Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 6: What price?

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Every person has topics that halt them in their tracks. The moment Raul heard those words and understood the implications of them, every plan and guideline he’d been told shattered.

“What?” He asked in a trembling voice.

“Supporting others is the Norn household’s specialty. We have techniques that can help you. I will help you cultivate, and in exchange you will do something for me.”

“What do I need to do.” Raul asked in a desperate voice.

“You’re tired.” She repeated. “You’re in no condition to make a decision. I’ll tell you the specifics on the night of our wedding. You can make your decision then.”

“I don’t need time! Just tell me what it is and I’ll do it!” Raul demanded in a frenzy. He’d forgotten about everything else, all he could think of was how to grasp this chance.

 She slammed her hand onto the book she had, causing Raul to flinch in shock. Her presence suddenly became bigger in his eyes, and he could barely breathe.

‘Tai you liar!’ He swore while struggling against the suppressive force. It only lasted for a second before the pressure vanished.

Panting, he forced his head up to look at the girl before him in fear. Her eyes were as cold and emotionless as always.

“What I desire, can’t be fulfilled with such half-baked feelings. I gave you until the wedding to give you time to find your resolve. If you want to take my deal, then you must be prepared to suffer through hell and more, otherwise you’re simply wasting my time. On the night of the wedding, I will tell you the full parameters of our bargain. If you accept, then I will fulfill my part. If you don’t, then I’ll disappear, and you can pretend this week was a dream if you want.” She opened back her book and ignored him.

Anger and humiliation boiled in Raul, but he also felt more clear headed. As much as he loathed to admit it, she was right about one thing, he needed time to think. With nothing else to say, he left in deep thought.

Tai noticed the look on his face and gave him some time to think on their way back home. “What did she say?” He finally asked as they got to the crossroad for the manor and cottage.

“Hm? Ah, well…” Raul reiterated everything she said vacantly, but left out his own reaction as he found it embarrassing. “Is what she said true? About her being able to help me?” He asked at the end.

Tai shook his head and said, “Honestly, I’m not sure. What I can tell you is that the Norn family likely has such a technique. At least seven spouses of Norn family members have recovered from a crippled status, and that’s a well-known fact.”

Raul heart accelerated at those words. The hope he was trying to temper started growing out of control again.

“However, I’m not sure how helpful it’ll be for you.” Tai’s next words doused the flames.


“Well, as I said previously, the Norn family is very particular about who they let their members marry, and no member has ever been married to a non-cultivator. Those seven cases were all distinguished cultivators who got crippled. The Norn family’s techniques are mysterious, we have no way of knowing how they work. If it’s something like restoring one to their strongest or prior state, then it’d be useless on you. At the very least, they said it couldn’t be done when pops asked them three years ago.”

“Eh? George asked them?” Raul’s eyes popped open.

“Ah, right. Yeah, they were one of the places we hoped to get treatment for you. Sorry I didn’t tell you last night, I didn’t want you blaming yourself for them targeting you.” Tai apologized. Now that it’d come to this point there was no use hiding it.

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“You guys are really too good to me.” Raul had to look up to hold it together as he spoke. That’s why he missed the flicker of confusion and doubt that crossed Tai’s face as he recalled Marina’s words.

“Thanks man, I pretty much got the gist of it. I’m gonna go process this for a while, see you later.” Raul started walking to his cottage.

Tai nodded and went home to do his own thinking.

Raul plopped onto the bed the moment he reached it. His exhaustion was bone deep, but his mind wouldn’t let him sleep yet. The events of the day kept swirling in a confused haze in his mind, but he kept coming back to one point. ‘What price would you pay if I could make you a cultivator,’ that one question. How much would he give to have a shot at the dream he thought had died? The answer scared him.

He punched himself in the cheek without holding back. His face hurt and he could taste blood in his mouth, but his eyes held a glint of light. “Trash that would abandon everything for my own benefit is something I refuse to become.” He muttered before finally passing out in relieve. He’d found his bottom line, everything else would depend on fate.

“What do you want woman?” Tai glared at the girl before him.

“I need Raul’s information. Most urgently I need all information on his condition, things you’ve tried in the past, and any special herbs or medicine you’ve fed him. I need those before the wedding. I’d also like his current physical data, his growth info from as young as you have it, his approximate diet for the last ten years, his education history, including any combat training, and an approximate list of all books he’s read since he was seven. You have until the day after the wedding.” Marina ordered.

“Oi, did you mistake me for some kind of servant?” Tai scuffed. She had no position in her family anymore, so Tai didn’t fear her in the slightest. His cultivation was higher than hers even before she abandoned it, much less now. 

“I need that info to cure him. Since you also want that result, do your share.”

“… Damn it. Alright, I’ll have it sent over. Let me ask you one thing though. Is healing him going to be dangerous?”

“Is there a point to that question?” She tilted her head. “If I said no would you believe me? And if I said yes would you tell him not to?”


“Relax. He’s no use to me broken. We have a common interest in his well-being.”

“Don’t talk about him like that, he’s not a thing.” Tai narrowed his eyes as a dangerous aura leaked out of him. 

Marina glanced at him nonchalantly and said, “How I think of him is irrelevant to our transaction. At any rate, you also want him to be able to cultivate.”

“You really are a twisted woman.” Tai spat in disgust and left.

There was a slight tremble in Marina’s eye before she suppressed it. “I don’t need you to tell me that.” She spoke into the empty room. 

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