Just another romcom

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Suzuki Saya

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The rain started pouring down, I Shinomiya rin was Tasked to clean the classroom today

The original Plan was after I cleaned was  to run off and reach the safety of my home But it started raining and that someone else was with me

The cleaning of classrooms was always pairing and I was paired with a troublesome individual 

Suzuki saya the most beautiful girl in school 

Also known as The ice queen she was cold to Every boy in school

It doesn’t matter if you have good intentions she’ll make sure that you never existed…well that’s what the rumors say

I think they just switch schools, no person would go so far plus we cleaned together she’s not gonna wipe me off the planet 

Taking the umbrella out of my bag, I was about to go but then someone tugged on my uniform 

There were only two people here besides me

I looked to my left to see Suzuki 

“Shinomiya_san was it?” Her voice was breathtaking matching her beauty 

“Yes? Do you need something Suzuki_san?” I asked politely but I already knew what she wanted, her crimson eyes were staring at the umbrella intently 

“If you don’t mind, we can share the umbrella Suzuki_san” the umbrella I have can at least cover 2 people 


The moment I made eye contact I felt a chill, it was unbearably cold. Was this the reason people left? 

“I will gladly take your consideration” She still had the same poker face

I was shaking from the cold but I didn’t wanna show it, so I held the umbrella Tightly 

She came closer to me making our shoulders connect

“Shall we go?” 

I nodded, rumors are just rumors unless

Proven to be a fact. I’ve always been curious, I’ll use this day to satisfy my curiosity 

The two of us started walking, my house was only an hour walk But Where does she live?

“Shinomiya_san I take a train to get back  home and to school”

“Oh, I see” was my face giving that away?

The rest of the way to the train station was silent, it was awkward. It was expected, I and her don’t talk with each other at all when we were at school 

“Suzuki_san I’ll be on my way, the rain is about to stop” she’ll be riding a train, the moment she arrives at her destination. it would have stopped raining

“Thank you Shinomiya_san” it was only a mutter but I heard it


My hearing is quite good, but it does annoy me a lot because people in class never shut up whenever a teacher is gone.

I walked back home, and midway the rain stopped. After another 30 minutes, I was back home

“I’m back”

Two children rushed at the front door, both were my siblings and were twins both of the opposite gender 

“Welcome home Onii_chan!”

“Did you get me some Refreshments?”

 the cheerful twin was Aimi Shinomiya, the less  cheerful one was Shinomiya Aiya also the one asking for refreshments 

“Yea yea I did, here” handing them a plastic bag filled with snacks and drinks

They grabbed it and ran off to their room in a hurry 

“Hey! No eating in the bedroom” oh well this only happens every two weeks passed

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I walked near their room and knocked a couple of times if they knock back there listening

*knock* knock*

“Make sure to throw it out after eating ok?” I always remind them to throw out their trash, if I forget their entire room would be filled with wrappers or empty bottles

Walking into my room I put down my bag and lay on my bed

I can do my homework later, it was the weekend tomorrow. after homework I have to cook dinner unless mom or dad arrives early

Yawn zZzzZ




I woke up, the nap only lasted about an hour


My bag was on the side of the bed taking out my math notebook, I started doing my homework.

My brain will be fine, it had enough rest

Each formula took about 10 minutes, sensei gave 30 items….

Even though I was in the top 10 of the school was having a hard time, the most feared subject was of course math plus sensei it was a scary combination 

Every semester test, I had to study like crazy Because of sensei 

I stopped at number 15,  I started stretching

was it that hard to give only 10 items instead she gave 30 but I can’t complain that much because it got lowered, it wasn’t a  50 item  like last semester 


Leaving my notebook on the bed I knocked on the twin's room

“I’ll be cooking dinner soon, Come out when I call you two” 

I waited for a response then a minute passed 

I opened the door slowly, taking a peek

What came to view were the twins sleeping comfortably in the bed 

With all the empty snacks and beverages inside the plastic bag on the  drawer cabinet

I walked closer to the bed putting a blanket over them

Taking the plastic bag, I went to the kitchen throwing the plastic bag into the bin

I put on an apron, what should I cook for dinner? Checking the fridge it didn’t have much, actually, it didn’t have anything at all

Now that I think about it, wasn’t I supposed to go buy groceries 

Fuck, I guess we’ll be eating outside for tonight unless I walked back to my room to check any messages from my parents 

[ Rin, don’t worry about dinner. I have bought dinner since you often forget to buy groceries, I’ll be there about 20 minutes ] mom - sent 6:10 pm

It was currently 6:15 pm, 15 minutes left til she reached home whenever mom sets a time she’ll be there when the time ends 

I sat down on the couch, browsing through the Internet

Social media was still the same, I got bored immediately  

Friend’s we’re all busy, can’t bother them 

 all the mangas that are on my reading list are on hiatus or take a while to update

A message popped out from an unknown user.

[ shinomiy-

I ignored it and kept on my search for a way to feed my boredom.

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