Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 22: CH 16.2

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Gu Yanshu had grown up in a water town, Wu Yue. He liked sweet and sour flavours, so when he first came to Beijing, he wasn’t used to the bentos that the company gave. 

Plus he was about sixteen or seventeen years old, the age of puberty, hence it became a situation that he was always starving. 

An originally skinny kid had become a bag of bones after a short period of time. 

At that time, both Shen Jue and him were broke. Every month, they only had an allowance from the company of $1,500, and the prices of goods in the capital were extremely high. A proper Zhejiang meal would cost them a few hundred dollars. 

One fine day, Shen Jue went out early in the morning, and after he returned, he locked himself in the kitchen, and loud clangs could be heard from within. When he opened the door, he had already smashed three bowls, cut himself twice, and cooked a plate of blackened thing. He shoved it to Gu Yanshu and said that it was sweet and sour spareribs. 

It didn’t look edible, but Gu Yanshu still finished the entire plate in one sitting, and even told Shen Jue that it tasted good. 

When in actual fact, it was charred, there was a bitter taste to it, and it tasted really bad. 

Even though Shen Jue later continued to learn and practice, and his culinary skills slowly improved, it wasn’t as good as it was now. 

Qw Zydpbw osdelale kq kv oyp clnywpl bl pvkzz raynvknle kv yqvla vbyv. 

Ebld Twydt Zkdyd, obs oyp plyvle clpkel Qw Zydpbw, pyo vbyv vbl zyvvla’p lmralppksd oyp dsaxyz yqvla lyvkdt kv, bl yzps vakle y ckvl. Mbld, bl nswzed’v alpkpv raykpkdt Fbld Kwl, “Eso, Xze Fbld, uswa nssjkdt pjkzzp byhl kxrashle.”&dcpr;

Mbl tsppkru Dky Ckdtikys yeele, “Mbyv’p qsa pwal. Mlynbla Fbld prlnkyzzu raynvknle qsa bkp tkazqaklde.”&dcpr;

Gde vbl nbsrpvknjp kd Qw Zydpbw’p bydep vbyv olal ralryakdt vs vyjl ydsvbla rklnl sq qkpb qasgl. 

Fbld Kwl blzrle bkx rwzz vbl qkpb swv yde rzynle kv kdvs bkp csoz, “Psd’v zkpvld vs bkp dsdpldpl.”&dcpr;

Zlv, Twydt Zkdyd nsdvkdwle pyukdt obyv pbswzed’v cl pyke, yp bl nbwnjzle, “Tlu, Xze Fbld, obu eked’v usw vlzz uswa cweeu vbyv usw tsv y tkazqaklde? R vbswtbv vbyv usw bye prlnkyzzu raynvknle kv qsa Yyjdyl.”&dcpr;

Xdnl bl pyke vbyv, vbl yvxsprblal yv vbl vyczl kxxlekyvlzu clnyxl pvaydtl.&dcpr;

Twydt Zkdyd aykple y caso kd nsdqwpksd, “Pke R pyu yduvbkdt oasdt? R esd’v vbkdj R eke. Jynj vbld, Xze Fbld bye zlyadle bso vs nssj ps vbyv bl nswze rzwxr wr Yyjdyl. Tl bye lhld pktdle wr yv Llo Xakldvyz [1]. R esd’v lhld valyv xu tkazqaklde yp olzz yp bso bl valyvp Yyjdyl.” 

Immediately, the awkwardness in the air increased tenfold. 

“Wait, it can’t be that case right?” 

The straight man finally noticed what the problem was. He looked at Xia Qingqiao and Xu Fangfang, “It can’t be that all of you really think that those rumours online were true? Don’t listen to the nonsensical things those people say. Old Shen and Xiao Shu are on very good terms. All those things about pretending to be gay, or homophobia, all of those are simply rumours. Actually…” 

Shen Jue gave him a frigid stare. 

The straight guy shut his mouth. “Take it that I didn’t say anything.” 

Gu Yanshu had already put down his chopsticks, “I’m full. I’ll go up and do something first. You can leave the dishes there, I’ll come back to wash them later.” 

Huang Yinan stopped him, “You ate so little.” 

“I have to finish a song arrangement by today.” Gu Yanshu’s reply was cold but gentle. 

Jie Shuang knew that it would be awkward if he continued to stay here, so she quipped, “Is that for The Greatest Stage? Then hurry up. We’ll be here, don’t worry.” 

Gu Yanshu thanked them, then turned and went upstairs. 

Huang Yinan was still worried that he hadn’t had his fill, so he was about to say something. 

But he was cut off by Shen Jue’s cold tone, “Shut up and eat. When you’re done, go and do some chores with me.” 

Huang Yinan immediately gave up, “The director said that I’m here to visit.” 

“Guests should also do some chores.” 

“Shen Jue, you old dog, don’t you think of lying to me.”

“Gu Yanshu is busy today, and if he doesn’t work and earn his keep, he won’t have money to eat.” 

“… All right then.” 

Upstairs, Gu Yanshu had turned on his laptop, but he was simply looking at the soundwaves floating up and down, feeling irritated inside. 

He knew that nothing good would ever come out of meeting Shen Jue. 

It’s been a long time since he’d been unable to concentrate at work. 

However, he couldn’t help it. 

It was as though the tomato sauce in the dishes had flowed from his taste buds into his bloodstream and heart, then feedback to the brain and the skin. His entire being was touched with a sweetness, yet there was a sour taste. Everything felt wrong. 

The dishes were in the flavour that he liked. 

It was just that in the past, Shen Jue cooked because he wanted to fatten him up, but now, he was cooking to make his girlfriend happy. 

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That’s right. Shen Jue’s already twenty-six. With his qualities, it would be strange if he didn’t have a girlfriend. 

It was just that he recalled the incident that afternoon, with that ambiguous hug and that line “Haven’t you seen people in love” caused his mind to run astray and his breathing was hurried. There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. 

However, the more he thought about it, the more he thought that he was being unreasonable. Apart from staying far, far away from straight guys like Shen Jue, who was flirtatious without knowing it, there was no other way out. 

He could only hide, hide as far away as possible. 

Gu Yanshu gave himself three seconds to re-adjust his emotions. 

Then he regained his calm and indifference, and continued to work. 

For some unknown reason, he suddenly was inspired for the rearrangement for the second half of the song. He immersed himself unconsciously, and by the time he returned to his senses, he turned to look out and realised that the sky outside had turned dark. 

The night came early during winter. 

The door opened with a creak. 

Huang Yinan brought in a bowl of rice and a plate, “Eat first before you work again.” 

Gu Yanshu pushed his laptop away, then took the rice and dish. 

Huang Yinan sat on the edge of the sofa, placed one hand on the back rest of the sofa while his other hand was on the coffee table. He looked at the computer and asked, “Can I listen to the demo?” 

Gu Yanshu pressed the play button. 

Huang Yinan’s face instantly lit up with interest, “Not bad. Did you add some trip-hop elements?” 

“Yup.” Gu Yanshu nodded, then dragged his mouse, “I’m thinking of a hanging pause here. Rapping this way, the layback’s more comfortable. But you’re the expert in this, what do you think?” 

“I think it’s not bad.” Huang Yinan nodded, “But the way you’re dealing with the song is more avant-garde. I’m worried that the public reception won’t be too good.” 

Gu Yanshu seemed to have his own considerations. He didn’t refute it, but he didn’t agree with it either. He simply ate quietly. 

Huang Yinan casually took the lyrics and studied it, then raised a brow, “Wow, it’s a love song.” 

It wasn’t that Gu Yanshu didn’t sing love songs, but he rarely did so. Furthermore, those times were coincidences, where he was doing covers of others’ songs. 

However, in all of his albums, singles and concerts, a single love song had never appeared. 

As Huang Yinan thought about this, he became interested as he asked, “Tell Brother, why did you suddenly think of singing a love song? Is there some lady that you’re interested in?” 

Gu Yanshu lowered his gaze, trying to hide his emotions. 

Huang Yinan used to love teasing him. “Don’t be shy. You’re almost twenty-five. Your abilities are good enough to support your status, so it’s fine even if you are in a relationship. However, these lyrics that you wrote…” 

He clicked his tongue, “Why are they so tragic? Could it be an unrequited love?” 

Gu Yanshu didn’t want him to continue probing, so he was prepared to cut him off when there were two raps on the door. 

Shen Jue leaned on the doorframe and said lazily, “Huang Yinan, I got you here to deliver dinner, have you done so? I’m still waiting for you to go down to wash the dishes.” 

Gu Yanshu didn’t know how a guest ended up having to do the dishes. 

But Huang Yinan seemed to take this role well. “Don’t rush me. I’m going down now. We were just discussing Xiao Shu’s romance with a young lady.” 

Shen Jue’s gaze slowly turned towards Gu Yanshu. 

Gu Yanshu turned his face away without saying a word. 

Shen Jue retracted his gaze, then turned to Huang Yinan, “You should go down. Xia Qingqiao and the others are waiting for you to play the game, Holographic Contra.” 

“Damn, you have such a good thing here?” Huang Yinan immediately stood up from the sofa and hopped downstairs, “Xiao Xia, let’s battle!” 

There was a din downstairs. 

Shen Jue closed the door of their room. 

Then turned to look at Gu Yanshu. 

He slowly spoke up. 

“Is there someone you like?” 

[1] New Oriental Education & Technology Group is a provider of private educational services in China.

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