Katsu Bites

Chapter 6: An Emi Christmas Part I – An Equitable Accord

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Mio stamped up the long drive, through the gates of Emi’s mansion and to the tall, broad doors. She shifted the cake into her left hand and took a deep breath. A moment later she lifted the knocker and slammed it firmly onto the wooden portal. Looking at the carefully crafted Japanese-style grounds she sniffed, determined to not be awed by whatever lavish finery Emi senpai lived in.

“Can I help you?” The woman who opened the door glanced down at her kindly, the skin at the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiled. Mio paused in trepidation. She hadn’t expected to be confronted by an adult. Was this Emi’s mother? A sudden panic gripped her as she realized she was ill prepared.

“Uh,” Mio’s mouth opened and closed impotently like a fish out of water.

“Did you bring that cake for someone here?” The woman asked, gesturing to the cake held firmly in Mio’s hand. Mio glanced at it dumbly for a moment before brightening.

“Yes!” Mio crowed.

“Is it for Miss Emi?” The woman prompted.

“Huh? Oh! Yes!” Mio declared proudly again. Miss Emi, huh? She thought. How very fancy!

“Well, then, come in and I’ll fetch her for you,” The woman grinned, opening the door the rest of the way, and standing aside so Mio could enter.

“Wooow!” Mio breathed in awe as she was led through into the kitchen. She’d never imagined a kitchen this big could even exist, let alone that she would be standing in it. She set the cake down gently on the kitchen counter and heard the woman who’d opened the door apparently arguing with someone. A few moments later the woman reappeared with a broad smile.

“Miss Emi will be right out,” The woman smiled broadly and bowed. “Excuse me, please.”

“Oh. Ok,” Mio bowed as the woman bustled off. I wonder if that’s Emi’s mom, Mio thought absently, looking around the kitchen with interest. Honestly, Mio couldn’t recall ever seeing at least half of the appliances scattered about on the counters and secured to the walls. She wondered idly why anyone needed all of these things.

“Mio?” Emi shuffled into the kitchen, looking bleary and disheveled. Her long hair, normally kept in either a ponytail or braids lay piled off to one side of her head, presumably where she’d been asleep until recently. Her right cheek was flushed from where she’d been laying on her pillow. A pair of cat slippers on her feet complimented her silky yellow cat belly shirt and pale-yellow boy shorts. She was, in a word, adorable.

She was also, Mio mused to herself, rather alluring as well. Her belly was taut and slender. The house must have been rather chilly for her as her nipples pressed through her belly shirt from the small globes beneath. I am totally staring at her nipples right now, Mio thought with horror, unable to stop herself. The gentle swell of Emi’s hips, barely wider than her belly drew her eyes next. Mio blushed at the memory of Emi’s naked butt perched atop her sister that time she’d walked in on them doing…whatever they were doing. Emi senpai really did have a nice butt.

“G-Good morning, Emi senpai!” Mio stammered, forcing her eyes from Emi’s slender hips to Emi’s beautiful, elfin face. Oh, God, she thought. She was becoming a deviant like Kasumi. Still, that was an acceptable degree of perversion, she thought. So long as it didn’t get to Jun’s level, she felt she was most likely safe.

“Ohayo,” Emi responded, scratching her head tiredly. “What brings you to the manse de Emi this…” she trailed off, eyes flicking to the window and glazing over disapprovingly. “…day?”

“W-Well, Emi senpai,” Mio took a breath to steel her resolve not to ogle her senpai. “I have to ask, do you like bunnies?”

“What madness is that question?” Emi shuffled closer, her slippers making swishing sounds on the wood floor. “You show me a person that doesn’t like bunnies and I’ll show you a raging sociopath who doesn’t appreciate the miracle of multiple live births every 18 minutes. Of course I do. Why?” Mio shifted slightly, shielding the sight of the cake from Emi’s view.

“Before I tell you I’d like to ask some follow up questions.”

“Are you hiding something?” Emi leaned to the left and Mio mirrored her movement.

“Yes,” Mio admitted readily. “Yes I am.”

“Oh ho ho! Mio chan is not coy in the least,” Emi chuckled. “In fact, I would go so far as to say she is quite the brazen one, hiding something from her senpai in such a manner.”

“Do you like chocolate?” Mio persisted, refusing to get sidetracked.

“Does a fish drink water?” Emi replied, foiled in her attempt to see past Mio’s larger form once again.

“I…” Mio paused for a moment in thought. “I don’t honestly know.”

“Damn,” Emi sucked her teeth in frustration. “Neither do I. I was hoping you would. But to fully answer your question, young Mio, I do indeed like chocolate. Have you brought me chocolate bunnies? I eat the ears first, you know. That way they can’t hear my ravished chomping. It seems kinder, somehow.”

“Surprisingly grim, yet oddly thoughtful,” Mio noted. “But, no, I haven’t brought you chocolate bunnies.”

“Boo. No fun,” Emi slumped dejectedly.

“Have you been depressed lately, Emi senpai?” Mio asked bluntly.

“I…” Emi paused as if trying to decide how to answer. “I would be lying if I were to say interpersonal issues with a certain butthole of a human being haven’t sapped my joie de vivre somewhat, but I’ll recover once I get my revenge.”

“R-Revenge?” Mio was taken aback by the slightly dangerous glint in Emi’s eyes.

“Of course!” Emi exclaimed. “Never forget a kindness nor allow a wrong to go unpunished!”

“How are you going to get your revenge on this…er…butthole?” Mio wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

“Oh, nothing awful,” Emi assuaged Mio’s concerns with a chuckle belying what she’d just said. “I’ll simply wait until she’s asleep some time in a public area with no one around and shave half her head.”

“That actually seems kind of awful and rather improbable, Emi senpai.”

“Improbable? In what way?” Emi cocked her head slightly in confusion.

“How would you shave her head?” Mio asked.

“With an electric razor, obviously.”

“Wouldn’t she wake up from the noise from the razor?”

“Tch,” Emi sucked her teeth as one of the myriad flaws in her plan was brought to life. “Planning stages.” Emi waved her hand dismissively. “Planning stages. Nothing set in stone.”

“I have something else which might make you feel better,” Mio moved again as Emi tried peering past her. “But you have to listen to my requests, first.”

“Are we negotiating?” Emi blinked at Mio, an excited gleam in her eyes.

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“Yes, we are.” Mio nodded.

“Right now?”

“Yes, we are.” Mio repeated.

“Excellent!” Emi enthused. “I warn you, though, Emi is a mistress of business of the highest degree. Let’s begin! What are your demands?”

“I want you to speak with me as an equal and truthfully answer all of my questions,” Mio began.

“Denied!” Emi slapped her hand down on the table, causing Mio to jump slightly.

“Why not?” Mio demanded with a frown.

“I have no idea,” Emi shrugged. “It’s just wise to start a negotiation by declaring your intractability. That way the other party feels they’ve accomplished something when you inevitably come down from your formally lofty position.”

“I…see,” Mio did not.

“Proceed with your demands, my worthy adversary,” Emi rolled her hands forward in a sign for Mio to continue.

“I also want your contact information formally,” Mio crossed her arms.

“Define ‘formally’,” Emi asked for clarification.

“I want to ask for your contact information and for you to share this information with me. Such as phone number, address, social media information and so on.”

“Address?” Emi glanced around the house then back at Mio quizzically. “Don’t you know my address?”

“Formally!” Mio tilted her head back with a “hmph!”

“I see,” Emi slid her fingers to her chin thoughtfully and nodded. “Is there more?”

“Yes!” Mio announced. “But I don’t know what the rest is so I reserve the right to add on as I think of it!

“So an empty-ended agreement to get access to whatever it is you’re hiding behind you, which is not chocolate bunnies, is it?” Emi pondered the terms. “I could always outmaneuver you and find out for myself. I am very swift.”

“I am broader and just as nimble,” Mio said by way of challenge.

“Tch,” Emi sucked her teeth again. “People with big boobs think they’re so cool,” she muttered irritably. Mio swelled with pride. She thinks I have big boobs! Mio thrilled.

“What say you to my proposal?” Mio demanded.

“I demand to make changes to the deal as I think of them as well!”

“What sort of changes?” Mio asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know because I haven’t thought of them, yet” Emi admitted with a shrug. Mio thought for a second.

“I agree,” Mio decided.

“When do the terms of the deal expire?”

“Never!” Mio declared.

“Oooh! A lengthy contract! What about when we die?”

“The deal holds true even after death,” Mio sniffed.

“Fair enough, then! We have an accord?” Emi put her hand out.

“We do, but I warn you not to go back on the deal,” Mio paused.

“You dare impugn the honor of Emi Seto?” Emi gasped in shock and horror.

“You were going to shave someone’s head while they were asleep,” Mio pointed out.

“Ah, well, fair point, there, I guess,” Emi shrugged. “I swear on my family’s name I will honor the deal.” Mio nodded in satisfaction and shook Emi’s hand. “Now show me! Show me!”

“Taa daa!!!” Mio declared proudly, stepping aside, and revealing the large, round, expertly decorated cake.

“Ooooh!” Emi enthused, clapping her hands in excitement. “With bunnies!”

“Bunnies holding festive candy canes,” Mio corrected her.

“Oh my god! They are! That is so adorable!” Emi’s eyes danced with joy. “Is that for me?”

“No,” Mio said with a shake of her head. “It’s for us. Let’s eat!”

“Yatta!” Emi crowed excitedly, bustling about to get plates and silverware.

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