KARAZ, Names Out

Chapter 4: Lucy

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In a battle between her body and her brain, her brain always wins! The rosy-cheeked girl continues to think. Thinking consumes her body!  She continued to read the book...

The Power of a Dream!

Dreams have been a mystery to man since the beginning of his consciousness; ancient man perhaps didn't know the difference between a dream and his real world. We can assume that many of the decisions made in ancient times were due to dreams!

In modern times, or perhaps for the last few decades, people have begun to study this phenomenon as a scientific field. People kept creating new lifestyles according to their culture or living environment. Any description of these styles was considered as science! The moment a person realized that anything can be described or categorized as a human being, an animal, a rock, a tree, nature or any other natural phenomenon, he began to think of creating scientific fields, even if he wasn't aware of it.

Religions were sciences at all times, responsible for the interpretation of any phenomena and providing answers that people needed at the time of the invention of that specific religion. Religions, after a few generations after their first invention, become old descriptions, prescriptions and explanations of cultural, social, economic or other aspects of life for the new generations. This is the problem from which new generations suffer every few decades, because the world evolves, but the religious explanations are fixed or cannot be reshaped as quickly as man's technological evolution!

Religions were able to survive before the invention of machines, but after the advent of machines (mainly in the last three centuries) people begin to have problems with their old religions. The pace of development is faster than the updating tasks of religion. The leaders of a religion constantly update their religions to adapt them to the younger generations. But there are reasons that interfere with the updating tasks of religions, and that is the sacrosanct character given to religion!

The rosy-cheeked girl folded the book shut when the book started talking about religions, she could not bear to read the book any further, she put the book aside on the bed and went to the book box, she tried to find another book to read but she could not be attracted to other books, she liked this book but somehow the book makes her feel like throwing up. She liked her religion and thought she was guilty for putting this letter in the mailbox, she thought maybe someone would come to the hostel and try to find the sender of this letter, she thought maybe the police would try to find out the sender of this letter, "a letter to God", she felt a little scared, but maybe God wanted to give her a new clue, but she started to wonder,

“If God sent me this book as a clue, why is he talking about his religion in this way!”

The rosy-cheeked girl then played her favorite song, reached for her book, opened it again and continued reading ...

A religion is a description for a cultural disease with prescriptions, and if you consider the description and prescription of the disease to be fixed, even if you find new diseases, then that description and prescription become invalid to some extent. Sacrosanct in a way means a fixed model and restricts the updating and actualization of religion and the progress of new scientific fields. People are always trying (in the last decades for example) to evolve against rigid thoughts, and this recent evolution was the liberal evolution that gave again the power and authority to the mind to describe our world.

Man has always tried to separate between what he believes and what he studies, and sometimes he attacks new sciences. But even when attacking new sciences, man has always recognized the importance of creating new sciences, and today most of us believe in new sciences, even if this belief was achieved through the power of colonization! After all, with colonization, the whole world has admitted the existence of sciences, even the most extreme religious people, because people are always confused, and they want to evolve, at least their subconscious wants to do that!! People recognized the existence of conscious and unconscious mind after the evolution of ideas, and this influenced their explanation of a phenomenon like a dream!

Do you want to keep reading this book? Why do you want to!!!

If you want to do that, you should at least start dreaming!

The rosy-cheeked girl had a funny feeling when she kept finding these questions, but somehow, she ignored them, or maybe she got used to them, so she kept reading ...

Sigmund Freud is considered one of the first researchers to establish a connection between the unconscious and dreams in his book "The Interpretation of Dreams", published in 1899, in his way of interpreting what a dream is! He tried to give a new scientific description that corresponded to the available scientific knowledge and instruments at the edge of the twentieth century. Freud claimed that unconscious, latent motivations and fulfilment desires are responsible for the formation of our dreams. Subsequently, in the field of psychoanalysis, numerous researches were carried out in order to fathom the nature of dreams and the unconsciousness.

Recently, much research has been done to explore the nature of dreams and to reevaluate Sigmund Freud's findings about dreams with the help of contemporary clinical work. But we can briefly say that the study of dreams is done from two main perspectives, biological and psychological. In terms of biology (physiology), researchers are interested in the effects of dreams on memory, brain, body functions, neurons, etc.

In psychology and following Freud, researchers are interested in dreams to understand the unconscious and the interactive effect of a dream on the unconscious and conscious. For example, researchers have found that a high percentage of people believe their dreams can predict the future, which can influence our decision making and shape our future in an interactive way.

Given the plurality of views in psychoanalysis today, are there major differences in the status of dream studies among analysts? And what is the difference between Freud's analysis and dream analysis today? There are many studies, but in order to avoid getting stuck on one particular explanation of the dream, we should consider multidisciplinary studies when dealing with dreams, we should mix psychology and physiology.

Freud claimed that the dream is the royal road to understanding the unconscious, but some new researchers reject the notion of the unconscious as misleading to twentieth century people. Freud's vision was presented more than 100 years ago, and we cannot say that anything is wrong with his description, science always involves a description according to the tools available, that is why even religious people always have a simple explanation for complicated scientific observations and they involve God when they do not understand or try to avoid studying or understanding!

So many ideas about the brain we have loved, but we have never tried to understand them!

For example, the movie "Lucy" talked about the brain and how it is used. In the movie it was claimed that only a small percentage of our brain is used at any given time, but the researchers corrected this idea by explaining that the same brain regions are not always used at any given time. So perhaps the ‘Lucy’ idea was misunderstood by either the audience or the filmmakers or by me or by you! Be that as it may, the researchers do not favor the idea of a hidden evil brain opposing us, because if there are such ideas nowadays, they should be scientifically proven. Nevertheless, we can roughly understand what the brain does, and we are not aware of it, which can be considered as unconsciousness!

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The rosy-cheeked girl reached for her phone to check the movie "Lucy", she found the IMDB link and clicked on it. The rating for the movie was 6.4, to her such a rating means that the movie is not worth watching, and then the rosy-cheeked girl thought that if the author mentions such a movie, then somehow the author of the book is just impressed by a low rated movie, that means the author of the book is somehow not smart!

The rosy-cheeked girl then checked the star of the movie and found Scarlett Johansson; she thought that the reason the movie does not have a high rating is because usually a woman star is not rated well. The rosy-cheeked girl likes movies with a high rating or more than 7, but recently she also likes movies with a rating of 6.5 to 6.9 because such movies, she thinks, are easy to understand and have many plots and there are no complicated twists that make the audience tired of thinking!

The rosy-cheeked girl then checked if there were actors in this movie and found someone named Amr waked. She started zooming in on his picture, like she always does when she wants to watch a movie, to see if there was a good-looking guy in the movie she was going to watch. She thought she had seen such a guy somewhere, but she could not remember

Then the rosy-cheeked girl grabbed her book again and decided to continue reading ...

Traditionally, in order to understand a phenomenon (for example, the dream), we must use a technique to reveal the nature of that phenomenon in the knowledge space. And since we are talking about dreams, in order to understand dreams, we can adapt a technique to reveal the nature of dreams in the knowledge space by using some question keywords, such as (what, how, who, when, where and why). In this way, we can specify the dimensions of dream nature in knowledge space by introducing basic questions such as "What is a dream?", "When do we dream?", "Why do we dream?", "How do we dream?", "Who dreams?" and "Where do we dream?".

In practice, we need to broaden our view of dreams to understand dreams as if we were studying the brain or "How mind works?", which will coincidentally lead us to connect dream phenomena with brain functions and biological behavior. We can also use a different method to study dreams by making some interesting observations that will lead us to new insights that will help us learn more about dreams and how to describe them.

A few studies have been conducted that focus on interesting observations. A study titled "Factors influencing the frequency of erotic dreams: an online study" concludes that men dream about sex more often than women. During an erotic dream, nipples may become erect hard in girls, boys may have dick erection and wet dreams with ejaculation, girls may also have wet dreams. In fact, you may not have had a full wet dream, but you woke up during the arousal process in your sleep, some also wake up during orgasm.

Some studies claim that children at an early age (e.g., age 3) do not dream about themselves or do not dream at all! If this is true, could we figure out which part of the body is responsible for starting to dream at a certain age? But how do they know that babies do not dream?!!! You will never know, no one will ever know until there is a baby to tell you the truth! If we assume that there will be a baby that can talk and tell you the truth, will you still consider it a baby?! Such phenomena (dreams at certain age) raise a lot of questions that can lead to new conclusions about dreams.

To investigate a phenomenon, we should start by answering basic questions, as mentioned earlier, if you still follow, you still read?

To answer the question "What is a dream?" many studies have been conducted. In a study by Crespin Ludwig, dreaming is considered a conscious experience that occurs under certain conditions. Such a study would also raise the question of the definition of consciousness in terms of the functions of the parts of the brain, since some parts of the brain are not active during sleep or, more precisely, in our case, during dreaming!

To answer the question "Where/when do we dream?" many studies have been conducted. We can increase our thinking about dreams by first studying sleep, because dreams happen during sleep, except daydreaming or hypnosis, and then we should also know the types of dreams first. We should know that there are different types of dreams that either happen during sleep or not, each type of dream can also be considered as a critical point that can give us new insights into the nature of dream.

For example, a lucid dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming, it can be considered dreaming while you are asleep, but it is an interesting phenomenon because it is like watching a movie and you can control your lucid dreams to some extent. Some people always complain about the lack of dream experiences, so when you sleep, it is not necessary to have a dream. Anyway, if we calculate the total dreaming time taking into account daydreaming and absence of dreams, then we can roughly say that we spend almost half of our life dreaming, so I think it's worth studying dreams, what do you think?!

“What is a dream?” wonders the rosy-cheeked girl, pausing to read. Then she begins to wonder and repeats the same question, "What is a dream?".

The rosy-cheeked girl hoped from God that he would give her power!

And since she sometimes could not sleep, she missed having dreams like she had in her childhood, but since her mind kept thinking, she thought she was dreaming all the time, her mind gave her dreams all the time, but her mind preferred to give her daydreams and sometimes lucid dreams, more than normal dreams, her mind wants to be in control all the time if it can.

The rosy-cheeked girl then decided to go out of her room to fill her noodles cup with hot water and found some of the girls awake and laughing as usual. The rosy-cheeked girl repeated the same question, “What is a dream?” but in a quiet mode. She wished someone would ask her about it because she felt exalted above the other girls, she was happy and wanted to celebrate that she was reading and thinking about something that the other girls in the hostel would not understand! She filled the cup with hot water and returned to her room without talking to the others, not wanting to get out of her mood of reading books.

The rosy-cheeked girl was hardly bothered by the noisy girls outside the room. Her roommate was sound asleep, and she found it a good opportunity to read, since her roommate kept asking her for books and pretending, she liked to read, even though she never did! Once, the roommate asked the rosy-cheeked girl to lend her a book to read, and after that, the roommate pretended to have finished reading the book and started asking the rosy-cheeked girl some basic questions about the book she pretended to have already read, and the rosy-cheeked girl could tell by the nature of her questions that the roommate had not read the book!

When the rosy-cheeked girl put on the headset while reading, she do not care what kind of voices the girls made, sometimes they made horny voices and sometimes they laughed loudly, they laughed all the time as if they were watching a funny movie, even their facial expressions changed because of their constant laughter, the rosy-cheeked girl sometimes could not recognize those laughing girls when they stopped laughing because she did not know their facial expressions without laughing!

 Anyway, the rosy-cheeked girl considers her headset as a good barrier from the other girls' world, and she considers it as a magic headset like a "God helmet"! She played her favorite song, reached for her cup of noodle, opened the book again and continued reading ...

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