Journey Towards The Gods

Chapter 2: Book One: A Steamy But Sad Beginning(Teaser1)

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Our story begins in a small cultivation world somewhere in the Eternal Dao Omniverse. The name of this world is unknown even to the inhabitants. This world has several continents and inhabitants of some continents believe that their continent is the entire world!

For now, we will focus on a continent called the Five Kingdom Continent. This continent had another name long ago but that name has been lost through the passing of time. Currently, there are five kingdoms in the Five Kingdom Continent and that is how the new name came to be. It is nearly a hundred thousand years since the five kingdoms formed and changed the name of the continent. The ruling families of each kingdom have changed over so many years and the name of each kingdom changed multiple times but in the end, five kingdoms remained, no new kingdom had ever been created.

The current five kingdoms are named: Yan(flame), Yang(Sun), Yun(Cloud), Feng(Phoenix) and Long(Dragon). There are many kinds of debates about which kingdom is the strongest, the current consensus is that Yang and Feng kingdoms are the strongest and tied in total strength.

However, Long Kingdom is the most mysterious, mainly because they are the only royal family that has never changed for a hundred thousand years! Rumors also fly around that the Long imperial family has dragon blood running through their veins. Even the current emperor of Long Kingdom has been on the throne for over five thousand years! It is clear to everyone that the Long Kingdom is out of the ordinary and nobody dares to mess around with them. It is normal for kingdoms to have spying missions in other kingdoms but no kingdom dares to do that inside the Long Kingdom.

Each kingdom also has several states with state kings as the highest authority in each state. For example, Yun kingdom has four states with around a hundred cities under the states. And Yun kingdom has the stalest names when it comes to naming their states. They just named them 1st state, 2nd state, 3rd state and 4th state! Our story begins in the Medicine Mountain City under the 3rd state of Yun kingdom.

Medicine Mountain City, gentle spring night, Yang(Poplar) family house.

In a bedroom, a young male and a young female are hugging each other. They are softly kissing each other, their lips almost glued together, their tongues tied together and gently licking and sucking each other. The young couple looks like they are both about 20 years old.

The male is Yang Xiaotian, our protagonist and the female is one of his wives, Mu Meiér. Despite how he looks, Yang Xiaotian is actually a bit more than 16 years old in age. Although they are husband and wife now, they were not originally meant to be, because Mu Meiér was originally engaged to Yang Xiaotian's father Yang Cheng.

These two lovebirds had to pass through many ups and downs on their way to becoming husband and wife. Their intimacy began during the time Yang Cheng became engaged to Mu Meiér and when she came to visit Yang family house around four years ago. To understand them better, we need to go back five years ago, the day Yang Cheng got engaged to Mu Meiér.

5 years ago, Yun Imperial City. Mu Business Association's owner Mu family's estate.

Yang Xiaotian is about 10 and a half years old now. His father is getting engaged to one of the young misses of Mu family. Mu family is the largest merchant family in the Yun Kingdom and one of the most influential. How his father managed to achieve this is not beyond Yang Xiaotian, one reason is that this young miss can not cultivate. And the other reason, the main reason, his father offered Mu Business Association 15000 grade 1 spirit stones each year for 10 years as dowry.

In this world of cultivation, there are countless people without any spiritual root and can not cultivate, Yang Xiaotian is one of them. He managed to begin talking clearly at the age of two and reading clearly at the age of three. He is highly intelligent but when he was five, it came as a thundering shock when everyone found out that he has no spiritual root. But it did not depress him at all, which was even a bigger shock to his family. Yang Cheng himself has no cultivation talent despite having spiritual roots, it is however such low rank that having it is the same as not having anything! Yang Xiaotian's mother is also someone without spiritual roots.

Yang Xiaotian's mother is named Zhu Qing, she is Yang Cheng's 2nd wife. But according to her, she is the 1st and her cousin is the 2nd! Zhu Qing's cousin's name is Zhu Lian, she is Yang Cheng's 1st wife. They belonged to the Zhu merchant family and their fathers were contenders for the family patriarch position until the destruction of their entire family under attacks from three other merchant family enforcers.

Back then Yang Cheng was the most prominent young employee of Zhu merchant family. However, his advice regarding the security of the family fell to deaf ears and finally Zhu family was destroyed. Yang Cheng managed to flee with Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing. He used his authority to store quite a substantial amount of Zhu family assets into a secure account of Five Kingdom Merchant Bank.

With this asset, he managed to get back to his feet along with Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian. Gradually the two women who used to butt heads all the time began to open up to each other. After becoming destitute and losing all of their family, they only had each other. Gradually they both fell in love with Yang Cheng and decided to marry him together.

Zhu Lian gave birth to a daughter a few years after marriage. Zhu Qing did not want to give birth because according to her, 'she did not want the party to stop!'. However, after seeing how much Yang Cheng doted on their daughter and loving Zhu Lian more, Zhu Qing decided to give birth. And soon enough she gave birth to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian and his older sister are separated by nearly 5 years. His older sister is named Yang Xiannu. She was discovered to be in possession of high grade spirit root and at the age of ten, she began cultivating. She used books from the local branch of the imperial school as a reference and received guidance from a teacher named Xu Xian at the school.

At the age of 13, she was already a middling Body Tempering Realm cultivator. Soon enough two major sects of the 3rd state, Domineering Fist Sect and Clear Wave Sect fought over her to bring her into their sect. Yang Xiannu chose Clear Wave Sect because the sect master wanted to take her as his personal disciple and offered to pay 5000 purple banknotes to her per month as her expense.

Banknotes are the currency of the Five Kingdom Continent. They are printed by Five Kingdom Merchant Bank. There are 3 types of banknote: green, gold and purple. 1000 green banknotes equate to 1 gold banknote and 1000 gold bank notes equate to 1 purple banknote. A long time ago, spirit stones were used as trading currency but spirit stones are cultivation resources and a large amount of them was in the hands of noncultivators. This was not acceptable to cultivators so the five kingdoms jointly formed the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank and started printing banknotes.

Yang Xiannu never needed those banknotes, she only wanted them so that she could buy something nice for Yang Xiaotian. She dotes on her younger brother the most, no matter what, she is always on his side. He is her sun and moon, her heaven and earth.

Although Yang Xiaotian can not cultivate, he is a student at the local branch of the imperial school and his intelligence easily made him the best student. He is regularly guided in many topics by teacher Xu Xian, the same person who guided Yang Xiannu in cultivation.

Xu Xian is not a cultivator but it seems like he possesses endless knowledge. To both Yang Xiaotian and Yang Xiannu, he is a great mystery. They both believe that he is the reincarnation of a heavenly Immortal! He teaches Yang Xiaotian with great dedication. Yang Xiaotian learns art, music, economy, cartography and sword arts from Xu Xian.

However, the thing Yang Xiaotian loves most is sword arts. He is infatuated with sword fighting. So Xu Xian also provided him with a set of physical exercises so that he can keep his body in shape to handle swords better. Yang Xiannu buys any and all sword that catches her eyes and sends them to Yang Xiaotian, even the remaining banknotes are sent to Yang Xiaotian as a minor expense.

So Yang Xiaotian has amassed quite a lot of purple banknotes in 2 years. However, he misses his sister very much. Ever since joining the sect, she has not returned home and some night, Yang Xiaotian cries in bed thinking of her sister. He would rather have his sister by his side than these banknotes.

Currently, Yang Xiaotian is strolling in the gardens of the Mu family estate, taking deep breaths and taking in the marvelous fragrance of the flowers and pure air flowing through the area. He kept walking through the road between the trees and plants and suddenly his eyes fell on a young woman of about 17 or 18.

He stopped in his tracks as he can not take his eyes off of her. The young woman has a very melancholic, sad and grief filled expression. This expression made her look even more beautiful and caused Yang Xiaotian's heart to ache and squeeze. His heart began beating faster, so fast that he could hear every beat.

The young woman slowly raised her head and looked towards Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian's breathing totally stopped. Yang Xiaotian, a boy of age 10, experienced his first love. He does not know that this day he will also experience his first heartbreak.

Looking at him, the young woman smiled slightly, causing Yang Xiaotian to be completely stuck in his spot, rooted to the ground.

"How cute. A young boy has fallen in love with me. How sad, I am no longer in a position to give any thought to it." thought the young woman.

"What is your name? How did you get in here?" the young woman asked.

Yang Xiaotian snapped back to reality and began stammering: "Mmmmmy naammee isshh Yaaang... cough.. cough... Yang Xiaotian.. my name is Yang Xiaotian!"

Yang Xiaotian collected himself and said again: "I came here with my parents for a marriage engagement!"

The young woman's eyes lit up a bit. She was told that she would have some large age gap with her fiance and she can really be forgiven for her next misguided thought.

She thought to herself: "So this is my fiance. He is still a boy but he is very handsome. He will grow up to be a fine man after a few years. This is not at all a complete loss for me then!"

She said: "I am Mu Meiér. Nice to meet you."

"He..Hello, nice to meet you, big sister!" Yang Xiaotian replied. He directly looked at her face and got lost in her beautiful eyes.

"He has big eyes and his eyelashes are also quite long for a male. He will surely be a lady killer when he grows up! Hmm.. I am getting myself a great bargain!" Mu Meiér thought to herself again.

"Xiaotian.. umm... can I call you Xiaotian?" Mu Meiér asked.

"Of course! It will be my honor!" Yang Xiaotian very confidently said.

"Xiaotian, I will have to get ready for the party. I will see you soon, okay?" Mu Meiér said.

"Of course! I look forward to meeting you at the party!" Yang Xiaotian said happily.

Then they parted ways. He happily returned to the grand reception hall and met up with his parents.

His mother asked: "Tian-er, where did you run off to? You can not run around in other's home!"

"It is no problem, we will soon be family so it is not a problem!" a beautiful middle aged woman said with smile.

She is the wife of Mu family's current patriarch, Mu Chi. Mu Chi is the one who approved of this marriage and thoroughly supports it.

"You look very happy! Did something good happen?" Zhu Qing asked again.

"Nnn... no!" Yang Xiaotian shyly replied.

"Ohhh... did our Tian-er meet a cute girl? Why not tell big mother who it is? I will tell your father to engage you!" Zhu Lian said with mischievous smile.

"Big mother! Don't bully me!" Yang Xiaotian became flushed red.

The women laughed out happily. Both Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian thought in their hearts: "Our Tian-er has experienced his first love! Time surely flies by, he is growing up and becoming a man! Soon he might even leave us and go away on his own adventures!"

Yang Cheng called over Yang Xiaotian and introduced him to several men. Among them are Mu Meiér's father as well as Mu family patriarch. All of them became extremely shocked after a few minutes of talking with Yang Xiaotian. They are all thinking inside whether or not they are talking to a 10 years old boy or a master economist! His ideas about asset distribution and investment shocked even his father who is a great businessman on his own rights!

"The bride is here!" suddenly a female voice announced.

Everyone returned to their seats. Yang Xiaotian started looking around to see if Mu Meiér is there. Soon enough the bride arrived. The women around her brought her into the room in a way that nobody can see her face from the beginning. Yang Xiaotian does not care about the bride at all, he kept looking out for Mu Meiér.

"Raise the veil!" the female voice said again.

Slowly the veil has been raised. Yang Xiaotian just randomly took a glance and his whole being froze. His heart completely stopped.

He screamed in his mind: "Why? Ohh gods why? Why her? Why her? WHY? WHY? WHY?"

He felt as if his heart is being slashed with countless swords a thousand times, it is as if his whole being has been slashed to pieces. His face became pale, tears almost came out of his eyes but he controlled himself. He clenched his fists tightly and lowered his head, no longer looking. In fact, he feels that it would have been better if he did not have eyes. Or perhaps if he did not live in the first place, it is not as if he has anything that great to live for. After all, he can not cultivate in a world of cultivation where power dictates everything. His heart suddenly became like a stone.

Mu Meiér raised her head and caught sight of Yang Xiaotian. She doesn't understand why he has his face lowered. She decided to take the initiative to talk to Yang Xiaotian but suddenly he heard Mu Chi's voice. 

"Meiér, this is your fiance, Mr. Yang Cheng!"

"Huh?" Mu Meiér felt an electric shock run through her body. She blankly looked at Yang Cheng.

"Hello miss Mu. I heard a lot about you but I must say no words can do your beauty justice!" Yang Cheng said with broad smile.

"Little sister my name is Zhu Lian!"

"And my name is Zhu Qing!"

"You are so beautiful! We will be good sisters soon! Then we will be able to get to know each other more! We will share everything with each other!" Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian introduced themselves and began to butter up Mu Meiér.

Mu Meiér just looked at them with a shocked and stone like face. Then she slowly looked at her parents with sadness and grief on her face. Her parents looked away, they don't dare to look at her.

"Meiér, you agreed to this!" Mu Chi said sternly.

"Agreed? You lied to me! You never said I would be marrying someone who is as old as my father, has two wives on top of a son who is nearly my age!" Mu Meiér cried out in her heart. Tears fell from her eyes as she lowered her head.

"She.. she is shy! Very shy! She is tearing up in happiness!" Mu Meiér's mother suddenly said with an awkward laugh.

Yang Cheng, Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing also laughed awkwardly.

To counter the awkwardness, Zhu Qing said to Yang Xiaotian: "Tian-er, quickly say hello to your little mother!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, her expression froze. She can see and feel that Yang Xiaotian has become just like a stone, as if his entire being has turned into stone. Zhu Lian also noticed that and felt completely heartbroken. Both of them immediately realized what happened. Yang Xiaotian's earlier happiness and excitement were for whom, whom he met when he went to walk around, for whom his heart beat like crazy for the first time. They both felt that they have been crushed.

Yang Cheng frowned and began to speak: "Tian-er, why are you.."

But suddenly, Zhu Lian grabbed his arm to stop him. She looked at him and shook her head left and right. Yang Cheng became dumbfounded. The atmosphere in the whole room became very awkward.

Everyone can see the odd situation of Yang Xiaotian. At the same time, the people of the Mu family also realized that Mu Meiér is also in the same condition. This made them feel even more awkward.

Mu Chi coughed dryly to break the atmosphere and said: "Mr. Yang, in 2 years, Meiér will be 20 and we will hold the marriage then. I hope our arrangement is set?"

Yang Cheng smiled brightly and said: "Naturally! But I hope one year later you will also send miss Mu along with your people to take a tour of my humble home!"

Mu Chi laughed and said: "That is perfect!"

From beginning to end, Mu Meiér's parents said nothing at all. After a simple banquet, Yang Cheng, Zhu Qing, Zhu Lian and Yang Xiaotian got into their carriage and returned to the Bright Cloud Imperial Abode. It is the most famous hotel in the whole imperial city. Being able to stay here is also a sign of great prestige.

On the whole way, Yang Xiaotian said nothing at all. He just sat in the carriage cross legged and meditated according to the meditation technique taught to him by Xu Xian. Yang Cheng tried to speak to him but was stopped by Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing.

After returning to their suite, Yang Xiaotian directly entered his room, did not even change his clothes and entered meditation again. His mother decided to give him time, she remembered what their daughter Yang Xiannu wrote back to them when they wrote to her to come for the meeting. 

"That old bastard can't keep his dick in his pants? He might break something if he goes through with this! I don't want any part of this nonsense!"

They did not realize that the one they would break would be their own son. The son both Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing loves so much. Zhu Lian even dotes on Yang Xiaotian more than she doted on Yang Xiannu. She is always trying to cook something new and delicious for Yang Xiaotian, as well as going to the market to buy new luxurious clothes for him. Zhu Qing sometimes jokes about doubting whether or not Yang Xiaotian is her son or Zhu Lian's.

Zhu Lian always says: "He is our son!"

Zhu Qing kept looking at Yang Xiaotian in his meditative state while standing at the door of his room. At the same time, Zhu Lian began talking to Yang Cheng.

"Can we not alter this marriage? Let's go tomorrow and change this marriage. We will set the marriage between Mu Meiér and Tian-er!" Zhu Lian said with begging voice.

"Are you out of your mind? Haven't we been humiliated enough today because of that brat? You want even more humiliation?" Yang Cheng said in great annoyance.

"That brat? HE IS OUR SON! He is not some brat!" Zhu Lian furiously said.

"Look! You know everything! You know how I have planned all of these for so long! This is my only chance and I can't let it slip even for Tian-er!" Yang Cheng resolutely said.

"But it doesn't have to be this way! We will still be establishing a marital connection with Mu family with Tian-er! It doesn't matter even if the marriage is pushed back 5 or 6 years!" Zhu Lian protested.

"Why are you suddenly acting so stupid? You know that I have already shown my hands! I must establish my position firmly within the shortest time possible! Marrying Mu Meiér and producing a child with her is the easiest solution! Look! This is set! We discussed this! I would rather hurt Tian-er than have all of us fall together!" Yang Cheng said even more resolutely.

Zhu Lian let out a long sigh. She also remembered their daughter's reminder. Something will break and she feels that it is just the beginning. She now only hopes that Yang Xiaotian doesn't completely begin to hate his father. She doesn't want a falling out among family, she's had enough of it in this lifetime. She just wants to live happily with all of their family for the remaining of their lives.

They are now near 50 years old. Although she and Zhu Qing are still very beautiful and Yang Cheng is still very handsome, all three of them have suffered too much and exhausted a great deal of their life and longevity through too much hardship. They are not cultivators, they will surely begin to wither soon. So she just wants peace and happiness.

At the same time, Mu Meiér is sitting like a stone in her room, her parents are trying to console her.

"Meiér, this is good for you! For those of us who can not cultivate, prospects are very bad! Finding happiness is almost impossible!"

"Exactly! Also, you are young and beautiful, you are the youngest wife! You will be the apple of Mr. Yang's eyes! You will have endless happiness!"

At this time Mu Meiér suddenly spoke: "So this is about my happiness? You are doing this for me? I should be happy and thankful?"

Her parents felt very sad. They never wanted to agree to this marriage but Mu Chi is forcing them. Her father said with sigh: "We are trying our best..."

"Really father? When young sect master Chu from the Yin-Yang Sword Sect came to propose, why didn't you agree? Wouldn't I have a far better life if I were to be married to the next sect master of Yin-Yang Sword Sect which is one of the major sects of the Yun imperial capital?" Mu Meiér furiously said.

"Hmph... if he was so sincere, why didn't he offer better dowry?" at this time someone said with a snort, it is Mu Chi.

"So it is all about your own benefit! You want to sell me to the highest bidder!" Mu Meiér furiously said.

"How dare you! Family raised you with great care! Where is your sense of filial responsibility!" Mu Chi furiously said.

"Stop your nonsense! What family! It is all about how much you can make!" Mu Meiér furiously said: "Mu Chi, don't be happy! Once Chen-er returns, you will have your day!"

"How dare you address your superior by name?" Mu Chi said with sneer: "Elder brother, your daughter is as useless as you but she has quite the mouth! You failed to discipline her! I dare not hurt her because I don't want to damage the goods but..."

Mu Chi suddenly moved and directly punched at Mu Meiér's father's abdomen. Her father is not a cultivator but Mu Chi is and no matter how light that punch is, it is not something he can endure. He was sent flying and hit the wall and then vomited, pissed and defecated.



Mu Meiér and her mother cried out.

"What a trash!" Mu Chi disdainfully said: "Mu Meiér continue to behave unruly and your father will receive such treatment! And you mother... hehe... she still has some looks on her, she will fetch some nice price in a brothel.. if you try to mess up my plan, I will make sure that she is forced to sell her ass every day!"

"As for your brother, how can he achieve anything great in Yang kingdom? A trash son from a bunch of trash!"

Mu Chi's words caused Mu Meiér and her mother to shudder. Until now they never realized that this person is actually so vile and disgusting.

"And a year later when you go to Medicine Mountain City to bring the first shipment of spirit stones, remember to fulfill your duty as a wife properly! Slut!" Mu Chi left, leaving his final bit of vile words.

Mu Meiér and her mother began to treat her father while sobbing. In her heart, Mu Meiér now wishes that her younger brother Mu Chen never returns and instead has a happy life in Yang kingdom.

Early next day Yang Xiaotian and his family began their return journey towards home. Yang Cheng hired over a dozen Mortal Shedding and three Yin-Yang Balance cultivators as guards from Mercenary Alliance. Mercenary Alliance is one of the largest forces within the continent. They are made up of independent cultivators who are not associated with any sects or forces. They take up almost all kinds of legal jobs, for example, escorting merchants, protecting aristocrats, hunting beasts, finding rare herbs etc. Their members range from Qi Sea Formation cultivators to even Half Saints.

Cultivation starts from Body Tempering. Then the Qi Condensation, Qi Sea formation, Mortal Shedding, Yin-Yang Balance, Spirit Ascension, Half Saint and Saint. This is all the people of this continent know about cultivation. In this cultivation, Saints are considered gods and can easily dominate an entire kingdom. According to rumor, Yang, Feng and Long kingdom have more than one Saint in their ranks but that is just rumor. According to rumor, Yun and Yan kingdom no longer has any Saint in their ranks but kingdoms are full of treachery, lies and dirty politics, so these rumors are never trustworthy.

The journey takes about 10 days and they will have to rest during the night on the road or in other cities or villages. During the entire journey, Yang Xiaotian said nothing, he kept being in his meditative state and barely ate anything.

The cultivators saw him meditating all the time and training sword early morning and sneered inwardly. In their eyes, he is just rich trash, if he had no money, they would not even spare a look at him, yet he is putting up such an act.

But as each day passed by, they became more and more astonished at Yang Xiaotian's persistence. Even the Yin-Yang Balance cultivators have been forced to admit that they are unable to meditate and focus like Yang Xiaotian. All the cultivators soon started saying that it is a damn shame that Yang Xiaotian is not a cultivator and it must be Heaven's precaution against him because Heaven knows that Yang Xiaotian might be able to topple it if he were allowed to cultivate.

Soon ten days passed by and they returned to Medicine Mountain City. As soon as they returned, Yang Xiaotian got off the carriage and started walking towards the school. He wants to clear his head. He feels that only teacher Xu Xian would know what to do and would be able to offer good advice.

Soon enough, he arrived at Xu Xian's residence within the school. As he arrived at the front yard, he saw Xu Xian sitting on a chair holding a white thing in his arms with great care and caressing it with great love. This white item sort of looked like a scale of some kind of beast.

"My dearest little Bai.." Xu Xian murmured with sigh.

"Teacher." Yang Xiaotian called out.

Xu Xian raised his head, looked at Yang Xiaotian with smile on his face as he slowly put the white scale inside his clothes in a place close to his heart.

"Tian-er, what is bothering you? I can sense that your heart is in great turmoil. Tell this teacher, maybe I can help." Xu Xian asked very gently.

His gentle voice caused Yang Xiaotian to tear up immediately. Xu Xian got up from his chair, placed one of his hands on Yang Xiaotian's right shoulder and the other on his head.

"It's alright. Let it out, let it all out. If you are hurt and want to cry, just cry. Don't hold it in. Holding all grief in is not manly at all." Xu Xian said gently.

Then he led Yang Xiaotian towards the chair and let him sit. Then he brought out another chair and sat down on it.

After calming down, Yang Xiaotian explained his situation. The feelings of first love are very clear to Xu Xian, after all, he also experienced it and never gave up on his first love. He knows Yang Xiaotian also doesn't want to give up but the situation is too complicated for him. He is torn between filial responsibility and his childish love for a woman who he just met for the first time. Xu Xian let out a long sigh.

"Tian-er, do you know where my name comes from? It comes from a famous story from my homeland." Xu Xian said with smile.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Xu Xian with great curiosity. He literally knows nothing about this teacher he is so fond of. He suddenly arrived in this school right at the time his older sister entered the school. He is extremely knowledgeable in almost every single thing.

Also no matter how much he grows up, Yang Xiaotian always feels that Xu Xian is always becoming taller and there is no way he would ever be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. The feeling Xu Xian gives him is that of an insurmountable mountain. Yang Xiaotian and his sister already tried countless times to get some answer out of Xu Xian but he always shows a mysterious smile and then changes the subject in a very natural manner that they forget what they were asking in the first place.

"I will tell you that story now." Xu Xian said with smile.

Then he began telling a story about an Immortal named Xu Xian who fell in love with a mortal woman named Bai Suzhen. The love between a mortal and an Immortal is forbidden. Other Immortals became furious and cursed both Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen was turned into a white snake and was stripped of her memories. Xu Xian was transformed into a mortal and thrown into the same mortal realm 500 years later. Yet their love was so strong that despite all the difficulties, they found each other again, fell in love all over again and became husband and wife. Then they became Immortals together and ascended to the Heaven, putting shame on every Immortal who looked down on them.

Yang Xiaotian heard this story with wide eyes. After the story finished, he still kept looking at Xu Xian with shocked expression. He recalled the white scale in Xu Xian's hands earlier.

"Xu Xian! Bai Suzhen! The white snake! White scale!" Yang Xiaotian kept repeating in his heart.

Then he began stammering: "Te..teacher... you... you..."

"Hmmm... what about me? Should you not be more concerned about your own situation? What are you going to do? Give up? Or endure and fight?" Xu Xian very easily changed the subject and directed questions back at Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian took a long breath and began speaking: "I am still very very young, I have my whole life ahead of me. I will meet many women in the future, many of them will be far more beautiful than Mu Meiér. But teacher, it is not about her beauty, I have meditated about it in last ten days and I think it is also not about her, it is completely about me! Me as a person, what kind of person I want to be!"

Xu Xian smiled in satisfaction after hearing up to this point. He expected nothing less and he really did not misjudge this young boy.

"This is my first real obstacle in life. I know that not being able to cultivate can be considered a disaster for everyone on this continent but for me, it is not something I should worry about, I am not at all bothered by it and it can not defeat me.” 

“However, this situation is a sure defeat for me. I am in a situation where my only option is to give up for the sake of filial piety. But if I bow down now, how many more times will I have to bow down in the future?” 

“Let's say I give up, then my father produces a child with Mu Meiér and then soon after, he dies. Who will raise that child? Will the responsibility not just fall into my hands? What should I do then? Act as if nothing happened and raise that child? Where will my pride be then? Will I not just turn into a worthless trash then? I refuse to accept this fate! Many people would act like they are the bigger person in this kind of situation and decide to raise the child but you and I both know what kind of person that is; a spineless cuckold!" Yang Xiaotian said everything in one go.

"Hmm... you are completely right in your assessment of the situation, I totally agree but why do you think your father will die soon? He is not even 50." Xu Xian asked.

"First of all, my father and mothers had to go through life and death hardships. After my mothers' family was exterminated, the three of them had to work extremely hard. Our whole business was established on their hard work. Although they were young, all three of them suffered severe injuries during that event; both internal and external injuries; they have severely used up their life force. Under normal circumstances, they would have already turned into old looking people but with their money, they managed to buy up medicine to heal but the damage is already done. They won't live for long."

"Second, this sudden marriage and some situations are bothering me. It seems like all of this is being done in such a haste because there is no other way left for my family. My father loves my mothers very very much and they love him back even more. And it seems like this marriage is being done with their joint planning.

“I have a very bad hunch. I think that my father has offended someone he should not have and now he is trying to establish powerful connections at all costs to ensure that some of us survive. But you know that if this situation is indeed true, then people like us can not live no matter how much wealth we have."

Yang Xiaotian yet again assessed the entire situation with a clear and logical mind. Xu Xian nodded his head in appreciation.

"This is also one of the reasons why I don't want to give up! If we are truly going to oblivion, I at least want to go after embracing the woman I love! I am also not reconciled! I don't want this to be the end! I want to change all of it! I will earn the love of my beloved and continue living happily with her!" Yang Xiaotian said with great determination.

Xu Xian asked: "Is it those people you talked about two years ago?"

Two years ago, while playing chess with his father in his father's study, Yang Xiaotian saw many bank statements and transaction papers. His father did not think that a child would understand such complicated stuff so he did not bother when Yang Xiaotian began reading them.

However, Yang Xiaotian has a teacher like Xu Xian and he has been taught many important aspects of economy and business, enough for him to understand regular papers related to business transactions. He found out that 50% of their family's yearly income is being handed over to some other forces. It was also then that he decided to have his own economical independence away from his family's business.

He used the banknotes his sister regularly sent to open a joint investment account in Five Kingdom Merchant Bank, his sister is the owner of the account. Naturally, no one below the age of 16 is allowed to open an account but since his sister has already become a cultivator of a sect, she has been given special privilege. Under advice from Xu Xian, Yang Xiaotian invested all the money sent by Yang Xiannu into the bank. In the last two years, his money has been invested in lucrative businesses and currently, his asset is worth several hundred thousand purple banknotes.

"Yes, them. My father has suddenly gotten into the spirit stone business through secret connections. Not many businessmen are allowed to trade spirit stones. I think my father wanted to show off his trump card to this group of people, to show how valuable he is.” 

“But I think it backfired, if I am not mistaken, this group has already decided that my father has shown everything he can achieve and he is no longer needed. They want to get rid of us and take over our business. My father also realized this and decided to create powerful connections. That is where Mu family and Mu Meiér come in. Mu family has quite the stake in Five Kingdom Merchant Bank, not even those powerful cultivation families would offend them so easily."

"Unfortunately for my father, not only it will not help us, it will merely quicken our demise. Mu family and the likes of them are cutthroat. Their patriarch Mu Chi is forcing this marriage on Mu Meiér for profit. If a better deal comes over, he would not even bother letting her get killed. And that group of people can easily offer them more than what my father is offering. So basically we are in a dead end."

Speaking up to this point, Yang Xiaotian let out a long sigh. He can not believe that his parents actually messed up this much.

"Your analysis is astute but I must tell you that it is not at all a dead end. There is always a way, gods never leave people helpless without a way out! A path may soon show itself, no, I am sure a path is already present, you just need to find it and take it." Xu Xian said.

Hearing this, Yang Xiaotian shook his head. He never put much faith in gods and he is also a little bit disappointed in Xu Xian for talking about gods.

"I know that you don't place faith in gods and it is not necessary to have faith in them. They don't want it, they don't need it and we also don't need to have faith in them. They have provided each of us with our unique opportunities, we only need to be bold enough to find and accept it!" Xu Xian said again.

Yang Xiaotian began silently pondering. He keeps wondering whether or not there is still some way left to salvage the situation. Then he shook his head, he is determined to pursue Mu Meiér, he must first succeed in this and then think about matters that can not be controlled by him alone.

"You should go home, bathe properly and take a good rest. You have been on the road for 10 days. Go home and rest Tian-er." Xu Xian said with smile while patting Yang Xiaotian's shoulder.

"Alright teacher, I will see you tomorrow." Yang Xiaotian stood up to leave.

"By the way, are you meditating regularly? Are you also keeping up your physical training and sword training as I instructed?" Xu Xian suddenly asked.

"Of course teacher! Meditation, physical and sword training are all that keep me going! I love this practice!" Yang Xiaotian happily replied.

"Very good. It will help you in the long run. You will find out soon enough." Xu Xian said with nod.

Yang Xiaotian cupped his hands toward Xu Xian and left. It is still noon and he doesn't feel like going home this early so he took a carriage to the market.

Aside from all kinds of shops, restaurants, hotels, there are also local branches of Five Kingdom Merchant Bank and Mercenary Alliance in the market area. Yang Xiaotian decided to visit the bank, he got down from the carriage and paid the driver. He began walking when suddenly he heard some commotion. He saw several people berating an old beggar.

"Bastard, what the hell is this? You old fucker, you are already old and dying yet you are swindling little children."

"Where are the guards? Why aren't they throwing this old bastard out of the market?"

As he heard one after another vulgar shouts, Yang Xiaotian walked towards a guard and asked: "Excuse me, sir, what is going on here?"

"Ohh.. young master Yang! How do you do? This old beggar appeared about half a month ago and began tempting children into buying what he calls 'legendary cultivation manual'! Several children bought his so-called manuals and now their relatives are causing a ruckus. Technically, he did nothing wrong, so we can not just evacuate him from the area for trying to make a living. I mean, there are others who are doing worse!" the guard informed Yang Xiaotian with an amiable smile.

"I see. Thank you for the information, keep up the good work." Yang Xiaotian replied and tipped the guard with a golden banknote.

"Thank you so much young master Yang!" the guard excitedly thanked.

Yang Xiaotian began walking towards the bank when he heard the old man shouting: "I did nothing wrong! I sold a legendary cultivation manual to your children! It will make them great masters! They just need to patiently cultivate!"

Saying this, the old beggar shrugged off the people surrounding him and began running towards Yang Xiaotian!

"Handsome little boy! Handsome little boy! Wait a bit!" he got close to Yang Xiaotian and yelled.

This caused everyone around to be stunned. The guard who was just talking to Yang Xiaotian became angry looking at this.

Yang Xiaotian also became stunned, he thought: "Don't tell me that he wants to swindle me now!"

"Handsome young boy! Ahhh... magnificent.. wonderful! You have such a refined aura! Let me take your pulse!" the old beggar extended his hand to touch Yang Xiaotian's hand.

The guard from earlier furiously shouted: "Stop this at once! Old man get back to your area and stop bothering people!"

"I am not bothering anyone! This handsome boy has great destiny! I am just trying to help him!" the old beggar retorted.

"Why you..." the guard almost decided to hit the old beggar but stopped after hearing Yang Xiaotian's voice.

"It's fine! Let him take my pulse!" Yang Xiaotian said after carefully thinking.

Many people have been complaining about this old man but the guards did not want to do anything. If they took action now, everyone would say that they are favoring the rich and abusing the poor.

The old beggar held Yang Xiaotian's right arm with a serious expression on his face. He looks as if he is truly taking pulse.

"Ahh.. magnificent.. superb... you are so young, yet you have the bone structure and Chí flow of a great Kung Fu master! If you could harness your inner strength and master it, you could become a great master of the world!" the old man said with a very shocked expression.

"Huh? Did he just say Kung Fu? Isn't the physical training exercise taught by teacher is also called Kung Fu?" Yang Xiaotian showed a shocked expression as he thought.

"This is indeed destiny! Boy, you truly have a great destiny! Our meeting is also fate! Since fate brought us together, I will sell you this great Kung Fu manual! It is a rare and priceless item but since we are fated, I will sell it to you for only a hundred golden notes!" the old beggar took out a booklet, showed a few pages for everyone to see, to have them see that he is not selling blank paper.

Surrounding people started snickering, until now their children have been swindled by this old man and now it is the turn of a rich kid. They are all feeling quite vindicated and many of them began giving the guards looks, indicating them not to interfere or there will be a riot. The guard earlier has a pale face. He was just praised and tipped by Yang Xiaotian and now Yang Xiaotian is being swindled.

"Boy, what do you say? Opportunity doesn't come knocking at the door all the time. Once it is gone, you won't find it again!" the old man said with a smile, he showed all of his filthy teeth with great joy.

Yang Xiaotian has been curiously looking at the book cover. The name of the book attracted him a lot, 'Tai Ji, Harmony of Yin and Yang, Become one with heaven and earth!'. There is an odd symbol drawn below the title. He has been looking at the symbol when the word 'opportunity' entered his ears.

"Wasn't teacher just talking about finding opportunity and boldly accepting it?" Yang Xiaotian thought.

He knows in his very bones that he is being swindled but he is also very curious. The money is no problem to him, after all, he has a lot. But being swindled is a great humiliation. He looked around and saw the gloating look of the crowd.

Yang Xiaotian let out a sigh and said: "Alright old man, you convinced me! Here, 100 golden banknotes!"

As soon as he handed over the notes, the old beggar greedily grabbed them, he even began salivating. He did not even care that he dropped the 'Great Kung Fu manual'! Spectators began laughing loudly and mocking the 'stupid rich kid' and began walking away.

The guard from before arrived in front of Yang Xiaotian who is busy picking up the Tai Ji book and said: "Young master Yang, we are really sorry.. we.."

"It's fine. That old man looks so feeble, he must not be eating much. I will consider this a good deed helping an elderly." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile and began walking again.

Soon enough, he reached the bank. He checked his latest investment situation and found out that he made a profit yet again. These lucrative business investments are quite risky but Yang Xiaotian keeps constant tabs on what people are currently trading most through his father's business connections as well as the bank's own network. If he sees any favorable trading opportunity, he immediately invests in it. Such was the case for this spirit stone mining operation he invested in and he made 100% profit. Naturally, his father doesn't know that Yang Xiaotian has been tipping his father's employees for this information. He also doesn't know that Yang Xiaotian is actually investing money, he only knows that Yang Xiaotian is taking care of Yang Xiannu's bank account.

After doing all of these Yang Xiaotian returned home. He freshened up, took bath, changed his clothes and was called on by his parents to go eat lunch.

"Tian-er, you are here! Come sit beside mother!"

"No! Sit beside big mother!"

As soon as he arrived at the dining room, both Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian called out to him with smiles on their faces. Yang Xiaotian shook his head with a dry smile on his face and then sat down on a chair a bit further from both of them. This caused both women's smiles to vanish immediately, their expressions instead became filled with sadness.

At this time Yang Cheng said: "Tian-er, after lunch. We want to speak to you about something important. Come to my study room."

"Yes father." Yang Xiaotian dryly replied. He quietly ate, his mothers' attempts to chat him up got replies like "Hmmm." or "I see."

After they finished eating, all 4 of them arrived at Yang Cheng's study room. Yang Cheng sat at the central desk, his wives sat on both sides beside him. They expected Yang Xiaotian to sit at the central desk facing Yang Cheng but Yang Xiaotian pulled up a chair and sat facing the three of them from a distance. It looks as if he is a criminal and his parents are now sitting in judgment of him.

"Tian-er, why are you sitting there? Come here." his mother said.

"Didn't you just want to scold me for my behavior? This sitting is better for it!" Yang Xiaotian curtly replied.

"Enough! I am through with your nonsense! You have shamed me in the Mu family! Where did you get this much courage? That was an important meeting, we had to look presentable in front of them at all cost and you ruined it!" Yang Cheng furiously said.

"Why do I have to look good at your engagement? It is not like I was the one getting married!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sneer.

His answer made Yang Cheng even more furious. He really wanted to go over and slap Yang Xiaotian but both of his wives grabbed his arms from both sides and stopped him.

"Tian-er, we adults sometimes have to do things we don't want for the sake of our entire family. This marriage is also one of those things. We don't want to intentionally hurt you. Tian-er, you will understand better once you take over our business. Tian-er, we already have plans to marry you to a girl from a prominent family in the Yang imperial city, not in our Yun imperial city but Yang imperial city! When she grows up, she will be more beautiful than little sister Meiér!" Zhu Lian said.

"Big mother, who gave you the idea that I want to take over your business? And who told you that I want to marry a girl from Yang imperial capital?" Yang Xiaotian said with an amused expression.

His words made his parents dumbfounded. Then Yang Cheng furiously yelled: "You little..."

"Your plan to fix my marriage with someone from Yang kingdom completely depends on our relationship with Mu family right?" Yang Cheng could not finish his yelling when Yang Xiaotian suddenly said.

His words shocked his parents a great deal. To them, he is only a 10 years old boy, he is someone what people say 'barely off his mother's milk'!

Yang Xiaotian continued: "Mu family has a large stake in Five Kingdom Merchant Bank, even great cultivation families have to give them face. So naturally, with their connection you will be able to accomplish that but aren't you overestimating yourselves? Do you think you will be more than some common business associates with Mu family if you impregnate Mu Meiér?"

His words yet again shocked his parents. They can't believe that a boy of 10 years old just talked about pregnancy in such a casual way!

After collecting himself, Yang Cheng took a deep breath and said: "It seems we have been underestimating your intelligence far too much!"

"Tian-er, we are still adults and we have thought everything through. You are heavily underestimating us! Despite our current position, our network is far superior to the current Mu family patriarch! He doesn't even know that little sister Meiér's younger brother has been accepted as a personal disciple by Yang imperial capital's Pure Sun Sect's Grand Elder! He has a superb grade spiritual root and that Grand Elder is personally taking charge of his cultivation! That Grand Elder is also a direct descendant of Yang imperial family!" Zhu Lian said with great enthusiasm.

"That's right! Mu Chen is doted upon heavily by Mu Meiér. The very reason he traveled to Yang imperial capital was to gain enough strength to support his older sister. Now that little sister Meiér is our family, we will surely gain great support from Mu Chen!" Zhu Qing added.

"That's right! We will only have to coax Mu Meiér! Treat her with great care and have her give birth to my child! At that time she will completely accept us as her family and even take the initiative to have her brother help us!" Yang Cheng said with a stern voice.

"Really? This is your plan to go up in social status? Who came up with this 'brilliant' idea?" Yang Xiaotian said with a mocking tone.

"How dare you continue to mock your parents? You are looking for a beating!" Yang Cheng furiously slapped his desk as he stood up.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said: "There is a path to heaven and you jumped into the pits of hell! Let me spell it out for you since you fail to understand the situation. Mu Chen loves his sister very much and wants to obtain strength to protect her. Mu Meiér is being forced by Mu Chi to marry you and you are the ones who proposed this marriage. In Mu Chen's eyes, what are you? Let me tell you, you are Mu Chi's accomplice! You are not some loving brother-in-law in his eyes! After he returns, he will deal with Mu Chi first and then you, along with the rest of us! You god damned fools!"

Hearing his words, his parents' eyes became wide in shock! They never thought of it like that. Their thought revolved around coaxing Mu Meiér but the main person of interest, Mu Chen, they have forgotten about his way of thinking, his mentality.

"But..but... women change after giving birth.. little sister Meiér will surely.." Zhu Lian could not finish before being cut off by Yang Xiaotian: "Do you think she is the same as the two of you? Did she go through life and death with father? In her eyes, you are already enemies. If you did not go to propose marriage, she would not be in this kind of situation. It is clear that Mu Chi has been abusing his position to harass her and her parents. In her eyes, you are just as bad as Mu Chi. And even if you manage to coax her into giving birth, she would only do it to protect her parents."

"You have already said that Mu Chi doesn't know about Mu Chen's accomplishment. That means Mu Meiér and her parents also don't know. This means she would also worry about Mu Chi's retaliation against Mu Chen. So all of her actions would be from the fear of losing her family! And once Mu Chen appears grandiosely, what would happen? She would flip in an instant! You think she would care about the child she would be forced to give birth to? Would she care about the family that forced themselves on her?"

His words caused his parents' expression to grow very pale. Each and every part of their so-called plan has been filled with holes. Holes they could see but chose to ignore. They are desperate and they are willing to take the risk. But now they have brought even more trouble on themselves.

After being silent and stunned for a while, Yang Cheng spoke up: "No matter what, it has already been decided! In a year's time, Mu Meiér will be here to take the first shipment of spirit stones. At that time, you will treat her the same way you treat your mothers and address her as 'mother'! Understood?"

Yang Cheng sharply gazed at Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian's face became a bit twisted. He stood up turned to leave but then placed his left hand on the top of the chair he sat on. He grabbed hard and then pressed down.


The chair broke apart completely. It turned into several pieces. Its legs broke apart, the seat broke apart, not to mention the backrest. This situation shocked even Yang Xiaotian, he became dumbfounded at his own strength.

Yang Cheng's face showed an expression of shock, disbelief and a bit of fear. This is a 1000 purple note worth of chair, the wood it is made of is of very high quality. Only cultivators would have enough strength to crush the chair in this way but Yang Xiaotian is not a cultivator. The whole room turned absolutely quiet.

The first one to speak is Yang Xiaotian: "From today onward, I will be living in the school lodging! No need to worry, I can pay for my own tuition and lodging!"

His words brought his parents back to their senses. Both of his mothers yelled: "NO! Tian-er, you can not!"

"Tian-er, you are still a child! You can not leave home like this! I will never allow it! I will not permit it!" Zhu Qing grabbed Yang Xiaotian's arm and said sternly.

"I am not asking for your permission! I am notifying you!" Yang Xiaotian said calmly as he got free of his mother's grab.

"You little bastard! You are barely off your mother's milk and you want to fight me over a girl you just met! You want to betray your whole family for a girl you just saw once!" Yang Cheng furiously shouted.

"You are the one who brought death upon our entire family and I am the betrayer? You want me to go to my death for your stupidity?" Yang Xiaotian sneered. He looked at his mothers and said: "Mother, big mother, why don't you also leave with me? We can buy a house in the city and stay together. Since he is so fond of dying, let him die alone. Why do we have to die with him?"


"You ensured my early death for my sake? Wow... that must be a father of the year prize-worthy action right on the top of the list!" Yang Xiaotian mockingly said.

"Tian-er, don't be like this, we have our difficulties. All of this was meant to save us from trouble, it was not so that we could climb the social structure." Zhu Lian pleaded.

"Whatever the case, I am going to live on school grounds from now on. I am sure it will be safer for me there instead of here." Yang Xiaotian said and directly left the room.

His mothers just stood there with tears in their eyes. Yang Cheng's face literally turned red in anger and frustration. First, his daughter sent letters back with insulting remarks and now his son is fighting him to take away his new wife. This is humiliation as a man. This marriage was only part of a plan to save their family but now it has become a mission of protecting his pride as a man. How can he let his own son cuck him? He would rather break his son's heart into pieces than let his manhood be injured!

"Let the bastard leave! He will run back to us before long crying like the bastard he is! Does he think the meager amount of money Nu-er sends him is enough to pay for his tuition and lodging? Let him learn the hard way how fucked up life is!" Yang Cheng furiously said.

"But he is just a child!" Zhu Qing wailed.

"Husband, you are being heartless!" Zhu Lian sobbed.

"He is the one who is heartless! He should perform his filial duties with devotion, not fight over a woman with his father!" Yang Cheng yelled.

"Are you truly our husband? What has happened to you?" Zhu Lian said while sobbing.

"I have planned all my life as to how I can earn the recognition of my family. I have suffered setbacks but my plan has always been in motion towards my true goal! I never faltered! For the sake of my goal, I am willing to go to any length. Now that is very close to fruition, I don't care if I break a few eggs and burn some meat!" Yang Cheng resolutely said.

It is the biggest secret of Yang Cheng, the Yang(Poplar) in his name is not actually that, it is Yang(Sun). He is the illegitimate child of the current patriarch of Yun imperial city's Yang family. Both Yang and Feng imperial families have branches in Yun and Yan kingdom. It is to help them battle the beast tide that occurs like clockwork every 20 years. This beast tide is the reason why the five kingdoms don't fight each other,  war takes time and beast tide does not give them any time to fight among themselves. If they war among each other, they will surely be very weak against the beast tide and then end up being beast food.

Yang Cheng's father got drunk one night and raped a young maid who ended up pregnant and gave birth to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng has no talent for cultivation in a cultivation family like Yang imperial family. Despite being branches, these Yang families present in different kingdoms are the direct descendants of the main Yang imperial family. Their main duty is to join forces with the kingdom they are residing in to battle the beast tide.

So, Yang Cheng was deemed worthless and thrown out of his family. Ever since then, he has been planning his return. That force that takes away 50% of his yearly income is the Yang family of Yun imperial capital. Even after that, Yang Cheng's father never showed him his face, never wrote him a letter of appreciation. Yang Cheng feels that the deal with Mu family will surely place him in his father's eyes. That is also why he can not show any weakness. That is why he can not let his son take away Mu Meiér from him.

"Was the destruction of our Zhu family also your plan?" Zhu Lian suddenly asked.

"Sister! What are you..." Zhu Qing could not finish talking before Zhu Lian yelled: "Answer me!"

Yang Cheng looked at her with a blank expression for a while. All the anger in his expression has disappeared and been replaced with pain and grief. He did not expect his beloved to doubt him this way.

He said in a meek voice: "Zhu family was my biggest setback. If your fathers listened to me instead of fighting each other, today your Zhu family would be one of the stakeholders in Five Kingdom Merchant Bank. They would be living as a top-class merchant family in the capital. And you two would be wives to ministers and courtiers. You would not have to be wives to someone like me."

"Husband, we never regretted being your wives. We are proud of it. We are proud of you. The way you treat us, we were never treated like this even in our family. But these last few months you have been giving us a very unfamiliar feeling, it is as if you are someone else. You were always so confident and unbending but now you are scared and took a road you would never take because you would never want to harm us. We are really worried." Zhu Qing said with teary eyes.

"Let us assume that your plan works! Mu Meiér caves and asks his brother to provide us with help and you manage to gain your father's appreciation, what happens to us two sisters then?" Zhu Lian asked another sharp question.

"What...what do you mean?" Yang Cheng stuttered.

"All of your achievements will be because of Mu Meiér. It will be her who brings you glory. And what did we bring? Nothing but trouble! And two children who disrespect you! What will be our position then? Won't Mu Meiér become your heaven and earth? What then? Will you throw us away like used rags?" Zhu Lian kept up with her harsh questions.

Zhu Qing kept sobbing, it will be very wrong to say that these questions never popped up in her mind too. Yang Cheng just kept looking at both of them with a blank expression.

"It doesn't matter! We have already dedicated our lives to you. Your life goal is our life goal. Even if you discard us after you achieve your goal, we will accept it with smile." Zhu Lian finished speaking and then turned. She held Zhu Qing's hand gently and then began walking out of the room.

Looking at their backs, Yang Cheng grabbed his left chest. He feels like his heart is being torn apart. Of all the things he did not want to do, the most important to him is to never disappoint these two women. He never told anyone but he loves these two women more than his own life and even more than his two children. He knows too well that he would not have managed to survive with his sanity until now if it were not for these two women. He wants to scream "No I won't ever abandon you! I won't ever leave you! I won't ever let go of you!" but no words came out of his throat. His whole body felt cold as if it is unwilling to move. He laid back in his chair, tears flowing out of his eyes.

Yang Xiaotian called out a servant and had him call up a carriage. His mothers kept pleading with him not to leave but he is adamant. He feels that if he doesn't leave his home now, he will never be able to save his family from impending doom. He doesn't know what he will achieve by going out but he has a hunch that something will happen, he feels it in his bones, a change is about to come, he is about to change.

He looked at his mothers, hugged them and said: "Mother, big mother, don't worry, I am not going away, I am always close. If you want to see me, just come to school. Tell father that he can also come to meet me if he wants. And I will also come to visit you from time to time."

"Then will you come to eat with us every day?" Zhu Qing asked with teary eyes.

"I promise that if I can squeeze out time, then, of course, I will come." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

While his sobbing mothers watching, he packed some of his clothes, all of his books and a few wooden swords from his sword collection. He hugged his mothers one last time and then got on the carriage and left. His mothers kept watching until the carriage disappeared from their site.

"Sister, don't cry anymore, ok? Let's believe in Tian-er, I have a feeling that he will achieve something great in this journey. Don't you also feel it?" Zhu Lian said.

Zhu Qing wiped away her tears and said: "Yes, I also feel that our son is going to do something outstanding. He will make us really proud."

While this is happening, two shadowy figures are watching the Yang estate with great interest.

"What should we do? Should we report back? Or set up surveillance around the school?" one of them spoke.

"Forget it! That boy is insignificant! He has quite the knowledge in business but he is still just a child. Hmph.. fighting with his own father over a girl! What a trash!" the second figure said disdainfully. After staying silent for a bit the second figure started talking again: "The master will give the final order in two years. Yang Cheng paid for two years in advance, the deal is ensured by the bank so we can't do anything. After two years, what is his will belong to our master! We will probably be the ones running this business. So let's not slack off and tie up all the loose ends so that we have it all when the time comes! Otherwise master will have our heads!" 

"He is still the son of the patriarch. Won't patriarch be mad at master?" the first one spoke again.

"Patriarch already knows about all of these! Our loyalty is to the Yang family, not to our master only. Do you think our reports aren't going to the patriarch? Yet he makes no move. What does that mean? He also wants his bastard dead along with his whole family. What a sad business. That daughter is still very good, such high cultivation talent! She is already a middling Qi Condensation cultivator while still being only 15. She also hides herself too well, even that sect master of Clear Wave Sect can't tell that her cultivation has reached this far! I don't understand why the patriarch is not stopping this. Just giving birth to that girl should be more than enough contribution to the family." the second figure kept shaking his head. Then the two of them disappeared like air.

Arriving at the school lodging, Yang Xiaotian paid his lodging fees and got a single room for himself. Only rich people can afford such room and he is indeed rich. He unloaded all of his stuff and decided to take a nap. The bed already has a cover, furniture is well kept and maintained, so he has no trouble settling in. He has been tired for so long, he could not sleep last night because he was on the road and today he did not take any rest. He fell into sleep very fast. In his dream, he saw the odd symbol on the Tai Ji book. The symbol kept rotating in a very smooth way, giving him a very soothing and calm feeling and allowing him to sleep very comfortably.

Yang Xiaotian woke up about 4 hours later after hearing a loud knock on the door. He got up and quickly opened the door. The one who is standing at his door is none other than teacher Xu Xian.

"You decided to stay here, your mothers must be crying nonstop!" Xu Xian said while sitting down on a chair.

"Well, they will get used to it." Yang Xiaotian replied.

He suddenly recalled the Tai Ji book and took it out from his book luggage. He showed it to Xu Xian: "Teacher, an old beggar swindled me into buying this book at a very high price but I feel that this book is very interesting."

"Ohh..." Xu Xian took the book, checked out a few pages and said: "Did you read it?"

"No, but just the cover itself made me feel that it is very interesting." Yang Xiaotian said.

"It is a very good Kung Fu technique. You should read it carefully and practice it along with my exercises and meditation technique." Xu Xian said. His words shocked Yang Xiaotian a great deal.

"Then that beggar.." as Yang Xiaotian pondered, Xu Xian interrupted him: "He must have obtained it by accident. Maybe he has also obtained some other precious books? You should check out later but before that, this book must be studied as fast as possible. Come to tomorrow's class and also if you don't understand anything, come to discuss with me after class as usual. It will be easier for you now that you are living here."

Xu Xian stood up and began walking towards the door. Yang Xiaotian bade him farewell, closed the door and began earnestly studying the Tai Ji book. The book is completely handwritten and the images are all hand-drawn. This shocked Yang Xiaotian because it is very hard to keep the ink on the paper for long if they are handwritten and this book looks quite old.

The book has instructions about how to move different parts of the body, how to move hands, in which position to move hands, in which position feet must be kept steady, when the feet have to be moved etc. It also seems like the movement must be slow and fluid. The kung fu practice Xu Xian gave him has the requirement to move body fast but in Tai Ji, it needs to be slow. Also, there is a breathing pattern, when to breath in, when to exhale etc.

The first stage of practice is to maintain the movement of hands and feet while breathing and exhaling in proper rhythm. The practitioner must become so fluent that all of it will become natural and feel effortless, the whole process must become part of their subconscious. One has to completely immerse one's mind into this practice.

Then comes the second stage, one must constantly rotate the Tai Ji symbol in one's mind in a left to right rotation pattern while performing the 1st stage naturally. It is very hard, it is like separating one's mind into two to complete two tasks. However, it is not. The whole process must become completely natural to the practitioner. After 1st and 2nd stage has been mastered, the 3rd stage is the easiest process because this process is completely automatic. It is to sense the aura of heaven and earth and let it flow through oneself. However, if one is completely immersed in the practice, one would automatically be able to sense the aura of heaven and earth around oneself. And this aura will automatically flow through them.

But the main criteria of 3rd stage is not to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. This is the hardest part for cultivators because absorbing the aura of heaven and earth greedily is cultivation. This process becomes their second nature, they do it subconsciously. This can not happen if one wants to cultivate Tai Ji. One must become one with heaven and earth, not to abuse the aura of heaven and earth. So one can not absorb the aura of heaven and earth, instead, one must let the aura of heaven and earth naturally nurture one's body and soul. However, this is the easiest stage for Yang Xiaotian because he is not a cultivator, he never absorbed the aura and energy of heaven and earth. He is already in a very suitable position to succeed in mastering Tai Ji.

The whole night Yang Xiaotian practiced mastering the movement of Tai Ji. Even though the movements are very slow but adjusting movement and breathing rhythm at the same time is very hard. He began sweating profusely just after half an hour. He took off all of his clothes only having his lower undergarment on the body and kept practicing. It is not until dawn that he finally managed to perfect his movement and breathing rhythm. He is completely sweaty and decided to take a bath. After bathing, he decided to go to the school training ground where everyone practices their cultivation. He picked up a wooden sword and left.

Usually, sects don't recruit people who can not become middling Body Tempering cultivators within a certain age, normally 15 years old. People who are already middling Body Tempering stage within 15 go to a sect. However, in the last few years, more and more students are staying in school even after achieving that.

The reason is Xu Xian. Xu Xian's lecture in all the subjects he teaches is otherworldly, to say the least. Originally, the school used to hire a cultivator of some renown to come to guide students in cultivation since 100% of the teachers in school are unable to cultivate or are failures as a cultivator with little to no cultivation. But ever since Xu Xian arrived and began guiding students, that became unnecessary.

Naturally, it caused certain cultivators huge grief because they were losing easy money. Several Mortal Shedding stage cultivators came to school to teach Xu Xian a lesson. However, not through force but showing how a cultivator is more suitable to guide students in cultivation than someone who is a 'trash without any cultivation'.

One of them brought his 15 years old son who was already in peak Body Tempering stage and asked Xu Xian to choose one of his students for a spar session. The one who represented Xu Xian was none other than Yang Xiaotian's older sister Yang Xiannu. She sent that 15 years old boy flying with just one punch despite being a 13 years old middling Body Tempering cultivator. After that, nobody else came to question Xu Xian's qualification.

Normally Xu Xian's popularity among students, especially female students, should have caused other teachers to be very jealous; it was also that way but it changed within a few months. The way Xu Xian treats people is very captivating, he continuously discussed all kinds of topics of education with other teachers which helped them greatly in their own field of expertise. These teachers began to seek out his advice in many things and Xu Xian always happily helped.

Soon enough, these teachers began to attend Xu Xian's early morning physical training class and began practicing willingly. This situation caused the morale of the entire teacher population to rise. These physical training sessions have a tremendous effect on them, although it was tiring for them at first, after a while, they realized how invigorating these practices are. So, even if they can not come to join the class, they always keep up training in their own residence.

When Yang Xiaotian arrived at the training ground, he saw many students meditating, the majority of them are young girls and female teachers. Xu Xian's charm is infinite towards the opposite sex. There are also some male teachers as well as male students. Xu Xian is also here, he is meditating along with the others. Yang Xiaotian did not bother anyone, he took up a position, placed his wooden sword on the ground in front of him and began practicing Tai Ji. About 15 minutes later, everyone woke up from their meditation. All of them saw what Yang Xiaotian doing and began talking among themselves.

"What is he doing? Is this circus performance?"

"Nahh... this is probably a new form of dance he is learning."

"What kind of dance is this? It has no artistic appeal!"

Xu Xian walked over to the Yang Xiaotian and said: "Your hand and feet movement is not fluid and filled with flaws! Your breathing also has many problems!"

Then he began guiding Yang Xiaotian. This caused everyone present to feel baffled because they don't understand this new thing Yang Xiaotian is doing but it looks like Xu Xian knows about this. They wondered if this is a special Kung Fu technique.

The female teachers and students are especially jealous because Xu Xian is always helping out Yang Xiaotian. They try to get his attention all the time and even though he always helps them out, it seems like he helps Yang Xiaotian the most among them.

One of the female students named Shui Luanér walked over and asked: "Teacher, is this a new kind of Kung Fu? Can you also teach it to me?"

Shui Luanér is 15 this year. She is a great beauty and many male students are trying to woo her, even many teachers want to date her. She has a high-grade spiritual root and her cultivation talent is superb. She is already a high-level Body Tempering cultivator. Back when Yang Xiannu was here, Shui Luanér considered her to be a rival but Yang Xiannu never paid any attention to her. That is why she feels quite a bit antagonistic towards Yang Xiaotian.

"This is another set of Kung Fu technique that I am teaching Tian-er since he is very highly accomplished in Wushu technique. If you want to learn this, you will have to master Wushu to the same level as Tian-er." Xu Xian replied with a smile.

This reply irritated Shui Luanér very much. Not only Xu Xian is being very endearing towards Yang Xiaotian, but he is also implying that she, a high-level Body Tempering cultivator, is not as good as Yang Xiaotian who can not even cultivate.

"Teacher, he is not even a cultivator, how can he master Wushu at a higher level than me?" Shui Luanér asked. It is not only her question, it is also the question in many people's minds here.

"Aiii.." Xu Xian sighed and said: "I keep telling all of you that practicing Kung Fu is not the same as cultivating Qi. Kung Fu training is meant to harmonize your body, mind and soul. And then at its peak, you can harmonize yourself with the aura of heaven and earth and take support from this aura. Whereas Qi cultivation is absorbing the Qi of heaven and earth and using it in battle or other things. Even though you are now training in Kung Fu, you actually should have practiced it long before you began cultivating Qi."

"You have already absorbed a lot of external Qi into your body. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. However, the aura of heaven and earth not only nurtures humans but also countless other life forms. So, the Qi of heaven and earth should not be directly absorbed into the human body without moderation. Even if you absorb the Qi, you should only keep the purest form of it that can integrate into the human structure and the rest should be returned to heaven and earth."

"That is where Kung Fu training comes to play. After you harmonize yourself with the aura of heaven and earth, you can easily sense the purest of energy and absorb only it into your body. This increases your cultivation speed at any stage of cultivation by several hundred times. Not only that, once you reach Half Saint stage, you will be able to very quickly become a Saint. Why? Because the entirety of Half Saint stage is about cleansing the impurity within your Qi Sea, your body and soul. If you only absorb the purest of Qi from the beginning, there will be no need for cleansing at that time and you will directly soar to the sky and become Saints!"

"Now you should know why Tian-er can master Wushu at a higher level than you are, right?"

Xu Xian looked at everyone as he said the last sentence.

Shui Luanér is the one who opened her mouth to answer: "Yes teacher. He can not cultivate, so he has never absorbed Qi. Thus he can easily practice kung fu while the Qi in our body is hampering our progress."

She paused for a while and said again: "What a pity that all of this accomplishment is for naught. He will never be able to cultivate. What a waste."

She then turned around and began walking towards the others. Yang Xiaotian shook his head and smiled. Shui Luanér was expecting a retort from him but since he did not retort, she became even more angry and glared at Yang Xiaotian.

Xu Xian dryly coughed and said: "Alright, if you are done with your morning training, you can go back to freshen up, eat breakfast and then go to your respective classes two hours later!"

"Teacher, I want to practice sword for a while and don't want to go to class today." Yang Xiaotian said.

"'s ok. You have already learned all this school can teach you anyways. You should apply for scholar examination to get your certificate." Xu Xian replied.

Other students are quite shocked hearing this but the teachers who are present at the scene already know about Yang Xiaotian's academic accomplishment and are not at all surprised that Xu Xian suggested that he take the scholar examination.

"I will do as you say teacher. I will apply for the examination at noon today. I want to take economy and business studies as a major for the examination. Is it ok?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You are best at it so that is what you should do. However, you can also take separate examinations for each of art, music and cartography indicating them as major. It will cost you more though." Xu Xian suggested.

"Ahh... I see, then I will do that!" Yang Xiaotian replied.

This conversation shocked both the students and teachers. Taking a scholar examination with 4 majors is unheard of. It is already hard enough to pass one major and another minor to become a scholar, yet he wants to take 4 majors? Many of them just snorted in disdain and made harsh comments in a hushed tone. Shui Luanér has been especially harsh and she did not even hush her tone as she let everyone hear her thoughts. As usual, Yang Xiaotian ignored her and began practicing sword.

Soon Xu Xian and everyone left the training ground and only Yang Xiaotian continued to practice the sword. After two hours of practice, he returned to his lodging and took a bath. At noon, he went to the academy's main building and applied for the scholar examination. This did not shock anyone in the office, which shocked them is the fact that he is applying for 4 majors.

Although they grumbled, they still let him fill in the forms for examination. He will be able to take the examination 6 months later. After all of this is done, he returned to the training ground and continued to practice Tai Ji. He practiced until evening, then again returned to his lodging, changed clothes and took bath. Then he decided to go eat in the eating hall for lodging students and teachers.

Arriving at the eating hall, he saw several female teachers and students are surrounding Xu Xian. The one taking the lead is Shui Luanér. This girl has been trying to impress Xu Xian for quite some time, she refused to go to the capital to try out for one of the major sects of capital because she wants to woo Xu Xian. Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said in his heart "Girl, you are probably a million years too late for that!"

"Teacher, can you check this ability scroll for me? My grandpa bought it for me from capital but I have not been able to learn the ability from it." Shui Luanér handed over a scroll to Xu Xian and said.

Xu Xian looked at the scroll and said: "There are some ability scrolls that are only activated after dropping blood on it. You should give it a try."

"Dropping blood?" Shui Luanér said with a frown.

"Are you afraid of a little bit of pain? How will you pass Mortal Shedding if you are afraid of even this bit of pain?" Xu Xian almost mocked her. Shui Luanér took back the scroll with a cute pout.

At this time Xu Xian saw Yang Xiaotian walking over and shouted: "Tian-er, bring me some rice, shrimp noodles, vegetable and pork mix salad."

"Yes teacher." Yang Xiaotian replied and immediately ran to the kitchen counter to buy food for himself and Xu Xian.

The females around Xu Xian glared at Yang Xiaotian with jealousy. They all feel that since Xu Xian and Yang Xiaotian are unable to cultivate, Xu Xian feels closer to Yang Xiaotian and wants to take care of him. This made many of them wish that they were not cultivators. Although many of them are not cultivators too, they all understand that Xu Xian can not openly cross some lines with them. The whole situation makes them feel very frustrated.

Soon enough Yang Xiaotian brought the foods, the women dispersed. Shui Luanér snorted with disdain as she passed by Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian just sat down in front of Xu Xian and they began eating. While eating Xu Xian advised him about Tai Ji practice. Yang Xiaotian no longer wonders why Xu Xian knows so much, he is already certain that he is indeed the Immortal Xu Xian from the story of the white snake. After they are finished eating, they bade each other goodbye and Yang Xiaotian returned to his lodging. After returning, he looked at the Tai Ji book seriously. He recalled the blood dropping method spoken by Xu Xian.

"It can't be, right?" Yang Xiaotian thought. He hesitated for a while and then said to himself: "Oh what's the harm! It is just a little pinch!"

He took out a blade, cut his finger lightly, it stung a bit but nothing more. He pressed that finger with his other hand and let out a bit of a blood and then dropped blood on the first page of Tai Ji book. Nothing happened, so he let out a bit more blood and dropped on the page again. Still nothing happened.

"Aii.. how could such great thing happen out of sheer coincidence?" he shook his head. But suddenly his head began to spin. He thought: "What? How can losing a few drops of blood makes me this weak!"

But suddenly his gaze fell on the Tai Ji book and his eyes became wide. He saw the letters of the book have begun shining and this is the last thing he saw before passing out.

At the same time in Xu Xian's front yard, Xu Xian is sitting on a chair and caressing the white scale. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the direction of Yang Xiaotian's lodging, He muttered with smile: "Tian-er, it seems like you have found your opportunity and took it!"

At Yang Xiaotian's lodging, he is passed out on the floor. All kinds of information began appearing in his mind. He learned that he is living in a small world in the Eternal Dao Omniverse, there are countless universes, as well as countless time and space realms. There are realms of actual gods and demons, beings who mortals can never get close to. He learned about Gods, Buddha, Asura and much more. The main thing is that he learned about "Chí". This is not Qi but Chí, the vital energy, the very essence of all life. He learned that all living beings are born with endless Chí. However, 99.99% of living beings are unable to harmonize with their Chí. Therefore, Chí flows out of them and returns to Eternal Dao, causing living beings to die.

However, there are ways to harmonize with one's Chí. Tai Ji is one of them. By harmonizing oneself with the aura of heaven and earth, one can let the aura of heaven and earth stimulate one's Chí or essence. With continuous stimulation, one can finally connect with one's essence and then can slowly harmonize with it. One will continue to lose one's essence, such is the way of Eternal Dao but one can replenish one's essence in various ways.

For example, after harmonizing with the aura of heaven and earth and then harmonizing with one's own essence, one will be able to sense the Origin Qi of the world one lives in. This Origin Qi can replenish one's essence. But one must achieve acknowledgment of the spirit of the world.

Each cultivation planet has a spirit, this spirit may be born with the world or may have merged with the world later. It may die with the world or decide to abandon the world before the world's death. These world spirits can absorb the most primal energy of Eternal Dao and produce Origin Qi. So one must work hard to gain acknowledgment of the world spirits. It is very hard to cultivate Chí but it is possible.

He also learned a dual cultivation technique called Harmony of Yin and Yang. He learned that the Tai Ji symbol is actually the symbol of Yin and Yang, more specifically the harmony of Yin and Yang. This method truly fascinated him. He wondered in his mind whether or not he will be able to cultivate this way with Mu Meiér.

Gradually all the information that the book has to offer has been integrated into his mind. It took until dawn for the whole process to finish. He woke up and found out that his pants are soaked with some sticky liquid. He knows exactly what it is. He already learned about puberty and sex from the new sex education curriculum added by Xu Xian to the school.

"I am only ten! Isn't it too early for me? And why during this process of enlightenment?" he thought to himself.

He doesn't realize that the process has stimulated his Chí, causing his body to go through a slight elevation in quality. It heightened his growth and brought about his puberty a bit early. He sighed, changed his clothes and put them together with the previous ones he changed. Normal students have to wash their own clothes and there are tools for washing in their bathrooms. For someone like Yang Xiaotian who is living in a single lodging room, clothes would be cleaned by school workers. But he felt embarrassed thinking about his pants soaked in his semen and decided to clean them himself. After cleaning the cloths and leaving them to dry up, he left for the training ground.

Yang Xiaotian arrived at the training ground a bit later, everyone is already up and practicing their Kung Fu. Xu Xian looked at Yang Xiaotian and waved at him, indicating him to come over. Seeing Xu Xian wave his hand, several females looked over at Yang Xiaotian and all of them have extreme shock written all over their faces within a few seconds of looking over. One of them even covered her mouth with her hands. Shui Luanér's small mouth became slightly agape as she looked at Yang Xiaotian walking over.

"Tian-er, you look a bit taller, a bit more mature and a lot more handsome!" Xu Xian said with a laugh.

Yang Xiaotian scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly as he approached Xu Xian. He said: "I have no idea what you are talking about, teacher."

His words caused Xu Xian to laugh loudly. He patted Yang Xiaotian's shoulder and said: "Well you are a growing boy, this is also normal!"

Now all the people present in the training ground are watching Yang Xiaotian. All of them are shocked. They can't understand how a boy can change so much within a night. Even if he is a growing boy, this is impossible. They also looked at Xu Xian with doubt in their minds. They are wondering whether or not this is the same teacher who provides the best teaching experience and best guidance. They don't understand how he can just rationalize this as normal growth.

At this point, Xu Xian said: "Alright, if everyone is done with their practice, please return to your lodging, have breakfast and prepare for school."

After everyone left, Xu Xian said to Yang Xiaotian: "So you learned about Chí and went through some transformation."

"Yes, teacher. It seems like I will be able to cultivate from now on." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Actually you have been cultivating since the day you learned Wushu from me. True cultivation is the cultivation of Chí, not greedily absorbing Qi from heaven and earth and ejecting it or utilizing it while fighting. True cultivation is becoming one with your Chí. Becoming one with heaven and earth. Becoming one with the very essence of the great Omniverse. Becoming one with the Eternal Dao! When you can truly become one with your own essence, a whole new realm will open up to you." Xu Xian said in one breath.

He stopped for a few moments and then began again: "But that is still far away, you need to first continue to stimulate your Chí. You need to let your Chí continuously temper your whole body. It needs to start from your acupoint, then the meridians, then your blood vessels, bones, internal organs and so on. Chí should flow through your very blood, it should be in your bones and bone marrow, in your muscles, through every single point of your body."

"These are also for quite later. Now you need to completely master Tai Ji, Wushu and sword arts. You must completely immerse yourself in your practice."

Yang Xiaotian nodded and said: "Yes I will have to open my soul space as soon as possible. Or that is what the Tai Ji book said."

"Mmm.. focus heavily on Tai Ji. It is a kung fu that heavily emphasizes on becoming one with heaven and earth and achieving harmony of Yin and Yang. It will help you quickly open up your soul space. Opening soul space will allow you to peek into many mysteries of the Omniverse. For example, cultivators need spiritual roots with fire properties to cultivate fire and a profession like pill refining requires the property of both fire and wood. However, with soul space, you will be able to sense the tiny particles that make up every kind of object and even living beings in the Omniverse. With enough comprehension, you will be able to mix and match these particles to create fire, wind, lightning, etc and even communicate with trees and beasts. So, keep practicing hard." Xu Xian finished speaking and patted Yang Xiaotian's shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you, teacher. I will follow your guidance." Yang Xiaotian respectfully bowed to Xu Xian.

They parted ways soon after, Xu Xian returned to his residence while Yang Xiaotian kept up with his Tai Ji practice. While they were talking, one person was looking intently at them from a bit further away. She tried her best to eavesdrop but failed miserably. She was extremely shocked because being a cultivator, she could not eavesdrop on two people who have no cultivation. This person is Shui Luanér. She stayed even after Xu Xian left, trying to understand something out of Yang Xiaotian. After being frustrated for a while, she left dejectedly.

Yang Xiaotian continued trying to harmonize his physical actions with his mental action of rotating the Tai Ji symbol in his mind. He kept failing,  he even fell down on the ground multiple times but he kept at it. After practicing until late morning, he has not made much headway but his practice has indeed improved his mental state and his senses.

He found out that he can clearly sense the presence of people from about 50 meters away. He can even hear birds chirping from 50 meters away, not to mention sense the presence of people and cultivators. He can even sense if someone is looking at him. For example, while practicing, he sensed that Shui Luanér arrived close to the training ground two times and intently observed him.

After finishing his practice, he went back to his lodging, took bath, washed his clothes and put on another set of fresh clothes. He feels quite alarmed at how easily he is going through his clothes, if this continues, he would have to walk around in sweaty clothes. He decided to go buy some clothes specifically for training and a few more sets of clothes for sleeping. But first, he needs to eat, he is really hungry.

"Maybe I should go home and eat with my mothers. They must be missing me!" he thought to himself.

Despite everything that happened, he is still a child in his heart. No doubt her mothers are missing him but he is missing his mothers even more than he is willing to admit. He began traveling towards his home in a carriage. After coming close to his home, he let go of the carriage and began walking.

As he got closer to his home, he suddenly sensed two pairs of eyes watching his home from distance. As soon as he approached his home, those two pairs of eyes landed on him for a bit and then turned back to his home. Yang Xiaotian's expression became grim. He can guess who these people are and he can also sense that their gazes are not at all kind. He can even sense malice and disdain in their gazes.

Yang Xiaotian firmed his heart. He directly jumped towards the wall, his right feet touched the wall and he immediately kicked ever so lightly, used the wall as a springboard and directly jumped upwards and arrived on the top of the wall. He stood on the wall on his two feet. The two pairs of eyes directly fixated on him. Yang Xiaotian jumped again and moved about 5 meters forward and then jumped again to cross onto the next wall.

The two people watching him became shocked but Yang Xiaotian did not give them any time and he kept jumping on walls and even the roof of the next house to run towards the two observers. Those two people got back to their senses and immediately began retreating, they fell back about 50 meters in mere 5 seconds but again, Yang Xiaotian did not relent and kept chasing.

Those people became even more shocked and increase their distance even more. But Yang Xiaotian still did not relent, causing those people to be furious, they have no choice left but to directly move as far away as possible, out of Yang Xiaotian's range. After chasing them for several hundred meters, Yang Xiaotian can no longer sense their presence. He frowned and then turned back and began running towards his home.

"What the fuck? Is it that brat? It's him, right?" one of the shadowy figures said in absolute shock.

"Yes it is him..." the other one said with a frown: "What the hell happened to him? He has changed completely! His entire person has changed! It is as if he matured at least 3 years in 2 days!"

"And what were those moves? How can he move like cultivators? How can he be so fast? Not even peak Body Tempering cultivators are as fast as him! He is not a cultivator! What the fuck!" the first person said in shock again.

"We must report this at once. Not just our master, even the patriarch must know about this." the 2nd person said and then both of them vanished.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian has already arrived at the gate of his home. As soon as the guards saw him, they called out: "Welcome back young master."

Yang Xiaotian nodded at them handed over 10 purple banknotes at each of the guards and said: "Keep up the good work!"

"Thank you young master!" the guards very happily replied. These guards are Qi Condensation cultivators but they are already past their prime age to advance further in their cultivation, being able to guard wealthy people to make enough banknotes is now their main purpose and 10 purple bank notes are enough to feed their families for several months in this city. They are so happy that they did not even notice the huge change in Yang Xiaotian's appearance.

Yang Xiaotian arrived at their front yard, there are maids hanging washed clothes to soak. They saw Yang Xiaotian walking over and frowned.

One of them walked towards Yang Xiaotian and began speaking: "You! Who let you enter this... ahhh... ahh... yo.. yo... YOUNG MASTER!"

All the other maids gasped in shock. Yang Xiaotian shook his head and smiled looking at their expression. He asked: "Are my mothers home?"

"Yes young master." a maid replied.

Yang Xiaotian nodded and began walking towards his mothers' room leaving a bunch of maids shocked agape. Arriving at the door of the room, he cleared his throat, knocked on the door and said: "Mother, big mother, I am home."

Sounds of hurrying and rushing came from inside the room and suddenly the door flung open. Yang Xiaotian saw his mother's face, his big mother is also right behind her. Looking at the two of them, his eyes moistened.

"Ti... Tian-er... are you really my Tian-er?" Zhu Qing said with a shocked expression. Zhu Lian also has a shocked expression. They know that boys grow up after leaving home but this is just too fast.

"Yes mother, I am your Tian-er." Yang Xiaotian said with an emotional voice, then hugged both of his mothers. The two women began sobbing as they hugged Yang Xiaotian. Soon enough they brought Yang Xiaotian into their room, let him sit on the bed and each of them sat on each side of Yang Xiaotian.

"Tian-er, tell big mother, what happened? You became a bit taller, a bit more mature and a lot more handsome! How did it happen?" Zhu Lian asked dotingly.

"Yes yes, tell us." Zhu Qing also chimed in.

"It's those physical training I go through every day, it has paid off. I've had a big breakthrough in my training. My body has become a lot stronger, my bones have become bigger, my muscles have also become stronger and... and I have entered puberty early.." Yang Xiaotian said the last part very shyly.

"Ahh... you... you have entered puberty?" Zhu Qing is stunned.

"This... it is quite common for girls to enter puberty around the age of 11. For boys, it is very rare to enter puberty at 11 and you are only 10! How can you enter puberty?" Zhu Lian asked doubtfully.

"Well.. it is the effect of my physical training, it has elevated my body and the more I train, the stronger I will become and my body will also grow up to facilitate the change." Yang Xiaotian explained.

"Tian-er, this.. this physical training is not harmful, right? It will not turn you into an old man right?" Zhu Qing said with great worry.

"No mom, it won't. Our body always adjusts to our growth, it is just like that. My strength is growing by a lot so my body is adjusting to it. I won't become an old man because I am becoming stronger!" Yang Xiaotian said with a laugh.

"Alright. our son has become more handsome and growing bigger. This is a very happy occasion for us." Zhu Lian said with a happy smile.

"Tian-er, have you eaten? Come eat with us." Zhu Qing said.

"I am really hungry! I miss homemade food. I want to eat!" Yang Xiaotian excitedly said.

The three of them arrived at the dining room, servants have already set up the table and served food. Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian sat on both sides of Yang Xiaotian. They began to fill Yang Xiaotian's plate when suddenly voices can be heard from the front yard.

"It's your father, he is back." Zhu Qing said.

"Tian-er, your father.." Zhu Lian began talking when Yang Xiaotian said: "It's ok, let's welcome father and eat together."

Both of his mothers showed very happy smiles on their faces and then all got up from the table to go greet Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng has a very tired expression on his face as he came walking through the yard.

"Husband." both Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing happily greeted Yang Cheng with broad smiles on their faces.

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up hearing their voices and a broad smile appeared on his face as he looked at the two women. However, his eyes immediately landed on Yang Xiaotian and he stopped on his track in shock, his mouth agape.

"You... you..." Yang Cheng thought that he might be seeing things as he kept stuttering.

"Husband, you can't even recognize our Tian-er? hihihi.." Zhu Qing giggled like a girl.

"Our Tian-er has become very handsome. He is even more handsome than you! Right husband?" Zhu Lian said with a smile.

"Tian-er? How did you..." Yang Cheng kept stuttering.

"Hello, father. Shall we go in and eat?" Yang Xiaotian politely said.

"Ahh.. yeah.. let's go in and eat, I am very hungry." Yang Cheng said, then shook his head and again lovingly looked at his wives as he began walking towards them.

The two women and Yang Xiaotian sat at the previous position, while Yang Cheng sat down in his usual position. Although Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian usually sit on his both side, he doesn't mind that today the seating has changed.

Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian began serving one after another dish on Yang Xiaotian's plate. They are both very happy to have a full family supper again.

While eating Yang Cheng is the first one to speak up: "Do you have any problem with tuition fees? I will send the money over tomorrow."

Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing both have very happy smiles on their faces hearing this. But Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said: "I have already paid for a year!"

Hearing his words, Yang Cheng shook his head and said: "You are just wasting the money your sister is sending you. You should have saved that money in the bank."

"We already have a joint investment account and our investment has brought us a great deal of money. We are very rich!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Yang Cheng showed a curious expression as he asked: "How much did you invest? And how much is your asset now?"

"Sis sent me nearly 30000 purple banknotes on the first year she joined the sect and since then she sent over 100000 total. It seems like she goes into the outer area of Demon Beast Forest to hunt demon beasts and sell their parts for a lot of money. Add the 60000 purple banknotes yearly payment from the sect and it is quite a lot. Well, our initial investment was that 30000, it reached 100000 in just 5 months! I chose some very profitable and lucrative investment projects, they paid off heavily. And currently, our asset is around 500000 purple banknotes!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Pffttt...." Yang Cheng sprayed out the wine he was drinking out of his mouth. Both Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian looked at Yang Xiaotian as if they are looking at a monster.

"You..did you say 500000 and not 50000?" Yang Cheng asked in shock.

"How can it be 50000? Didn't I just say that sis sent over 100000?" Yang Xiaotian said while shaking his head. He continued: "By the way, I have invested in another venture and reports are suggesting that the deal was a great success. Our asset will reach a million purple banknotes in the next 6 months!"

The whole room became deathly silent after his words. Yang Cheng and his wives completely stopped eating and kept looking at Yang Xiaotian in a bewildered expression.

Yang Xiaotian saw their expression and said: "Why are you all so shocked? You even stopped eating."

His parents got back to their senses and then looked at each other. They let out a sigh and shook their heads and began eating.

Yang Cheng suddenly asked: "Wait, you were talking about this at the Mu family right?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded and said: "Also I am going to take the imperial scholar examination in 6 months. I am majoring in 4 subjects!"

"Pffftt..." Yang Cheng just calmed down and started drinking again when Yang Xiaotian spoke, he again sprayed out all the wine.

"You... you... what is your chance of passing?" Yang Cheng asked with a shocked expression.

"100%! Those tests will be as easy as peeing for me." Yang Xiaotian nonchalantly said.

"As easy as peeing... what subjects are you majoring in?" Yang Cheng asked in a flabbergasted expression. This time, Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing are enjoying the show.

"Economy and business theories, Art, Music and Cartography." Yang Xiaotian replied.

"You... just majoring economy and business studies is enough to get yourself a 1st class aristocrat title in the kingdom! And if you pass with all 4, the kingdom will surely make you a duke!" Yang Cheng said in shock. He continued: "It is not just that, I think that even the representatives of Yan, Yang and Feng kingdom will come to recruit you as a courtier!"

Yang Xiaotian stopped eating, looked at his father directly and asked: "Will becoming courtier in one of the big kingdoms or becoming duke save our family?"

His question changed the mood of the room, his parents became very gloomy. Yang Cheng shook his head and began eating.

"Just as I thought, so it is pointless to be a duke or courtier. I am taking the exam only because teacher Xu wants me to. I have no intention of becoming a courtier or a duke." Yang Xiaotian began eating again: "By the way, from now on, I will eat here at least at night. If I can manage time outside of my training, I will even have lunch."

Both Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian became happy hearing this. Zhu Qing asked: "Will you be sleeping here at night?"

"No, I will stay for a while after dinner, spend time with you and then return to school." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Alright, we are very happy that you will be spending time with us every day." Zhu Lian said with a happy smile.

Yang Cheng frowned hearing this conversation, he has a gut feeling that his son is doing this out of concern for them. He now suspects that his son has found out that their family is under constant surveillance. With the change in his son, it may be possible that he discovered those people and that is why he wants to spend time here to be sure that nothing happened to them. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He said: "You want to eat here? Aren't you rich? Can't you pay for cafeteria food?"

"How about I pay for eating here?" Yang Xiaotian replied.

"Hmph.. who wants your money? Do we look like beggars to you?" Yang Cheng grunted. Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing laughed out hearing this conversation.

After finishing eating, Yang Xiaotian spent time with his mothers. They dragged him to their room, hugged him tightly and fell asleep on the bed. He realized that his mothers have been very worried for him and maybe they have not slept at all in the past two days. He also closed his eyes and took a nap. After an hour he was awoken by his mothers and went to meet his father with them. His father asked him to look at a few important business matters, he looked at the papers carefully and gave his opinion. His parents listened to his opinion very seriously and changed their business plan accordingly.

Yang Xiaotian sighed inwardly, he thought in his heart: "If only you would listen to my words about Mu Meiér. If you don't feel comfortable, I will stop pursuing her. But if you go along with your plan, we will have to suffer severe consequences."

Soon after, he said goodbye to his parents and went to the market to buy some clothes. He saw that old beggar again, trying to sell his book speaking the same words about bone structure and Chí flow. Yang Xiaotian smiled, shook his head and took a carriage towards school. As he got on the carriage, the old beggar suddenly looked in his direction, a smile full of appreciation appeared on his face but Yang Xiaotian did not see any of it.

After returning to school, he changed clothes and began practicing Tai Ji again. He tried again and again to harmonize his mind and body. After he became tired, he again changed clothes and slept. He woke up before dawn, went to the training ground and began practicing Tai Ji while Xu Xian gave him pointers.

After morning exercise, he spoke to Xu Xian about the people observing his home and his decision to spend time at home every day. Xu Xian approved of his decision and told him to spend time with his family and try to get past the anger. At noon, he again returned home for lunch. He spent time with his mothers, talking about all kinds of things he learned from Xu Xian and then along with his mothers, he discussed business with his father.

While moving between home and school, he always chased after those observers making sure they know that he is aware of their existence. Each time he chased them further and further because his senses are becoming stronger by the day just as his body is. This routine continued for a month.

On this day Yang Xiaotian decided to go meet that old beggar again. He wants to buy more books from him. He actually packed a lot of purple banknotes. This time he wants to offer the old beggar lodging and food every day so that he won't have to live on the street. He arrived at the market and began walking towards the old man.

The old man saw him walking over and smiled showing all of his filthy teeth and said loudly: "Handsome young boy, you are here again. Look at you! How strong you have become, you have done a great job practicing my legendary Kung Fu technique. You have already taken a leap towards the path of becoming a great Kung Fu master! However, you need to learn more Kung Fu techniques, I have several other techniques here. Care to browse?"

His loud voice attracted the attention of many people, some of them were present last time and when they saw Yang Xiaotian they became shocked at their very bones. They can't believe that Yang Xiaotian has changed this much within a month. They think that he has changed over a month, they don't know that he had changed in just a day!

That guard from back then is also one of the onlookers, he felt like his head is spinning. All the people began talking in whispers, they are discussing Yang Xiaotian and whether or not the old beggar's books are indeed legendary Kung Fu techniques. But since none of their children ever managed to achieve anything by practicing anything from the books, they are very doubtful.

"Junior greets senior. Senior's legendary Kung Fu technique is indeed a wonder of myriad worlds. It has helped me become very strong and even changed me!" Yang Xiaotian said.

All the spectators let out hissing sounds hearing what he said. Their eyes began to light up but then suddenly they thought of something else. Last time, Yang Xiaotian was swindled so badly, he must be trying to take revenge by making them buy books for the old man. But the next words from Yang Xiaotian completely broke them out of their thought process.

"Senior, junior definitely wants to buy your books, however, today I have come to senior to ask if senior wants a permanent residence in the city? Junior wants to buy senior a residence, there will also be servants to take care of senior and senior won't have to live on the streets. No need to worry senior, you won't have to pay for anything, if it is alright with senior, junior only wants to trouble senior from time to time to guide me in the practice of Kung Fu." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

However, his words caused the old beggar to become very angry: "Brat! Do you think this old man is pitiful? You think I need your alms? I am making an honest living here! I don't need anyone's pity. I don't need alms! Boy, a man must learn to earn his keep! Don't insult a man's hard work no matter what it is!"

His outburst dumbfounded all the spectators and even Yang Xiaotian. All the spectators started scolding the old man in whispers but they saw Yang Xiaotian giving them a very angry look and immediately shut up.

Yang Xiaotian very respectfully bowed and lowered his waist and said: "Junior has offended senior and deserves punishment. Junior had no intention of offending senior and hope that senior can forgive junior."

The old beggar snorted and said: "Boy, originally I wanted to sell these three books to you for cheap but you have angered me, 1000 purple note for each book, Take it or leave it."

The spectators again started scolding the old man in whispered tones. He has been given the chance to go to heaven but he chose to go down to hell instead! However, Yang Xiaotian again gave them an angry look and they stopped.

"Junior is willing, very willing! These books are priceless! Senior selling these books to me is equal to bestowing heavenly favor on junior." Yang Xiaotian handed over 3000 purple banknotes.

Just like last time, the old beggar began salivating as he grabbed the notes and dropped the books to the ground. Yang Xiaotian respectfully picked up the books from the ground and put them in his satchel.

"Junior is taking leave, senior please take care." Yang Xiaotian bowed to the old beggar again and then walked towards the guards. He handed the guards 2000 purple banknotes and said: "Protect the old man, let all the guards know about this. If you all can protect the old man well, next week I will pay 10000 purple banknotes!"

The guards took the notes in a daze and then snapped out of shock and said: "Don't worry young master Yang, we will do this job without failure!"

"Thank you." Yang Xiaotian said gratefully and left for home.

After returning home, Yang Xiaotian's routine went on as usual. However, in the evening, a servant suddenly hurried over and reported that several city guards are looking for him. Yang Xiaotian's heart shuddered hearing this. He quickly ran out from his father's study, causing his parents to frown as they followed behind. As Yang Xiaotian approached the gate, he saw a few city guards with a cart behind them. He can tell that a body is being covered in sheets on the cart. His steps staggered, his eyes became moistened. He slowly got closer to the cart, his parents frowned even more seeing the change in their son's movement.

"Young master Yang.." a guard tried to speak but Yang Xiaotian walked past him.

Yang Xiaotian extended his shaky hand and pulled the sheet a bit. He saw a broken and bloody dead body, it is the old beggar. His face is broken beyond recognition, clearly, he has been beaten to death. Yang Xiaotian pulled the sheet a bit more and saw the old man's hands are broken to the point they almost split.

"Who...who did this?" Yang Xiaotian asked in a shaky voice.

"Black Tiger Gang! They are very rampant, they don't care about law and order and do whatever they want. Their crimes are countless! We city guards are completely helpless against them, they have many powerful people." one of the guards said.

"Young master Yang, these are the money you gave us, please take this back since we failed to protect the old man." another guard said, he is the one to whom Yang Xiaotian gave the money to.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHH... BLACK TIGER GANG!!!!!" Yang Xiaotian let out a loud roar.

The fury and anger in his heart spread out like sea waves. Causing many people around to shake in fear. Even the city guards near him took several steps back in fear. They are all peak Qi Condensation cultivators but they have been struck with fear from the roar of a boy who is not yet 11 years old. Yang Xiaotian's parents felt suffocated and as if a great mountain pressing down on them.

"I WANT YOU ALL DEAD! I WANT YOUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN DEAD! I WANT YOUR 14 GENERATIONS DEAD! I WANT YOU WIPED FROM THE FACE OF THE WORLD!" this time an intense killing intent rushed out from Yang Xiaotian's body and spread like wildfire.

Several members of the Black Tiger Gang have been spying from nearby, they all felt so scared that they ran away like scared rats. A kilometer away, those shadowy figures who usually spy on Yang Cheng's house are sitting on chairs and sipping tea. They sensed a dreadful killing intent rushing over and spilled the tea from their mouths. They looked at each other in shock.

"What the fuck! It's that kid! He is the one releasing this killing intent!" one of the shadowy figures said in a panic.

"He.. he.. what is he... what happened to him... shall we go and check out?" the other one spoke in a shaky voice.

"Le.. let's go but be very careful not to alert him, he might attack us this time!" the first one spoke.

They reported Yang Xiaotian's situation to the Yang family but until now they have not got back any response as to how to deal with this. They carefully got closer to Yang Cheng's house. They saw the scene ahead and felt shocked and scared because currently, Yang Xiaotian has the appearance of an out-of-control demonic beast.


"Tian-er.. it hurts..."

Yang Xiaotian's parents are already on their knees on the ground, the servant who came here along with them has already fainted. Hearing his parent's voices, Yang Xiaotian got back to his senses. He immediately looked back and rushed towards his parents. The guards let out air from their mouths in relief, they have broken into a cold sweat. Their expression is filled with great fear, they are now afraid that Yang Xiaotian might kill them. Fear of being killed by a boy who is not even a cultivator, is extremely shameful but they don't care about that, they only want to leave here alive.

Yang Xiaotian began massaging his parent's feet and palms. This is a technique taught to him by Xu Xian, it is very effective in calming nerves. After his parents calmed down, he rushed to the servant and sighed seeing that the servant only fainted. He also massaged the servant's palm and feet and soon enough the servant woke up. He called over other servants who are already filled with fear and panic. He told them to take his parents back in to rest as well as relieve that other servant of all duties for two days.

Those two shadowy figures are shocked looking at how Yang Xiaotian handled the entire situation. They also realized that Yang Xiaotian has sensed their presence but it seems like now he has no interest in playing with them. This made them relax a lot, they are both Yin-Yang Balance cultivators but currently are very scared of a boy who is not even a cultivator. But somehow, they don't actually feel that this is shameful. They have already determined in their hearts that this boy is a monster, he might even eat them alive given the chance.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian began talking to the city guards: "Help me bury this senior. One of you should go buy a suitable spot in the city graveyard in my name with the money I gave you earlier."

One of the guards began running towards the city graveyard. Then Yang Xiaotian took out 5000 purple banknotes, handed them over to one of the guards and said: "I want all the information city guards can find on every member of Black Tiger Gang. I want to know their names as well as sketches of their faces. I want to know where they sleep, where they eat, where they shit! I want to know all of it. There will be more money if city guards can discover the most accurate information on them!"

That guard took the money and began running towards the city guard headquarters. Yang Xiaotian looked at the other guards and said: "The rest of you please escort me to the city funeral parlor."

Then he began pulling the cart himself, the guards did not dare to say a single word and began escorting him. Arriving at the funeral parlor, he called up the owner. He took out bundles of purple banknotes and ordered the best funeral service. The owner looked at him in shock but then quickly ordered the employees to prepare the best service. Employees began working very swiftly. Within a few minutes, they handed over a cloth bag to Yang Xiaotian. This belonged to the old beggar, there must be some books inside. Yang Xiaotian did not look inside, he just held on to it and kept looking at it. Seeing all the employees working earnestly, he walked out of the funeral parlor slowly.

As soon as he came out, two city guards quickly walked up to him, one of them said: "Young master Yang, there are two members of the Black Tiger Gang observing you from the other side of the road. I think you should quickly leave."

Yang Xiaotian looked at the other side of the road, saw two muscular young men and said: "Is it them?"

"Umm... yes.. young master.." before one of the guards could finish speaking, Yang Xiaotian began walking towards those two Black Tiger Gang members.

The two men gloatingly looked at Yang Xiaotian as he kept walking over to them. These two men are nearly twice his size and exactly one hand length taller than him. He arrived in front of them and stopped. He looked at them with a very calm expression.

"Brat, what the fuck are you looking at? You..." before one of the men could finish speaking, he felt a hand tightly grab his throat. It is the same for the other man.

The two of them grabbed the hands that are clutching their entire throat. They are suffocating to the extreme and unable to get themselves rid of the hands. They began making gurgling noises. And then suddenly ...

Crack! Crack!

Two gut-wrenching cracking sounds can be heard and both man's heads twisted to the side. Their necks have been completely broken and their throats crushed. The hands grabbing their throat released the grip and the two young man's lifeless bodies dropped to the ground.

There are quite a lot of people looking at the scene, they have been watching the show since Yang Xiaotian brought the old beggar's dead body here. Looking at the two dead bodies, all of them felt their heart stop beating. Extreme fear gripped their very souls.

Yang Xiaotian looked at the two bodies calmly, he looked at the sky, he loudly breathed in through his nose and then loudly exhaled through his mouth.

"Tsssssiiiii... Haaaa...." Yang Xiaotian placed both of his hands on his head and began massaging his whole head as he breathed in and exhaled several more times.

Just the sight of this scene caused many people present to fall down on their butts. The city guards who talked to Yang Xiaotian earlier felt their legs shaking. All these people are just a bit away from pissing themselves.

Those two shadowy figures felt their scalp go numb, they have forgotten to breathe. They feel that they have seen this scene somewhere. They tried to remember and remember they did. They remembered that once they saw a demonic tiger tear a cultivator into pieces and then move its head and face in this very same way. That tiger was savoring the kill and now Yang Xiaotian is doing the same thing. A near 11 years old boy, experienced his first kill and savoring it like a demonic beast.

At this time a middle-aged man is berating the funeral parlor owner inside the funeral parlor: "Mr. Sun, hand over that body! That brat wants our Black Tiger Gang to die! He doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. We will show him how scary life can be!"

"Master! Master!" a servant suddenly arrived near that Mr. Sun and whispered something in his ears.

Mr. Sun's face became pale hearing what was said he looked at the middle-aged man and said: "You should go out and see what happened. That boy has killed members of your gang!"

"What!" the middle-aged man became furious and ran out of the funeral parlor. Arriving outside, he saw Yang Xiaotian in a weird posture. Then he looked at the two dead bodies and became extremely furious.

Those two men were initiate Qi Condensation cultivators, finding strong helpers like them is very tough and now they are dead. The middle-aged man himself is a middling Qi Condensation cultivator. He began walking towards Yang Xiaotian. This caused Yang Xiaotian to place his attention on the middle-aged man. He still looked at the middle-aged man calmly.

"Brat, did you kill my men? You think.." the middle-aged man could not even finish speaking when he felt his gut being punched with great force.


The force of the punch caused the middle-aged man's body to rise up from the ground. And then he dropped down.

"Blurghhh..." the middle-aged man vomited. Not only that, he peed himself and defecated too.

"Did you just shit yourself?" Yang Xiaotian's calm voice entered the middle-aged man's ears. He tried to look up but the pain almost caused him to lose consciousness.

"Useless trash!" Yang Xiaotian's unfeeling voice sounded again.

He placed his right foot on the side of the middle-aged man's head. Then he very gently pressed down.


That middle-aged man's skull broke by quite a bit. Blood flowed out as well. Yang Xiaotian continued pressing down.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Bit by bit the middle-aged man's whole skull shattered. His brains flowed out with lots of blood. All the spectators began vomiting, even the city guards began vomiting. However, Yang Xiaotian has no reaction, this is the first time he should have seen this kind of scene, on top of that he is just a boy. Normally, he should have vomited but now, he is so calm and unfeeling that it is scary. It is as if he is some kind of god of death and these scenes don't bother him.

Those two shadowy figures watched everything without breathing. They both felt a chill going down their spines. They looked at each other, their eyes spoke the loudest. There is no way they are ever offending this boy and his family. No matter what the Yang family orders them, they will never offend this monster. They would rather die than offend this monster.

"One of us should return to observe Yang Cheng's house. If some unwanted people try to intrude, directly kill them!" one of them said.

"I will go and keep watch!" the other one said.

Originally, they were only supposed to watch and report, not to interfere in anything. But now, they just want to make a good impression on Yang Xiaotian. They know that pretty soon Yang Xiaotian will confront them, they want to do some good before that happens.

Soon enough, the funeral parlor finished their work. Yang Xiaotian and a few guards took the old beggar's body to the graveyard. A plot has already been bought and a grave has been dug. Yang Xiaotian personally got down to lay the body into the grave. Then he also participated in burying. He then burned incense on the grave, the employees of the funeral parlor uttered some funeral prayers and then left.

Yang Xiaotian kowtowed before the grave and said: "Senior, it is the junior who caused your death! Please rest in peace senior! This junior will avenge your death!"

While this is happening, news about Yang Xiaotian's action spread all over the city. Naturally, Black Tiger Gang also received the news. Their gang leader became furious and sent two teams with 10 people in each team to kill Yang Xiaotian and the members of the Yang household. Both teams have one initiate Qi Sea Formation and nine peak Qi Condensation cultivators.

While Yang Xiaotian finished the burial, talked to the city guards about matters regarding the Black Tiger Gang and got up in a carriage, ten Black Tiger Gang members began converging on him but as soon as they came about 100 meters from Yang Xiaotian, they felt their bodies going numb. All ten of them died without knowing how. The same scene happened around 100 meters away from Yang family home. By the time Yang Xiaotian returned home, 20 bodies of Black Tiger Gang members have been thrown at the market square. The market square has already become empty after what Yang Xiaotian did just earlier, however, as soon as the bodies were thrown down, several people watched the scene and the news spread very fast.

"ARGGGHHH! What the hell happened? How could this happen? Who is protecting the people of Yang family?" Black Tiger Gang's leader roared in fury.

In the mansion of the city governor, the city governor felt a headache. Killing people in public is not a crime that even Black Tiger Gang dares to commit, yet a mere 10 years old brat just did that. This city governor is in cahoot with the gang and he can be considered a partner of that gang leader. He wants to appease the gang leader but after what happened to those 20 gang members, he doesn't dare to offend Yang family anymore.

He also doesn't want to report this to the imperial investigator in fear that his alliance with the gang might be discovered. He also found out that Yang Xiaotian has paid a lot of money to the guards to find information on Black Tiger Gang. He is already at odds with the city guard captain and this situation is a perfect opportunity for the captain to uproot him. He is truly having a headache.

The news of Yang Xiaotian's deeds has spread even into the school. Even though it is night, all the resident students are buzzing in discussions. Hearing this news, Shui Luanér felt shocked, then she began breathing heavily, her developed breasts going up and down as she breathed and exhaled. She feels that her whole being is in a state of fear, excitement, denial and ecstasy. This is a very odd feeling.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian returned home. He walked towards the room he used to stay in, he went into the bathroom, watched his face in the mirror and then suddenly...

"Blerghhhh" he vomited. All the feelings that rushed into his brain and kept him from breaking until now have finally left his system, causing him to feel sick and nauseous. He kept vomiting for a while as if he wants to clear out his whole system.

After he finished vomiting he saw that there are a lot of black goo in his vomit. He felt shocked as to what it is, he can't remember eating anything that could cause his inside to produce this. But suddenly he recalled something from Tai Ji book. His body would reject impurity and push them out as he continues to master Tai Ji. The same thing happens with other Kung Fu techniques too. The more one practices Kung Fu, the more pure one's body becomes and the more their bodies reject impurity.

He then took a complete heat bath. Took out some clothes from his drawer and put them on. He has decided to stay at home today. He walked out of the room and saw that his parents are waiting for him outside. His mothers quickly rushed to him and hugged him. He also hugged them.

"Mother, big mother, I want to stay at home tonight." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Of course baby. You will sleep with us tonight. Ok?" Zhu Lian said.

"Mmmm..." Yang Xiaotian nodded.

His father let out a sigh. He doesn't know what is going on with his son, what kind of power he is hiding. He has already heard everything, he is as shocked as everyone else, he never heard of cultivators being killed like chickens by people who can not cultivate. Yet his son is actually capable of doing just that. He sighed again as he followed his wives and son towards the dining hall. Yang Xiaotian ate a lot, her mothers fed him with their chopsticks. After eating, they went to bed. His mothers hugged him from both sides, Yang Xiaotian slept like a baby between them. While sleeping he whimpered and cried, causing his mothers to feel heartache. They gently sang lullabies and caressed his hair which made him sleep very soundly.

The next morning he woke up quite late. After waking up, he washed his face and did not feel like practicing Tai Ji. He walked towards the dining hall where his mothers are waiting for him with food served, even his father is still there. They began eating after Yang Xiaotian arrived. They ate merrily and chatted happily. After that, all four of them arrived at Yang Cheng's study room.

"Last night total of 20 people from Black Tiger Gang were killed, their bodies were thrown at the market square for everyone to see. They were quite powerful cultivators and they were killed like chickens. I am guessing you are not the one who killed them?" Yang Cheng is the one to speak first.

"I only killed three." Yang Xiaotian very calmly replied.

"According to my sources, Black Tiger Gang's leader sent 20 people, 10 of them to kill you and 10 of them to kill us. Yet they all died before we even noticed them coming." Yang Cheng said again.

Yang Xiaotian frowned, he thought for a bit and said: "It must be them."

"Them? Them who?" Yang Cheng asked.

"The people you are giving away 50% of your yearly income to!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"What! How do you... we never showed you those papers when we discussed business..." Yang Cheng said in shock. Even Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian have shock written all over their faces.

"Nearly two and half years ago, we were playing chess in this very room, there were papers all over and I read them, you did not care because you thought I was just a child." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Then... then... there are people secretly protecting our family?" Yang Cheng's voice sounded very happy.

"No!" Yang Xiaotian immediately interjected: "They have been observing our family, they have had a very hostile aura before. They used to look at us with great disdain and hostility, it is as if the whole thing is just a waste of time and it would be better to get rid of us."

"What? How can you tell people's thoughts? You are wrong!" Yang Cheng denied heavily.

"You can tell a lot from people's aura!" Yang Xiaotian said: "I never sensed them before I achieved my current strength. The reason I decided to have lunch and dinner home again is that I discovered their hostile aura. I am here every day just to make sure those people don't mess around. I chase them every day for several hundred meters. Being chased around by a boy who is not even a cultivator really frustrates them and makes them confused. They wonder what else I am hiding, there is no way someone like me can chase them around yet I am doing just that. It is not normal and they are right, I am not normal. They are very worried as to what I will do if I am truly pissed off."

Hearing his words, his parents are extremely shocked, their boy keeps giving them one after another surprise with his intellect and astute assessment of the situation.

Yang Xiaotian continued: "Yesterday when I let my anger get the better of me, they rushed over. I sensed them but I did not have time to bother with them. They followed me around to see what I do. And after they saw what I did to those three gang members, they became even more sure that I am hiding something terrifying and what I showed was just the tip of the iceberg. They are worried that I might decide to break their necks sometime soon, so now they are trying to show goodwill. Smart!"

His parents shuddered hearing how easily their son talked about breaking people's necks. They have always taught him to be kind and gentle. And since he is not a cultivator, there is less chance of him to get into violence. They wished that their child would remain a child and keep his innocence a bit more but the reality is harsh. In the end, he achieved great strength and automatically became as violent as a cultivator. They inwardly sighed thinking of this.

"If I am not mistaken, sis also knew of their existence. Remember how she used to look towards the distance with angry looks? Sis is truly amazing, I understand now that I have some strength, she is far more powerful than she lets others see. That Clear Wave Sect is not at all worthy of her. I don't think any forces in this continent is worthy of her presence. Maybe the Long kingdom but definitely not any of the other four!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile on his face. Then he sighed and said: "I miss sis so much. I wonder when she will come back to see me again."

At this point, his parents have gone completely numb to his outrageous words. They just shook their head and thought to themselves that this boy is just too much fond of his sister and likes to raise her up to the heavens!

"Pfftt... Tian-er, you love your sister so much! You make it sound like she is a goddess from the heavens!" Zhu Qing said with a teasing smile.

"Hmm.. now that's a thought... now I think that she might truly be the reincarnation of an Immortal Goddess!" Yang Xiaotian said with a straight face. His parents burst into laughter.

Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian pinched Yang Xiaotian's both cheeks. They teased him for a bit before Yang Xiaotian said that he wanted to go meet Xu Xian. They told him to be careful as they led him towards the gate. They saw in dazed eyes as Yang Xiaotian ran out like an arrow shot out from a bow. They sighed and then went back in.

The only reason Yang Xiaotian can leave in a relaxed mind is that he knows that Black Tiger Gang won't dare to mess around anymore. He never thought that Black Tiger Gang would actually send a squad to kill openly. Clearly, they have the assurance that nothing would happen to them even after committing the crime. That only means that someone within the city governor's mansion is in league with them. He is wondering who it is as he kept running.

After returning to the school gate, he was stopped by the guards. Apparently, teachers are still debating inside whether or not to kick him out of school. He caused a great deal of trouble and openly killed people in the streets. No matter what the circumstances, this is a crime and students of imperial schools must not commit crimes. They adhere to higher standards and principles, 99% of courtiers come from imperial schools, how can they allow a murderer to be a courtier?

The guards sent news inside that Yang Xiaotian has arrived. Soon enough, someone arrived to escort Yang Xiaotian inside. This person is a Mortal Shedding cultivator, there are several of them staying inside the school as protection. Since one of them has come out to escort him, it means the school is very cautious about him. Soon enough, they arrived at the main building, Yang Xiaotian saw Xu Xian along with other teachers, one of them being the headmaster.

"Yang Xiaotian, do you know your crime?" the headmaster directly said.

"Let's skip the nonsense and just say whether or not I am expelled!" Yang Xiaotian disdainfully replied.

"Yang Xiaotian, how dare you talk to your teacher like this? You deserve serious punishment for this!" the Mortal Shedding cultivator furiously said.

"You are just a guard of this school! Know your place worm!" Yang Xiaotian is very irritated, he did not show any respect to this person.

His words caused all the teachers to be shocked. Although it can be said that this Mortal Shedding cultivator is a guard of the school but his title is Imperial Protector. Each branch of the imperial school has one Imperial Protector assigned from the Imperial court.

"You little..." the cultivator could not finish his words when Yang Xiaotian said again: "Did you see those 20 bodies on the market street last night? I bet you did not. If two Qi Formation and 18 peak Qi Condensation cultivators jointly attacked you, would you be able to kill them as if slaughtering chickens? I bet you would have to run for your life! So be very careful about your next word!"

The cultivator shut up immediately. He is still not afraid of Yang Xiaotian but the person who killed those 20 people must be nearby and he doesn't want to provoke that person.

"Yang Xiaotian, due to the murders you have committed, under the rule of Imperial School of Scholars, you are expelled! You also lose your qualification to take the scholar certification exam!" the headmaster said.

Yang Xiaotian nodded, he doesn't at all care about this exam, he only wanted to do as Xu Xian suggested. He said: "Alright, then please return my advanced tuition and lodging fee as well as the scholar examination fee."

"We won't. That will be your fine for breaking the rules!" the headmaster said again.

"Are you trying to steal my money? If you think.." Yang Xiaotian could not finish speaking when Xu Xian interrupted him: "Tian-er, headmaster has his own difficulties. You have to relent here."

You are reading story Journey Towards The Gods at

"Teacher, you mean.." Yang Xiaotian looked at Xu Xian with a questioning gaze.

"Let me explain. You are the first student ever in any imperial school to commit murder! This situation severely harms the reputation of this branch. And other branches might push for the closure of this branch. This branch has been quite successful in recent years and many other branches are jealous. So headmaster has to show something solid in this debacle. Try to be understanding." Xu Xian said.

"Hmm... I see. It is no problem then." Yang Xiaotian looked at the headmaster and said: "Headmaster, do you have a bank fund transfer form? Please give me one."

Headmaster looked at him doubtfully when Xu Xian said: "Headmaster, please give him a bank fund transfer form."

Soon a form was handed to Yang Xiaotian and he filled in the form, handed it over and said: "If you take this to the bank, you will get another 50000 purple banknotes! I have already paid around 60000 purple banknotes. You can tell everyone that I paid a 100000 purple banknote fine. It should be enough right?"

All the teachers and even the Imperial Protector is shocked speechless. They can't believe that such a young boy is so rich.

At this time Xu Xian said: "Tian-er, go pack your things and meet me at my residence. It is also time for me to leave!"

Yang Xiaotian froze hearing his words. He really did not think that he would have to part ways with Xu Xian so soon. He knew that Xu Xian would not stay in this city forever but he still thought it would be a few more years or perhaps until he became 15 or 16.

"Teacher Xu, this..." the headmaster began to speak when Xu Xian said: "I was not supposed to stay in this city for too long. I am a traveler, I took a fancy to Tian-er and his sister, so I have stayed here longer than I expected. Now, Tian-er has grown up and I have nothing more to teach him, so it is time I take my leave."

All the teachers felt very sad hearing his words. It is a great loss for the school since it was because of him that the school saw the recent success.

"No need to be worried. Haven't I written a lot of books and placed them in the school library? I have constantly studied and discussed together with other teachers. That also includes cultivation and physical training. I am more than confident that the talented teachers here will be able to guide new students in scholarly pursuit and cultivation very thoroughly. You can also publish my books under the school's name if you want." Xu Xian said with a smile.

Then he began saying farewell to all the teachers. Soon enough, many teachers and students arrived at the school's main building to say their farewell. Female students and even female teachers are crying in sadness. The headmaster even wanted to hold a banquet but Xu Xian politely refused. It took him several hours to say farewell, enough for Yang Xiaotian to pack his things and wait for Xu Xian at his residence.

After Xu Xian returned, he did not bother to pack anything and began talking to Yang Xiaotian: "Tian-er, I know you have many questions about my identity and you even speculated something. However, I will not answer those doubts of yours, I want you to find the answer for yourself. I can only tell that I am from far far away, I travel out of whim, my kinds are such people. It was surprising to find you and your sister here. I am very proud to have taught you both. All lives are born with infinite potential but few can realize that, you and your sister are such people. One day you will stand at the peak of Chí cultivation. When that time comes, we will meet again. And you will also be able to meet that old man. For now, farewell. Take care of yourself Tian-er."

"Teacher, thank you so much for your teaching! Tian-er will always keep your teaching in his very essence!" Yang Xiaotian immediately kowtowed to Xu Xian.

Xu Xian pulled him up quickly. Patted his shoulder and caressed his hair. Then his whole body began to turn illusory and soon he disappeared. Yang Xiaotian looked at the scene without any shock because deep down he always knew that Xu Xian is an Immortal from the heavens.

Soon enough, Yang Xiaotian left the school and returned to his home. Just as he arrived, he was told by a servant to go to the guest meeting hall. But he still first went to his room, left his items and then went to the guest meeting hall. Surprisingly, he saw Shui Luanér along with a handsome middle-aged man and a beautiful middle-aged woman, clearly, they are her parents.

As he entered the hall, his mother waved towards him and said with smile: "Tian-er come, greet uncle Shui Dalang and aunt Min Na!"

"Hello uncle, hello aunt. Hello senior sister Shui." Yang Xiaotian politely greeted.

"Haha.. what a handsome young man! I heard what you did to those scums! Well done! That is how a man should be!" Shui Dalang said with a laugh.

"What a handsome boy, I heard a lot about you from Luanér. I heard you are teacher Xu's favorite student!" Min Na said with a smile.

"Well I was, he has already left to travel the world." Yang Xiaotian said. He thought that Shui Luanér might not know about it as she was not there and decided to take this chance to inform her.

"He... he left? I... I could not even say goodbye to him.. it must be because you caused all this trouble!" Shui Luanér said somewhat angrily.

"Luanér, don't be like this. Don't blame little brother Tian for being manly!" Shui Dalang reprimanded his daughter. It seems like he is very hellbent on that 'being manly' ideology.

"Why else would he suddenly leave if not because of his mess?" Shui Luanér is still hung up on that subject.

"Luanér, we are in the Yang family, don't cause trouble for Xiaotian." her mother Min Na reprimanded her. Shui Luanér has a very unsatisfied expression on her face after being reprimanded twice.

"It is completely fine, no trouble at all. Young boys and girls should be like this!" Zhu Lian said with a smile. She looked at Yang Xiaotian and said: "Tian-er, go escort Luanér around the house, show her around."

Yang Xiaotian looked at the people around the room and saw that aside from Shui Luanér, everyone else is showing him an approving smile.

He let out a sigh and said to Shui Luanér: "Senior sister, would you like to look around our humble home?"

"Alright. I want to visit the garden." Shui Luanér stood up and began walking towards the door. Yang Xiaotian followed behind.

He then led Shui Luanér to the family garden. He has always been quite fond of this garden, especially since his older sister loves flowers so much and planted many of the flowers here.

After arriving at the garden Shui Luanér spoke in a stern voice: "Tell me where teacher has gone. He must have told you!"

Yang Xiaotian frowned and said: "Miss Shui, where teacher went to is his business. Even if he told me, I have no obligation to tell you!"

"How dare you!" Shui Luanér furiously spoke and then punched at Yang Xiaotian. Apparently, she has broken through to Qi Condensation and used her Qi to strengthen her punch.

However, Yang Xiaotian just raised his finger and stopped her punch before it could even get closer. Not only he stopped her punch, but he also completely blocked off her advance. No matter how much she tried, she could move neither her fist nor her body forward. It is a complete suppression.

"With this bit of strength, you are acting like a queen. And you even consider yourself a rival of my sister!" Yang Xiaotian disdainfully said.

"Hmph.... your sister is not even worth the dirt on my feet! She is a disciple in a trash sect, I have already been personally chosen by the sect leader of Hundred Flower Sect in the capital." Shui Luanér proudly said with a sneer.

"Wow! Congratulations! You might be worthy of lifting my sister's shoes with your identity!" Yang Xiaotian said mockingly.

"You!" Shui Luanér stomped on the ground in anger but she did not dare to attack Yang Xiaotian again.

"So, why are you here? With your parents nonetheless." Yang Xiaotian asked.

"It was my parents' idea! You think I want to see your face?" Shui Luanér grunted.

"Hmmm.... your father seems like a very jolly and boisterous person. He is filled with a heroic spirit. Hopefully, he doesn't get into the wrong fight." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmph... you are the one to talk! Didn't you just offend the entire Black Tiger Gang?" Shui Luanér said.

"Well I can actually kill all of them but I will have to find them for that. They are all hiding like rats now!" Yang Xiaotian said with a chilling voice.

The chill in his voice caused Shui Luanér to feel quite a bit scared. She gulped down saliva and said: "Bold words!"

"You will see in the future. So long as the city guards give me the information on all of them, I will begin my operation. Especially that gang leader, I will break every single bone in his body while he is still alive. I will make him suffer pain unlike he has ever felt!" a dangerous aura rushed out of Yang Xiaotian's body as he spoke.

Shui Luanér became extremely scared at this point and began mumbling: "Ma.. maybe we shh.. should visit some other part of.. of.. the house.."

Yang Xiaotian snapped back to his calm self and said: "Where do you wanna go? This is the place with the best view."

"I heard you have a great collection of swords? I want to see them." Shui Luanér got back her spirit as she said.

Yang Xiaotian frowned and said: "A young woman going into a man's room is not a good thing!"

"Who is a man? You are a boy! Pfftt..." Shui Luanér giggled.

Yang Xiaotian also laughed and shook his head as he said: "Alright let's go."

Soon enough they arrived at Yang Xiaotian's room and began looking at dozens of swords hanging on the wall. All of them are well polished. Yang Xiaotian always takes his time caring for these swords. However, in last month he could not take care of these swords since he was living in the school. Since now he is back, he will start taking care of them again.

"Can I hold the swords and unsheathe them?" Shui Luanér asked.

"Sure but don't start waving them randomly." Yang Xiaotian said.

Shui Luanér's eyes fell on a sword with a beautifully designed sheathe.

"So pretty..." Shui Luanér picked up that sword with ecstasy in her expression.

She slowly pulled out the sword. No matter how one looks at it, this sword doesn't seem like it was designed for battle. It looks like a ceremonial sword. And the entire design looks like it has been made to be presented as a gift to a woman, especially a lover or a wife. She kept looking at the sword with sparkling eyes.

"Careful. I am planning to gift it to someone." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Ohhh... does our little Tiantian has a crush?" Shui Luanér said teasingly.

"Don't call me that, we are not that close." Yang Xiaotian curtly replied.

"Hmph... I was trying to be friendly! Anyways, I don't believe a boy like you has a lover!" Shui Luanér said with pout.

"None of your business! If you are done looking, let's return!" Yang Xiaotian said and extended his hand to take the sword away.

"I want to spar! I also train in teacher Xu's sword art! I want to spar and see who is better!" Shui Luanér said enthusiastically.

"Are you sure?" Yang Xiaotian said with a frown.

"Yang Xiaotian, don't be complacent!" Shui Luanér felt very irritated.

"Ok, as you wish." Yang Xiaotian took away the sword from Shui Luanér and properly placed it in its previous position. Then he took out two wooden swords.

"Hmph.. such cowardice! What kind of swordsman fights with a wooden sword!" Shui Luanér snorted as she said.

"I am just afraid of cutting you in half!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You! Alright.. .alright... it seems like I will have to teach you a lesson! Just because your physical strength is outrageous and you can suppress some Qi Condensation cultivators, you think you are so good? Yang Xiaotian, I will show you now that the difference between us is like heaven and earth." Shui Luanér very furiously said.

"Yeah, the difference is indeed heaven and earth! Glad that you realize it!" Yang Xiaotian mockingly said.

Shui Luanér took one of the wooden swords and furiously walked out of the room. They arrived at the front yard and faced each other. Soon enough they began fighting. Shui Luanér began attacking furiously from the start, each and every one of her moves would have been very deadly if they were performed with a real sword and made contact. But each of her attacks has been skillfully countered, dodged or parried by Yang Xiaotian.

The sword art taught by Xu Xuan is a very flowing, fluent and versatile sword art. It allows the practitioners to simultaneously change from offense to defense, defense to offense, quick movement to increase the distance from an opponent or shorten distance towards opponent or change position to find a weak point.

Yang Xiaotian has been very devoted and his understanding of this technique is quite high. He has not completely mastered it but he is already aware of all of the usage of this technique and now he just needs to constantly practice to master these points. Sadly, he has no training partner.

But now, Shui Luanér turned out to be a perfect training partner. She is nowhere as good as himself but she has the basics down and she attacks with precision and ferocity. They continued for several minutes until Yang Xiaotian landed a hit on Shui Luanér's thigh.

"Ahh! You.. you rascal... you tore my skirt!" she screamed in fury.

"We are sparring with swords, it is normal!" Yang Xiaotian felt dumbfounded as he spoke.

He can't believe that this girl is actually so stupid. Their bickering alarmed their parents and they rushed over.

"Tian-er, what is going on?" Zhu Lian lightly yelled.

"We are sparring with wooden swords." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Auntie, he tore my skirt intentionally!" Shui Luanér complained with a pout.

"HAHAHA! Oww..." Shui Dalang laughed out but his wife pinched his gut ferociously.

"Tian-er, how can you do that to a young girl? You might have ruined her skin!" Zhu Qing reprimanded Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian spread his hands and showed a helpless expression. He said: "If she is so worried about torn clothes, skin injury or such, why is she cultivating combat technique? She could just cultivate normally and not try to pick a fight with people!"

"True! True! Owww.." Shui Dalang wanted to show his support for Yang Xiaotian but again, his wife pinched his gut.

"Ok look, you are actually very good in sword art. If you could get past your fear of pain, you could really become a great swordmaster!" Yang Xiaotian said earnestly.

"You.. you mean it?" Shui Luanér very happily asked.

"I mean it! In fact, I hope you can come spar with me from now on." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"I... I can't.. we are leaving for the capital today. We won't stay here anymore." Shui Luanér said with a sad expression.

"Ahhhh.. what a pity.. and here I thought I found myself a perfect training dummy!" Yang Xiaotian said without caring for Shui Luanér's mood.

"You... you brat! You are the training dummy! Your head is training dummy! Who wants to spar with you? Just you wait, I will become very strong in a year and come back to spank you!" Shui Luanér said angrily.

"Alright alright.. enough quarreling. It's time to say goodbye, our carriage will leave within an hour." Min Na said.

"Brother Yang, when you settle yourself in the capital, you must come to drink with me." Shui Dalang said to Yang Cheng with a smile, then he looked at Yang Xiaotian and said: "Young man, I feel that this kingdom is unable to hold you. Maybe even this continent is too small for you. Continue to work hard and if you have time, come meet us in the capital, I am sure Luanér will miss you very much."

"Who will miss this brat! Hmph..." Shui Luanér said with a pout and then lightly threw the wooden sword towards Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian easily caught it.

Then the Shui family said their final goodbye and left.

After the Shui family left, Yang Xiaotian turned to go back to his room but his mother stopped him.

"Tian-er, you seem to have gotten quite well with Luanér. Do you want mother to set up a marriage for the two of you?" Zhu Qing said teasingly.

"What's so good about her? She is so narrow-minded, it even shows up on her body. Her breasts are not big enough, her butts are not plump enough! And she is a bit too slender! A clear sign of having no kindness and gentleness!" Yang Xiaotian said with a straight face.

His words caused Zhu Lian and Zhu Qing to be dumbfounded.

"Bwahah.. cough.. cough.." Yang Cheng almost laughed out but held it back in. Both Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian gave him a stern look.

"Compare her to Mu Meiér. Mu Meiér's breasts are well developed, her butts are nicely plump and she is healthy enough! A clear sign of being a gentle and caring woman!" Yang Xiaotian again said something outrageous with a straight face.

"Bwahahaha.. ahemmm.. cough..cough..." Yang Cheng again almost laughed out but controlled himself. This time, his wives pinched his gut from each side very hard causing him to yell out "OWWW!"

Yang Xiaotian thought that his father would scold him for talking about Mu Meiér like that but instead, he seemed to have enjoyed his comments. He doesn't understand what is up with his old man. He shook his head and said: "Let's drop this, I will have to go wash up and then set up my room properly. I will be living here from today again, school kicked me out."

"Ahh... Tian-er, will you be ok?" Zhu Qing asked in worry.

"I am fine, I don't need those scholar certificates and whatnot. They are of no use to me. I only stayed there for teacher Xu's teaching but now that he is gone, there is no point in staying there." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Mmm.. that's fine. Your attitude is very firm. Since you will be staying home, take a look at my business situation a bit, I am having some trouble with a deal, I want to know your thought." Yang Cheng said.

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "Of course father."

"Alright, go freshen up. We will have some proper chat with your father now." Zhu Lian spoke as she glared at Yang Cheng.

Yang Xiaotian returned to his room, properly set up his room again. Then went to take a warm bath. He relaxed in the tub when suddenly he started hearing moans. His expression froze, his senses have become very sharp and he can now even listen to people's whispers from about 200 meters away and now his parents are having sex just 50 meters away and loudly moaning. He started feeling really embarrassed.

"You damned old fools! Could you not wait until night when I start practicing Tai Ji?" he tried to calm his nerve and retracted his senses. He doesn't want to hear any more of it because it seemed like they were getting into even more spicy things.

He closed his eyes, began to breathe and exhale in a specific rhythm. At the same time, he began rotating the Tai ji symbol in his mind. Very soon he entered a meditative state. He started sensing the aura of heaven and earth around him and started drawing in the aura towards him. This would have been much easier if he were to be practicing Tai Ji but this is also a good practice. It puts pressure on his mind and forces him to put more mental effort which in turn sharpens his senses. The aura of heaven and earth soon began flowing through him and stimulating his essence and nurturing his body and soul. He entered into an state of selflessness and without even knowing spent nearly two hours in the tub.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Tian-er, Tian-er, answer your mother. Are you inside? Tian-er!" Zhu Qing's shout can be heard from outside.

Yang Xiaotian also suddenly opened his eyes. He jumped up from the tub in shock. He looked down and saw that the water has become somewhat black-greenish. Apparently, his body discarded more impurities. He quickly got out and flushed the water from the tub.

He yelled: "Mother I am fine, I was just meditating! Don't worry I will be at dinner within 10 minutes!"

Zhu Qing felt very relaxed hearing his voice, she replied: "Alright, we are waiting for you."

Yang Xiaotian began wiping his body with a towel when he suddenly sneezed. He thought to himself: "What the.. did I just catch a cold? But I just released so much impurity, I should not catch a cold. No matter, just to be safe, I should ask mother for some medicine."

Cultivators don't usually catch a cold, so pill refiners don't make medicines for the common cold. However, spirit doctors do indeed make those medicines. Spirit doctors are cultivators who dedicate their lives to treating disease. They have to experiment a lot to make medicine for various types of disease, pain, bleeding, poisoning. These medicines are mainly used by common people who can not cultivate. And the spirit doctors make quite the money selling these medicines. Common cold medicine is one of the most famous medicines that can cure cold and fever. The last time Yang Xiaotian took cold medicine was when he was 5 and now he has to take one again. Thinking of this he felt really depressed, his body has become so strong yet he has to take cold medicine to cure a cold.

As he walked towards the dining room a thought suddenly popped up in his mind: "Hold on! What if I let the aura of heaven and earth cure me of cold? This aura is very beneficial, it has been helping me strengthen my body and release impurities too. Cold is also a kind of impurity within the body, I think I should be able to disperse it!"

His mood became better thinking about this. He felt determined to try this. As he entered the dining room he saw that his parents' faces are beaming and they are looking very refreshed. He looked at them with an odd expression as he kept thinking whether or not sex truly has such an advantage. He recalled the dual cultivation method called Harmony of Yin and Yang. He concluded that sex between men and women may truly be a magical thing.

"Tian-er, why are you looking at us like that? Is there something stuck on our face?" Zhu Lian asked in some embarrassment.

"No no, I just feel that the three of you suddenly look several years younger!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Brat, stop teasing your parents and sit down to eat." Zhu Qing said with an embarrassed smile. All of them realized that Yang Xiaotian has listened to their "performance".

After finishing dinner, Yang Xiaotian decided to return to his room and try the method he thought of earlier. Thinking about the new method, he suddenly recalled all the books he obtained from the old man. He felt extremely sad but he also recalled Xu Xian's word, that he might be able to meet the old man again if he reaches the peak of Chí cultivation. He decided to take a look at the books.

First, he looked at the 3 books he bought before the old man's death. They are called Buddha's Order, Unchained Asura and Eye of the Deva. Then he opened the old man's cloth bag, there are also three books inside, they are named Divine Medicine, Divine Body and Runes: Words of Eternal Dao. There is also a ring inside the bag, it is a pure silver-colored ring and he doesn't know what it does. It looks very ordinary but considering it is inside the old man's bag, Yang Xiaotian determined that this ring is very special. So he stored the ring in a secure place.

Since currently he is trying to cure a cold, he decided to look at the book named Divine Body first. He opened the book and found out many drawings of the human body. They show acupoints of the human body and their usage. Formation of meridians, their path and so on. He cut his finger lightly and dropped quite a bit of blood on the book and soon enough, the same situation as last time happened.

As the knowledge poured into his mind, he learned how to purify acupoints, meridians, blood vessels, blood, bones, bone marrow, every part of his organs and his muscle and skin with the help of Origin Qi. And it is only the first step towards a Divine Body. After he completely refines his body with Origin Qi, he then becomes capable of refining his body with Cosmic Qi. However, before that, he must create his soul body, which comes a lot after opening his soul space and he has still not opened his soul space. So for now, he just memorized every step and instruction.

Aside from that, this book describes many aspects of physical intimacy between man and woman. How to properly pleasure and satisfy each other, how to find the perfect erotic spots on both sexes, especially for women, how to find their ultimate pleasure spot, the book calls it ero-spot. Yang Xiaotian earnestly began studying this. He believes that this will make him a better lover.

Also, the book specifically impresses upon dual cultivation and how finding the perfect erotic spots and ero-spot can exponentially improve the effect of dual cultivation which purifies and refines body and soul faster. Studying through this book, he also learned that activating women's ero-spot also depends on mood, women are very delicate, try to force them and they will shut off their hearts and body for a man for eternity. So a man needs to set the mood, treat them with affection and gently stimulate them and then very gently find the ero-spot and stimulate the spot.

After he is done with that book, he woke up. He found out that it is still dark at night and he is no longer infected by cold, yet again the aura of heaven and earth automatically stimulated his Chí and his Chí purified his body. Good thing is, this time his body did not eject impurities. He surely would not like to take a bath now. After observing his own situation for a while, he decided to go through another book. He chose Divine Medicine.

Once he activated the book, his mind began to absorb many information. This book also emphasizes a lot on acupoints and meridians but it focuses on medical aspects, such as, how to perform acupuncture and apply medicine through acupoints into the meridians and let the medicine flow through blood vessels and blood towards every point of the body.

The book also describes the function of the brain and how the brain and heart complement each other and are connected through the heart meridian and work in unison. Yet again, it is evidently clear as to how important the soul space and increasing soul power is. However, the most shocking information Yang Xiaotian obtained is the fact that not all types of humans and living beings have acupoints and meridians. Apparently, only the life forms that evolved from the grace of Celestial Emperor Heaven can have acupoints and meridians. There are other types of humans who have things like chakra or magical circuits inside their bodies instead of meridians.

The book then describes how to differentiate between herbs, plants, fruits and categorize them. The book describes how to determine whether or not a herb or fruit or a whole plant is poisonous or useful, whether they can be used on humans or beasts or both. It also describes how to distill and to extract medicinal and poisonous properties from the herbs, fruits and plants as well as how to sample them. There are methods to test medicine, methods to mix and match ingredients to produce new medicine, how to experiment with them.

However, he found it shocking that there are no names or drawings of any plants or herbs or fruits in any of the recipes. The book gives a definite answer on the subject: There are countless worlds in the Eternal Dao Omniverse and countless lifeforms in each of them. How can it be possible to just give a name and drawing of a plant and that plant would be present in all of those countless worlds? It is absurd. It is however possible that a specific Divine herb or plant might grow in a world because of the whims of gods but that is an extreme level of exception and these Divine items are also usually left in place for the amusement of gods, they are not something common people can lay their hands on, they are meant for some chosen individuals.

Then the book gives accurate descriptions and drawings of many Divine plants, herbs, fruits and such. The book also encourages to try to take them, even though they are meant for certain chosen ones but if a person can read this book, it means that person is also a person of great potential and worthy of competing for Divine items. These words caused Yang Xiaotian to be dumbfounded. He can't imagine that he actually became a person of interest to the Gods of Eternal Dao.

As for the recipes in the book, they give very precise instructions. They describe what kind of ingredients are needed with what kind of medicinal properties. For example, there is a meridian cleansing medicine, it requires an ingredient with numbing and soothing effect, an ingredient with purification effect; usually, a herb that has absorbed enough pure energy from heaven and earth, then an ingredient that can allow the medicine to fuse with blood smoothly. Yang Xiaotian earnestly studied them in his mind.

He woke up from his meditative state at very early dawn. This time, his soul power has increased again and his senses have yet again become sharper. He now knows that increasing soul power and strengthening senses means that he is controlling his brain even more smoothly. He is doing it subconsciously now but once he opens his soul space, he will have control of his subconscious and be able to train his subconscious and program it. He is soaking with sweat but he realized that his pants are sticky and it seems like he has ejaculated quite a lot of semen. He sighed, shook his head and went to the bathroom to take bath and wash clothes.

He walked out of his room, apart from the guards patrolling at the perimeter, nobody is awake now. So he began to practice wushu and sword art. An hour later, he began practicing Tai Ji. He awoke from his training state two hours later by the yelling of his mother. He then followed his mother to have breakfast. He informed his parents that the whole day today he will be studying some very important study materials and he should not be disturbed even if he doesn't come out to eat lunch. His parents nodded in acknowledgment, now they no longer care about how Yang Xiaotian is becoming strong with these Kung Fu practices. They only want him to be strong enough to protect himself.

After returning to his room, Yang Xiaotian took out the Buddha's Order, Unchained Asura and Eye of Deva. These books have several drawings, introduction on Buddha, Asura and Deva, some chants and other stuff which would never make any sense to anyone who doesn't understand what Chí is or at least a cultivator.

Yang Xiaotian started with Buddha's Order. As information began pouring into his mind, he first learned briefly about Buddha and how he achieved enlightenment. Then he learned how to make Buddhist prayer beads and then the chant to draw in Buddha's golden energy towards him. As Buddha is one of the prominent Gods of Eternal Dao, his energy flows through Omniverse and with appropriate chant and sermon, a person may be able to draw in the golden energy.

He learned that Buddha's golden energy can repel all evil, so it can be very useful to protect one's body and soul from evil. It can also allow a person to temper body and gradually turn the body into a golden buddha body. He also learned a practice method of using the golden energy to perform an attack called Buddha's Palm, another method to condense Buddha's Golden Sword and an adjacent sword art.

After finishing with it, he started Unchained Asura. He learned about Asura's struggle, his ascension and his sort of antagonistic yet friendly relationship with Buddha. He learned about the Asura race and that although Asura cultivated Devil energy at a point but he completely changed that energy into something else and as he ascended to Dao, as he became something else, he formed the Asura energy. This energy, despite looking dark and evil, is not at all evil.

As usual, he learned the chant to summon Asura energy, learned how to use it to refine body into Asura Body and become an Asura! He also learned that Asura energy can directly absorb and change Devil energy, so it can also defend body and soul from evil. He learned how to condense Asura's fist and Asura's staff and subsequent combat art.

After that he opened Eye of Deva. As the information began pouring in his mind, he felt shocked and creepy. According to the book, Deva is a spiritual and formless race. They travel wherever they want, whenever they want. They are a very curious race, they want to observe life and is fascinated by mortals. It is highly likely that at this very moment, a Deva is looking at him! As for the method of soul cultivation, it is also quite creepy. It seems like he has to actually summon a Deva! But Deva are formless so they can only appear in people's mind after being summoned.

One has to recite the chant of summoning a Deva and must completely immerse one's mind into the chant as well as letting go of any sense of self. Usually, one or two Deva would be nearby as they are fond of observing mortals and may take fancy to have chat with the summoner. Once they make contact, if the Deva is fascinated, the Deva might let the summoner use Deva energy to cultivate their soul. While this information has been gathered in his head, Yang Xiaotian already felt very alarmed and scared. An unknown entity entering his mind? That is an extreme level of risk.

He thought for a while in his mind and finally thought: "Well let's just do it."

But as soon as he thought, the scenery suddenly changed and he arrived on top of a mountain. This mountain seems like it is floating among the cloud, it is beautifully green with many beautiful flowers all around as well as several ancient and calming looking trees. There are white clouds all around and even a rainbow can be seen.

As Yang Xiaotian looked all around in shock, his eyes suddenly fell on someone. This person is a tall woman in white dress. From behind, she looked very familiar to Yang Xiaotian. The woman slowly turned to look at Yang Xiaotian, looking at her face Yang Xiaotian froze. This woman's aura is that of an Immortal Goddess who has descended to the mortal realm. Her beauty is heavenly, just the smile on her face is enough to destroy an entire world! But that is not what caused Yang Xiaotian to freeze, it is because this woman is Yang Xiannu, his beloved older sister!

His eyes moistened as he screamed: "Sis.. sis.."

He immediately began running towards Yang Xiannu but while half way, he stopped: "Huh! What is going on here? Where am I? I was in a meditative state in my room, how did I get here? How can my sister be here? This can't be real!"

"Ohh you became aware of your situation so fast!" the fake Yang Xiannu said.

"You... who are you? No... how dare you imitate my sister!" Yang Xiaotian furiously said.

"She has the strongest impact on your mind. So I took her form, thought it would make you happy." the fake Yang Xiannu.

"How dare you! I miss my sister so much! I want to see her! I don't want some freak imitating her." Yang Xiaotian shouted in anger.

"That.. that's so harsh... little brother, we Deva are formless, when we meet mortals, we can only take the form they are comfortable with.." the fake Yang Xiannu said with a hurt expression.

"So what if you are... wait you are a Deva?" Yang Xiaotian suddenly panicked.

"Yes, when we meet mortals we test them a bit, the test is.. something like this, it is different for each person but in general we create an illusion in mortal's mind to test them and see how they do. You passed of course although your remarks hurt me a lot..." the Deva again showed a hurt expression.

"I am so sorry senior. I... I just miss my sister so much... I haven't seen her for two and half years, I want to see her a lot.... when I saw you taking her form I just felt that you are toying with me and at the same time, insulting my sister... I am truly sorry for what I said senior." Yang Xiaotian said apologetically.

"It's ok. Well you passed, so you will be able to use our Deva energy now. You will be able to sense the Deva energy when you meditate with appropriate focus from now on. So enjoy and take care." the Deva said.

As soon as the Deva stopped talking Yang Xiaotian got back to his senses and woke up from his meditative state. He immediately began to meditate again to see whether or not he can sense the Deva energy and to his surprise, he can indeed sense a very peculiar and soothing energy around him. He happily continued to meditate and began increasing his soul power according to the instruction of the book Eye of Deva.

Back in that mountain peak, the Deva is standing at the very edge and looking down. Its gaze went through the cloud below and then went through countless galaxy and star system and fixated on Yang Xiaotian who is meditating in his room.

"Hmm.. interesting, Yang Xiannu, Yang Xiaotian, very interesting pair of brother and sister. Both somehow cultivating Chí. Both passed our illusory world challenge in the blink of an eye. Truly fascinating... this is why we love mortals, among all the rubble suddenly arises a few beautiful flowers that eliminate all the ugly things about them... mortals... ah mortals...." the Deva kept watching and muttering, its gaze now currently hovering over countless worlds and countless people.

Inside his room, Yang Xiaotian is continuously using Deva energy to nurture his soul and increase his soul power. Instead of absorbing, he is letting Deva energy naturally nurture his soul. According to the instruction of the book, he should be absorbing the energy but he doesn't want to do it, he wants this Deva energy to nurture his soul the same way the aura of heaven and earth nurtures his body and soul. This way is more harmonious and not invasive.

According to the instruction of the book, he needs to cultivate his eyes and transform them into the Eyes of Deva, just as Deva can see everything, his eyes should be able to see almost anything in the universe if he can cultivate this successfully. But first, he needs to open his soul space.

He continued his cultivation until he was aroused from his meditation by hard knocking on the door. His mothers became worried and started knocking and calling him out. He quickly got up, opened the door to talk to his mothers to ensure them that he is fine. Seeing him, both of them relaxed and told him to quickly go to eat dinner. He washed his face and quickly went over to eat.

As they began eating, Zhu Qing said: "Tian-er, you are working too hard. You are still a boy, you don't need to be too hard on yourself!"

"On the contrary mother, it is at this age that I must work hard so that when I am older, I can relax!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"You brat, talking like you are an adult! Listen to us for once okay?" Zhu Lian said with a smile.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and said: "I have to get stronger if I want to protect you all! There is a conspiracy going on to kill us! Only absolute power can stop this conspiracy! Only Kung Fu practice and meditation can make me stronger now. So I must work hard."

Hearing his words, his parents' faces became dark. They looked at each other and said nothing for a while.

His father is the one to break the silence: "You are being paranoid, everything is under.."

Before he could finish, Yang Xiaotian spoke up: "Mu Chi is also part of the conspiracy, you realize that right? He is playing you. He wants you to lay your hands on Mu Meiér, he wants you to offend Mu Chen, he wants you to offend the main Yang family in the Yang kingdom!"

Yang Cheng's expression became grim and desperate hearing this. The whole reason he is doing all of this is to get approval from his father who is the patriarch of Yun kingdom's Yang family branch. If he offends the main Yang family, will his father ever accept him? He now realizes that he has stepped on the sure way to hell.

"Do you know what is funny? We are just casualties in this plot, we are not even the main target." Yang Xiaotian said again.

"What do you mean?" Yang Cheng asked in doubt.

"Do you really think with the connection Mu family has, Mu Chi still doesn't know that Pure Sun Sect's Grand Elder has accepted Mu Chen as his personal disciple? Yet he is still forcing Mu Meiér and his parents. Why? He is not afraid to offend the Yang family. He is in collusion with someone who can suppress the main Yang family or at least block their efforts. It is a long game they are playing, it is also a big game. It starts here, in this Medicine Mountain City, one of the most important cities of Yun kingdom. The majority of the common medicinal herbs of Yun kingdom come from here. What happens when you control the supply of common medicines?" Yang Xiaotian paused looking at his father.

His implications are very clear, these conspirators want common people to rage. They want to put pressure on the Yun imperial family or perhaps totally dethrone them. These people are ruthless and not afraid of dirtying their hands. If they have planned for something this big, then Yang Cheng and his family are just simple rocks on a rocky road to them.

"I am pretty much sure that those people who take your money are not the lone hand in the dark in this plot. There is still one more major player who still has not shown their faces but soon they will. If I am not mistaken, those people observing our family will soon be replaced with the people from the second major player. It might happen in a month or in a year or two depending on the choices we make!" Yang Xiaotian paused for a while, looked at his father and said again: "So, will you let me handle this? Or are you going to continue to be stubborn and chase your dream?"

"What are you proposing?" Yang Cheng asked. At this point, he has already stopped thinking that his son is just a 10 years old boy.

"Everything goes as normal as it can be. No need for bigger play or sudden change in business strategy. We keep our business as low-key as possible. We will make a move when the time to send the first shipment of spirit stones to Mu family comes. Until then, business as usual in all aspects." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Alright." Yang Cheng agreed. This caused Zhu Qing and Zhu Lian to let out a long sigh of relief. They have been truly worried about father and son completely falling out but now it seems like things will be different.

After they are finished eating and chatting, Yang Xiaotian returned to his room and began cultivating. He finished at early dawn, went to the front yard to practice Kung Fu and sword arts. He also practiced the sword moves from Buddha's Golden Sword Art. Then he went to have breakfast. After that, he spent time with his parents to sort out their business situation.

Soon enough they had lunch together. Then in the evening, Yang Xiaotian went to the bank to check his investments. On the way, he paid the guards a hefty amount of purple banknotes to continue their investigation in the Black Tiger Gang. After returning home, he meditated for a while before eating supper and then completely focused on increasing his soul power.

This routine continued for 5 months, within these months he also earnestly studied the human body and the different processes of producing medicine. He has learned how to identify important acupoints and meridians as well as mastered performing minimal level of acupuncture which can help him stop internal and external bleeding. He can also perform acupuncture to calm people's minds. Although he has learned many effective processes of crafting medicines, he still can not produce fire and water, so he can not craft them.

Today is Yang Xiaotian's birthday. He has some weird-looking facial hair on his face, not to mention he also has pubic hairs now which he finds really disgusting. His mothers keep teasing him and telling him that he should get married immediately and give birth to some grandchildren for them to play with. He feels extremely embarrassed about these remarks.

Since today is his birthday, he finally decided to go buy some grooming tools. He directly asked her mothers and as usual, they laughed and teased, however, they suggested that he go to the Beauty Grooming Salon, apparently, all kinds of grooming tools can be found there.

Yang Xiaotian left home and soon arrived at the salon. As soon as he entered, he saw a beautiful middle-aged woman at the reception desk. As soon as the woman saw Yang Xiaotian, her expression first changed to shock, then a bit later turned coquettish.

"My my, isn't this our young hero Yang? You have become so big and handsome! Did you come to accept big sister's service?"

"Sister? Service? Woman, you are as old as my mother! Stop hitting on a boy!" Yang Xiaotian thought with a frown on his face. He said directly: "I am here to buy grooming tools, particularly to shave facial hair and pubic hair!"

The woman giggled seductively and said: "Ohh my, the young hero has truly become a man! But why do want to buy grooming tools? Haven't you come to the right place for grooming? We will do everything you need and everything you want."

The woman placed her index finger on Yang Xiaotian's left chest while saying the last word, she even got her face a bit closer to his. Yang Xiaotian's frown deepened as he took a step back.

He said: "I only want to buy the tools. Also, I heard you sell medicinal liquids that can soften the hair? I want to buy that too."

"Owwww... you are breaking sister's heart..." the woman said with a fake sad face and then again giggled coquettishly. Then she went over to the counter and opened the glass storage behind the counter. She picked a bottle with a colorful label and an odd-looking small wooden stick.

"Ok little brother, if you apply the liquid on your hair, after a minute your hair will become very loose. Then you can use this shaver to smoothly cut them away." the woman moved the shaver from up to down to show how the hair should be cut. She said again: "There is a sharp blade at the top of this stick, it can cut skin and vein so be very careful not to randomly wave the shaver."

"Ok, how much?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"1000 purple bank notes total." the woman said. Yang Xiaotian nodded, paid the money, took his items and left.

As soon as he left, a few beautiful young women came out from inside the shop and began chatting with excitement.

"Is that Yang Xiaotian? By the gods, he is even more handsome than rumored!"

"Isn't he just ten? Why is he so big and already in puberty?"

"Did you see his skin? So smooth and fair and beautiful!"

"What is he eating to become this handsome? Do you think he will tell us?"

"I really wish he would fuck me senseless! That body, those well-shaped muscles, they are all real assets!"

While those women kept talking about him, Yang Xiaotian has already walked far away. At this moment, his eyes fell on the nearest medicine shop. The owner of this medicine shop, doctor Sun, is a family friend. He has been a spirit doctor in this city for more than 30 years. He even delivered both his sister and him. The spirit doctor association from the capital invited him many times to move over there but he always refused and continued to stay here.

Yang Xiaotian decided to pay him a visit. Doctor Sun is a Mortal Shedding cultivator. Although he does not have fire-based spiritual roots like many other spirit doctors, he can still refine very good medicines that are bought by almost all people in the city.

The spirit doctor association has devised many different kinds of medicine refining tools by copying ideas from the pill refiners. These devices can heat up ingredients and water if a fire is lit below them. The intensity of fire can also be controlled. Then the liquid is transferred through some glass tube to another glass jar where other ingredients are added for further refining. This whole system is very ingenious and almost all good spirit doctors add their spin to their own medicine refining tools.

As Yang Xiaotian entered the store, he saw many patients are waiting in the sitting area. Many of them are just here to buy medicine for their sickness that has already been diagnosed, others are here for diagnosis. He decided to talk to the receptionist so that doctor Sun is informed of his arrival. He really does not want to cut lines and pass over these patients, that would be very wrong. He is also not here for medicine or treatment, he told the receptionist exactly that and also said with a loud enough voice that he only wants to see doctor Sun if there are no urgent patients.

The receptionist went in to inform doctor Sun. Just a bit later, he came out and told Yang Xiaotian to go in but he is not allowed to speak until spoken to and must only watch. Yang Xiaotian thanked the receptionist, gave him 10 purple banknotes as a tip and went inside. The receptionist became dumbfounded because his entire week's salary is 100 golden banknotes.

After entering the room, Yang Xiaotian saw that doctor Sun is checking a patient with several of his assistants. Each patient is also a teaching opportunity, the assistants are talking among each other after listening to doctor Sun's instruction and coming up with their own theory.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly saw a 4 or 5 years old girl in a corner, she is sitting on a bed and from time to time wiping her nose with a blood-stained cloth. It seems like she constantly bleeds from her nose. Yang Xiaotian approached the girl with a smile, even though he is very handsome and has a kind smile on his face, the girl still felt a bit scared.

"It's ok little one, brother's name is Yang Xiaotian. What's your name?" Yang Xiaotian asked with a smile.

"Mom said not to talk to strangers!" the girl curtly replied.

"Good girl! It is always a good thing to listen to your parents." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

At this time, the patient has been released and doctor Sun already prescribed the medication the patient needs. After the patient left, the assistants went out to prepare the next patient. One of the assistants walked up to the little girl and the girl called her mom. This assistant doesn't look like any more than 20, she is not at all very beautiful, her look is very common. She very gently rubbed the little girl's head and fed her medicine. As Yang Xiaotian watched them, doctor Sun called out to him.

"Xiaotian, it's been a long time since you have come to this grandpa. Seems like without getting sick, you don't care about this grandpa at all." doctor Sun said with a smile.

"Grandpa, I am so sorry. I have been very busy these days and could not come to greet you from time to time." Yang Xiaotian apologetically said.

"It's fine, so long as you are doing something productive. Hmmm? How old are you now?" doctor Sun suddenly frowned and said.

"I am 11 today grandpa!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

As soon as he said that doctor Sun's expression changed, it is also the same for that female assistant, she looks like she has seen a ghost.

"I have been practicing Kung Fu a lot these last 3 years and have also been practicing Kung Fu regularly since I was very young. It has accelerated my growth. As you know that our body automatically adjusts to our strength, since my strength grew exponentially, my body automatically began to facilitate my growth. So my puberty has begun early and I have become taller than normal kids of my age." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"This is abnormal! You are also much more intelligent than the normal kids of your age. It usually happens to children who cultivate but you are not a cultivator." doctor Sun said as he keenly looked at Yang Xiaotian.

"Who says I am not? I cultivate Kung Fu! Kung Fu is a cultivation technique that requires very high mental and physical concentration. If one sticks to practicing Kung Fu, one's strength would not be any lower than cultivators!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmmm... I heard you beat a few Black Tiger Gang members to death, I did not believe it at all but now I fully believe it! I can sense that your bone structure, muscle structure, meridian channel and blood flow have vastly changed!" doctor Sun said as he kept looking intently at Yang Xiaotian.

"As expected of an expert spirit doctor! You are really awesome grandpa." Yang Xiaotian said with a broad smile.

"Stop flattering me, you are too young for this kind of nonsense! So, what brings you here?" doctor Sun said.

"Before I talk about that grandpa, did you check this little girl's heart and lung meridian channel while appropriate acupoints are pinned? I think she has some kind of serious infection in her lungs and it is the kind that comes from her parents. Even if none of the parents have this kind of disease probably one of the grandparents or great grandparents had it." Yang Xiaotian suddenly asked.

This caused doctor Sun and that female assistant to open their mouth in shock. Doctor Sun immediately became sober and said: "Boy, how do you know this? Especially about acupoints and meridians? Who taught you?"

"Grandpa, you met teacher Xu Xian right?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Ahhh... teacher Xu.. what a knowledgeable man! I heard he has already left. I wanted to discuss medicine with him more.. aiii..." doctor Sun sighed.

"Grandpa quickly give it a try." Yang Xiaotian said.

While doctor Sun kept thinking with frown on his face, the other assistants brought in a patient. They don't know what was happening here but seeing doctor Sun and the female assistant's odd expression they felt something odd is going on here.

Doctor Sun breathed deeply and said: "Alright, after we are done with all the patients, we will begin diagnosing Feiér."

"How about this big sister and I diagnose her while you check other patients?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You... did teacher Xu also teach you how to use acupuncture needles?" doctor Sun said in shock.

"That and much more!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

"Hmphh... a snot nose brat trying to show off.." one of the assistants disdainfully said and snorted. The others also shook their heads and smiled nonchalantly. They began setting up the new patient at a bed.

"Hmmm... if Ming-er agrees to it, you can treat Feiér." doctor Sun said.

His words caused all of his assistants to be shocked, they began wondering whether or not this is the same strict doctor Sun they know.

Feiér is naturally the little girl while Ming-er is her mother. Yang Xiaotian looked at the two of them and asked: "Big sister, do you want to try it? You are surely better than me with acupuncture needles, you will pin the points while I check her breathing, pulse and meridian?"

The young woman thought for a bit and nodded. Then said: "Little brother, my name is Qin Ming and this is my daughter Qin Feiér. You can just call me sister Ming."

"Ming-er, are you sure you want to trust some strange brat?" that assistant who insulted Yang Xiaotian earlier spoke again. This person is a young man of the same age as Qin Ming and it seems like he has some feelings for Qin Ming and can't see her getting along with another male.

Before Qin Ming could even speak, doctor Sun said angrily: "Brat, are you better than your master now? You have become so good that you disregard your master's decision?"

"I just..." the male assistant could not even finish talking when doctor Sun furiously yelled: "Shut the fuck up and get to work!"

All the assistants immediately began helping doctor Sun diagnose the new patient.

Yang Xiaotian said to Qin Feiér: "Little sister, we are not strangers anymore. You can just call me brother Tian."

The girl looked at her mother, seeing her mother nodding, she looked at Yang Xiaotian and said: "Hello brother Tian."

Yang Xiaotian nodded with a smile and said: "Good girl."

"Feiér, we will do some tests on you ok? I know you hate it as we do it too often but after this, we won't do anything for a long time. Ok?" Qin Ming began coaxing Qin Feiér gently.

Qin Feiér nodded. Just looking at this sick girl, Yang Xiaotian feels very sad. He has the strongest urge to cure her of her illness and give her a normal life. Soon enough, Qin Ming began placing acupuncture needles according to the plan before. And Yang Xiaotian placed his fingers on several places on Qin Feiér's chest as she breathed heavily for diagnosis, Yang Xiaotian sensed through his fingers that she is indeed suffering from a large amount of infection in the lung. He also took her pulse and checked her meridians and found in shock that her meridians are very smoothly connected and in a very pure state. Qin Ming also placed her fingers where Yang Xiaotian told her to and her face became extremely pale because the infection is indeed extremely bad. In this kind of state, Qin Feiér won't live for even a year.

Tears almost came out of her eyes when she suddenly heard Yang Xiaotian's voice: "Thank god, the situation is not yet out of control! We can still cure her!"

Qin Ming looked at Yang Xiaotian in shock and asked in a shaky voice: "You... you mmee.. mean... are you sure?"

"Of course! Let grandpa Sun finish his work and we will discuss this with him." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Thank you, little brother." Qin Ming said as she sighed.

Soon enough doctor Sun finished with the patient and his assistants went out to prepare another. He looked at Qin Ming with a questioning gaze.

"It is just as little brother Tian said, her lungs are almost completely infected. At this rate..." Qin Ming's voice choked as she spoke up to this point. Doctor Sun's face also became pained.

"It is not too late yet, we need to craft a medicine that can directly attack the infection and heal the infected area. First, the medicine should have a soothing property for the lung area. Then, it needs to stop the infection and heal the damaged area at the same time. You should have some medicinal ingredients that can accomplish all of these but you just did not know how to use them in her case. Let's discuss this after you are done with all the patients today."

"Hmm.. what you said is very possible, I will just have to concoct a new medicine. It has to be very specific, I have some that can soothe the lung and can also stop internal bleeding but nothing so specific that can do too many things at once. This will be a challenge." doctor Sun said while rubbing his chin.

"Aside from that, she needs to go through a breathing and meditation technique every day. It will help alleviate the pressure on her lung and fill her lung with pure air. It will help a lot in the treatment. I will write down the entire process." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Thank you for your kindness little brother." Qin Ming said gratefully.

At this time those assistants returned, that earlier rude assistant saw how Qin Ming is being friendly with Yang Xiaotian and gritted his teeth in anger. He glared at Yang Xiaotian, Yang Xiaotian sensed it but paid no attention.

"It is alright big sister, I am also a child. Seeing a child in pain is also painful to me!" Yang Xiaotian said.

His words caused all the assistants to feel disdainful. Many of them let out displeased grunts.

However doctor Sun spoke at this time: "Indeed, it is truly hard to believe that you have just become 11 today!"

His words caused the assistants to open their eyes wide in shock. Several female assistants were checking out Yang Xiaotian from time to time, they thought he should be 15 or something close. They never expected him to be only 11! All of them blushed in shame. That rude assistant is even more surprised than the rest, he can't believe that he was burning with jealousy towards an 11 years old boy!

Yang Xiaotian said farewell for now and promised to come back in the evening with the written breathing and meditation technique. As he began returning home, a few city guards quickly ran towards him.

"Young master Yang, we have been looking for you! Do you have time to come to the city guard office? We have what you wanted!" a guard said.

Yang Xiaotian immediately became very happy and asked them to lead the way. The guards got on their horses and wanted to call up a carriage for Yang Xiaotian but he said he will just run behind them. The guards felt doubtful but they began moving. However, just as they arrived 10 meters away, Yang Xiaotian appeared right next to them.

"You need to move fast, I have a lot of things to do today so I want to finish up quickly." the guards felt shocked a bit but they sped up.

And to their shock, Yang Xiaotian easily kept up with them until they arrived at the city guard office. Then the guards led him inside towards the captain's office. When they reported to the captain, Yang Xiaotian was immediately let in.

"Little brother Yang, we have kept you waiting for too long!" the guard captain said with a broad smile: "My name is Shi Haifeng. I am the guard captain appointed by the capital. Please have a seat."

Yang Xiaotian immediately sat down and directly said: "Has there been any information on the Black Tiger Gang?"

"Right to the point! Ok.. yes, we have compiled the complete list of gang members, their captains and their leader." Shi Haifeng said. He pushed a large and thick paper bag towards Yang Xiaotian and said: "All information is here. You should know that dealing with them will be very tough! They have not operated in the city without making proper connections! Those connections are.. what can I say, a bit too close to power for my comfort!"

His meanings are clear to Yang Xiaotian, the city master, or someone close to him is involved. He said: "I am thinking of offering a bounty for their heads through Mercenary Alliance."

Shi Haifeng sighed, shook his head and said: "Good luck with that!"

Again, his meaning is clear, someone of high authority in Mercenary Alliance is involved. Yang Xiaotian said: "I will go to the bank tomorrow and get a fund transfer insurance, then I will go to the Mercenary Alliance branch to post a bounty."

"Good luck." Shi Haifeng said with a sigh.

Yang Xiaotian got up, turned to leave and then suddenly stopped: "I hope captain Shi has already done his investigation into all connections properly. There will be a minor storm in the city in the next few months. Who knows, maybe a thorough investigation will allow you to work with complete impunity."

His words startled Shi Haifeng, the meaning is clear to him, it is his chance to take down all the guilty parties and establish his authority in the city. As Yang Xiaotian walked out of the building, Shi Haifeng began writing an official letter. What he is writing is unknown.

Yang Xiaotian returned home, met his mothers, had lunch and then shaved his facial and pubic hair. It did not take much effort. Then he began writing the meditation technique in a very comprehensive manner. At the same time, he also wrote down several methods to diagnose internal infections, injuries and bleeding and how to counter them and produce medicine for them. He wants to hand them both to doctor Sun and tell them all of these are from teacher Xu Xian. This way he can shock the old doctor less.

In the evening, he went to market again. He bought some warm clothes and a muffler for Qin Feiér. These items are very necessary to not let cold sip into her body any more than it needs to. He then arrived at the medicine store again. They are finished with all the patients and now packing things up. There will still be a person in reception in case some emergency comes up. After he entered, he was greeted by the same receptionist as last time. He informed Yang Xiaotian that they are finishing up inside and he should wait a bit. Soon enough, all the assistants came out. That rude assistant saw Yang Xiaotian and shot him a glare. Yang Xiaotian ignored him again.

"Oh Xiaotian, you are here! Come in quick!" doctor Sun urged.

As Yang Xiaotian began walking in, that rude assistant suddenly said: "Master perhaps I should also stay and.."

He could not finish speaking as doctor Sun's angry voice came through: "Get out!"

The rude assistant left while glaring at Yang Xiaotian's back.

Currently, only doctor Sun, Qin Ming and Qin Feiér are inside the office. Yang Xiaotian immediately took out all the papers he wrote and handed them over to doctor Sun.

"Grandpa, this meditation technique is also good for you. It can sharpen your senses, bring in pure air in lungs, helps smooth blood flow in the body, helps in Chí flow through meridians and can even increase soul power!" Yang Xiaotian provided an introduction to the technique. He continued: "You can also use this meditation technique instead of sleeping, it fulfills all the criteria and benefit of sleep and at the same time strengthens a person."

"Hmmm... this Tai Ji symbol, is this really that effective?" doctor Sun asked in doubt.

"It is not the symbol, it is how you rotate the symbol in your mind. But first, you need to completely master the breathing part of the technique." Yang Xiaotian looked at Qin Feiér and said with a smile: "Feiér is such an obedient child, I am sure she will be able to master the breathing technique very easily. She will feel a bit of pain in her chest though."

"Little brother, she has suffered a lot of pain, she is used to it. It won't be a problem for her." Qin Ming said.

Hearing her words, Yang Xiaotian felt a sharp pain in his heart. He felt even more determined to heal Qin Feiér. He is now also thinking of opening a medical hall only for children where doctors would treat all children free of cost. He doesn't want to see children in such pain.

Doctor Sun began going through the medical technique papers and his expression became filled with shock. He began stuttering: "This... this... was written by teacher Xu?"

"Indeed and I suggest you never discuss these techniques with anyone. Only pass this on to your most trusted assistant. The same goes for the meditation technique." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Indeed! This might cause a great deal of shock and scrutiny, some doctors and even pill refiners might try to get their hands on these. They might even send assassins!" doctor Sun said in a grim voice.

"Just be careful." Yang Xiaotian said. Then he looked at Qin Ming and Qin Feiér and said: "Shall I escort the two of them home?"

"No, they stay here in the clinic employee area. It is not much but it is clean and healthy." doctor Sun said.

"Alright." Yang Xiaotian took out the clothes he bought for Qin Feiér and said: "These clothes are for Feiér. Make sure she always has a muffler around her neck and she is wearing warm clothes from evening till morning."

"Little brother, we can't accept this!" Qin Ming said with an embarrassed expression.

"You can and you will! Do you want Feiér to die? She must wear warm clothes starting from the evening. Her current clothes are not sufficient. I am not looking down on you at all. This is also for my own benefit, I am just satisfying my own ego. Let's just go with it ok? Well then, she needs to wear them until the sun becomes brighter and she starts sweating. You can not let her soak in sweat. And she needs to bathe in warm water once every day." Yang Xiaotian said with great vigor.

Doctor Sun said: "Alright, I understand what needs to be done. Your diagnosis is still a bit rough but you will get better. I will take care of her treatment. No need to worry. Now go home, it is getting dark."

Yang Xiaotian nodded with a smile and got up from his chair. At this time Qin Feiér spoke in a soft voice: "Thank you big brother Tian. Will you come back again to see Feiér?"

"Of course, I will!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile and caressed Qin Feiér's head. He said goodbye to everyone and left the store.

After Yang Xiaotian walked about 10 meters from the store, he sensed 4 pairs of eyes looking at him and 4 auras converging towards him. He sneered and turned towards a corner alley. Soon enough 4 people caught up to him. One of them is the rude assistant. For people like him, Yang Xiaotian's thinking is that they should be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they will bring about fatal difficulties later. He is very happy that this person is sending himself into his clutches so soon.

"Brat! You are really something! You are not even off your mom's tits and yet..." the rude assistant could not finish talking when he felt his throat and neck being clutched tightly by a hand.

The three others beside him looked at the scene in shock. 4 of them are initiate to middling Qi Condensation cultivators, beating up a child who can not cultivate should be of no effort to them. Before they could move, they heard a cracking sound.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The rude assistant's neck has been completely twisted and broken. His dead body fell to the ground. Yang Xiaotian looked at the other three with a smile on his face. Those three felt a chill down their spine, they want to run but somehow, they can't move their body at all.

"How unfortunate! He tried to climb a building to peep and fell to his death!" Yang Xiaotian's chilling voice suddenly sounded. He continued: "You three told him not to do it but he did it anyways and finally fell to his death! That is what happened! Right?"

Those three heard the words and gulped down saliva. They feel like they are being wrapped up by a hungry snake and if they don't reply soon, they will all become its food.

"Ye. .yes.. tha.. that isss exactly wha.. whhhaa.. what happened.." one of them said.

"We..we.. we told.. him to do it bu.. but he.." another one said.

"ye... ye.. yes.... pppp..please..." the third one already began crying.

"So what are you doing here? Go report it to the city guards!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile. And then he jumped up, stood up on the ledge of a building, then jumped again and arrived on the ledge of another building around 20 meters away from the previous one. He completely disappeared from the sight of those three.

Those three finally could not hold it in and fell on their butts. They are sweating profusely, their breathing is hurried and noisy. After nearly 15 minutes, they came out of the alley, found some guards and reported the death. After a bit of interrogation, they were let go because it felt like they are really out of their minds after losing their friend.

After returning home, Yang Xiaotian met up with his parents, had his supper, returned to his room and immersed himself in his cultivation. His idea of letting Deva energy naturally increase his soul power and create his soul space through his own soul power is going slowly but steadily. He now has another idea, to merge Chí into his soul power and let Chí create his soul space. So he needs to think of an appropriate cultivation method that would stimulate his Chí and increase his soul power at the same time. Fortunately, Deva energy can also stimulate his Chí, so half of the process is done. Now he must let his Chí merge into his soul power naturally. His cultivation continued until morning.

He got up, as usual, practiced, as usual, had breakfast and left for the bank. He arrived at the bank, asked to meet the manager for a bank transfer insurance form. The clerk led him inside to the manager's office. A middle-aged man wearing luxurious clothes is sitting at the desk, he is the manager here, Tang Bao.

"Hello young master Yang, what brings you here?" Tang Bao asked.

"Manager Tang, I need a bank transfer insurance form. I want to offer up a bounty of 100000 purple banknotes for the Black Tiger Gang! The insurance is for the Mercenary Alliance to know that I am not joking with the money!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Tang Bao frowned and said: "Black Tiger Gang? Are you sure?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "Is manager Tang also worried about their connection?"

Tang Bao sighed and said: "It seems young master Yang is somewhat informed. However, what you don't know is that the Black Tiger Gang leader is someone from the imperial city, just as the branch manager of Mercenary Alliance and the city master. So you can imagine. This racket has been going on for years and now you want to pull them down to the very roots, these three won't sit still. And Mercenary Alliance here won't accept this job."

"I already guessed this. What I want is for the whole town to know that the Mercenary Alliance is not willing to take the job and protecting the gang. If city master tries to join in, even better, I can ruin him too!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"So you want to fight the whole gang and then the 3 of them all on your own? Or are you going to depend on those people from last time?" Tang Bao asked. Naturally, he is talking about the death of those 20 gang members.

"Does manager Tang has a better idea?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"I do actually! It is in the bank's best interest that these three are taken care of! But we can not actively vilify the customers of the bank or we will lose credibility. So I have two ideas for you. Want to hear?" Tang Bao said.

"Please." Yang Xiaotian said.

"1st one, Assassins of Kings! You hire them to take care of the gang and these three people! Price won't be cheap but the job will be done very fast!" Tang Bao said.

Assassins of Kings! Also known as the guild of assassins, designated as such by some people to make them look less than what they are. But all the people in the information business know that the name Assassins of Kings is an apt title. These assassins are impressive, to say the least and over the last 50000 years, they have caused the fall of multiple royal families. Merchant families, aristocrat families, renowned cultivators, who they have not killed? It is said that if a proper bounty is placed, they will even kill the emperor of the Long kingdom.

Yang Xiaotian gave it a thought. It will surely be easy to use assassins but it will alert his true enemies. They will surely realize that he can employ assassins and they might in turn decide to directly use them against his family. So he decided not to use assassins for now.

"I am surprised that manager Tang can recommend me to the Assassins of Kings! But I am not going to employ them for this. However, I might need their help in the future, so can I come to manager Tang in the future if I want to contact them?" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Of course, you can! So then we come to the 2nd one. I directly send your bounty notice to the Yun capital branch of the Mercenary Alliance. This branch can not refuse anything accepted by them and I guarantee that your bounty will be accepted. I can send the message through our express delivery system and it will arrive in the capital in two days. Then it will take another 2 to 3 days for the Mercenary Alliance branch here to receive the notification. It will cost you a bit though." Tang Bao said.

"Money is no problem, let's do that. However, I still want to go and sound out the branch manager here. Let's see what he is made of." Yang Xiaotian said.

Soon enough he finished all the procedures in the bank and then arrived at the Mercenary Alliance. He talked about his bounty post and immediately was called in to meet the manager.

"Young master Yang, do you know what you are doing? Just because of your personal grievances, you want to cause chaos in the entire city!" the Mercenary Alliance branch manager said.

"Ohh really? When the gang extorts money from people and businesses, rapes and murders people for not paying protection money, you don't talk about chaos in the city but when someone wants to do something about it, you talk about chaos in the city? Truly outstanding!" Yang Xiaotian said mockingly.

"Brat, don't be complacent! Or I will slap some respect into you!" the branch manager said furiously.

"With your mere peak Qi Sea Formation cultivation? Why not give it a try? We will see how far you can extend your hand!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sneer,

"Why you.." the branch manager became furious and planned to take action but suddenly he looked at a door at the corner of the room and stopped. Then he said angrily: "We will not accept this job. Get out!"

"You were given a chance to rise to heaven but you chose to go to hell! We will see each other in a few days when you will beg me for mercy!" Yang Xiaotian said in a sharp tone and left.

"That fucking brat! Who does he think he is!" two men came out of the door at the corner. One of them furiously said.

"He is someone with some powerful backer! But he is still a brat! He thinks he can easily change the structure of this city, dream on!" the other one said.

These two people are the Black Tiger Gang leader and the city master. They have been here since Yang Xiaotian went to the bank, they had a hunch he would come here to post a bounty.

"So what is the progress on your end?" the branch manager asked.

"I made some inquiry in the capital but somehow as soon as I want to get close to any information regarding Yang Cheng, my contacts disappear!" the city master said.

"What! Doesn't it mean that we have stepped on a very big pitfall?" the gang leader said.

"Not necessarily, I have also been contacted by some people. They said that if we can take care of Yang Cheng and his family, we can keep ten percent of their assets but we can not try to look into them anymore! And those powerful people will also keep Yang Cheng's backers occupied!" the city master said.

"Then it seems like they also have some powerful enemies. So what do you say, we start the operation?" the branch manager said.

"Let's wait a few days, my letter to the imperial home department to remove Shi Haifeng still has not gotten any reply. It will come in a few days. As soon as it comes, we will first kill that Shi Haifeng and then take care of Yang Cheng!"

"Speaking of which, his wives are quite the lookers! I want them to serve me for 7 days and 7 nights straight! He he he!" the gang leader said with a filthy laugh.

The others also began laughing. As they were talking, Yang Xiaotian heard all of it from outside the building. His soul power and senses have become so sharp now, that he can even hear things several hundred meters away, not to mention some people talking behind walls. Hearing their words, Yang Xiaotian's eyes became chilly. In his mind, these people are already sentenced to the most gruesome death.

He returned home after this and continued with his routine. He decided to go to doctor Sun in the evening after he is done with all the patients. He does want to show his face to those three assistants from last night and make them piss themselves in front of doctor Sun. In the evening, he arrived at the medicine store. Seeing him arrive, doctor Sun suddenly showed a very odd expression.

"Last night, one of my assistants died from falling off a building and breaking his neck! The eyewitnesses are also my assistants and they are in great shock! They can't even talk properly, I had to release them from duty!" doctor Sun said with a heavy tone.

"Hmmm.. people with wicked thought never have a good ending!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You brat... you..." doctor Sun almost choked hearing this.

"Grandpa, if a poisonous snake slithers around you preparing to lunge, what would you do? I like to be swift and decisive, I eradicate the snake before it can even think of lunging!" Yang Xiaotian said decisively.

"Haii... forget it..." doctor Sun sighed and said again: "Let's get to the main topic, I have studied through your papers thoroughly and I think I have all the ingredients to make the medicine for Feiér. However, I don't want to reveal these to anyone and I only have you and Ming-er as assistants while making these medicines. Let's get to work."

Soon they began making the medicine. It became quite dark until they managed to make the first batch of medicine. After being done with it, Yang Xiaotian immediately began running home, his mothers must be very worried about him since it has become so late. And as expected, just as he returned his mothers tightly hugged him with teary eyes, they kissed his cheeks, his forehead with great force as if they are afraid he would disappear if they let him go. He comforted them, apologized to them for worrying them and then went to eat supper. Finally, he went back to his room and began his routine.

The next day, he again went to doctor Sun in the evening. This time doctor Sun told him that he prepared a meditation schedule for Qin Feiér. He deduced that it would be better if she meditated under the sun when it is up properly and she should only be meditating until the sun is right on top of their head and noon starts. Yang Xiaotian nodded, it is indeed a very viable solution, the insights of an experienced spirit doctor are not something he can compare to, he might have the knowledge but in the hands of experienced people, this knowledge shines the best. After finishing up for the day, he returned home and got on with his routine.

The next day when he came out of his room, he heard some commotion among the guards. He went over to talk and heard that the city guard captain has the whole city in lockdown and there are posters of all the members of the Black Tiger Gang including the gang leader all over the city. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave the city without being checked.

"He moved fast!" Yang Xiaotian thought and went back to the front yard to practice.

At this time, in the city guard office.

"Shi Haifeng! How dare you! Without my approval, you actually locked down the whole city? You have caused great distress to the public! I want you to resign immediately!" the city master furiously shouted.

Shi Haifeng sneered and pushed an official envelope towards the city master. Seeing the seal on the envelope, the city master's face completely paled. He opened the letter and his face became even paler. It seems like an imperial investigator is coming to the city soon to investigate corruption. Apparently, Shi Haifeng is being accused of dereliction of duty and allowing the Black Tiger Gang to run amok in the city.

"As you can see, I have no choice!" then he pulled out piles of papers from another desk and said: "These are all the petitions from the locals to me, urging me to clean up the gang. The majority of them are merchants and businessmen. You know that the beast tide is coming soon and merchants and businessmen have to pay higher taxes during this time period. So they are taking this chance to have what they want. Many of them directly petitioned in the capital and this is the result!"

City master's face twitched. He also has his connections in the capital yet he never heard of this. It seems like someone influential is investigating in secret.

"You have never concealed the fact to me that you are colluding with the Black Tiger Gang! You even threatened me several times along with the gang leader and the Mercenary Alliance branch manager to keep my mouth shut and let the gang do whatever they want. But now the investigator is coming, so if you don't want me to talk, get the fuck out of my way! I will not be hanged by the neck for your bullshit! If you try to make things difficult for me now, I will fight to kill! All my guards will join me too!" Shi Haifeng furiously said.

The city master put the letter on the desk and left without another word. It seems like right now, he can only let Shi Haifeng do as he pleases, otherwise, a whole city-wide brawl might break out. It might even cause the imperial protector from the school and other Mortal Shedding cultivators to get involved. It won't end well for him. He directly went to the Mercenary Alliance branch.

Time passed by for Yang Xiaotian as usual. On the next day very early morning, cries of large birds can be heard from the sky of the city. It seems like some very important missive or something has been sent to the city through air delivery. Soon afterward, guards informed Yang Xiaotian that the Mercenary Alliance branch manager has come to meet him. Yang Xiaotian immediately went out to see the Mercenary Alliance branch manager. It looks like he has come alone and brought some big envelopes with him. Yang Xiaotian waved at him, indicating him to follow along. He brought the branch manager to the guest meeting room.

After sitting down, the branch manager said with a stony face: "Young master Yang truly has great reach and methods!"

He pushed the envelope in his hands towards Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian saw what is inside. It is the bounty he posted. The Yun capital branch made a very thorough account of his bounty notice and made it even better. They put a specific bounty on each member of the Black Tiger Gang. And the condition to receive rewards is not just capturing or killing the members but the gang leader has to be handed over to Yang Xiaotian alive. After that, everyone will be paid for their work. The total bounty is 200000 purple banknotes.

"Why did you bring them here instead of posting them immediately?" Yang Xiaotian spoke directly.

"Do you know how much chaos you are causing the city? You still..." the branch manager could not even finish speaking when Yang Xiaotian interrupted him in a very harsh tone: "You have half an hour to post the notice! If you don't, in next one hour another air mail will go to imperial city Mercenary Alliance branch!"

"You..." the branch manager's face contorted but then he took a deep breath and said: "Young master Yang, come to my office, there may still be some maneuver left for peace in the city! Farewell!"

"You have half an hour! Now fuck off!" Yang Xiaotian said in a very severe tone, the look he gave is as if he would eat the branch manager alive.

The branch manager felt a chill go down his spine. He quickly left. Half an hour later, the bounty was posted and the whole city became abuzz with excitement. They have been waiting for this for a long time. Many mercenaries began taking the jobs. They joined forces and began hunting the Black Tiger Gang. The Black Tiger Gang members were already under surveillance and unable to go out of the city. Those that already went out and entered their hideout, also suddenly found themselves surrounded by several corps of city guards. Gang members that are stuck in the city thought of charging out to escape the city to enter their hideout, while the ones stuck in the hideout thought of rushing out to enter the city. It is because of the strict lockdown that none of the parties knew that they are all in the same situation.

Before noon, the gang members within the city were wiped out. These gang members are really vile, they have committed all kinds of evil deeds, they are murderous and bloodthirsty, even after being offered a chance to surrender they attacked the mercenaries and city guards like crazed animals. As more of them fell, their names began to be cut off from the mission board in the Mercenary Alliance branch. The gang leader has been staying inside the Mercenary Alliance branch and as more of his men fell he became more and more furious. All of his hard work of nearly a decade is being torn to pieces in just a day.

At noon, a large portion of the city guards left the city along with many mercenaries to attack the gang hideout. It was a one-sided massacre but the city guards and mercenaries were not prepared for what they found in the hideout. Corpses of many women and children, dozens of women and children bound in chains, they are heavily malnourished, their eyes are almost dim, none of them could reply to any verbal inquiry. Words were quickly sent to the city, many spirit doctors and their assistants rushed to the hideout to save these severely sick people. Soon enough, some of them began talking and gave horrifying details of the abuse. All the victims here were raped and tortured on a daily basis. They were kidnapped from the city or surrounding areas. Most of them died from severe torture and malnutrition.

The dead bodies of the victim were packed into bags and taken to the funeral parlor to identify them through missing reports. The sick ones were carefully carried into the city for further treatment and to gather information on their families. The city guards and mercenaries who participated in the raid are furious and burning with rage in their hearts. The whole city is also burning in anger. As the word of this reached Yang Xiaotian, his expression became cold. At this point, he stopped caring for any more games between him and those three people. He has decided to go in, grab them and bring them out for proper punishment.

As evening approached, many mercenaries began gathering outside the Mercenary Alliance branch. There has been no news of the location of the gang leader and they want the branch manager to do something about the situation because the only way they can get paid is by handing over the gang leader to Yang Xiaotian alive and the gang leader has been missing for more than a month. At this time, Shi Haifeng arrived with a corps of city guards, he also wants to see what Yang Xiaotian does.

Soon enough, Yang Xiaotian arrived and said: "The branch manager has asked me to come for a chat. So I am here to hear what he has to say."

Many mercenaries began talking seeing him arrive. Their tones are quite amiable and some of them asked Yang Xiaotian to reach a suitable agreement with the Mercenary Alliance. Yang Xiaotian nodded with a smile and went in.

As he entered the branch manager's office. He saw that aside from the three of the culprits, there are three other people. These three new people are actually those three assistants who he intimidated after killing their friend. Yang Xiaotian showed a broad friendly smile looking at them. As soon as the three saw his smile, they became filled with fear. Because they have seen that smile before, now they are sure that Yang Xiaotian has come here to kill!

"Brat! You are still in the mood to smile? You won't be smiling for long!" the gang leader said.

"You know these three right? They have some interesting stories to tell. Do as we say and that story won't leak!" the city master said.

"You remove the condition of capture and delivery of gang leader and all will be fine!" the branch manager said.

Yang Xiaotian kept the friendly smile on his face all along. He did not even sit down before those three culprits began talking. Suddenly he moved, before the three culprits could speak once more, the branch manager was sent flying along with the chair he was sitting on and crashed on the wall. The other two opened their eyes wide in shock and before they could react, they were also sent flying along with their chairs and hit the wall.

All three of them are peak Qi Sea Formation cultivators and they could not react before they were beaten so thoroughly. Those three assistants standing at the side, have already fell on their butts and pissed themselves, they are currently hugging each other and shaking in complete despair. However, Yang Xiaotian ignored the three assistants.

The three culprits are now violently coughing out blood. Each of them was sent flying by a single kick but the force of the kick made them feel like the whole heaven and earth is crashing down on them. Yang Xiaotian slowly walked towards them and then with great force, punched each of their abdomens.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Qi.. sea..."



Three peak Qi Sea Formation cultivators lost their cultivation and became crippled just like that. They have lived for over 50 years, killed and tortured many people and now their lives have reached the ending they have been escaping for so long.

Yang Xiaotian took out a long rope from his satchel and tied the three culprits together. Then he began dragging them to outside. After he reached outside, all the people present looked at him in shock. They are especially shocked seeing the three people he brought out.

"That's the branch manager!"

"That's the city master!"

"That's the gang leader!"

"What is going on?"

"Why were they all inside the Mercenary Alliance branch office?"

"What happened to them? Why do they look so miserable?"

"Was it done by Yang Xiaotian?"

"Impossible! How can that be?"

Shi Haifeng is the most shocked. He can't believe what he is seeing.

"You are all wondering why the three of them were together inside the Mercenary Alliance branch office? It is simple, these three are all the leaders of the Black Tiger Gang! The three of them ran the gang together! As for how I managed to put them in their place, when people think they are above everyone else, even a little ant can take advantage of them and make them suffer!" Yang Xiaotian said in a loud and clear voice.

His words shock everyone present in the scene. Aside from the mercenaries, there are also many merchants and businessmen who came to see the end of the Black Tiger Gang. None of them can't believe what they heard. Soon enough, they got back their senses and began shouting.

"Impossible! How can this be possible?"

"So it's because of them!"

"Now it all makes sense! Why the Mercenary Alliance and city governor state never did anything against the gang! Because these people are all Black Tiger Gang!"

"Kill them! Skewer them! Burn them alive!"

Many crazy and angry screams can be heard all over the plaza.

"You don't need to believe me. There is absolute proof!" Yang Xiaotian looked at Shi Haifeng and said: "Captain Shi, please!"

Shi Haifeng let out a sigh. Then he took out a golden-colored token and loudly said: "I am the imperial investigator Shi Haifeng! Many of you know me as guard captain of the city guards but that is just a cover!"

Hearing his words, everyone in the plaza became speechless in shock. The useless guard captain they all wanted gone for being incompetent is actually an imperial investigator, it is really hard to believe.

Shi Haifeng continued: "These three culprits always threatened me and confessed many of their crimes in front of me without ever realizing my true identity! You may ask, then why they were not brought to justice earlier. It is because their families are all 1st class aristocrats in the capital and they have been using their backing to stop the imperial investigation office. However, just last week we found ample evidence against all three of their families and those families are being cleaned up as we speak! So that is how now we can clean up this city too!"

Everyone present heard these words in silence. Their hearts are filled with anger. These aristocrats do whatever they want without any consequences, they have turned the lives of countless people into living hell. And that is why common people feel vindicated knowing some aristocratic family is being punished but even then it is not at all enough.

At this time, Tang Bao from the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank arrived on the scene and loudly said: "Our Five Kingdom Merchant Bank will comply fully with the investigation of the imperial investigation office regarding the illicitly gained wealth of the three culprits. All the victims will be supported by a joint support account of the bank and the Yun kingdom home office!"

His words brought cheers from everyone present. After what they have seen and discovered today, they really needed a fresh news of relief for all the victims. Many people cheered loudly. Some among the crowd even cried, these are the people who were extorted heavily by the gang or were brutalized or abused by the gang.

Shi Haifeng looked at Yang Xiaotian with a smile and said: "Little brother Yang, can you hand over the culprit for proper judgment?"

Yang Xiaotian looked at Shi Haifeng with an innocent look. Then he took out a hammer with a large hammerhead and said: "Senior, I don't want to cause trouble for you but I really.. really.. want to beat them to death with this hammer! Can I do it?"

His words completely dumbfounded everyone present. He is actually asking permission to beat people to death. No matter how one looks at it, this is the first one of its kind!

"It's a no? Then how about I just break the majority of their bones and keep them alive? It should be possible, right? They were threatening to murder me and my family. I need to show some people that it is not so easy to get away after threatening my family!" Yang Xiaotian said in a flat tone.

Shi Haifeng said with a frown: "Law is equal for all! We can not give you preferential treatment just because you are rich!"

Yang Xiaotian looked at the spectators and asked: "What do you think about what investigator Shi said? About preferential treatment to the rich. You know that these three criminals were rich until moments ago!"

His words caused Shi Haifeng's face to freeze. The meaning of these words is very clear to him. It is a reminder that these scums received preferential treatment because of wealth and position and abused people but now that it is their turn to be abused, the law is being brought up to save them of the same torment they caused others. The crowd also began grumbling. They don't know what to think. They began talking in hushed tones.

"I know what is going through in everyone's mind! But trust me when I say that justice will be done! In three days' time, their trial will be held in public, their crimes will be read in public and their punishment will be met out in public!" Shi Haifeng said in loud voice and gave a meaningful look at Yang Xiaotian.

"Senior Shi, I will just be honest, originally I wanted nothing of this. I just wanted justice to be served. But these people have colluded with some enemies of my family and had taken contracts to exterminate my family! So I decided to go in secretly and poison them to death and then leave without any words! But I thought that I should at least give you some face and let the public see your efforts. My request is simple, some people are watching and I want them to watch clearly as to what happens when someone targets my family! I don't hope to have a falling out with senior Shi!" Yang Xiaotian said stubbornly.

And as soon as he finished, without giving Shi Haifeng time to speak, Yang Xiaotian raised his hammer and hammered down.




Blood-curdling screams reverberated through the plaza as the hammer kept dropping again and again. All the spectators first looked in shock and then the majority of them turned their eyes away from the scene. The entire scene is too shocking and gruesome to see for many people. However, the mercenaries who saw the scene inside the gang hideout just clenched their fists and kept watching, in their heart, this is what they all wanted to do to these vile bastards.

Soon enough, the screaming stopped and the hammering stopped too. A few city guards quickly rushed over to check and found out that the criminals are barely holding on to their lives. Soon, spirit doctors have been called over to keep them alive. However, Yang Xiaotian has already begun leaving holding the bloody hammer in his right hand, people moved out of the way as he walked away from the plaza.

Shi Haifeng looked at Yang Xiaotian with a stony face, he can't believe that such a young boy did something so vicious in front of so many people. This will have consequences, even though he does not see anything wrong with what Yang Xiaotian did as he himself took great pleasure in it, the imperial investigator's office however is a different story. He is now thinking as to how he can smooth things out with them. He feels a severe headache coming.

Three days passed by in the blink of an eye. Those three culprits have been executed in public for their crimes. A joint account to support the victims was opened by the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank and Yun Kingdom Home Office. This will provide monetary support to all the victims, create opportunities for them and have their children study in the imperial scholar's school free of cost for the next ten years.

After this incident, a new branch manager of Mercenary Alliance has been assigned as well as a new city master for the city. Both of them vowed in public to protect and help the common people and never let the previous atrocities to occur in the city again. Their speeches gained huge applause from the crowd.

While this is going on, Yang Xiaotian received a visitor, it is the bank manager Tang Bao. Tang Bao was personally greeted by Yang Cheng and his wives. His position in the city is quite high and all the merchants and businessmen have to show him great respect. When Tang Bao said that he has urgent business with Yang Xiaotian, Yang Cheng was not surprised. Soon Yang Xiaotian arrived and greeted Tang Bao, his parents also left the room.

"Young master Yang, you are really outrageous and awesome! Nobody would dare to do what you did in front of an imperial investigator! But if you ask me, you did a great job! Speaking of a great job, our bank has confiscated all the assets and investments of those three dead things! It is a very substantial amount and it will continue to increase through more investment! We actually set up the support fund with part of their asset!" Tang Bao said.

"I see, so the biggest winner of this event is the bank!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"And the kingdom! Although the majority of the assets and money are coming to us, the kingdom is also taking a fair share of it! Speaking of share, we have added 3 million purple banknotes into your investment account! It is thanks to you that we managed to make much profit!" Tang Bao said with a broad smile.

Yang Xiaotian was shocked for a while but then he said: "Manager Tang, I think this money should..."

He could not finish talking as Tang Bao raised his right hand to have him stop and said: "I know what you want to say. You are a kind boy, you want this money to go into the support fund. However, you did a good deed, although good deeds are their own reward, some rewards should be realistic, some gratitude should be acknowledged. Keep the money, we will put some money from the support fund into investment and grow it over the years so that we can support them longer. How about it?"

"Ok, thank you so much manager Tang." Yang Xiaotian cupped his fist towards Tang Bao and respectfully bowed.

"You are being too polite young master Yang." Tang Bao said with a smile.

"In that case, senior Tang should call me by my name, after all, I am a junior." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Alright Xiaotian, since we are friends now, I should tell you something. Our intelligence reports show that your father's spirit stone business will fall sour. The sellers will not sell after the 2 years of shipment your father paid for through us. This was always the plan from the beginning. You should have some idea who is pulling the string from behind right?" Tang Bao said.

"I don't know who exactly they are but I know that half of my father's yearly income goes to them!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You should talk to those two people who are observing your family, see if you can get something out of them. If you can't, come to my office in the evening. I will also introduce some people to you." Tang Bao said and then left.

Yang Xiaotian is not surprised that Tang Bao knows about those two. He went to his room, picked up a white piece of cloth and then ran towards a wall. He jumped up on the wall and waved the white piece of cloth twice. Those two people saw the scene and looked at each other in doubt.

Yang Xiaotian began rushing towards them at this time and they both moved away instinctively. Yang Xiaotian stopped, waved the cloth again, waited for a bit and then began moving again but this time he is slower than before. The two shadowy figures frowned, they looked at each other again, deciding what to do. At this time Yang Xiaotian stopped again and waved the cloth again. The two shadowy figures sighed and decided to just see what the boy wants. They decided to wait for Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian arrived quickly, looked at the two of them with a smile and said: "Hello, I am sure you know me but I will still introduce myself, I am Yang Xiaotian, nice to meet you and thanks for the help last time."

"It's nothing, we were bored so we took out some trash!" one of the shadowy figures said. This person is clearly talking in a changed voice. This person is slimmer than the other person.

"Do you need something from us?" the other person said. This person is taller and a bit more robust.

"I was hoping we could talk, let's go to the tea shop where you usually drink tea." Yang Xiaotian said.

"No thanks!" the slim person said.

Yang Xiaotian's expression changed, he said: "I know that you are peak Yin-Yang Balance cultivators, you have your pride but I came here as a friend. Since you have already helped my family, I am showing you courtesy, I don't want to become enemies with you! All I am asking for is a friendly chat and some answers so long as it doesn't harm your interest."

The two people showed hesitation as well as an unconvinced attitude. They looked at each other, shook their heads and turned around to leave.

"Alright, then I will pay the Heaven's Secret for the information I need. And after I get the information, if I don't like what I see, I will just hire the Assassins of Kings to take care of all the problems. Goodbye." Yang Xiaotian also turned around to leave.

Heaven's Secret is the top information broker in the Five Kingdom Continent. It is said that they even know the size of Long kingdom's emperor's penis!

"Wait! Just for 10 minutes!" the tall and robust person said.

"Alright!" Yang Xiaotian nodded. Then they moved down from the roofs and entered a tea shop.

They sat down at a table at the corner away from others. Before Yang Xiaotian could say anything, the tall and robust person said: "My name is Kuang and she is Rouér."

"A woman?" Yang Xiaotian blurted out.

"What is it brat? Are you looking down on women?" Rouér said in anger.

"No no.. it is just that you are so flat..." Yang Xiaotian could not even finish when Rouér almost grabbed him by the throat but she was stopped by Kuang.

"Calm down!" Kuang said in a strict voice.

"This bastard... I want to kill him!" Rouér furiously said.

"Sister Rouér I am very sorry!" Yang Xiaotian apologized sincerely.

"Hmph... just so you know, we are wearing concealing outfits, they also have the capability to change our body type!" Rouér said disdainfully.

"So if you are flat, it can make you look plump?" Yang Xiaotian blurted out.

"You fucking... I will kill you!" Rouér again almost lunged towards Yang Xiaotian but again was stopped by Kuang.

"Stop it!" Kuang sternly said to Rouér. Then looked at Yang Xiaotian and said: "What do you wanna know? Just so you know we will not reveal the identity of our employer!"

"Which force are you from?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"You did not ask this of your father? What a waste of our time!" Rouér snorted and said.

"I don't want his emotional crap! I know that he has some kind of emotional connection with you people. I don't want his biased crap. Even though you people are playing him like a zither, he is still acting like an ignorant dumbass!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Your father is indeed a dumbass!" Rouér said again.

"Rouér, enough!" Kuang again stepped in, then he continued: "Well, we are from the Yang family of the Yun capital. We are illegitimate children of the Yang family just like your father. We just had the talent for cultivation and were nurtured to be spies and assassins for the family. However, your father turned out better than us! We don't even have our own place to sleep and eat." 

The last sentence was spoken with some sorrow. Then he continued: "Your father has it all! The illegitimate child of the patriarch himself, could afford school to learn business, became successful businessman, have two loving and devoted wives and two extraordinary children!"

"Yet the fucker doesn't care for any of you! Like a spoiled little shit, he wants sweets from his daddy!" Rouér said very angrily and disdainfully. This woman really has a bad temper and a foul mouth. However, Yang Xiaotian finds her endearing.

"Rouér!" Kuang intervened again. Then he looked at Yang Xiaotian and said: "Are you too shocked that you can not react or just too calm. I can't tell!"

"It is more or less what I expected!" Yang Xiaotian said. He paused for a bit and continued: "Now I will make some conjecture. See if I am right."

"Huh! Good luck!" Rouér snorted disdainfully again.

"You report our situation to your superior. Your patriarch knows everything about it but he is very ambiguous, as if he doesn't care at all. The money my father pays thinking it is going to the family, it is actually being taken by a single person, your immediate superior. Your patriarch knows about it too but he still acts like nothing is wrong here. The one you mainly report to must be one of the legitimate children of the patriarch. He is very shrewd and likes to do shady things. He is playing a long game to not only take over the highest position of the family but also probably wants to start some big faction of his own or perhaps usurp the Yun imperial family!" Yang Xiaotian stopped at this point and looked at Kuang and Rouér. Seeing how they are completely silent and even unable to breathe, he thought that he either hit the nail or completely missed the mark.

He watched for some change in their expressions for a while more. At this time Kuang spoke up: "Are you really just 11?"

"I am! By the way, I believe your patriarch is even more shrewd than his shady son! I am sure that he is also playing a long game to root out traitors in the family!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You... you are just bullshitting!" Rouér finally managed to say something.

"Are you also spying on my sister?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Yes! And she has become very strong, she is already a peak Qi Condensation cultivator. If this goes on, she will be a Mortal Shedding cultivator before 18! Such a talent, I don't understand why patriarch is not accepting her into the family, this talent is better than all the other young masters and mistresses of the family!" Kuang said and sighed.

"Ohhh I see... it seems like that trash brother of my father doesn't intend to let my sister and my mothers go!" Yang Xiaotian's expression suddenly changed, a thick killing intent suddenly rushed out from his body, causing Kuang and Rouér to become very vigilant.

"I will wring his head off! I will suck the marrows from his bones! I will crush his skull and eat his brains for breakfast!" Yang Xiaotian said in a very murderous voice. The killing intent he unintentionally released caused many customers and waiters to pass out. Others also began vomiting.

At this time Yang Xiaotian suddenly turned normal and his killing intent disappeared. Kuang and Rouér relaxed and secretly sighed. They again felt in their heart that this young boy is too abnormal and too dangerous.

"By the way, when I eavesdropped on those three criminals, I heard them saying that they were contacted by some people who said that they would keep you occupied while the three of them kills me and my family!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Kuang and Rouér immediately understood which three criminals Yang Xiaotian is talking about. They became shocked to hear that some people would try to pick a fight with them.

"They... they were just bullshitting! They knew you were around so they made up a story to scare you!" Rouér said.

"Really? How long have you been a spy? Are you even an adult?" Yang Xiaotian said with a frown.

"You!" Rouér immediately became furious.

But Kuang extended his hand in front of Rouér, then said: "We can not be sure about the authenticity of this but we have to be more careful."

"You should report to that bastard that you talked to me. No need to tell him much, all I did was draw conjecture, nothing concrete that can worry him. Just tell him that I said that in front of true power, all machinations and scheming are pointless." Yang Xiaotian said and stood up to take his leave.

He went to the counter, the receptionist already has a pale face, she passed out earlier due to Yang Xiaotian's killing intent. Yang Xiaotian felt sorry for everyone, he announced loudly that all of their bills have been paid by young master Yang. He paid a total of 5000 purple banknotes which also includes tips for the waiters.

While he turned to leave, Kuang and Rouér moved ahead of him to leave. He suddenly called out after going out: "Sister Rouér, you are indeed a woman. That butt is definitely a top-quality woman's butt!"

"You bastard! I will kill you!" Rouér furiously yelled and tried to rush at Yang Xiaotian but Kuang stopped her.

Yang Xiaotian got very close to the two of them and said in a very low voice: "Take care brother Kuang and sister Rouér. Be very careful of that bastard, he will definitely try to kill you to erase evidence! You must have a backup plan."

He cupped his fist at the two of them politely and then left like a loose arrow.

"Hmph.. what a load of shit!" Rouér snorted and said.

"He is right! We are walking on a very thin line! We need to have backup plans!" Kuang sighed and then said again: "Rouér, you need to take note from that boy. You are so young and already an initiate Yin-Yang Balance cultivator, your cultivation talent is high but your thinking is too childish. From now, try to act more mature, think a lot about every situation, every motive, every conversation."

Kuang paused for a while and then spoke again: "Also... see if you can get close to that boy."

"You... you... I am already 25, he is just a child!" Rouér said in disbelief.

"He is trustworthy and caring. Try to create a friendly relationship with him. It will come in handy later." Kuang said.

"Alright. I will go poke him from time to time!" Rouér said. Then the two of them returned to their usual routine.

After he finished with his meeting, Yang Xiaotian arrived at the bank and before he could even speak, the receptionist began leading him towards the manager's room. After he entered the room, he saw two other people aside from manager Tang Bao.

"Ahh, you are here. Allow me to introduce you to the two newcomers in the city. This is Chu Hao, the new branch manager of Mercenary Alliance. And this is Shi Kai, he is Shi Haifeng's cousin and the new city master." Tang Bao said with a smile.

"Greetings seniors." Yang Xiaotian politely bowed.

"Hello little brother Yang." both Chu Hao and Shi Kai greeted.

"Little brother, you are truly outrageous! To smash three people to near death right in front of an imperial investigator, you are the first one in the history of Yun kingdom!" Shi Kai said with a laugh: "Because of you my cousin now has a headache. He doesn't know how to reply to the main office about this incident!"

"He can just say that he wanted some enjoyment! Those three curs frustrated him for nearly 10 years and when he had the chance to see them suffer, he just let it happen! Personal satisfaction as well as vindication!" Yang Xiaotian said with shrug.

"Bwahahaha.." Chu Hao burst into laughter. Tang Bao and Shi Kai also joined in.

"Alright, so what did you find out from the two of them?" Tang Bao asked.

"It is more or less what you already know but also far less than what you know. My father is the bastard of the capital's Yang family patriarch. And one of his blood brothers is trying to kill us. And here comes my conjecture, that trash brother is colluding with at least one other major force that can rival the Yang family. And that force might have already sent people here. Our family is just an entree to them, they are trying to take over this city and create a shortage of common medicines. I will just go ahead and say that they are trying to usurp the Yun imperial family!" Yang Xiaotian said without stopping and looked at the three people. Shock is written all over their faces.

"The fact that Yun imperial court sent a peak Mortal Shedding imperial investigator in secret and now two more peak Mortal Shedding cultivator like senior Chu and senior Shi, it is clear that the imperial court has also been suspecting this for quite a while. However, these people are sending peak Yin-Yang Balance cultivators here. The precaution of the imperial court is not enough. And since they are already here, it means the imperial court is in a serious bind." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmmm... I wonder if you are a reincarnation of some god or something!" Tang Bao suddenly said something outrageous. Chu Hao and Shi Kai also nodded.

"I'm not. So let's go back to the topic, what do I not know?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"That trash brother, as you have put it, is named Yang Zheng. He is the oldest son of the Yang family patriarch Yang Zhenren. He had very high cultivation talent but he wasted it. He stopped cultivating after reaching the peak Qi Sea Formation and since then, he is just doing shady things. He has joined up with the Feng family of the Yun imperial city. The wealth he obtained from your father has helped his plans very nicely, you can just say that your father paid someone to kill himself and his family!" Tang Bao said.

"Truly moronic!" Yang Xiaotian shook his head as he said.

"The entire idea of creating a marital alliance with Mu family also came from Yang Zheng. Mu Chí was instructed by Yang Zheng to marry Mu Meiér to your father. They have worked all the details, your father's misguided attempt to be acknowledged by Yang Zhenren has been heavily used against him. One way or other, Mu Meiér will be used as trap to vilify your whole family and then people will be sent to kill you."

"And Yang Zhenren won't do anything, according to rumor, he is very disappointed in your father. Your father achieved so much yet never had he tried to contact his mother or see if she is alright. Yang Zhenren feels extremely guilty about what he did to your grandmother. He tried his best to make life better for her but the woman died with regret of not seeing her first child ever again. This truly pissed off Yang Zhenren. He has already decided that your father is dead. Even you and your sister are considered to be a group of waste to him. He however feels very sorry for your mothers but his decision has been made, for now at least." Tang Bao said everything in one go.

"However, he will take action if the Yang family is threatened. I feel that he is using this opportunity to get rid of traitors and infiltrators within the family. Despite what he thinks of my father, he is using my father and our whole family as his chess piece!" Yang Xiaotian said angrily.

"That is what we believe too." Chu Hao said.

"However, we need some other factors in this. Something they underestimate but can shatter their plan! We can not wait until Yang Zhenren takes action!" Shi Kai said.

"They have already unknowingly created that other factor for themselves. That is our Xiaotian here." Tang Hao said with a smile.

"Well, I don't know about factor or whatever. But I won't just wait for death. My father is being completely stupid, I can not let him drag our family to death!" Yang Xiaotian said. He continued: "What you all truly need is superior strength. With superior strength you can crush any scheme! This is the world of cultivation, strength is everything here."

"However, we are not as strong as the Yang and Feng imperial family! Even the Yun kingdom branch of Yang and Feng family are stronger than our imperial family." Chu Hao shook his head and said.

"You really don't have a few secret Saints in Yun kingdom?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Even if there are, we can not escalate it to the battle of Saints! And we can not just send stronger people because they will just send stronger ones, we will have to be tactful." Shi Kai said.

"Well, maybe you can help me delay them by providing help to me!" Yang Xiaotian said. He continued: "They want to start here, they want this city to create a shortage of common medicine and create riot and uprising. We need to deny them this city! Their entree is my family, we need to start by securing my family. Senior Tang said that my family's spirit stone business deal will sour, what is that about?"

"Your father's connection to this mining company has been taken over by Yang Zheng's people. Now the mining company won't give your father any more spirit stones after the 2nd shipment of 15000 grade one spirit stone. Your father paid for two shipments and the deal is insured by the bank, so the mining company can't back out but after that, there won't be anymore." Tang Bao said.

"So can you suggest me any alternative? Mu family will surely not let this go. They will surely retaliate heavily." Yang Xiaotian said.

"There is, buy out a spirit stone mining equipment supplier in this kingdom. Spirit stone mining requires very special equipment and there is only one company in this kingdom that supplies this equipment. You can buy it out and not only you can profit by selling equipment, but you can also dictate terms with mining companies." Tang Bao said.

"It is easier said than done. I don't have that much money!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Actually there is an opportunity to buy the majority of the company. The company's current owner wants to get out of this business and plans to gradually sell the company bit by bit. He wants 50 million purple banknotes!" Tang Bao said.

"Senior Tang, you know my situation better than others, you know I can not afford it!" Yang Xiaotian said with a dry smile.

"You don't need to. You can partner up with us three. It is a joint venture. We spend an equal amount of money to purchase and we all get an equal share. What do you say?" Tang Bao said.

"I can convince my father to lend me some money. Ok this is a done deal. I will immediately get a bank transfer form from my father and meet you all here." Yang Xiaotian said.

Very soon, he arrived home and went to have a chat with his father. His mothers are also with his father, checking all the daily business documents.

"Father, I need a loan of 8 million purple banknotes." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Why? What are you investing in?" Yang Cheng asked. Zhu Qin and Zhu Lian also looked at Yang Xiaotian with questioning gazes.

"It is best if you three don't know anything about this. We don't want Yang family to find out about this deal too and then take it away from us!" Yang Xiaotian said directly.

Yang Cheng looked at Yang Xiaotian with a frown and said: "So you found out. Well, I won't ask anymore. Here, I have signed the form, put in the amount and have it transferred. I hope you have better luck than me."

"Thanks, father. Mother, I will be back a bit late, don't worry. I will eat at home." Yang Xiaotian finished speaking and left.

Soon enough he arrived at the bank again, completed a money transfer and then again transferred his money to a joint account with Tang Bao, Chu Hao and Shi Kai. The account is under a name of a new company. After that, the four of them signed a lot of papers, Yang Xiaotian represented her sister and signed the papers. After all this is done, he returned home and had dinner with his family.

Three days passed by, his life routine remained the same. Every day he went to doctor Sun's shop to check on Qin Feiér and discuss medicine with doctor Sun. These days, Qin Feiér has become very fond of him and got quite close to him, it is also the same for Qin Ming, she has already stopped calling him 'little brother Tian' and began calling him Xiaotian instead. She now does not see Yang Xiaotian as a child anymore, instead, he is a great benefactor worthy of respect. She even started calling him Mr. Yang but Yang Xiaotian said that it felt like she is distancing herself so she instead switched to just Xiaotian.

On this day, Yang Xiaotian arrived at the bank again and got the good news. Their new company has become majority owner of the spirit mining tool company. At the same time, they sent notification to all spirit stone mine owners about the increased cost of importing the tools.

However, if the mine owners can not pay, they can sign a profit-sharing contract with the company. The increase in import cost is indeed true, in fact, it is the reason why the previous owner of the company wants to sell the company. These spirit stone mining tools are very special, they only work for a certain period of time and then new tools will have to be bought. And the only people who create these tools are located in Long kingdom.

Apparently, only the Long imperial family has the method to create these tools. And they also destroy anyone who tries to replicate the technology. Rumor has it that the current Feng kingdom became Feng kingdom because the previous imperial family tried to create their own spirit stone mining tools.

Several days later, replies began to pour in from mine owners. Prominent mine owners sent angry replies saying they will get their equipment from somewhere else. Others are trying to negotiate terms and some mine owners even want to sell off their business. Spirit stone mining is very risky and costly. Just the cost of buying the equipment is too much.

Yang Xiaotian and his partners began sending their investigators to the mine owners who want to sell to see the condition of their mines. As for those who want to negotiate, they were called over to the company headquarters in the Yun imperial capital and deals have been signed, however, none of the four among Yang Xiaotian's group were present. Instead, it is the previous company owner who did all the talking and dealing.

A week later, the result from the investigation came out. Most of these mines are in poor condition, they don't have much spirit stones left. So an appropriate price has been adjusted for each mine and all of them have been bought. Yang Xiaotian has seen the reports and found out that even if they can't mine spirit stones from them they can still mine other minerals like iron, copper and even gold. So the deal is completely worth it.

At the same time, those prominent mine owners formed a mining guild, they announced that they will be selling mining equipment cheaper than the current company selling them.

"Hmph... it is that Yang Zheng and his co-conspirators! We will see how long they can jump!" Tang Bao said disdainfully as others nodded with a frown.

Yang Xiaotian and the other two are very worried about this development. However, their worries are for naught. The main office of the Five Kingdom Merchant Bank sent a warning that this mining guild is not authorized to sell any spirit stone mining equipment and if they continue to do so, all of their assets will be seized by the bank. And Long kingdom said that the mining guild will suffer retaliations!

Soon enough, the newly formed mining guild scattered and those mine owners came running to Yang Xiaotian's company to negotiate but this time, Yang Xiaotian and others decided to squeeze them dry. Since they have already offended people they should not offend and they might lose everything at any moment, they accepted a 40% profit-sharing deal.

"This should be a big defeat for Yang Zheng and his co-conspirators!" Tang Bao said with smile, Chu Hao and Shi Kai nodded with smile too.

"No, they were just testing water!" Yang Xiaotian said in a grim voice.

"Huh?" the other three looked at him with doubt.

"They wanted to see the reaction of the Long kingdom! They wanted to see what they would do if their territories were encroached upon! And spirit mining tools are Long kingdom's territory. Yet they just gave a warning through the bank and threatened a little, nothing more. This might be a favorable result for Yang Zheng and his co-conspirators!" Yang Xiaotian said with frown.

"What are you trying to say?" Chu Hao asked.

"We underestimated Yang Zheng and his co-conspirators' ambition! At this point, I am willing to believe that the main Feng kingdom is behind this. The Yang kingdom can not be part of this because they are on the border of the Long kingdom and they will be the first one to fall! If I am not mistaken, these people want to unite the whole continent against Long kingdom!" Yang Xiaotian said calmly.

"This... this can't be right... I mean even if they can unite the whole continent they won't still be able to defeat the Long kingdom!" Shi Kai said with doubtful look.

"Where did they find those mining tools to sell? Who gave those to them? Not anyone from Long kingdom. Black market dealing of these items is the death penalty! And it is highly likely that anyone can suddenly learn how to make them. So they must have another backer, someone on par with Long kingdom or stronger! These people are capable of providing them with spirit stone mining tools!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"This... this can't be..." Chu Hao began stuttering.

"This is just a conjecture, it is highly likely that they had unused tools left and they were trying to sell them cheaply to put pressure on us!" Tang Bao suddenly spoke, not allowing Yang Xiaotian to speak.

"That must be it." Shi Kai said as he sighed in relief.

"Well it is getting late. We should return to rest." Tang Bao said. It seems like he is in a hurry to disperse the people.

Before returning home, Yang Xiaotian went to meet doctor Sun again. After their usual chat, he returned home. He had dinner and began meditating again. Suddenly after about an hour, he sensed someone standing very close to his room. This person is actually standing in the front yard. He is also very familiar with this aura. It is Rouér!

Soon Rouér walked up to his door and knocked. Yang Xiaotian opened the door and said in a hushed voice: "Sister Rouér, what are you doing here?"

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