Journey Towards The Gods

Chapter 1: Prologue – Beginning of the Eternal Dao Omniverse

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The endless abyss....


Endless chaos....


Endless nothingness...


Endless churning of primordial energy...


Churning... roaring... colliding...


Endlessly continuing....


How many eons have passed? Is there even a concept of time here? No, there is only nothingness, only endless nothingness here...


But wait, why is it suddenly not entirely nothingness?


Something.... is coming.....


Something is appearing...


Something eternal...


Something even more endless...


Something... unimaginable...


"I am eternal!" suddenly something spoke.


"I am the beginning and the end!"


"Everything begins in me! Everything ends in me!"


"I am the great breather! I am the great devourer!"


"I am the Alpha and the Omega!"


"I am the whole of all parts! I am part of the whole!"


"I am the Eternal Dao! And now... the cycle begins!"


Suddenly it seems like the whole nothingness has begun to be surrounded by something. Something eternal, something ever-present! This something is an entity that now wraps around the eternal nothingness. Countless lines and characters appeared out of nowhere. These lines and characters are interconnected, forming very odd but smooth and flowing patterns. It is as if these patterns are the representation of this Eternal Dao.


"My runes are my extension and they will govern my laws of eternity!" the Eternity spoke.


Soon the whole chaos and nothingness have been wrapped up by that eternity. However, the eternal entity has not stopped. Soon, two beings of immense power began forming out of the eternal entity. These new beings are immense but compared to the Eternal Dao, they are tiny beyond comparison. These beings are formed from those patterns called runes. They are covered in runes all over their bodies.


"You are Yin and you are Yang! You are the essence of all creation. All creations are harmony and balance of Yin and Yang!" the Eternal Dao spoke again.


The two beings began changing into different forms. One of them turned into a cone-like black shape with a small round of white in it. The other one turned into a white cone-like shape with a small round of black in it.


"I am Yin!" said the black shape.


"I am Yang!" said the white shape.


Then they began to merge into an odd circular shape that more and more perfected into a balance between the two of them.


"This is the balance of Yin and Yang! This is the harmony of Yin and Yang! This is the essence of my will!" voice of the Eternal Dao reverberated through the endlessness.


The circular shape continued to grow bigger and bigger and finally began to split. It is split into several beings, each of these beings has the color pattern of the circular shape, they are born from the harmony of Yin and Yang.


"We Titans serve the Eternal Dao!" these new beings spoke.


They are enormous and different in shape. Suddenly they all began releasing countless runes. These runes are filled with the energy of Eternal Dao, the primal energy of creation and destruction. However, this time their purpose is to create. Countless large round objects began appearing all over the nothingness, the emptiness began to fill up. But the more of these round objects began to appear, the smaller the Titans became. Although they are still enormous, clearly they are losing their very essence for this process of creation.


"This is my Eternal Dao Sun!" a very large round object suddenly lit up with intense light and began emitting primal energy.


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At this time the Titans stopped working. Many large round objects are now floating all around. They are of various sizes and colors. Some small ones are revolving around a large one at one side. On another side, multiple larger ones revolving around a small one. Somewhere only a small one revolving around a larger one. However, there are several common things, first of all, all of these round objects are surrounded by an invisible barrier that separates each one of them and makes them alien from each other. Second, all of these objects are revolving around the Eternal Dao Sun as a center. They are revolving around each other and at the same time, revolving around the Eternal Dao Sun.


"These are the planets of my Eternal Dao Realm! These will be the hosts of all creation!"


The Titans began emitting energy again. They have become smaller but it seems like they are still full of an unlimited amount of energy. They merged their energy and began creating all kinds of things on the planets. Those planets also began changing after absorbing energy from the Titans and Eternal Dao Sun. This process continued for eons.


Unknown eons later, Eternal Dao Realm is flourishing with many lives. Countless unique races now inhabit the planets. Among the planets, there is the most beautiful and versatile Eternal Dao Earth. It is filled with all kinds of powerful Divine beings such as the God race, Demon race, multiple Divine Beast races, as well as Magical Elf race, Runic Dwarf race, Runic Giant race, and many more. It is also the home of many magical plants and faunas. There is a gigantic Eternal Dao World Tree at the middle of this world and all the powerful races have claimed their domain around the World Tree.


The God race, Demon race, and Divine Beast races were the first to be born in this world. They have the largest claim around the area of the World Tree. However, the other races have not fallen behind. Their claims around the World Tree are also substantial. The God race, Demon race, and Divine Beast races are very special. Each member of their race has some kind of Divine providence that lets them rule over, manipulate, torment, control other "lesser races". They are Immortals but they have a very low birth rate. It takes them countless years to reproduce. So their numbers are very small but they are still the most powerful. They do not die like other races, even if their bodies are destroyed and their essence; which are their souls; are scattered, they return after some time. They even tormented the weakened Titans until the Titans fled into the Eternal Dao World Tree and erected a barrier around the World Tree.


However, not all Gods and Demons and Divine Beasts are shrewd or manipulative, or cruel. There are Gods and Demons and Divine Beasts who have become protectors and lovers of other races. They warred against their kind to defend other races. They care about the sanctity of life, they care about justice, they care about harmony and balance, living peacefully together. Naturally, these two sides don't see eye to eye much. The manipulative ones find this nuisance very unsettling because it ruins their fun time. Their way of thinking is that they merely toy around with "lesser races", it is not like they are wantonly hunting them to utter destruction, they are still letting many live! However, the other faction claims that it is not their right to decide the life and death of other races. This has become more of a battle of morality and less of a battle for power.


However, the other races are not weaklings. For example, the Magical Elf race can use a certain energy called magical power which is unique to their race. Clearly, this energy is a variation that has been born of the will of Eternal Dao. Magical power is very versatile, and the Magical Elf race can manipulate this energy to create simplest things to magnificent things. They can conjure up foods to eat or even control the flow of rivers to create waterfalls and so on. They can also cause massive destruction, they can even destroy hundreds of Gods and Demons and Divine Beasts if they want. However, each person has a limited amount of magical power storage, once it is used up, they have to rest until they are recharged again.


Runic Dwarfs have special powers to write Eternal Dao Runes. They can engrave runes onto weapons, armors, or even their bodies and through the power of runes can accomplish marvelous things. For example, their weapons engraved with runes can manipulate weather, can cause massive destruction, can even kill Divine beings. Although Runic Dwarfs have small bodies, they are very intelligent, very industrious, and very good fighters. Through the power of runes engraved on their bodies; not only they can increase their strength; they can only increase their body size to that of giants! They are very fascinating. Other races, even Divine beings tried to learn how to write runes and failed miserably after eons of trying. Now, all the races are very respectful to Runic Dwarfs.


Runic Giants are the most tragic race. They are very large and born with Eternal Dao Runes engraved on their bodies. The more runes one is born with, the more powerful one is and the higher they are in the hierarchy in their social structure. Divine beings hunt the Runic Giants to harvest their body parts engraved with runes. It is very hard to kill a Runic Giant but by very nature, after a period of time, every giant has to hibernate for a long time. And that is when others strike. Divine beings vilify the giants in many ways, calling them the source of destruction, barbaric, danger to all lives, etc. Because of this situation, the number of Runic Giants is falling day by day.


The situation has become quite chaotic in the Eternal Dao Realm because of all these atrocities. All these races can sense that they are surrounded by an entity and know inherently that this being is Eternal Dao. However, they realized that Eternal Dao is neutral, it doesn't concern itself with anything, it is as if all lives are less than insects in its eyes. Since it is completely neutral, various races decided to just go on with their chaotic behavior.


This chaos continued for eons....


Until one day, the chaos arrived at a breaking point. War ravaged the entire Eternal Dao Earth. Divine beings fell one after another, Runic Giants finally became extinct and every race suffered a catastrophe that ensured that they would go extinct shortly too. Their biggest mistake was that they tried to assault the very World Tree itself! They mastered their forces and tried to take the power of the World Tree for themselves. And the World Tree retaliated in kind. Titans ran out of the World Tree and began a final battle. Gods, Demons, Divine Beasts, magical beings fell one after another. Each Titan took countless lives with them to their deaths. Their very essence has begun withering and bit by bit, they have begun fading. However, they saw with great surprise that every time one of them fell their bodies and essence turned into countless specs of light and floated into the World Tree.


Finally, all life went extinct from the Eternal Dao Earth, even the plants and faunas went extinct. Not just Earth, life went extinct on every other planet due to all the chaos. And strangely enough, the essence of all these lives flowed into the World Tree on Earth.


After every life has been absorbed and the realm became empty, the whole Eternal Dao Realm exploded. This explosion is unlike anything ever seen. The whole realm has been destroyed in an instant and everything returned to nothingness. But on the next instant, countless planets began to appear in the nothingness. However, this time it is truly countless. This time the Eternal Dao Realm is truly endless and it is continuously expanding. After a great number of planets appear in a certain area, it becomes a realm of its own and separates itself into a group. And within each group, there are also many many subgroups of planets. This process kept on going on and on.


Soon enough countless lives began appearing in these planetary clusters. However, this time after the birth of Divine beings a new type of life has been born. These lives are completely mortals, without any special power whatsoever. These lives intrigued the Divine and magical beings who have already crafted their own realms using their powers. Some of them decided to establish relations with the mortals, trying to guide them towards a better position in the new Eternal Dao Realm. However, many Divine and magical beings decided to become Gods and subjugate these mortals and manipulate them for their fun.


While the Divine and magical beings knew of the existence of Eternal Dao, mortals are completely oblivious. So these Divine and magical beings believed that they can torment these mortals without any consequences. And they think this way because they have no memory of what happened the last time, the severe consequences of their chaotic behavior last time. Apparently, Eternal Dao dimmed it unnecessary to return them that knowledge.


The Divine and magical beings discovered in shock that these mortals are born with unlimited potential. For example, no other Divine and magical race can use magical power other than the Elves. But these mortals can! Similarly, these mortals can engrave and draw runes, wielding their power as if it belonged to them since the beginning! These mortals can even hold Divine power in their very mortal hands! This knowledge shocked and scared the Divine and magical beings. They became fearful of the mortals' growth. And thus began the unanimous subjugation of mortals.


But the mortals decided to fight back. The knowledge they acquired from those superior races, they used to their full extent. War of destruction raged in every single realm. Every time a mortal or a Divine or magical being fell, their resentment, hatred, fear, dread, pain, suffering separated from their essence and began accumulating into a dark being. That dark being began continued to grow until suddenly...


"I am Evil! I am the source of all suffering, all hatred, all war, all suffering and everything wrong!" that dark being spoke!


Soon enough all life has been extinguished from all the Eternal Dao Realms. And an explosion countless times bigger than the last time happened again. However, this explosion did not destroy the dark being.


"You will complete me! You will become me! You will become part of Eternal Dao!" after countless eons, the voice of Eternal Dao has been heard again.


And the dark being began merging with Eternal Dao. After the merging has been finished. The whole process of creation began again. However, something is different this time. Many lives have been born with an inherent will to do harm and evil. Other races began calling them Devils. These Devils heavily influenced all races mortals and gods alike. This time, chaos has started from the very beginning. However, Eternal Dao spoke again.


"My Eternal Dao Omniverse truly begins now! And it will continue to grow and evolve! New things will be born and become part of me! I, Eternal Dao, will evolve along with my Omniverse! I am evolution itself! I am now truly the beginning and the end!"


This voice could not be heard by any race. Not that they could ever hear the voice of Eternal Dao. However, this time all races gained a new ability, to peek at the secret of Eternal Dao a little bit. Eternal Dao is endless and no one can see through it but this little bit is enough for many races to achieve something they could never dream of achieving. It is their path to become part of Eternal Dao.


Divine and magical beings as well as Devils very easily became part of Eternal Dao. They became eternal entities. However, many other races also managed to do so. For example, a spiritual race called Deva became part of Eternal Dao and their very energy flowed through the Omniverse.


Countless eons later, a mortal calling himself Buddha peeked into Eternal Dao and became part of it. His golden energy flowed through the Omniverse. He became even more prominent than many Gods and Devils. Devils especially began to dread him because Buddha's golden energy is a complete bane to their existence! They began plotting against Buddha, to create something to counter Buddha's influence.


Eons later, a mortal rebelled against the domineering doctrine of Buddha. His world, dominated by the followers of Buddha, labeled him as a heretic. His wife and daughter were murdered! In an endless rage, he roared towards the sky and the Devils answered! They have finally found the perfect tool. A mortal infused with the power of Devils waged war against Buddha. His world turned into ruin and the mortal finally opened his eyes, he finally regained his consciousness. Grief, sadness, and guilt stuck him. In the end, he is a mortal, he had a wife and daughter, he was filled with love. Even if he is overcome by rage, in the end, he has to return to who he truly is. All he wanted was freedom from restriction, to be unchained, to be accepted as someone different from Buddhists.


Devils became furious, they wanted to destroy this mortal. But they did not anticipate what happened next. Buddha himself appeared in front of the mortal and apologized! The mortal lost everything and he no longer wanted to live. He only wanted to be reunited with his family in death. But Buddha provided with something else. Buddha offered to seal him and promised that once he manages to break this seal, he will be reunited with his family. The mortal agreed. He toiled inside the seal for countless years and he changed into something else. His very appearance changed. He ascended from a mortal to something greater.


He spoke: "I am Asura! I am freedom! I am unbound! I am unchained! I am wrath but I am also benevolence! I am rage but also acceptance! Untempered wrath and rage are just evil! It is the work of Devils! I am none of those! I am ASURA!"


His voice penetrated through the Buddha's seal and his very will touched the Eternal Dao. And he became part of Eternal Dao. When he finally broke the seal, there stood his wife and daughter, waiting for him within Eternal Dao. He now knows that all thing begins in eternal Dao and returns to Eternal Dao, just as he has now returned. He is finally free of everything that chained him. He is finally unchained. His very essence began flowing through the Omniverse. And soon enough many mortals began using Asura energy to break through their chains and fight oppression and became a new race, calling themselves the Asura race.


Events like these began happening all around the Omniverse. New and unique Divine and magical beings began appearing all over the Omniverse. Unique and intriguing situations began to form all over Omniverse which continued to be integrated into Eternal Dao. For example, some Divine beings decided to create a system to punish mortals and Divine beings alike who committed heinous evil. They created a place called hell where they would punish said offenders. Although their essence returns to Eternal Dao after death, the very being that makes them who they are, their souls, would be punished in hell for a period of time depending on their crimes. Similar systems began to rise in every other part of the Omniverse. And these systems have all been integrated into the Eternal Dao.


This way, the Eternal Dao itself continued evolving. However, it remained neutral and unmoving no matter what happened in the Omniverse. It became a passive existence, all the beings that became part of it are aware of it and they realized that nobody can ever replace it. They can be part of it but never above it.


The evolution of the Eternal Dao and the Eternal Dao Omniverse continued. And it will continue for eternity.

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