
Chapter 1: 001

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-> Daughter of Duke Alaster Von Rasvyiel
-> Has Red Hair with deep Purple Eyes
-> Has Amazing Mana Reserve and Incredible Control

~> Amelia grew up with no Parental Love. Her father ignored her, blaming her for her mother's death when she was born... She suffered abuse from her Stepmother from the age of 5 until 10. She learned magic and trained to be strong. Though Amelia kept it a secret. Once she reached the age of 17, she left home. Had enough of the tortures the people did to her. She stumbled upon a forest and as Amelia got lost, There she met a girl named Fuka. Fuka was the very first person to ever show care for her. Thus, Amelia swore to become strong and walk alongside Fuka on their new adventure.



-> Has been living in the forest for as long as she remembers
-> Has White/Ashen Hair and Royal Blue Eyes

~> Fuka did not know anything about herself. All she knows is that someone dumped her in the forest and has been living there ever since. Though Fuka did not mind, she did learn magic along with swords. With her amazing adaptability and coupled with her abilities, she was able to become strong if not the strongest. The curiosity she held on to everything she find new was still there. On her way back from a hunt, she stumbled upon a girl with red hair. Deciding to help her, together they became close, told each other's past, became lovers later on, and embarked on their new journey.

<<<{ CHAPTER 001 }>>>



The forest of Death. It is a place full of dangerous creatures. Surviving would be a challenge. Some have dared to enter yet none of them came back out. Therefore no one entered it anymore. Except for two. Who has been living there for quite some time...


Inside a cave. The place had your average home needs. Two people were currently sitting on a 'couch', as her partner, Fuka, said to Amelia. Amelia didn't know where Fuka got the knowledge but it did help them in their living. Unfortunately, because of it Amelia's fashion sense has leaped beyond the boundary. In simple terms, the Modernized brain. Amelia asked her partner, the one sitting next to her who is currently focused on watching 'Tv', a question that has been on her mind for a while now.



AMELIA: Hey Fuka. How do you feel about leaving here?



The said girl pondered. Why would she ask such a question all of a sudden? In the end, she shrugged as no answer came to her. It would not be bad to see the outside once in a while, and if she ever feels like it, she can just visit or come back. She does know some useful skills for doing so with no trouble.



FUKA: Sure.



Amelia looked at her friend/lover. Her eyes looked apprehensively. She was not one with many words. The most you can get from her would be at least ten words. Still, it was the unique trait that she loved so much.  Chuckling, she gestured for Fuka to follow her as they began their packing. There was not much to pack so the work was fast.  They left the forest holding nothing. Space Magic can be helpful sometimes. As they walk, a conversation started, not by Fuka but by Amelia.



AMELIA: Hey Fuka. What do say about becoming adventurers?


FUKA: Nn...


AMELIA: Sigh. At least tell me a few words. We're alone here anyways.



Amelia looked at Fuka when she received no response. Fuka looked like she was in a daze. Must be the euphoria of leaving. She did tell Amelia about her past, so she was not worried when she gets like this. Amelia would be worried if Fuka suddenly became talkative.



AMELIA: I'll do the talking when we arrive, so you don't have to worry, but please put some retrain when showing your capabilities. I know you have lived your entire life in the forest so you don't know what a person regardless of gender, can do. And is constantly curious...



Amelia nodded in satisfaction when Fuka agreed and began the sealing process. The sealing process is what it entails. Each seal will lock Fuka's power percent. For example, the 1st Seal will lock 10% of her power. The 2nd Seal will lock 20% of her power. So on and so forth. Fuka is already powerful without using her power, so when she does use her 10%. It could as well remove an entire continent on the planet. If! she feels like it, which she will most likely not. But! if someone would piss her off, then that person might as well be held responsible for leading the world's destruction... Yes, that is how strong she is.



Amelia, meanwhile, does not need to do the Seals. As she can already control herself, especially in magic. Only the Gods would be able to match her... but barely. That is how strong they've become after their torturous training. What kind of training would that be for them to become that strong? It is for them to tell and for others to wonder.



Arriving in the city. The place was cheerful, it looked like a festival was happening. But both Amelia and Fuka could care less about that. While they were here to enjoy being outside the forest for so long, that doesn't mean they will do unnecessary things like enjoying a very peaceful life. Which truth to be told, would be very boring. Why would they do that when they can go do some adventuring and maybe mess with some nobles on the way. But no world-conquering though. That would be tiresome in the process.



Amelia immediately went to the Guild while dragging Fuka who seemed to be invested in sightseeing. It wasn't new, Amelia knew of Fuka's curiosity. So she was not one bit worried, though she would greatly appreciate it if Fuka can tone it down a bit. This leads to her confusion. Fuka knows some otherwordly knowledge yet she seems to be curious at everything she sees. Amelia knew that Fuka had information that is a hundred times more advance than the present. But she guess that's because Fuka had yet to see it, that's why.



Upon arriving at the guild. They walked to the reception desk to get registered. On the way, many eyes landed on both of them for two reasons. The first reason is, why is there a beautiful and handsome girl in the guild? The second reason is, to see if the newbies would cause trouble or not. And how they would handle such a situation if they did. Everyone was curious.



AMELIA: Hello, we would like to register as hunters, please...



Amelia says, taking the receptionist's attention. The girl had blonde hair and most importantly long-pointed ears. Fuka noted the look in Amelia's eyes but decided to keep quiet, she did promise after all.



???: Ahh, I see... Please put your hand on the crystal ball and inject your mana into it.



The girl takes a ball out of nowhere and instructs. Amelia did what the girl told her to, put her hand into the ball and injected some 'tiny' amount of mana. But even with that amount, the ball shone brightly, taking their eyesight as everyone in the guild present had to cover their eyes. Except for Amelia and Fuka.

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As the light died down, everyone was in shock at what they saw. Above the ball, a screen was displayed.


AGE: 16

LVL: ?????

POWER: 100, 000, 000. (million)


Everyone was gobsmacked, while Amelia face-palmed. She did know how strong she got but having a visual of it... Maybe too much? Now she was worried about Fuka. Her's is already breaking common sense, then what about Fuka's? Thinking of the situation made Amelia pale. Fuka noticing this placed a reassuring hand on Amelia. Then put her other hand on the ball and did the same thing Amelia did. Not long the same bright light appeared, making everyone even more dumbfounded.



Not only one but two?! That is what everyone thought while looking at the duo in shock. But what they saw after shook their entire being.


AGE: 16

LVL: ??????

POWER: 1,000,000,000. (billion)


Amelia face-palmed yet again. Of course, she had to be that strong! She was surprised that the ball was still able to hold such mana, and that was just her 10%!! (which is equivalent to 1% ). Imagine Fuka wielding her 100% Power. Thinking about it made Amelia shudder. Surely with that display, none would be messing with the both of them... Right? Also, her face might just go numb from all the slapping that will happen in the future.



However, one thing caught Amelia's attention as she went into thinking mode while shouts were heard in the entire place. To which Amelia did not notice as she instinctively used magic to cover her ears. So that no one can disturb her thoughts.



'Wait... I saw her use other Magic than the two, displayed on the screen... Does that mean that she concealed them? If so, it must be because of the promise she made to me... Still, this is too much. Welp, can't blame her though....'



Amidst the shouts of shock, a certain someone was getting more displeased by the noises and was getting ready to annihilate the noise source, which is the entire guild,  As Amelia concluded, she looked at the source of the chaos only to see the said cause in a frown. Then a look of realization on her face.



'Shit... It's too loud for her here... I have to get her out, lest there will be a bloodbath! '



AMELIA: *cough* Can we get on with the register already?


RECEPTIONIST: A-ah, o-of course! Ahem, here you are!



After Amelia got the receptionist out of shock. She immediately got handed a card that showed what the display on the screen was. Then dragged Fuka out with her. Not wanting to stay any longer. Leaving a full of dumbfounded people inside. Not gonna lie, they're faces were kinda funny.



Amelia and Fuka found an inn to stay in and we're currently engaged in a conversation. Well more like interrogation since Fuka did not speak a word.



AMELIA: So... How was it?


Fuka frowned.


AMELIA: *sigh* Alright then... Do you still hate loud places?



The moment Amelia asked that question, the second she noticed how stupid it was to ask that.



'Ugh! why am I even asking that, of course, she does! Considering what happened back at the guild.



Amelia's thoughts were confirmed when she saw Fuka frown even deeper.



'Welp, let's just hope there will be no massacre happening... '



Their day ended, and both went to bed and slept early. Their travel was quite long, so without them noticing they were dead tired.

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