Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 47: Chapter 45 A Bad Break

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He ate in the hall while Tai prepared himself. It tasted as great as usual, but he couldn’t help frowning slightly after finishing.

The food stayed hot and fresh due to the time dilation of spatial rings, but it unfortunately didn’t work on qi. The meal sat for over four hours and already degraded from a Grade Two meal due to the Nourishing Qi dissipating. This was why Marina didn’t simply fill up Raul’s storage with food.

Tai came out of the room a couple minutes after Raul finished. His clothes looked worn, wore a square framed glasses on his face, and that regal air he usually exuded was replaced with a scholarly one. Even though his features remained largely the same, he looked completely different.

“Let’s go, they’re probably expecting us by now.” Raul rushed him along, unfazed by his new appearance. Probably no one knew more about Tai’s Yuri persona than him. He’d literally written Yuri’s backstory when indoctrinating him into night life after all.

Tai didn’t say anything else and just led them outside the mansion. He then grabbed Raul’s shoulder and covered him in a protective layer of qi before dragging him down the mountain at top speed.

They quickly arrived in front of Celica’s small house when Tai stopped in his tracks. The journey took no effort o Tai’s part, but a small sheen of sweat could be seen forming on his head.

“It’s just a chat, you can do this.” Raul pat him supportively on the back and slowly guided him to the front door. “Do you want to or should I…”

Tai shook his head, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

The door swung open almost immediately. “Yuri…” A pretty woman with long blond hair looked at Tai with a relieved smile.

“Celica…” Tai tried to reciprocate the smile, but he could only manage an awkward grimace.

A pained look came over Celica’s face when she saw that, but she still made to invite them in. “You should come in, Tami’s getting some stuff from the kitchen ready.”

Raul’s stomach made a small grumble, even though he already knew regular food didn’t help him. He’d always loved good food, but lately he was beginning to feel like a glutton.

“Sure, that would be best.” Tai nodded and headed inside. His hand shot out and blocked Raul when he tried to enter though. “You wait out here Yuan, I won’t be long.”

‘You can’t say that dude!’ Raul flinched internally and glanced sideways. Sure enough, Celica looked close to tears, but she didn’t say anything.

“No hurry man, take your time and unwind. This is important and you should give it the time it deserves.” Raul stressed his words and stepped back so Tai could shut the door. 

Raul tapped his foot while glancing at the door for a few minutes. His nos- cough, curios- cough, concern overflowed endlessly, but he couldn’t just barge in.

After a couple more minutes of contemplation, he concluded that listening from the door would be too low class before settling on the vents.

The houses of Twin Peaks City had vents for the strong winds to travel through the houses and cool them. Of course, they could be closed, as they often were at night.

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Raul was in luck though, as Celica’s vents were open. He listened closely on the end where air exited the house, but even with his Refining Realm hearing he couldn’t make out much.

 Muffled talking, muffled talking, muffled talking… After five minutes voices grew a bit louder. He caught words such as, liar, I thought, and why, several times before he heard what sounded like crying. More muffled talking followed, then it devolved into yelling, and Raul distinctly heard “just leave then!” yelled by a sobbing voice.

‘That’s probably my que.’ Raul hastily moved back to the front of the house. He didn’t know what went down, but Tai still hadn’t come out after another five minutes. Just as Raul decided to return to the vent, the door opened, and Tai stepped out looking miserable.

Raul didn’t say anything and just walked behind him in silent companionship. They took the long way home, taking an hour to make it back up the mountain.

“You want to come in for a drink for a bit? Might take your mind off things.” Raul finally spoke after they reached his house.

Tai shook his head. “Thanks, but there’s still a lot of work for me to do before we go.”

“Ah, the paperwork hell. Can’t Old George help at all? I mean, he was doing it all when we were younger, he should cut you some slack with the exams so close.

“It’s fine, it’s just for a few more days. If I can’t handle this much then my dream will forever stay a fantasy. Rest well man, I’m good, really.” With those words, Tai turned and left with a bittersweet expression.

‘Was this the right call?’ Raul couldn’t help wondering as he watched his brother’s back fade into the distance. Tai’s experience filled him with guilt and gave him second thoughts about his plans.

‘No. I already pushed Tai down this path, I can’t back out myself now.’ Raul shook his head with a sigh before heading into the house.

‘It’s close to midnight now… I don’t feel tired at all.’ He once again realized the startling differences between himself now and before. He’d been up and down the mountain twice in the last six hours and it barely affected him.

He stared at the ceiling hopelessly, his mind still on the ordeal he’d made his brother go through and his future plans. He shook his head vigorously, he’d torture himself all night at this rate.

‘…Should I just read?’ He wondered in desperation before a knock came from the door. ‘Oh, thank god!’ He bounced out the couch in delight, not caring a wit about who it was. He needed a distraction, anything, it couldn’t be worse than sitting here alone with his thoughts all night.  

Raul opened the door without any concern. This was the Vault Family Compound after all, and right next to the patriarch’s house at that. If someone with ill intent could make it here, then caution wouldn’t safe him anyway.

“Marina!” Raul wanted to kick himself for sounding happy upon seeing her, especially considering how the rest of the night went.

“I need some of your bone fragments.” She cut to the chase before he could say anything else.

“Pardon?” Raul’s jaw slackened in confusion.

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