KARAZ, Names Out

Chapter 3: A Name

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In a battle between her body and her brain, her brain always wins! The rosy-cheeked girl continues to think. Thinking consumes her body!  She continued to read the book...

The Power of ‘Can’, Again …

Can you unite with the world? Can you feel yourself a part of this world? Are you engaged? Are you engaged to a partner or to the world? Is there a difference? Can you have commitments? Can you be part of this world? Do you want to be a part of it? Are you going crazy? Do you feel like you have extra power? Do you feel like a real person? Can you be a person without feelings? Do we need a motivation or a feeling to engage in life? What makes you rise from death every day to enjoy the next hell of life...will you choose to join life as a carefree? Do you feel like you were born dead? Can you find your place? Do you need to find a place or are you waiting for others to put you in that place? What place can you find? Can you get a better place? Do you feel like you always want more? Do you feel satisfied? Should you feel satisfied? Can you be content? Can you hate yourself? Can you love others? Can you give more than you take? Can you stop being jealous? Can you stop wanting more money? Do you need money? Do you have money? Can you let go of all your money? Just... let it go!!!

Have you the strength to do this? Do you feel that you are weak? Can you be stronger? Can you buy what you want? Why do you want? Why must you buy? Do you need or want? Are you jealous again? Can you stop being jealous? Are you crazy? Do you need motivation? Can you create motivation for yourself? Is it a healthy motivation? Or do you just want to create a "theranos"? Do you like capitalism? Do you enjoy the power of communism? Can you feel the difference? Is there a difference? Do you want to be rich? Or even richer? Can you be motivated with justice...can it last for a second? Do you have compassion for children dying of hunger in the streets? Can you feel it? Can you do something about it? Can you stop being a stooge? Can you stop worshipping money? Can you stop worshipping your boss? Can you be someone you dreamed of being in your dreams? Do you feel you have wasted your life following others? Can you discover who you really are? Can you change a single day in your life? Do you have the courage to do so? Have you achieved your dreams...do you still call them dreams...Can you change the name of the dreams to be real? Can you recognize your wasted power? Do you feel God? Can you feel God's power in you?

Are you a human or a God?! Do you believe in God? Could you not believe in God? Could it be otherwise? Are you God? How do you know? Which part of the game do you want to play? Do you feel important? Do you want to feel more important to feel the God in you? Do you want to be a God? Maybe that's why you believe in God!!! Do you want the power of God? For what? Who are you again? Are you a God? Is that what motivates you every day? Or are you becoming part of a game?!

Can you finish the game? Can you finish your part in the game? Do you have any power? Do you believe in destiny? Can you make your destiny? Do you feel like a handicapper again? Do you have a sense of power? How many people can you control? How do you feel? Can you feel it... or do you feel it because you have already stopped feeling...? Can you get more followers? Do you want more prestigious position? Are you an animal? Or a child? Can I bring you a lollipop? Can you change your own diapers? Do you need someone to do it for you? Do you miss your mother? Or do you need to feel like a king and be spoiled all the time? How do you feel about being a king? Can you quit being a king? Do you like sitting on the throne? Is it good as a dildo? Do you like playing for the throne? Do you want to be important? Have you done something important? Do you want to fight with Gods? Do you feel there are other Gods besides you? Do you believe in God? Then why do you continue to do so? Are you stupid?!

What motivates us to be in the game and endure all the hardships so we can wake up the next day and get on with our lives. Can we at least be out of the game for a while?

Do you want to keep reading this book any further? Why do you want to!!!

If you want to do that, you should not let anything distract you, you should have power!

If you decide to take a vacation from work, turn off your smart devices. Book a flight and fly alone. Can you do it now? Can you do it anytime you want? For sure you can't! Even if you have zero family obligations usually known as children or wife. Especially children are mentioned in movies as the biggest obligation when the bad guy tries to kill the husband!!!! In fact, you can't even if you have zero commitment because of the current lifestyle of being connected!

You can't go to any place without someone noticing you, even sometimes you take the car and just drive, and you will suddenly find a person you didn't meet some years ago, later the guy will start asking you questions about the beginning of your creation! You can't escape! How can you escape while you need to survive? Can you go to a place like an island and build your own house there? Certainly not, you no longer have the freedom you lived for, you just must stay where you were born and you must break the rules to get a better life, that's what the current system does that encourages everyone to be out! It is the same system of the jungle the fittest is the one who can only survive, especially when you are weak, when there is no power, when there is a power outage!

“Power Outage” said the rosy-cheeked girl and stopped reading. Then she starts wondering and repeating the same phrase: "Power Outage".  Nowadays she feels she has no power, she cannot escape her life, so she keeps wishing for a better life.

The rosy-cheeked girl went to a grocery shop near the hostel on her break one day. It was a one-hour break, and the girls were to return before the time was up. One hour wasn't enough time to go far from home, so the company knows that the girls won't have a chance to go far. The company closes the gate after the break, and none of the girls are allowed out or in! During the last break, there was a power outage, and the rosy-cheeked girl went shopping! The grocery shop had no power, and all payment transactions depended on the cash machines. The rosy-cheeked girl noticed that the frozen food was covered with curtains because the cashier was afraid that the frozen food would melt. The rosy-cheeked girl took her noodles cups and wanted to pay, but the cashier claimed that he didn't know the actual price of the cups. The rosy-cheeked girl explained to him that she usually bought these cups, and she told him the price of these cups, but he didn't agree to sell them at their price. He claimed that the cups prices were the only products he was forgetting and that she could buy everything else. The cashier then called his boss, and he claimed that he didn't know the price either. As a result, the rosy-cheeked girl decided to give him more money, and he agreed. He took the extra money and wrote the payment transaction on a piece of paper so that he could enter it into the system later when the power was back.

The rosy-cheeked girl wonders how people survived before there were no cash machines, power is now more important than food!!!!

In the last few days, the rosy-cheeked girl was looking for a name, but she couldn't remember, she's a contact she wants, and she couldn’t find it in her contact list on her phone, but she couldn't remember the name, the contacts she's become thousands as she added each contact to her first contact list from previous phones. Sometimes she doesn't use their real name but a description so she can remember it, sometimes she remembers part of the number, but this time she can't remember the description and the number either. She's contacted this contact many times in the past and sometimes thought that she already has the number of this contact stored in her head, but she cannot remember the number or the name. She asked her roommate for her favorite names and the roommate said that this was a game they'd to play because they were bored. Then they started naming names, and the rosy-cheeked girl kept asking her roommate to suggest more names. The rosy-cheeked girl had this idea from the nightmare she'd earlier when the doctor asked for the baby's name, but the baby's name remained a mystery to the rosy-cheeked girl, she remembered the nightmare because she had already given it a name: "A Pussycat".

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