Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 40: Chapter 38 Raul vs Matthew

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‘Winter’s Chill!’ The white edge with a reddish blade sunk into the stone fist.

With a grunt Matthew swiftly removed his hand from the stone gauntlet, but even then, blood splashed out as a deep cut split across his arm from the inside out.

He paid no attention to the pain and kept his qi flow stable as he swung his staff at Raul’s retreating figure.

Wind surrounded and pushed Raul from multiple directions, making his movements complicated and illusive, but the seemingly slow-moving staff continued moving towards him completely unimpeded, as if knowing exactly where he was going.

With gritted teeth, Raul stabbed his sword at the tip of the inescapable staff. All the winds in the surrounding area pushed along his back and supported him with their full power.

The two weapons clashed, and the air stood still as the two forces battled for dominance. A second passed, then two, then a loud snap sounded and the air burst like a balloon.

Raul flew backwards with his arm turning darker and blood vessels bulging all over it. ‘Fricking hell! Even with reinforcement and resonance the bastard still breaks my arm like a twig.’ He cursed bitterly.

Even sailing through the air with his arm hurting like crazy, he kept a firm grip on his sword and his eyes locked on Matthew. He’d learned the hard way that Matthew’s instantaneous speed could be much faster than his regular movement speed.

Sure enough, the bastard swung his staff up and amassed a curved layer of earth in front of him before shooting forward like a cannonball.

Raul wasn’t waiting for death though. A gust of yellow wind tinged with red wrapped around him and squeezed. He shot sideways a short distance in the air and barely dodged the oncoming cannonball.

‘Damn it!’ Raul cursed as the primordial winds around him shook unhappily. A few more movements like that and he’d fall out of resonance.

With a heavy stomp that rumbled across the field, Matthew forcefully stopped his missed charge. With a loud grunt and his muscles bulging wildly, he turned and hurled the curved wall back at Raul with his staff.

It was slower than his charge, but not by much. Raul didn’t fear it at all though, there were still yellow and red winds surrounding him.

‘Second Burst!’ The winds squeezed down again and pushed him out of harm’s way. He’d recently learned how to sacrifice some travel distance in exchange for multiple bursts. The speed also reduced slightly as a result, but it made Summer Burst much more flexible.

This was only possible because his Autumn Wind Style started blending into the other styles. It didn’t increase their power much, but it significantly raised their flexibility in use.

‘Third Burst!’ He used the last bit of wind to get close to Matthew now that all the debris was clear.

Fighting an opponent with such a high strength advantage up close was akin to walking a razors edge, but Raul didn’t have a choice.

He currently didn’t have any distance attacks. Even if he did, the maximum range for Qi Refining Realm techniques was five meters, past that it left their control. 

Such a state was fine for earth, metal, and other hard attributes, their material could still be launched, but for more incorporeal elements like wind, lightning, and shadows, they tended to scatter after exceeding the range.

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This all meant that if Raul wanted to do any real damage, his only option was up close. This disadvantage was part of the reason Body Cultivators held an edge against Qi Cultivators in the Refining Realm.

‘Summer Gale!’ Raul released Five swift slashes all perfectly aimed for Matthew’s neck with blurring speed. They all came from different directions, making them extremely difficult to block.

Matthew leaned his head back and brought up his injured arm to block, receiving two more gashes on it. One of the three remaining slashes just barely missed, but the remaining two cut across his neck at the same spot, causing a large amount of sand to fall away from it and a light red line to form.

‘Too shallow.’ Raul cursed as only a few drops of blood spilled from the wound, but he didn’t let up. He dodged Matthew’s hasty counterattack and pressed his advantage, ignoring the damages the now extremely moody primordial winds were doing to him as he glided circles around Matthew with sheer speed.

‘Winter’s Chill!’ The white and red line looked like the reflection of a red moon on the blade edge as it bit into Matthew’s side. A nasty wound blew across Matthew’s side and even his uninjured arm.

Blood was now pouring out of two gaping wounds on Matthew’s body and both his arms were injured. A regular cultivator would’ve gone down, but Matthew powered through it as if his injuries were just scratches.

Raul felt desire for body cultivating’s many advantages not for the first time. Their monstrous stamina and strong base strength would complement his deficiencies perfectly. Sadly, Marina informed him he had no talent for it.

“Go down damn it!” Raul couldn’t help yelling in frustration as Matthew ate his attacks like a buffet. He felt like a particularly determined mosquito

Matthew’s eyes gleamed, and Raul immediately backed off as he felt the big one coming, but how could Matthew let him go so easily?

Matthew roared loudly as he swung his staff out wide. Just like before, no matter how Raul moved the staff head followed him as if it was drawn to him, but he was prepared this time. Summer Burst was ready to go, but his calm expression changed as he felt the demanding motions of the primordial winds.

He was certain that if he moved that far from their desires they’d abandon him and he’d have no chance of winning.

With a slew of curses in his mind he released Summer Burst before activating it and started another move instead.

Raul brought his sword up, A gentle blue wind with red undercurrents burst out of his sword and surrounded it as he brought it up. Even if he couldn’t bear all the force of this annoying move, he had confidence he could block most of it with Spring Breeze.

Pain suddenly laced through his rising arm, grinding it to a halt. A quick mental glance revealed several tiny runes that’d invaded his arm at some point in the battle disrupting his qi flow.

‘I hate seals!’ Raul clenched his teeth while forcing his arms to climb higher anyway, but it wasn’t enough. The staff moved above his sword and traveled towards his head with the force to put a hole through a mountain.

Raul’s eyes widened, but the staff had no intention of stopping. Just before making contact, the shadow of the speeding staff rippled gently, and when the staff touched Raul’s head, all he felt was a light tap.

“And that’s the match!” Ellen called out with finality as she appeared between them.

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