Judgement Day

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Vocal Chords

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Mr. Lee had a charming voice, there was some sort of magic in his healing voice, which attracted people to him like flies.

Even the most ridiculous songs sung by Mr. Lee became classics, although there were some critics of Mr. Lee's music but his fans were crazy fanatics, and by using doxxing and online abuse the critics were eliminated from the scene.

But happy times seldom last long, because tragedy is a great vieweing experience for the cosmic audience.

Three  weeks before shining on the international stage Mr. Lee was diagnosed with throat cancer,

'Doctor can I ever sing again?'

'Mr. Lee I'm sorry but you can't ever sing again.'

'Doctor you can cure me, you are the best doctor in the world.'

'Even I can't cure you now Mr. Lee, the cancer has spread to every organ of your body.'

'Doctor how much time I've got?'

'3 months at best.'

'What am I going to do now?'

'Pray to God, if that works? That's your best option.'

'Doctor you gotta be kidding me? God doesn't answer Pope's prayers. Why would he answer my prayers?'

'Sorry, I've watched too many dramas, and every doctor tells his patient to seek solace in god.'

'Why not join a cult Mr. Lee? Probably there's a genuine one out there.'

'You're just pulling my leg, doctor I'm leaving without paying a single cent.'

'Don't do that, look I was just trying to lighten up the situation.'

'Well you did it in a wrong way.'

'I'm sorry for that, but Mr. Lee you've got no time.'

'I suggest you accept the reality of your situation and live life humorously like the Joker.'

'I've got two words for you Doctor, fuck you bastard, you can take those fancy degrees and shove it up your ass.'

Naturally Mr. Lee paid the doctor's bill even after the outburst because he was a nice guy, and good guys seldom turn heel and become batshit crazy.

Mr. Lee like a ghoul, who doesn't want to eat human meat lamented his fate, he wanted to dance around like a Disney Princess and sing out his frustrations.

But sadly life was not a disney movie, even after singing a song nothing happened, his troubles were still there because there was no magic in the air.

Just like all people destined for greatness Mr. Lee walked towards a park, where more people were around than the trees.

After paying a handsome bribe to a shady figure, Mr. Lee was let inside to a private area reserved for the government officials.

'What am I supposed to do now?'

'I've got no girlfriend to fuck in this situation, her inner hole could've given me some respite from the pain. But I was stupid enough to chase after someone who was never meant for me.'

'Oh Ms. Kim how I miss you? You were the only one for me.'

'Your subservient nature was just perfect for my kiddish tendencies.'

'I curse my past self for breaking up with you.'

Suddenly Mr. Lee was broken out of his reverie when he heard the sound of footsteps.

'Who's there?'

'Just a stranger out for a walk. What are you doing, moping under that Cherry blossom tree?'

'LOOK fella just go away. I've had a really bad day and I don't want no more trouble.'

'Oh you are troubled by that cancer.'

'How do you know about that?'

'I know a lot of things about you Mr. Lee but that doesn't really matter now does it.'

'You want to live and I'm here for you, to make it happen.'

'A guy like you cross dressing in hello kitty pajamas can help me?'

'Don't judge me by my appearance, the outside is just a facade, the inside is what really matters.'

'Don't go all philosophical on my ass. Tell me how can you help me. And what price I need to pay? Do I have to sell you my soul?'

'Nothing like that my friend, I'm not a demon, I'm just a human being who has got some special powers, I'm just travelling the world to spread the message of god, and entertaining myself at the same time.'

'So what am I your entertainment?'

'Yes you are for me and every other cosmic being.'

'You don't know this yet but Mr. Lee you've got a certain kind of spark which is rare in human beings.'

'God needs you on this earth to spread his message in a melodious way.'

'So what? You would do me a favour for free.'

'Good things happen in this world Mr. Lee don't be a skeptic. Just give me permission and I would heal you.'

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'So there is no soul bargain or anything like that.'

'Why would I need your soul Mr. Lee. I'm not trying to start a war here.'

'I'm not on either side Mr. Lee, I'm beyond Good and Evil.'

'Then I give you permission to heal me.'

In a sudden flash, the stranger was near Mr. Lee, and a bright light flashed.

And Mr. Lee woke up from his dream, he was sleeping under the cherry blossom tree, curled up like a little baby.

Mr. Lee dismissed the dream, as just nonsense that his mind had just concoted to heal his heart.

The stranger watched Mr. Lee disappear, he took out a parchment, he crossed out Mr. Lee's name with a red pen and the parchment disappeared into thin air.

The stranger ate a purple apple and looked at the sky in delight, screaming to the world.

'Looks like things are going to be more fun.'

Unbeknownst to Mr. Lee his body was healing rapidly, and after a night of rest he was back to his prime.

After another checkup the doctor and Mr. Lee were shocked because the cancer had disappeared.

'You were pulling a prank on me doctor'

'No you can look at the previous reports. There was cancerous growth inside your body but strangely they has disappeared.'

'It must be a miracle of God. I kneel down to Christ.'

"He was no Christ I can promise you that."

'Can I go now? You can keep kneeling for hours. What are you doing? Why are you posting things on Instagram? What about doctor-patient confidentiality?

'There is no one above god, Rules be damned, I've seen a miracle with my own eyes, I'm gonna spread the word.'

'Just blur my face. I don't want my fans to have sleepless nights thinking about my health.'

'I will do that, but boy what about my fees?'

'I've shown you a miracle of god, don't bitch about financial matters.'

Three weeks later Mr. Lee was doing live concerts after concerts all over the world, his voice was so awe-insipiring that people literally shivered with happiness.

In just a matter of months Mr. Lee evolved from a national legend to become an international superstar.

Mr. Lee's voice was too melodious for the ears of the audience, they wanted to hear it again and again, during a live concert the fans screamed 'Encore!!! Encore!!!'

During that live concert Mr. Lee sang for hours without taking a break, he broke a lot of international records that day, he earned the respect of his fans as well as his enemies.

After the concert was over some zealous fans of Mr Lee kowtowed three hundred times towards the stage.

Mr. Lee cried tears of happiness on that day, the concert was livestreamed, the audience thought it was just a stunt pulled out by his entertainment agency.

But when they again watched the short clips of that concert, they were surprised to hear the sound of music invading their ears and infecting their brains.

Hours after the concert was over, while Mr. Lee was sleeping, the stranger appeared in his bedroom, and he whisked off with the body of Mr. Lee and soon disappeared into thin air.

The next day Mr. Lee woke up with scratches in his arms, eyebrows burned out, sore throat and a scratch on his forehead.

Mr. Lee dismissed this as just a revenge from his new girlfriend who was prone to fits of anger like Ms. Herd.

While Mr. Lee was worrying about his face, a new song was released on video and audio streaming sites sung by Mr. Lee.

National and international fans clicked on the world simultaneously, but unlike all other songs sung by Mr. Lee, 'The midnight blues' was a romantic ballad about a boy lost in the world of sadness,

The song began with a screeching sound millions of humans were screaming in unison, this disturbed quite a few losers who skipped to the next video.

While others kept on watching the video, Mr. Lee met his dead lover but she was being burned alive on the stake, while the demons cackled in joy.

Mr. Lee tried to rescue his girlfriend but one punch from a demon and it was all over for Mr. Lee.

The lyrics and the video evoked a sense of despair inside the hearts of the listeners,

The video kept playing on as Mr. Lee woke up next to a vast river of magma, on the other shore his girlfriend was being dragged towards the fiery river by a demon.

Mr. Lee dived into the river of magma but his body started to melt away, and soon he disappeared from this world in the form of ashes.

The last few words 'I'll never see her again.' Broke the minds of its listeners, they jumped out of their balconies, hung themselves on the ceiling, cut open their wrists and did everything they could to get rid of that feeling of despair.

Just as it had appeared, soon it disappeared from the video and audio streaming sites. The evidence was gone, the world moved on just hundreds, maybe thousands of humans died but people die everyday and no one really cared or investigated about this incident.

People tried to search for that phantom song, some death seekers even hired hackers to scour the web for that song, but just like Nina's virginity it was gone forever.

Occasionally a few song's sung by Mr. Lee popped out on the internet, and people died here and there but it had no adverse effect on Mr. Lee's popularity.

Some crazy people accused Mr. Lee of being the antichrist but Mr. Lee was a regular patron of the Catholic Church and he could enter and exist the house of god without being affected in any way.

So there rumours and conspiracy theories were dismissed and they were all treated like clan brothers of spooky Mulder.

As time passed on Mr. Lee became more popular his career progressed to such epic heights that it broke all previous boundaries of popularity.

Just like a mortal Mr. Lee died at the age of ninety but in death he was welcomed by Mr. Stranger who guided him to a sort of heaven where Mr. Lee would sing for ages and ages without being affected by the ills of life.

Mr. Lee had a happy ending and that's all that it really matters. The insects that died because of Mr. Lee roamed the earth but it was all for better because they were forever free from all the seven deadly sins.

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