Journey To Multiverse

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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"What do you think about Ren?" The head of the orphanage asked Konami about Ren, because Ren was a genius and needed further guidance. It would be a waste if his talent wasn't developed, and this orphanage couldn't support his talent.


“Hmmm Ren is a good and genius boy, for a 6 year old he has a very mature nature. I think kirigaya-san will like that kid since he's not far from his sword fufu"


“I think so too, his talent and genius would be in vain if he was left in this orphanage, we have a budget that is not big enough. I thought I would contact Kirigaya-san for his help.”


Kirigaya is a former soldier of the second world war, he is a very disciplined and firm person. If his men disobeyed his orders, then the soldier would definitely go to the hospital. Because of his nature, he was promoted to general in the second world war.

 (I made up this background)

“Hmm, I think I will collect the debt right now.. I remember what happened earlier, we are combat in arms. But he prefers to use a sword you know Konami-chan, in war he still holds his sword until he almost dies from being shot, but he is very old-fashioned and doesn't want to let go of his sword"



Konami looked at her father's face, 'It seems Kirigaya-san will like ren-chan, but will be sad to part with Ren-chan. Maybe when he grows up he will become a woman's heartbreaker.

"Looks like Kirigaya-san will like Ren-chan dad, after all he wants to be a kenshin you know"


The head of the orphanage laughed hearing that, “hahaha how come in this modern world he still wants to be a kenshin, but for tournaments it's okay. I believe Kirigaya-san would be very appropriate to educate Ren-chan, I will try to contact Kirigaya-san”


The head of the orphanage took his phone and called Kirigaya.


“Hello Kirigaya Household, who am I talking to?”


"Hello, I'm Tetsu, Kirigaya kodachi's friend. Can I talk to him?”


"Okay, please wait."


The head of the orphanage waited for a few seconds, and an old man's voice sounded


"Tetsu what's wrong, YOU KNOW I'M ALREADY SLEEPING?!"


'Ugh he's still stubborn, there's no change even though he's married'


"Tetsu did you just make fun of me?!"


"Ugh Kiri..."


"call me Taicho"


"Taicho, sorry to interrupt the night, but I need your help"




The orphanage head started to tell about Ren, he didn't know that Kirigaya Kodachi was smiling evilly.

“Genius?? Kenshin??!!, there is no such thing as a genius in this world, there is only hard work you stupid tetsu. If he is indeed talented in swordsmanship and other things, then he works harder than anyone else.”


“Taicho.. but he is very genius, and my orphanage can't channel his talent. Can you help me to take care of him?”


"I will see it tomorrow morning, I will come to your orphanage..."


"Tuuu tuuut tuuut..."


"Ugh Old man, you haven't changed at all, if I didn't respect you, I would have hit you a long time ago..."


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"KRiingg, Kringg" suddenly the head of the orphanage's cellphone rang again.




"Tetsu you just made fun of me right?!"


“Ughh no Taicho”


“tutt tutt tutt”


'Shit I think boys are right that Kirigaya-san has a sixth sense'



This morning I just finished running, to become a real kenshin, the body really needs to be maintained and constantly trained, so if I skip one day without training then I will fail.


"Hufftt I think my body adjusts to my age, for a 6 year old child, my body is perfect"


After arriving at the orphanage, I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face, because I was about to start practicing kendo again so I thought I'd take a shower after practicing. Due to the condition of the orphanage I didn't have any training clothes, so I used normal clothes.


"Well I think it doesn't matter what clothes you wear, the most important thing is the skills I get"


I started heading to the courtyard with my bokken, currently I'm practicing in the morning around 6 am. So the orphanage people still haven't woken up, ever since I came to this world I've started to get used to getting up early and practicing right away.


Honestly, I don't understand why I want to be Kenshin so much. Is it because it's cool? or there is intervention from ROB?. Well I think anything is fine, I will live this life of my own free will, and the first path is to become a swordsman.


Well I also know that in this modern world other people definitely prefer guns over swords, so I want to train my body to get used to swords so that I can ward off bullets with my sword.



“Shit that would be so epic, yosshh starts with 1000 Swings of the sword”

I continued swinging my sword without noticing that someone was watching me. After 1000 swings that I did quickly and perfectly, I heard a voice behind me.


"You have a good body, son, and the 1000 swings are perfect in my eyes, how long have you been practicing with that bokken?"


I looked in the direction of the voice and saw an old man with a scary smile talking to me. I thought he was a thief, I immediately ran towards him and started swinging my bokken at him. What I didn't realize was that he was holding something in his hand which I believed was the real sword. The old geezer brushed off my bokken with the sword still in its scabbard. Seeing my attack warded off by him, I started to move away from him.


"Who are you ? why are you here? Is this grandpa a thief?” I started a conversation with him.


“You are so rude, attacking this old geezer when this old geezer is just starting a conversation, don't you have any manners?!”


“You are no ordinary grandpa, I can feel you have a very strong aura. But I'm sorry for my actions, I'm sorry. You haven't answered my question, Grandpa."


“hehe I like you, I'm Kirigaya Kodachi, where is Tetsu bastard, is he still sleeping? really undisciplined at all his life "


From his speech, this grandfather seemed to know the head of the orphanage, I thought he was a friend of the head of the orphanage. “The orphanage head is still asleep, should I call Kirigaya-san?”


"Hehe, no need, just show me where the room is"



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