Katsu Bites

Chapter 10: An Emi Christmas Part V – Confessor

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“I wrote the letter!” Mio finally exclaimed in a rush, keeping her eyes closed tight so she could get through what she had to say. “You don’t have to answer or anything! I know it’s weird me being a girl and all, but I just wanted you to know how I felt. I was too scared to tell you in person, so I wrote the letter and put it in your mailbox!”

“I have something to tell you as well, Mio,” Emi chuckled. Mio opened her eyes and glanced over nervously. “I knew you had,”

“W-Wha-? How?” Mio stammered, suddenly believing Emi could, actually, be a witch.

“I was feeding the koi my dinner cauliflower and took the long way around to the front door to throw off Ms. Harada and saw you put it in my mailbox,” Emi admitted sheepishly.

“What?” Mio gaped at her. “This whole time? You knew this whole time? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It is a beautiful letter,” Emi admitted. “I wanted you to get to an actual confession on your own time and in your own way, though.”

“That was a confession, butt butt!” Mio scowled.

“Butt butt?” Emi cocked her head to the side with an amused grin. “I’m not sure confessing to someone then calling them butt butt is the way it’s supposed to be done.”

“I don’t care how its supposed to be done!” Mio stamped her feet on the ground angrily. “That was tricky!”

“No less tricky than not putting your name on a confession letter,” Emi pointed out.

“You…make a very good point. Wait! So earlier when you tackled me because I said the letter was bad, you were toying with me?”

“Uh,” Emi glanced sideways nervously. She felt she was treading in suddenly dangerous waters. “I-I wouldn’t consider it ‘toying’ per se. More like…er…having a bit of a fun with you.”

“That is the same thing,” Mio growled. “You got off too easily when I tickled you. Now I’m mad.”

“Now, now, there’s no reason to be that way,” Emi soothed.

“There is every reason to be ‘that way’,” Mio glared. “Yes. I’ve decided. I’m angry.”

“I would rather you not be angry at me,” Emi protested weakly. “I mean, I suppose you’ve got a good enough reason but being angry takes a lot of energy and it’s cold out so you’ll want to conserve that as much as you can.”

“If you don’t want me to be angry you should apologize to me,” Mio sniffed.

“Ok,” Emi nodded, grabbing Mio’s other hand in hers and staring into her eyes, causing the younger girl to blush fiercely. “I apologize for giving you the impression I didn’t know the letter was from you. I was an Emi of irresponsibility.”

“Fine,” Mio harumphed after a moment. “I suppose I will accept your apology. For now…”

“I do have to ask, though,” Emi looked at her seriously, a look Mio had seen once or twice before which seemed to make her heart flutter in her chest. “Are you sure about confessing to me?”

“Y-Yes,” Mio stuttered. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Things aren’t going to be easy,” Emi shook her head.

“I know how things are, I may be younger than you but I’m no child. I know that girls together aren’t the way things are supposed to be. I know we have a lot of challenges stacked up against us. I’m younger than you so it’ll be some time before I get out of school. Not to mention my mother would never accept us dating. Plus the way people will view us. We’ll never be able to get married or maybe even not ever hold hands or kiss around other people.  We’ll have to pretend we’re not what we are a lot of the time. I’m not stupid, you know. I looked things up, I did my research. I know all of this!”

“Looked things up?” Emi cocked her head.

“I have the internet, you know,” Mio sniffed.

“What other stuff did you look up?” Emi grinned lasciviously.

“I-I don’t want to discuss it right now,” Mio stammered.

“Oh ho ho!” Emi chuckled, her ojou sama laugh in fine form if she did say so herself. “How bold young Mio chan is!”

“We-We’re not discussing those sorts of things right now!” Mio stuttered, her face blushing furiously.

“What sorts of things?” Emi pressed, her eyes twinkling in the light. “Do you want to see my book?”

“B-Book?” Mio took a pace back as a wild glint shone in Emi’s eyes.

“The Kama Sutra of Sapphos,” Emi made certain to pronounce each syllable, drawing them out in a tone she deemed particularly suggestive.

“No!” Mio scowled. “That’s probably made up and if it’s not made up you made it sound gross.”

“It is the bible of all things GL,” Emi put her hand over her heart solemnly. “It is a world of possibilities with some toys and bondage thrown in for added measure.”

“Ugh! Ew! Why are you being such a butt butt!” Mio put her hands over her ears.

“Again with the butt butt?” Emi shook her head in confusion. “What does that even mean?”

“It means you’re being extra butty right now!” Mio scowled.

“That doesn’t make any sense at all,” Emi muttered in confusion.

“It doesn’t have to! Answer the question!” Mio waved her observation away dismissively.

“What question?” Emi asked, having become distracted by what being a butt butt could possibly entail.

“Are you trying to get hit?” Mio snarled, balling up her little fist angrily.

“I am an Emi of passivism!” Emi protested.

“Then if you don’t want to get hit, you’ll answer me,” Mio warned her.

“I feel I’m being bullied,” Emi muttered. “If I answer wrong will violence be visited upon my person?”

“There is no wrong answer except not giving an answer,” Mio declared.

“I’ll tell you what,” Emi finally said, “I will accept your confession on a trial basis for now.”

“What’s that mean?” Mio narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Are you going to date me and then cast me aside when a hotter girl catches your eye? Are you a player?”

“Of course not!” Emi appeared somewhat taken aback. “Although that would be kind of cool to see, huh?”

“From a distance, I suppose,” Mio admitted. “I mean, I’ve seen Jun and he’s kind of gross.”

“Ah, well, Jun’s not a player so much as a tsunami that happens to sweep those who can’t swim along with it,” Emi shrugged. “You’re not wrong about him being gross, though. I mean like an honest to god player. Just to see the apex predator in action from a distance would be thrilling.

“Like watching a nature show without the weird camera angles and terrible voice over.” Emi’s voice became deeper and more dramatic as she growled. “‘The apex predator stalks their prey through the tall underbrush thanks to ABC TV Tokyo and our fine friends at Pocari Sweat. When you’re being hunted by a player, Pocari Sweat will give you the hydration you need to escape and get a free meal with no strings attached.’”

“You shouldn’t put down Pocari Sweat,” Mio chastised her.

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“Ah, sorry,” Emi nodded. “You’re right, of course.”

“So what did you mean by ‘trial basis’, then?” Mio scowled, her eyes searching Emi’s.

“We stay together and do fun things like this and if you ever get sick of me or decide we’re not what you want we go back to just being friends,” Emi suggested.

“That sounds like kind of a cop out,” Mio pointed out. “Like a way for you to move on from me once you’re out of high school and to leave your younger girlfriend dangling on the hook like a worm.”

“I am an Emi of honor!” Emi gasped in shock. “Do you really think I’d do that?”

“You seem pretty suspicious right now,” Mio’s eyes narrowed even further.

“It’s not me necessarily I’m looking out for in this scenario, Mio,” Emi’s face became serious. “Neither of us knows what we’re doing or what we’d be getting into if you want to take us seriously. I mean, we’re still kids. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I’m not sure how one would even really work.”

“It’s easy if you want it to be,” Mio sniffed irritably. Was it, though? Emi asked. Was it really? Somehow, she seriously doubted it was. If it was that easy Kasumi and Aria wouldn’t be boobs deep in wtf moments.

“Then I accept your confession if you think it will be easy,” Emi sighed. “But I will understand if it gets too hard, ok?”

“You accept?” Mio’s eyes sparkled in the dim light from the streetlamps, ignoring everything Emi had said after ‘I accept’.

“I accept,” Emi reiterated.

“We will make time for each other whenever we can,” Mio hadn’t really thought beyond Emi knowing she’d written the note and certainly hadn’t counted on her actually accepting. Now she was in uncharted territory and forced to make things up as she went which definitely wasn’t her forte. “We will talk to each other, and text and you can always count on me. Can I count on you?”

“Sure,” Emi agreed.

“You also can’t show anyone your pubic hair anymore,” Mio chastised her. “It’s weird.”

“That I can’t so readily accept,” Emi shook her head. “Kasumi and I are sisters of the follicle. I can’t simply forsake her.”

“You absolutely, positively, 100% can’t tell my sister we’re dating!” Mio lectured her.

“Can I be disarmingly coy about it?” Emi pressed.

“I suppose,” Mio nodded thoughtfully. “I’m still not sure I can accept your weird exhibitionist thing, though.”

“Do you- “Emi began before Mio cut her off.

“I do not want to see your pubic hair! We’re children for god’s sake!”

“Ah, yeah, that wasn’t actually what I was going to ask,” Emi grinned at her.

“Really?” Mio glared at her.

“Really! I mean, not now, anyway,” Emi shrugged. “What I was going to ask was do you think we can do this?”

“I think if we want to, we can,” Mio chose to ignore the first part of what Emi’d said.

“Then I guess we’re dating,” Emi grinned. “Should we like kiss or something, now?”

“Cheek only! I’m no easy mark for your voracious appetites!” Mio growled.

“You might – “Emi began with a grin before Mio’s finger pressed against her lips.

“Cheek only!” Mio insisted again.

“I got it,” Emi kissed Mio gently on the cheek. Suddenly a text buzzed across on her phone. She pulled the phone out and stared down at the screen for a long minute as if trying to absorb what it said.

“You really shouldn’t be looking at your phone when your girlfriend is standing right in front of you, you know,” Mio puffed her cheeks out in displeasure. “It’s rude.”

“Ah, well, you’re right there!” Emi stuffed the phone back into her pocket and smiled. “Where were we?”

“You’d just agreed to date me until we died and were going to get me my ride home like you said,” Mio declared.

“Fair enough,” Emi shrugged. She pulled her phone back out and made a quick call. “Say, Mio…” Emi began as they waited hand in hand in the snow. “…could you keep an eye on Kasumi for me while I’m gone?”

“What do you mean?” Mio asked sharply, staring over at Emi curiously. “Is there something wrong with her?”

“No, no, nothing like that!” Emi held her free hand up defensively. “She’s just going through some rough stuff right now with Saki chan leaving and…stuff. So if you can keep an eye on her I’d appreciate it.”

“That’s fine,” Mio shrugged. “I was going to anyway but since you asked, I’ll keep an extra special eye on her.”

“I appreciate it,” Emi bowed gratefully.

Emi waved as the car’s lights disappeared into the darkness down the hill and quickly brought out her phone, reading the message over again with a scowl. She’d had quite the eventful day, she decided with a sigh. If she was honest, this was without a doubt the best Christmas she’d ever had. Of course, given the sample size and how miserably oppressive the previous holidays had been, that statement might not mean much to most people. She had to consider herself quite lucky, all things considered, she decided. She’d been thinking of Mio since she’d found the letter in her post box and had decided if Mio did confess, she’d accept. Mio was funny, smart, pretty and engaging. Quite the catch, indeed, for an Emi of imminence such as herself.  She sighed and opened her phone again.



Is there anyone else who might have seen it?” Emi typed out quickly. Emi shook her head and  stared up into the heavy sky. What an absolutely dichotomous way to end what had been a wonderful date, she scowled.

Still, it would take a ton of work and even more luck for it to work out. The work would be easy, but the luck would be impossible to plan out. She hoped, however, whatever deity protected relationships such as theirs would look kindly on them, because that particular god was doing a shit poor job with Kasumi. She glanced back down at her phone and shook her head with a grimace.

“Miss Emi! Dinner! I made chicken katsu!” Ms. Harada called from the front door of the house behind her. Hmmm, Emi thought to herself. Chicken katsu did sound good.

“Ok!” Emi called and disappeared through the gate.

“And salad with Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower!” Ms. Harada added.

“Hell no!” Emi yelled, stamping her feet angrily on the walkway. “I won’t eat it!”

“Kidding!” Ms. Harada giggled.

“Better be kidding,” Emi grumbled to herself. “I won’t accept cauliflower corrupting my katsu.”

“Or maybe I’m not!” Ms. Harada’s giggles grew louder, and Emi scowled.

“What are you?” Emi demanded, opening the door to her house with a glare. “A damned sadist?” Emi closed the door behind her as the snow drifted lazily from the sky.

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