Journey To Multiverse

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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“50 …….70…….100” hufft I swing my sword like crazy, for a 6 year old child playing with a wooden sword is very rarely seen in the modern world like today. when a friend of his age was playing in the park but he kept swinging his sword seriously.


From the look in his eyes, he looks very serious about achieving his goal, which is to become a kenshin. But it didn't take long because he remembered his encounter with ROB which gave him 300X power. When he was 6 years old he was already in an orphanage, he was not so sad when he found out his parents died because he had no memory of his childhood.


"Hufft I'm going to rest for a while, I didn't expect the power given by ROB to be so OP, not only can I understand this wooden sword but I almost like Unite with this wooden sword. If I continue to hone my skills, I'm sure I'll be able to understand this sword better.”


I took my towel, I've been in this orphanage for two weeks, when I came to this orphanage, my memories of meeting with ROB flowed into my brain. I can't believe that I'm the one who reincarnated into this new world. But what I don't understand is why I have no memory of this world.


“Ren-chan, are you playing with your sword again?” The orphanage mother looked at me in the yard with my sweat still running down my forehead.


"Yes, I want to be stronger mam"


“mouu… just call me nee-san ren-chan, a cute kid like you should play with your friends you know.”


"hehe it's okay ma...nee-san" the orphanage mother smiled hearing me call her mom. Well actually it's really weird calling her mom, because she's still so young like she's 19 years old. Her father runs this place and her father asks her to help take care of the children in this orphanage.


“Kyaaa… Cute..” she pinched my cheek and that's hurt a lot. I understand now why a child cries when pinched on the cheek.

"It hurts so much Konami -nee..." I held back my tears, yess her name is Konami. "hehe sorry ren-chan, anyway you better take a shower because you already like bathing with your own sweat you know"


"Hey..." I immediately left Konami-nechan because I didn't want to be pinched again. Sometimes konami-neechan keeps kissing me and shouting “Cute!!” Well it's not that I don't understand it because when I see my own face, I'm very, very cute. Thanks ROB for this.


After I finished bathing, I continued my lesson about this world, I asked the head of my orphanage to buy me a book. He thought I wanted to buy a picture book but I broke his guess, I asked to buy a Japanese language textbook for elementary level. 2 days after I learned Japanese lessons, I asked the head of the orphanage to buy me a medium level Japanese lesson, because of my strength I easily mastered it. It's been 5 days I studied it and started to master it. I've started to speak very eloquently to older people, I haven't forgotten about Japanese manners either.


"Hmm, I have mastered this medium level Japanese lesson, I will ask the head of the orphanage again to buy me a high level Japanese book"


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I closed my book and started to go to the headmaster's office. I knocked on the door of the orphanage head's room "Enter" I entered the room. The room was very clean and there was a pile of papers on the head of the orphanage, the head of the orphanage was still in his 50s with glasses on his face.


"Oh Ren, what's wrong? Have you mastered the book I gave you before? hehe it's okay if you haven't mastered the book because the book is too difficult for you and if…”


I cut off what he was saying by raising my hand, "Sorry to interrupt you, but I've mastered this book and I'm here to ask for the next level book."


The head of the orphanage looked at me with a shocked expression and mouth wide open, “Ren are you a genius?”


"Hehe I just love learning.." I made a small lie, because I studied the book just because I wanted to test my strength, but also learn Japanese vocabulary.


At first they thought I was not of Japanese descent because of my blonde hair, so they started to teach me basic Japanese language, and gave me picture books with English and Japanese writing. I immediately mastered it and started asking for more because I was excited that I easily mastered it.


"Hufftt okay, I'll buy you the book again, I think it will take a few months for you to master it."


The head of the orphanage saw me and sighed, I just chuckled.


"Okay then I will help Konami-neechan to prepare dinner"


I immediately left the room and started heading towards konami-neechan, I can't wait to explore this world, but so far I don't think this is a world where magic and swords are often seen, like the modern world usually is.


After dinner, I went straight to my room and started playing with the other orphanage kids, even though I'm a genius but I'm also still a kid so I'll act like a kid to dispel the doubts of people who are older than me.


After playing, I started lying on my bed and drifted off to sleep, at which point I didn't realize that the head of the orphanage had other plans for me.


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