
Chapter 2: 002

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<<<{ CHAPTER 002 }>>>

Morning came. Amelia and Fuka got ready for the day. Tonight they would go on some quest and hopefully the commotion yesterday had died down. Amelia did not want to clean a bloody Fuka, especially if the slaughter was in public.  That would be horrendous,  for the public eyes at least.  Amelia was not bothered by a bloody Fuka as she often sees her covered in such after hunting.


While Amelia went to the Quest Board, Fuka waited for her outside, just by the door. She was wearing her emotionless face while looking around. The passers-by could not help but take a glance at her. Some were curious as to where she came from but decided to not ask. They can tell that she is by no means ordinary, if her aura beg to differ unless they want to screw their life forever then they are free to do so. It wasn't long before Amelia came back with a paper in her hands. Leaving for the mission, they directly went to the gate, until...




An earth-shattering explosion sound echoed through the city.  Some scrambled to their feet in surprise while others,  those near Amelia and Fuka looked apprehensive.


Amelia looked at Fuka, then at the noise, and back to Fuka. She did this for a while until Fuka finally caved in. Giving a grunt she went to the place of commotion with Amelia behind her, smiling cheerfully.


They both arrived at the place. Fuka looked around with an emotionless face while Amelia had a deep frown on her face. What happened? She thought. The place was seriously damaged like a huge creature just decided to run in and wreck the place. No signs of life though. Which was very suspicious.


Amelia held her head as a headache was coming. They just arrived here and then this happened... She looked at Fuka, who was also looking at her. Annoyance was clearly in her eyes. Amelia could not help but chuckle.


AMELIA: Well? what do you think? Help or not?


She asked only expecting to get one word, which she surprisingly got two.


FUKA: No-.... * shakes head* Help...


Amelia looked at Fuka with a raised eyebrow. That was strangely weird. Fuka never cared about others' well-being,  her not in count.  Despite her feeling shocked at Fuka wanting to help, she still nodded her head.


Whatever. If Fuka says so then there must be a reason to do so.
She thought. Shaking her head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Right now their priority would be finding out what the hell happened to the place and why was it wrecked into pieces.


Both went separate ways to look.



( Amelia's Side )

As Amelia came to a stop. She noticed that it was eerily quiet. Too quiet for her liking,  especially after such an explosion.  There should at least be either a shout of panic or a crowd forming to see what happened.  But there was none of both. Using her Wind Magic, she focused on what the wind picked up. She stood there while looking around and simultaneously using her magic. With her great control,  as previously stated, Amelia had no trouble doing such a task.


Especially in sensory. Amelia would sometimes use it subconsciously, which was useful in dire situations. She would never even be able to find out if Fuka did not point it out to her. Though Amelia would prefer it if she could control it. She did not want to sense everything her magic sensed. It would be annoying to get distracted by such things.  And that could raise a death flag,  in her opinion.

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Her wondering moment was interrupted by her magic-sensing movement. Amelia frowned as she followed the movement. It was fast, if not for the training she did, she would never be able to notice it.


Gaining speed, she soon came up to the movement, which was revealed to be a shadow. Seeing this only made Amelia frown more. If it's really a shadow, then Dark Magic is involved. Amelia knows this because she herself can use Dark Magic. Though she would only use it as a precaution. Such as binding the enemy or if the situation is dangerous.


Amelia was getting closer to the shadow when suddenly it vanished making Amelia click her teeth in frustration. It seems that she is not fast enough or someone else is in the play.  Nonetheless,  Amelia feels that things aren't as simple as they seem.


'Sigh. I wonder how Fuka is doing? '
She thought while going back to their meeting place.



( Fuka's Side )

After they separated, Fuka immediately went to the strange energy she felt. Following it led her to an abandoned house. The place looked like it would collapse at any moment. But Fuka could care less about that, she was more curious about the energy she felt. She may not know what it was but she does know that she somehow feels a connection through it.  Going through debris scattered on the ground,  Fuka maneuvered herself around the mess and walked to the left which led her to a hallway. 


Her steps were confident and unbothered as if nothing about the place seemed to bother her the slightest,  which is true.  After a few minutes of walking,  Fuka was face to face with a room that had the familiar energy from earlier.  She grabbed the doorknob which was intact,  a surprise since everything else was...un-intact,  turned, and opened the door slowly.  Fuka blinked her eyes blankly.  She had expected to see something abominable or anything that can't be described by one word,  but instead what she saw was...



(Back to Amelia's side)


AMELIA:  Where is she?


She looked around and professionally avoided a scrambling teen who headed off somewhere.  After the explosion and her encounter with the shadowed figure,  a crowd finally formed and officials and guards occupied the place.  It was as if some barrier kept outsiders from coming in.  At least that's what Amelia concluded.  There was no evidence that that's what happened,  so Amelia kept it to herself.


With a hand to her hair,  Amelia grumbled and waited for Fuka to return...


Anyways!  That's all I got for now... also I have another story and I don't know if I'll continue this one as I haven't really got anything as a plot to continue it.


Also for the person who commented on the first chapter,  Thank you for the advice!  and yes,  this is my first time writing... Sorry, I can't really reply to you yet as I'm still trying to officially finish my account,  so yeah.


I greatly appreciate those who took their time to read this story...

Hopefully, the new story I got in mind isn't so less entertaining than this one...

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