Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 48: Chapter 46 Marrow Extraction

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“Would you hold still? I’m almost finished, this level of pain shouldn’t be a problem for you anyway.” Marina dropped the fifth piece of bone in a petri dish.

“I’m not a masochist dear, pain is still unpleasant, especially when I’m not even told why I’m putting up with it.” He retorted snappily while glaring at her.

“My apologies dear, I sometimes forget I have to treat you like a child and explain basic knowledge.” She fixed a frosty stare at him.

“Apology accepted.” He shamelessly grinned. Hmph, she was mistaken if she thought he’d always fold to that. He’d gained enlightenment before the library, he was a new man now. “So are you going to tell me or not?”

Her mouth twitched in irritation, but she still told him. “I ran into some issues while making your Dao Weapon. I’m hoping your blood and bone marrow will help me fix them.”

“How is that supposed to be common sense!?” Raul’s face twitched as he endured the painful feeling of another piece of bone being dragged out of him by threads.

“Bone marrow is needed to contract special artifacts, all cultivators know that.” She pulled the last piece out of the slit on his arm.

“Really?” Raul asked skeptically. She wasn’t lying, but he’d really never heard of this before. Some of the stories He’d heard had some items require blood, but he never heard of bone marrow being used. ‘I’ll have to ask Tai about it later.’ He noted.

“Really.” She sewed up his wound and fed him a couple pills. Even then, he looked worse than she did when she’d broken her cultivation. “Eat this and then get some sleep.” She took out a small table and placed some dishes on it.

Raul’s questions about the bone marrow died as his soul was stolen by the meal in front of him.

“Thanks for the great food Marina.” Raul said a few minutes later while patting his stomach in satisfaction. He felt a little warm since he still had some Nourishing Qi inside from his last meal, but it wasn’t at the level it’d cause him damage.

She barely acknowledged him as she scribbled furiously in her notebook.

He watched her work for a while, entranced. Her focused gaze, the manic speed of her hands, the neat handwriting and drawings that resulted, the slight frown of her mouth, he even found the sickly paleness of her current complexion breathtaking.

They sat in silence for thirty minutes until Marina finally put down her work and stretched. She glanced towards Raul, surprised he stayed. She already knew that he was restless by nature.

Raul, for his part, stared at the wall hoping desperately that she didn’t notice he’d been in a daze staring at her for half an hour.

“You should go rest. Sleeping is best in your current state. Ask Ephemeral Mask to bring a healer for you in the morning, they’ll be able to fix up your bones immediately.” She told him.

She was a Physician. She could analyze, diagnose, and prescribe, but she couldn’t actually heal. Healers were one of the rarest professions and required natural talent to learn, a talent Marina didn’t have.

She’d originally planned for Raul to heal naturally because it was good for him, but now he wouldn’t be ready for the exam if he didn’t get professional treatment.

Qi enhanced a cultivator’s body when they recover naturally, it’s part of the reason why rigorous training is a necessity for body cultivators.

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“Got it. You should rest too Marina, you look like you’re about to keel over.” Her complexion improved a bit from earlier, but only slightly.

“I’m fine, this much is nothing to me. You can use the bed in the other room if you can’t make it back home.” She waved off his concerns before going back to work.

“Do you have to force yourself so much?” Raul asked in concern.

“You wouldn’t understand.” She shook her head before covering her ears with a layer of qi. She ignored everything else and focused on her work before her ideas withered.

‘So stubborn.’ His eyes rolled. A yawn escaped his lips as he realized how sleepy he was. He glanced at Marina one more time before heading to bed in the other room.  

He’d come to appreciate sleep since becoming a cultivator. He didn’t get tired in three days, but his mood became weird after so many hours of uninterrupted consciousness, as if he couldn’t wash away the wear and tear of all the experiences without the soft reboot of sleep.

Marina didn’t even notice him leave as she continued working on a formation to maximize the compatibility. There were several steps to this method her father found. If it simply needed adding marrow and blood, then it’d already be widespread in the Norn Family.

Her father discovered that adding marrow and blood to the Seed when the Conduit was near death would result in an increase in tuning rate with the donor. From his tests he also concluded that this method only worked for those bonded by the Divine Pairing Hearts.

On top of the difficult implementation method, it also came with a drawback. The tuning rate for everyone else would decrease proportionally to the increase of the donor.

‘I’ll lose the ability to tune other people… but I can increase Raul’s tuning by another sixteen.’ She worked the options again while finishing the outline for another of the formations she’d need to put herself near death.

She didn’t mind the demerit too much. Her lack of aptitude as a conduit became painfully clear today, and she’d rather support one person well than give shoddy support to multiple people. She felt more concern that the compatibility still ended up short.

She knew for a fact the Pairing Hearts tuning increase didn’t work with this method, seeing as all her father’s subjects also used the Pairing Hearts and didn’t gain from it.

She couldn’t place her hopes on the rings either. Their abilities were based on her father’s studies on the Pairing Hearts technique, not the Seed itself. No one had ever gained any significant insights into the Seeds, and her father failed to break that mold.

This meant that if the Pairing Hearts increase didn’t work, then the ring’s likely wouldn’t as well. That left them at a forty-eight compatibility, just short of fifty. Fifty was an important bottleneck for Dao Weapons and crossing it held many benefits she desired.

‘I’ll have to go with this for now and hope the ring helps.’ She resigned herself. She didn’t have anymore of her father’s notes, and it’d take months for her to absorb all the knowledge from them to devise her own method.

She peaked into the bedroom to check on Raul. He seemed fast asleep, but she stayed for a few minutes longer to make sure he really was. She didn’t have to worry about any nose waking him as the workshop was soundproof.

With everything accounted for, she spread out her graphs of formation outlines and started working on the real things.

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