Madeleine Cahill was never given part of the Serum, as she was born after her siblings parted their ways in hatred and Gideon died in the fire.


1994, London, UK


It's warm here. 

I could hear a soothing lullaby. 

I slightly opened my eye and saw a woman looking at me with love and tenderness. She had short black hair and grey eyes which reflected her care towards me. I think all my senses are oversensitive due to my birth. So I just relaxed in my mother's warmth.


It's total bliss. Just watching my baby and his small smile when he went to sleep, gave me infinite happiness. I think it is true that women change after giving birth. But I won't become soft, I will have to be more ruthless to protect my baby boy from outside dangers. 

When I saw his grey eyes looking at me I don't why but I felt that I should protect my cute baby from being tainted. But I know as he grows up, he will be forced to see the ugly reality, but till then I will fill his life with happiness and satisfaction. 

*Knock* *Knock*

" Come in, " I said. 

A man with short black hair and blue eyes walked inside my bedroom. He was Vikram Kabra, my target whom I have to watch, and also the most cunning person I have known till now. We both are wife-husband, but we keep one hand distance between us because we know that we can betray each other anytime. Even though he is more cunning than me, he can't match my ruthlessness. But we both have to come together to complete our own goals, he wants a successor as a boy and a girl to marry her to other branches and get the serum. And I want the clues of the serum. 

" I still don't believe that you can show love and care to others. " mockingly he said. 

" I will shower all my love to my baby boy only. " I smirked and said. 

He growls a bit and asks, " When will I get a girl? "

He needs a girl so that he can send her to other branches to spy on others. But he doesn't know that he is being spied on by me. He just thinks that I'm a ruthless woman who is obsessed with my appearance. 

I looked at my boy and said, " Wait for a few years, then we will start. "

He nodded and left them alone. 

She lightly touched the baby's cheek and said, " I hope you won't see my ugly side and become like me. "


After 2 months

I'm lost. No, not lost, I'm totally confused. I don't know where I am? I just feel like a caged animal in a zoo. My mother always showers me with her love that I might melt under it. And when she giggles and smiles I just freeze, literally. It's like I want to protect that smile and keep it for me forever. 

But the most amazing thing is her breasts. It's not like I'm addicted to it, it's like whenever she comes to give me the milk I am just awed at the size of her breast. 

Ahem. Sorry I got distracted. But the problem is she didn't even name me, she just calls me 'Baby~baby~' if not for calm mind skill, I don't know what face I would have. I have never met my father either.

If I analyse my situation I could say I am born into a rich family, as I have seen sometimes maids taking care of me. And don't talk when my mother takes me to a bath, she just comes naked with me and when I saw her whole body, well I was petrified. I don't think I will forget that image from my mind forever. But when I saw myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognise myself, I had grey eyes like my mother and small white hair on my head. But more importantly, I looked too cute. 


As soon as I heard the door opening, I started to move my hand and made cute voices from my mouth. There was the sound of two footsteps, one might be the mother. 

Mother never brought any person with her to meet me, so this is the first time she bought a visitor. 

I got warped in the hands of my mother, and slowly she raised me from the crib. Then I looked at another person, she was an old woman. I can't tell the age but I am sure enough she can be called a friendly neighbourhood grandma. 

She looked at me and said, " He has your eyes Isabel, but it looks cute with his white hair. "

Wait, did she say Isabel?!?! No, I don't believe it. But how can my gentle and warm mother be Isabel? Because in the books (of the library of memory) it was written she was ruthless, cunning and homicidal. She was a Lucian. She was also highly trained in espionage. She seems to have a positive attitude, especially when she is about to kill. She is also a master manipulator and tricks people very well. She even shoots her daughter for clues. She is like the main antagonist of this world. Wait. Calm down. 

I carefully looked at her with my Reveal skill but nothing came out. I was relieved but also felt a little bit guilty for doubting her love and care. 

Sniff, sniff. 

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Ah sh*t. My baby body, I can't control my tears also. My mothe-no I should call her mom looked worried and said, " What happened to my baby~? I'm here only. Don't cry~" This was the first time I cried. The last time I cried was when I came to this world and somebody slapped my butt. 

I stopped crying and smiled at her. She looked dazed then smiled and said, " Oh my~My baby started to become naughty~"

Isabel also first time saw her boy's smile or else most of the time he just looked dazed. 

The old woman saw all this happening and laughed and said, " If everyone saw how you behaved they might get strokes only. "

Mom looked at her and asked coldly, " State your purpose old ha-*ahem* Grace, tell me your purpose for coming here. "

Ah I think mom didn't want me to hear her cursing. Wait, did she say Grace like Grace Cahill!?!

This time I looked carefully at her with my Reveal skill [Grace Cahill: Wanted to see the miracle (our mc) who changed the ruthless woman into a caring mother. Also wants the future generation of Cahills to unite together. ]

Of course, she is Grace Cahill. The leader of the secret Madrigal branch (Nobody knows she is the leader, in the last book only it was known that the Madrigal branch is a part of Cahills). She is like the Goddess of manipulation because after her death only her grandchildren found all the clues which were found with the help she left behind before her death. Her death in 2008 was the starting point of a chain of events to find the 39 Clues.

(Author: She is like the female version of Dumbledore. Without her help Cahill won't be able to unite in future.) 

Grace laughed and asked, " No, I just came here to meet my grandchild. Ah right, does he have a name? "

Mom looked a little dazed and then answered, " Yes, it is Ian. Ian Kabra. "

From her expression, I can tell she just now named me. But I smiled and accepted the name. I don't care about the name, I want to remain in her warmness and love. 

Grace nodded and looked at me and said, " I expect a lot of things from you, my little Lucian. "

Mom snorted," Don't put your expectations on my baby." 

Grace just shrugged, " Let's go, we will discuss further in another room. "

And like that, they left me alone in my crib. 

But really a miracle huh. No wait don't tell me-



 ∆ Name: Ian Kabra

∆ Rank: F -

∆ Level: 10

∆ Bloodline: Spirit Summon bloodline (F)(0/1) {Note: It can evolve but you can only use it after reaching E + rank }

∆ Main class: • Weapon Master (F) •(??? ) {Note: Can only have two main classes}

∆ Secondary Class: • Crafter (F) • (???) {Note: Can only have two secondary classes}

∆ Title: Reincarnator, Creator, Hacker, Chef

• Strength: below F-

• Agility: below F-

• Stamina: below F-         

• Intelligence: B   

• Mana: F+   

• Luck: D  

• Charm: E-

∆ Innate traits : Calm mind (SS-), Mana Control SSS-)   

∆ Class skills: Eye of Skills (F), Repair (F) 

∆ Active skills : Hacking (B+), Cooking (A-), Concentration (S+), Mind Defence (B-), Soul Defence (B+), Charm Resistance(A-), Pain Resistance(B-) 

∆ Passive skills: Danger Sense(S+), Reveal ???? (Ex), Fateless (???), Library of Memory (E), Language Comprehension (SS+), {SURPRISE SKILL}(???) 


Yes, there is my SURPRISE SKILL. It doesn't have a rank but it is definitely the reason for the change in behaviour of my mom, but I don't care about it, at least I got care and love from someone. The first time I felt this warmth was from Lily, Ben and Talya. Now I have a mother who cares about me. I also noticed my level started to rise, this means I have started to affect the destiny of this universe. 

Just how many surprises will there be for me in my home universe?


Next Chapter: Separation and a New Family

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